Sunday, 30 May 2021

Flatmates (M/F story)

 Emilia was sitting on her bed, reading a book, but looked up as her flatmate John poked his head into the room. “Hi, Emilia, don’t forget the dishes now.” 


 “I’ll do it when I’ve finished this chapter,” she replied.


He nodded, giving her a cheeky smile. “Sure. Just don’t keep putting it off, or you might find yourself getting that spanking I’ve been promising you.”


As he left, she blushed, and felt a shiver run down her spine. She’d shared a flat with John for a few months now. It was the first time she’d lived away from home, and to tell the truth, she hadn’t really done her share of the chores back home. At first, John had been patient and helped her out, but over time, she could tell that she was getting just a bit annoyed at her tendency to put things off. Like the dishes. Or vacuuming. Or the laundry. John always did it right away when it was his turn, but Emilia just put if off.

After the party (M/F story)

 Doreen staggered out of her bedroom a little after noon. She was wearing a t-shirt and thin cotton shorts, and nursing a headache. The office had to close for a few days for redecoration, so they had some time off, and she had decided to hold a little party with her co-workers. It had lasted well into the morning, and she was now feeling the effects. Well, she didn’t have anywhere to be today, so she decided to make some cocoa, watch TV, and maybe clean up if she felt like it.
A few hours later, the doorbell rang. She was surprised to see Cody, her next-door neighbour, standing there. Cody was a tall, handsome man, with a smile that could brighten her day. Sadly, that smile was nowhere to be seen.
“Hi, Cody”, she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him. “How are you doing?”
“Hello, Doreen,” he said curtly. “May I come in?” She nodded, and stepped aside to let him pass. He walked into the living room, casting an unapproving glance at the empty bottles and crisp packets that still littered the place.
She sat down on the couch, and he chose the comfy chair as he aimed a disapproving gaze in her direction.
“Doreen, I think you’ve had far too many loud parties lately, and it’s disturbing your neighbours. I’ve gotten used to your music blasting all night on a weekend – though it’s still annoying and inconsiderate. However, when you do it during the week…” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, that’s just not acceptable.”

A small rip (F/F story)

 The door slammed shut, and Jane heard her sister loudly exclaim: "I'm never setting my foot outside again!" Jane grinned; Misty had always been theatrical. A few seconds later, Misty entered the living room, running over to Jane, who was sitting on the couch, reading a book.
"Jane," she whined. "My life is ruined." It was clear she'd been crying, and she was blushing with embarrassment. And, for some reason, she had a sweater tied around her waist. Jane noted this last fact with puzzlement; she wouldn't have thought Misty capable of a fashion faux pas like that
"What's happened?" Jane said calmly, but not unfriendly. When Misty told you there was an emergency, it was more likely to be a hangnail than a fire. Jane sometimes wondered how Misty would react if she were to face a REAL emergency. Still, she'd better be polite. If she told Misty to act like an adult, she'd whine for the rest of the day.
"Well, I was out at the mall, right?" Jane nodded. When WASN'T Misty at the mall? "And we were talking to these really cute guys, right? Drop-dead gorgeous, right?"
Jane wanted to tell her to stop asking her if it was right, since she hadn't been there, and had no way of knowing if it was, in fact, right, but she didn't. She nodded and tried her best to look sympathetic and interested.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

The Birthday Spanking (F/F story)

Mary Johnson was standing in the kitchen listening to the chorus of female voices singing “Happy Birthday” in the living room. It was her daughter Zoe’s eighteenth birthday, and she had invited her closest friends to a small party.

At the end of her song, Sheila Page spoke up. Sheila was a relatively recent addition to the group – she had only started in their class a little over a year ago, but she had quickly become friends with the other girls. Mrs. Johnson had often been impressed with the intelligent, observant and compassionate girl.

“Now, Zoe has gotten her cake, her presents, and her song,” Sheila said, rubbing her palms together. “There’s just one thing left to give her.”

“Oh no,” Zoe said as dramatically as she could, burying her face in her hands as the other girls started chanting, “The spanking! The spanking!”

Mrs. Johnson stared wide-eyed, a blush beginning to tinge her cheeks. What was going on?

“That’s right, it’s time for the birthday spanking,” Sheila said as she patted her jean-clad lap. “Over my knee, birthday girl.”
Making some half-hearted protests, Zoe rose to her feet and made her way over to Sheila. “This is so humiliating,” she giggled as she laid across Sheila’s lap.

“All the other girls in the group have been over my lap on their birthday, Zoe,” Sheila said as she began to rub the seat of the girl’s jeans. “You didn’t protest then.”

In the kitchen, Mrs. Johnson had to grip the side of a table to keep herself upright. There was just something about hearing the word ‘spanking’ that seemed to make her knees weak, especially so many times in a row. She stared wide-eyed into the living room as Sheila lifted her hand and smacked it down hard on her daughter’s backside.

“Ouch! One,” Zoe squealed, followed by a hissed “Two” and “Three” as Sheila’s hand continued to land.

The others giggled loudly as Zoe squirmed around on Sheila’s lap. None of the girls displayed much sympathy. But no matter how much she wriggled her rear end, she could not escape Sheila’s stinging hand.

As Sheila continued to spank Zoe’s bottom vigorously, she looked up and met Mrs. Johnson’s gaze. The older woman blushed, turning her gaze away – Sheila’s eyes always seemed to see more than the obvious. She did not want her to read her mind right now.

In the living room, the spanking was nearing its end. Zoe called out “Seventeen!” and “Eighteen!” as Sheila’s hand landed on her now-blazing rump, and she breathed a sigh of relief – followed by a yelp as Sheila delivered one last stinging smack.

“And one to grow on,” Sheila said. She began to rub the sting from Zoe’s butt, her eyes once again locking with Mrs. Johnson’s.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

The old cabin (M/F story)

 When I was a boy, my best friend was the daughter of one of my mother's friends. The girl's name was Jasmine, she was a year younger than me, and we played together pretty much every day.
One day, when we were in our teens, Jasmine came to me and told me that she had something to show me, but it was something I had to keep secret. Intrigued, I gave her my word and followed her to an old cabin that her parents owned.
The cabin had an attic, where she told me that we would hide and wait. I asked her what we were waiting for.
"You'll see," she said.
About half an hour after we arrived, I heard someone approaching the cabin. Jasmine placed her finger on her lips to silence any questions, and a man in a blue coat and a woman in a green dress entered the cabin. I recognized the man as Jasmine's uncle Jacob, but I had never seen the woman before.
"You'd better fetch it at once," Jacob said in a firm voice, and the woman walked over to a wardrobe. She retrieved an old riding crop, holding it toward him with her head bowed. He grasped the crop and nodded toward the table. She walked over to it, raised her dress to her waist, and leaned forward over the table.



This blog will contain spanking stories written by the Norse Cavalier, a Norwegian spanko. I hope you enjoy them.

About 50% of my stories are M/F stories, 35% F/F stories and 15% F/M stories.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...