Sunday 21 July 2024

Dressing up for her tutor (M/F story)

Ruby looked in the bathroom mirror, admiring the cute panties she'd picked out: white cotton ones, covered with little hearts in different colours. No eighteen-year-old girl WANTED to go over her maths tutor's knee and have her poor bottom smacked, of course, but if she had to, she wanted to look her best. And with how lazy she'd been lately, and from the stories she had heard about Nathan's strictness when pushed, she had a feeling that there was a sound spanking in her very near future.

She thought about how humiliating it would be to be bent over his lap, facing the carpet with her rear end upturned and ready to meet his descending hand. He would certainly raise her skirt and spank her on her adorable panties, wouldn't he? She didn't think he'd be satisfied with a few smacks over the skirt. No, he would definitely raise her skirt before he spanked her. Oh, what if he pulled her panties down? The thought made her shiver. Having him just SEE her bare bottom was such a scary thought – but imagining him spanking it was even more frightening.

She turned her back to the mirror, glancing over her shoulder as she bent over. Her panties presented such a lovely sight. She hoped he would like them.

The doorbell rang, and Ruby realized that she'd spent half an hour in the bathroom thinking about what she was certain was going to happen to her today. She threw on the blouse and skirt she'd prepared, and she ran to open the door. Taking a brief second calm down and make it look like she was prepared for his arrival, she opened the door.

"Hello, Ruby," Nathan said. The tall, handsome tutor in his mid-twenties gave her a charming smile that made her slightly weak-kneed. "Ready for another session?"

"Nice to see you again," Ruby said as she stepped aside to let him in. They entered the living room, where Ruby's books and pencils were laid out on the table. At least she'd remembered that. She hoped it would count as mitigating circumstances when her severe punishment was decided.

As they sat down, Nathan looked over the assignments he'd given her after the last session. She bit her lip as she watched him frown – he was clearly not entirely pleased. Taking a red pen from his pocket, he highlighted the parts she'd got wrong, and started showing her how it should really be done. Afterwards, he scolded her for the bits she hadn't even tried to do – "If you at least try, there's a good chance you'll get it right, and even if you don't, you can learn something. A blank page teaches you nothing."

She did her best to look contrite, but the fluttering of her heart was making it hard to concentrate. This was it. It was really happening. In a few moments, she would find herself over his lap, pleading for mercy and promising to do better in the future as he spanked her soundly. She couldn't believe it.

He ended his lecture, giving her a stern glare that made the butterflies in her tummy absolutely frenzied, before returning his gaze to the books. "Anyway, if you turn to page 211, we can get started on the next set of –"

"That's it?" she said, shocked. "You're not going to…" He looked at her with curiosity, wondering where was going. She blushed. "Well, it's just… I thought – I'd heard rumours that…" She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I'd heard that you'd… punish girls that didn't do their work."

Sunday 7 July 2024

The half-orc and the halfling (M/F story)

Grim glanced around the common room at the inn, subtly scanning for threats. Reassured that this was a respectable establishment and that there were no obvious dangers here, the half-orc gave a satisfied nod, and stepped aside to let his employer enter.

The tiny woman smiled up at him as she entered, shaking her head at his precautions. Even the other halflings would describe Lily Springkettle as short and cute, but her charismatic personality and head for money had made her a very successful merchant. Grim just wished she had as much common sense as she had business sense.

Lily talked to the innkeeper and got a good deal on a suite of rooms at the back of the inn – two bedrooms and a small living room, quite stylish. Lily had the money to live comfortably even on her travels, and Grim was quite pleased that she was willing to spend it. There were certain upsides to being her bodyguard.

Once they'd settled in, Grim looked at his employer. "There are some supplies we need before we move on, and I'd like us to buy them today – that way, we don't have to wait for the shops to open tomorrow before we leave."

Lily leaned back in the rather comfortable chair. The pout on her face made her look even more like a child than she usually did, but he knew she wouldn't appreciate him pointing it out. "Do I have to come? You know what we need. Can't you just buy it? I'll give you the money, of course."

He thought about it. A nice room in a decent inn would not be the worst place to leave a naïve merchant for an hour or two. As long as she stayed here, she would be entirely safe.

As long as she stayed here.

Grim stepped over to her, folding his arms in front of his chest and staring down at her. "Promise me that you'll stay in our rooms and not go wandering the streets on your own."

She rolled her eyes. "That was ONE time."

"You lost your purse," he reminded her. "And that wasn't the worst thing that could have happened." He bent down, placing a gentle hand under her jaw to force her to look him in the eyes. "Promise."

She sighed, rolling her eyes again. "Fine. I'll stay here and do some reading. That's what I was planning to do, anyway." She glared at him. "Who do you think is in charge here, anyway?"

"Good to hear," he said, ignoring her last question. "See you later."

As he walked out into the streets, he knew he shouldn't talk to his employer that way, but there was something about her appearance and her innocent obliviousness to danger that awoke his protective instinct that made him want to shield her from the dangers of the world. She knew things about trade that would never grasp, about supply and demand and artificial scarcity and things like that, but she would gladly follow someone into a dark alley for a free piece of candy. There was something paternal here; he wanted to keep the fragile little thing safe at all costs. He frowned – at least, he THOUGHT it was paternal.

Sunday 30 June 2024

The cardboard box (M/F story)

Carolyn was putting away some of her husband's freshly-cleaned shirts when she spotted a cardboard box at the back of his wardrobe. She frowned – she'd never noticed it before, but it looked old and worn, so he probably didn't acquire it recently. Maybe he'd kept it somewhere else, and had just moved it? But what in the world could he want to keep in a cardboard box in his wardrobe? Unable to quell her curiosity, she picked it up, carried it to the bed, opened it, and peeked inside.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The box contained wooden paddles, leather straps, and spanking magazines.

Carylon blushed a fiery red as she tried to process this new side of her gentle giant. With burning curiosity, she picked up one of the magazines, which featured young women in schoolgirl uniforms being spanked over the laps of strict men. Was this what Nathan was secretly into? He'd never hinted at anything like this before.

She took a deep breath, trying to merge this new information with the wonderful husband she thought she knew. It was definitely proof that after years of marriage, you could still be surprised. She looked at the box again. It was a few years old, at least. Had he kept it secret since before they were married? Was this something he'd fantasized about, but never dared to bring up? She hoped he knew her well enough to know that regardless of whether or not she was willing to participate in these perverted games, she certainly wouldn't think less of him for admitting it.

A dreadful thought struck her. Was she so certain that he'd kept these feelings bottled up in secret? Maybe he'd found someone else to fulfil them. Maybe he was seeing other women. He HAD worked a lot of overtime lately… She shook her head in disgust, forcefully rejecting the suggestion. No, she wouldn't think such thoughts. He was her husband, and she would trust him until she had a very good reason not to, and this cardboard box wasn't anywhere near enough.

Carolyn sat down with a cup of tea to reflect on what she'd discovered, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt sorry for the man she loved, having this secret side that he didn't dare speak of, even to her. Her initial revulsion had faded completely, and at the back of her mind, she began to wonder if she still had the uniform from her school days…

Monday 24 June 2024

One year

 Hello. Sorry for the infrequency of stories the last few weeks, but I've been busy and haven't had as much time to write and edit as I would have liked. I uploaded a story yesterday, which has received some positive responses.

I don't usually write much about myself here - it's a blog for my stories, not for my life. However, I decided I should write something today, because it's been one year since the first time I actually gave someone a spanking. I've been a part of the spanko community for decades, but until then, it was only in theory - as a reader, writer, and consumer.

I'd wondered how it would be once I finally spanked someone. Would I be any good at it? Would I enjoy it as much as I thought? Would THEY enjoy it? (The answers are yes, yes, and yes). Afterwards, I've also wondered how my stories have been affected - are my stories before June 2023 less realistic than the ones after? Is there anything of value added after the momentous event? I don't know, and would be curious what my readers think.

Sadly, there isn't much of a spanko community in Norway. There is an active and thriving BDSM community, but I've never felt truly at home in it - most of it is too far from my own narrow interests to make me comfortable. Lately, I've seen some positive signs in the growth of the spanko community, though.

I'd originally planned to more than this, but I have a cold and I am not feeling up to it. I considered postponing it, but this is the anniversary, so I'm writing it now.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Sunday 23 June 2024

IT support (m/F story)

"Hi, Ethan. It's Cassie. My computer's acting up again. Could you have a look?"

The eighteen-year-old nodded, before realizing that she couldn't see him over the phone. "Sure. I'll just save my game, and I'll be right over."

Cassie lived next door to Ethan's parents. The 35-year-old woman was famously clueless with technology, and growing up, Ethan had often been asked to come over and help her. Even now, when he'd moved into his own apartment, she still called him when she needed help. He didn't mind, and she also paid quite well. Ethan liked being helpful, and he would probably have aided her for free, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

About half an hour later, Ethan rang the doorbell, and Cassie let him in a thankful smile. It was a warm summer day, so she was wearing a nice sundress, while the teenager was clad in shorts and a worn t-shirt. She fetched him a glass of soda while he sat down at the desk to examine her computer.

"Yeah, it's a virus," he told her as she returned. "Quite nasty. I can't remove it with the regular anti-virus, but I'm booting it in safe mode, which should help. If it doesn't, I might have to do a factory reset, or I could try restoring from an old backup – one from before the virus, of course."

She nodded eagerly, doing her best to try to seem like she knew what he was going on about, and hoping he could have it solved soon.

Ethan tapped away at the keyboard, doing something that seemed like magic to tech-illiterate Cassie, who was watching over his shoulder. Finally, he leaned back in his chair with a grin on his face. "I think that solved it." He booted the computer again, his face radiating satisfaction. "Looks like it."

"Thank you," she said with a relieved sigh. "You've really earned your pay today."

He frowned. "Do you know how the virus got in? I know you have anti-virus – I installed it last time we had an issue like this."

"Ah." She seemed ill at ease. "I think I disabled it. I was trying to download some files…"

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? What files were you downloading that your antivirus protested against?"

And to her horror, he opened the browser. Before she could summon the presence of mind to stop him, her history covered the screen. Most of it involved spanking. "Oh," he said quietly.

Cassie buried her face in her hands, wanting to sink through the floor. Having the boy next door see what sort of porn she was into was fairly high on the list of the worst things that had ever happened to her. Not that she expected to corrupt him, of course – he was eighteen, and had probably seen worse things already.

After a few seconds, she peeked through her fingers at him, hoping that the boy had been gentleman enough to close the browser and find something else to focus on. He hadn't. Instead, he'd opened a few of the websites he found, so her computer now showed pictures of bare-bottomed women being soundly spanked by stern men. Cassie was blushing scarlet – almost as red as the backside of the woman Ethan was currently looking at.

For a few seconds, there was complete silence. Then, Ethan glanced over at her, and a wry grin appeared on his face. "You know, it's very naughty of you to visit websites like this. And disabling the anti-virus? Not a good idea." He tutted.

Cassie stared at him, breathless. Was he proposing what she thought he was proposing? And if he was, how should she respond?

Sunday 2 June 2024

The house-cleaner (M/F story)

I was sitting at my desk, trying to begin work on my next novel, when the doorbell rang. I opened to find a grinning, peppy redhead in her early twenties. I smiled back at her. "Hello, Lizzie. Is it noon already?"

"Hello, Richard! Yes, I'm afraid so, so you'll have to suffer my presence for the next hour or two." She shrugged. "At least you'll have a cleaner house at the end of it."

When I'd first hired Lizzie as a weekly cleaner, she'd been very meek and quiet, and had insisted on calling me 'sir'. I'd nipped that in the bud and told her to refer to me by my first name. I had no problem being called 'sir' – in fact, in some circumstances, I insisted upon it – but I did not want to hear it from someone I had hired. It made the interaction too formal and stiff, and I couldn't live like that. Over the months, the young woman had begun to relax around me, and it was wonderful to see her overcome her shyness and watch her real personality emerge.

I returned to my desk and continued to stare at the empty screen, wondering how to begin, while Lizzie retrieved her cleaning supplies and hummed quietly to herself as she started to work. Turning my head, I caught her glancing at the locked cupboard under stairs.

When I'd hired her, she'd said the cupboard was perfect for her supplies, and asked if she could use it. I'd told her that she was welcome to use any other cupboard she wanted, but that one was mine, and I did not want her opening it. She'd asked what was in it, and I told her it was private. She'd taken the hint, and while she never asked me again, I had a vague sense that she was still curious.

Half an hour after her arrival, I still hadn't written a single word, and when Lizzie fetched the vacuum cleaner, I decided to take a break. Some writers prefer silence, while others put on music or have a movie in the background, but I've yet to meet one that does their best work while listening to a running vacuum cleaner. "I'm heading to the store," I told her. "I forgot to buy milk yesterday." I also hoped the walk would get the creative juices flowing. "Back in half an hour."

She nodded, and as I left, I heard her turn the vacuum cleaner on.

I'd walked about five minutes when I suddenly realized I'd forgotten my wallet. Quickly patting my jacket to make sure I hadn't left it in another pocket, I turned around and headed back. When I opened the door, I was about to call out to Lizzie, but wondered why I couldn't hear the vacuum cleaner. She liked to do all the vacuuming in one go, and that would take her far more than the ten minutes I'd been gone.

I found her outside the now-open cupboard – she must have found the key in my desk drawer. She was holding my favourite leather paddle, staring in wonder at some of the magazines I kept there. The pictures of bare-bottomed women bent over stern men's laps, or standing in the corner with their red behinds on display, were certainly eye-catching.

I cleared my throat, and Lizzie jumped a foot in the air. When she turned to look at me, she was white as a sheet, and she was quivering slightly. It was clear that the sight of my spanking implements had made quite an impression on her.

I looked at the paddle in her hand. Following my gaze, she suddenly realized she was still holding it, and dropped it in shock. The thud of the paddle striking the wooden floor rang out in the quiet room. She looked down at the dropped paddle as if it was a snake about to bite her. With a trembling hand, she lifted the paddle and handed it to me. I checked it was undamaged, and hung it back on its hook, and heard Lizzie give a sigh of relief. Or possibly something else…

Sunday 26 May 2024

Linda shows off (M/F story)

Linda looked around the gym with a grin on her face. The gym had some new members, and there were now some very cute boys there that were older than her. Tall, dark, handsome boys.

She was wearing tight tracksuit bottoms that effectively highlighted her lovely rear end, and a shirt with deep cleavage – even if she didn't have much to show off in the latter department. She decided that today, she would give the new members something interesting to watch. She liked it when men watched her in the gym.

A couple of the most attractive boys were sitting on the rowing machine, so Linda selected the pulldown machine standing in front of them. She knew this showed off her butt excellently, especially if she actively pushed her bottom out. She started exercising while humming quietly to herself. After five minutes, she let her glance glide over the room, and noted that the two boys sitting behind her were trying to hide that they were staring. She stared straight ahead and grinned to herself – it was working.

Fortunately for her, there was a stair-climber next to the pulldown machine, and when Linda tired of cycling, she moved on. She started walking, and she felt her tracksuit bottoms tighten over her cute backside in a way that had to be quite interesting to watch. She pushed her bottom out unnecessarily far as she walked, but not so much that it would be obvious that she was doing it on purpose. She had to maintain her deniability, after all. The next time she looked around the room, the two boys had stopped rowing, but they were still sitting on the machines, and their shorts were not quite loose enough to hide a growing bulge at the front.

Linda decided to move on to some other exercises. She walked to another part of the room, where she would do some squats. She stood with her back to the weight-lifting area, which was empty – but not for long. As soon as she started to squat, the two boys decided it was time to start lifting weights. She gave a low moan as she bent down, and grinned as she heard a similar groan from behind.

Suddenly, she heard a voice she had not expected. "Linda! What are you doing?"

She looked up and saw David walking towards her. Her boyfriend, who was usually so sweet and nice, had an angry look on his face. "Hi, David. I didn't think you'd be here today? Lovely that you came anyway," she said, looking innocently up at him.

"Don't even try," he said as he approached her. "What do you think you're doing? I'd heard the rumours, of course, but I didn't think they could be true."

"What do you mean? I'm just exercising," she responded, still trying to look innocent.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You're standing there showing off. You're putting up a show for these boys – how do you think that makes me feel?"

Ah. That was a little too close to the truth for her comfort. "How can you say that? How can you accuse me of something like that?" She pouted and tried to look insulted. "You wound me."

But for once, her puppy dog eyes weren't working, and he was still angry. "I've had enough, Linda. I'm tired of you flirting with others and trying to make me feel stupid when I call it out. You've gone too far! You're completely without shame. I'm going to spank your bottom for this!"

When he said this, Linda blushed scarlet and hid her face behind her hands. Loud chuckling could be heard from the onlookers, and Linda felt so embarrassed that she almost fainted. Not only was David – sweet, kind David – saying that he was going to spank her, but he said it in the gym while everyone was listening. Now everyone knew what he was planning to do when they came home! She wanted to sink through the floor. She couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing than this.

Suddenly, he grabbed her ear. Linda yelped as he started to drag her over to a bench. What was happening? He sat down, and she was suddenly dragged over his lap, with her face toward the floor and her butt in the air. For a moment, Linda was completely disoriented and had no idea what was going on, but when she felt a gentle, anticipatory slap on the tight seat of her tracksuit bottoms, her eyes widened.

David wasn't planning to take her home and spank her. He was going to spank her here and now.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Linda's cousins (M/F story)

Linda rolled her eyes as she entered the mall, followed closely by the giggling girls. Today, she had to join her two 18-year-old cousins on a shopping trip. The twins Vicky and Melissa were petite blondes with ponytails and blue doe eyes. They were usually kind and friendly, but incredibly annoying! They giggled and chatted constantly, and they could ask ten or fifteen questions in a few seconds without waiting for a response. In addition, they were unbelievably stupid. Linda did not cherish the thought of having to spend the whole day with them.

For several hours, Linda walked around the mall with the twins trailing behind her, with their bothersome giggling and whispering in her ears. They talked non-stop, and never about anything that was remotely interesting or worth listening to. She grew tired of hearing it, but she knew from experience that it wouldn't help to say anything to them. They would only snicker even louder and find something even stupider to talk about.

They had been to a makeup store and a couple of clothes shops, and were heading to a cosy little café, where Linda could finally get a coffee, but the twins HAD to pop into an electronics store on the way. They entered the shop, and Linda's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at the sign hanging on the wall – "Shoplifters will be spanked." She knew it was the owner himself who'd hung it there. The rumours said that young women were in grave danger of a sound thrashing if they suffered from sticky fingers, but to her great disappointment, Linda had never seen anyone end up over his lap. She sighed – it would have been so lovely to see someone being spanked here!

She looked over at her two cousins, bending over to stare at an air fryer and trying to work out what it was, and she smiled as an evil thought struck her. Maybe this shopping trip would be more fun than she had expected…

Sunday 5 May 2024

The new butler (M/FF story)

Lady Lenora smiled at me at I sat down in her office. The slim, red-headed noblewoman was only in her mid-twenties, but she had a powerful, graceful dignity – the result of the centuries of noble blood that flowed in her veins, strengthened by her having to assume the title at such a young age. "So, Steven," she said, "You've applied to the position of butler?"

I nodded. "That's right, your Ladyship."

Sitting down behind her desk, she glanced at the papers I'd handed her as I arrived. "Your credentials are excellent. This employment history is very impressive., and I've heard good things about you." I thanked her for the compliment, and she asked some questions about my previous employers. I answered those that propriety allowed me to answer, and she seemed pleased with our discussion. I had a feeling I was likely to get the job – which was fortunate. Lady Lenora was known for paying well.

After a few minutes, she changed the subject. "Some of the maids in this manor can be quite mischievous at times, and I want to make sure that you are going to be able to handle them." I assured her that it would not be a problem, but she seemed unconvinced. "Let me ask you a direct question, then. Are you prepared to use corporal punishment?"

I raised an eyebrow at this unusual suggestion. "I suppose, but would it not be more appropriate for the housekeeper to handle such matters?"

She shook her head. "My housekeeper is very good at her job, but I can assure you that there are some young women in this house that need the firm, unyielding hand of a man. Which my housekeeper is not."

It seemed an odd proposal, but then again, her family had always been eccentric. Her grandfather, for example, had ordered the local priest to excommunicate an oak tree he particularly disliked. Many of her family members would probably have ended up in institutions if it hadn't been for their money and title. By comparison, Lady Lenora's request was quite harmless.

"Will I have some leeway in how harsh the punishments are, and what they are meted out for?"

She nodded. "I have no wish to make those decisions myself. I'll leave it in your hands, as long as you get results."

"Then yes, I am prepared to do that," I said.

"Excellent," she said with a warm smile. She then rose to her feet. "Now, could you please follow me?"

Sunday 21 April 2024

Mira's Maid (F/ff story)

All of the girls in my class wanted to be friends with Mira. She was popular, charismatic, a good student, and beautiful – not to mention that her parents were filthy rich. An 18-year-old couldn't dream of a better life than that.

Well, I tell a lie. Most of the girls wanted to BE Mira. But if you couldn't do that, being her friend was also good.

So when the bell rang at the end of the school day, and Mira asked me if I wanted to hang out that afternoon, I jumped at the opportunity.

We spent an hour or two at the mall, trying on skirts and sipping some eye-wateringly expensive lattes. For the sake of my pride, I'd made a token effort to pay for my coffee myself, but she insisted on treating me – which was fortunate, because I had very little money and really didn't want to waste it like this. I didn't even know they sold such expensive drinks in my little town, but I guess when your parents are loaded, you get used to treats like that.

Our shopping trip done, we headed back to her home to relax. As we entered the house, we were greeted by a very angry-looking maid. Yes, they have a maid. One who walks around all day in that silly black costume from old movies, and who cleans so they don't have to. Did I mention that her parents were rolling in it?

The maid, who was a tall, slim woman with short, red hair, folded her arms in front of her chest and glared at Mira. "And where have you been, young lady?"

I was slightly taken aback; I'd never had a maid before, but I didn't think they talked to their employers like that. Maybe it was because she was the daughter of the house and not the owner. Mira sighed, rolling her eyes. "I was at the mall, Abigail. Chill."

"Your parents gave you strict instructions to come straight home from school today. They wanted to talk to you before they left for their evening out, but they couldn't wait any longer." She raised an eyebrow in a way that reminded me of the expression my mother wore whenever I was in trouble. "They had also told you to clean your room yesterday, if I recall correctly."

Mira huffed. "I'm hanging out with Jenny right now. I'll do it later."

Abigail the Maid nodded. "Yes, you will. Your parents instructed me to make sure you cleaned your room today. They also asked me to deal with your disobedience so far." She sat down on a straight-backed armless wooden chair that stood nearby, patting her lap. "Come here, Mira."

I stared at the maid. She didn't mean what I thought she meant, right? I just had a dirty mind – there was no way in hell that my eighteen-year-old classmate was about to be spanked by her maid. I glanced over at Mira, about to share my amusing mistake with her, and I was shocked to see her fidget and nervously chew her finger, suddenly transformed into a naughty little girl. She'd come to the same conclusion I had, and from her reaction, it wasn't the first time it had happened.

"Come here, Mira," Abigail repeated, her voice several degrees colder as she patted her lap again. I guess Mira's words had accomplished something – the maid HAD chilled.

Sunday 14 April 2024

The maid and the miss (F/f story)

The lanky, dark-haired teenager Luna was heading downstairs to the kitchen, looking for a snack, when she heard her mother's maid complaining to her visiting friend. The door was slightly ajar, and she saw that the two women were sitting at the kitchen table, each with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"And have you seen the state of her room?" Christine was saying. The tall, fair-haired maid shook her head. "If any of my sisters had made a mess like that, I would put them over my knee and warm their bottoms."

Isabel raised an eyebrow as she looked at her friend. "Luna's eighteen, isn't she?"

Christine shrugged. "Yes, but so what? She's not too old for a spanking, if that's what you think. My sister Anna is 21 now, and she's still subject to our parents' discipline – and mine, whenever I'm back there and my parents are too busy to deal with her." Isabel gave her a questioning glance, but Christine waved it away. "I'm ten years older than her, so she's expected to obey me."

"I'm pretty sure Luna's mother would object to such a treatment," Isabel pointed out.

"Obviously," Christine conceded. "The girl has never been spanked in her life. That much is clear." She sniffed disapprovingly. "Pity, really. I really think she would benefit from it."
Luna stood outside the room, her heart beating so loudly she almost couldn't hear what the two women were saying. For a brief moment, Luna was worried that they could hear it – and wondered what they would do if they caught her listening at the door. She shivered at the thought.

As quietly as she could, she retreated to her room, sitting down on her bed to process what she'd just heard. So, her mother's maid actually wanted to spank her!

The maid was correct that Luna had never been spanked – and when Christine said that this was a pity, Luna actually agreed completely. She'd been fascinated by spanking for as long as she could remember, and had wondered what it would be like to be taken across someone's knee. There was something exciting about the painful, humiliating act that had dominated her dreams for some time.

And now, she knew that there was a person living in the same house as her that wanted to make that fantasy a reality. She was certain that the big, muscular, determined maid could give a proper spanking if she wanted. Luna began to ponder what she should do about this situation.

She glanced around. She had to admit, her room was quite messy, wasn't it?

Dressing up for her tutor (M/F story)

Ruby looked in the bathroom mirror, admiring the cute panties she'd picked out: white cotton ones, covered with little hearts in differe...