Sunday 21 July 2024

Dressing up for her tutor (M/F story)

Ruby looked in the bathroom mirror, admiring the cute panties she'd picked out: white cotton ones, covered with little hearts in different colours. No eighteen-year-old girl WANTED to go over her maths tutor's knee and have her poor bottom smacked, of course, but if she had to, she wanted to look her best. And with how lazy she'd been lately, and from the stories she had heard about Nathan's strictness when pushed, she had a feeling that there was a sound spanking in her very near future.

She thought about how humiliating it would be to be bent over his lap, facing the carpet with her rear end upturned and ready to meet his descending hand. He would certainly raise her skirt and spank her on her adorable panties, wouldn't he? She didn't think he'd be satisfied with a few smacks over the skirt. No, he would definitely raise her skirt before he spanked her. Oh, what if he pulled her panties down? The thought made her shiver. Having him just SEE her bare bottom was such a scary thought – but imagining him spanking it was even more frightening.

She turned her back to the mirror, glancing over her shoulder as she bent over. Her panties presented such a lovely sight. She hoped he would like them.

The doorbell rang, and Ruby realized that she'd spent half an hour in the bathroom thinking about what she was certain was going to happen to her today. She threw on the blouse and skirt she'd prepared, and she ran to open the door. Taking a brief second calm down and make it look like she was prepared for his arrival, she opened the door.

"Hello, Ruby," Nathan said. The tall, handsome tutor in his mid-twenties gave her a charming smile that made her slightly weak-kneed. "Ready for another session?"

"Nice to see you again," Ruby said as she stepped aside to let him in. They entered the living room, where Ruby's books and pencils were laid out on the table. At least she'd remembered that. She hoped it would count as mitigating circumstances when her severe punishment was decided.

As they sat down, Nathan looked over the assignments he'd given her after the last session. She bit her lip as she watched him frown – he was clearly not entirely pleased. Taking a red pen from his pocket, he highlighted the parts she'd got wrong, and started showing her how it should really be done. Afterwards, he scolded her for the bits she hadn't even tried to do – "If you at least try, there's a good chance you'll get it right, and even if you don't, you can learn something. A blank page teaches you nothing."

She did her best to look contrite, but the fluttering of her heart was making it hard to concentrate. This was it. It was really happening. In a few moments, she would find herself over his lap, pleading for mercy and promising to do better in the future as he spanked her soundly. She couldn't believe it.

He ended his lecture, giving her a stern glare that made the butterflies in her tummy absolutely frenzied, before returning his gaze to the books. "Anyway, if you turn to page 211, we can get started on the next set of –"

"That's it?" she said, shocked. "You're not going to…" He looked at her with curiosity, wondering where was going. She blushed. "Well, it's just… I thought – I'd heard rumours that…" She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I'd heard that you'd… punish girls that didn't do their work."

"Oh, you've heard about that?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm surprised - it's not a service I usually advertise. Oh, I've taken a few girls across my lap if they wasted my time and didn't even try to complete the assignments. Old-fashioned, you might say, but undeniably effective - they certainly took it more seriously after that." He chuckled, then smiled reassuringly. "But don't worry, Ruby. You've tried your best, and while your work is far from perfect, I see definite improvement and a willingness to learn. I see no reason why you should be spanked."

She shuddered slightly at the last word. He said it so casually, as if it didn't turn his insides into a knot to say it. Maybe it didn't – maybe that was only her. "I didn't try THAT hard," she insisted. "I have been really lazy lately. Like you said, there were several problems where I didn't even try! I guess I really deserve to be sp – to be sp –" Now matter how much she tried, she couldn't say THAT word. "I deserve to be punished."

He frowned, examining her face in a way that made her uncomfortable. "Ruby, do you WANT me to spank you?"

She blushed, emphatically shaking her head. "Of course not! That sounds totally scary and humiliating! But I DESERVE it, don't I?"

He shrugged. "Not in my eyes."

This conversation really hadn't gone the way she'd expected. Her strict tutor wasn't going to spank her after all! That was a relief. Wasn't it? "I think you should look at the assignment again, Nathan. I really could have done better, and I am ashamed that I didn't. I really think that a good sp-" There was that awful, tummy-twisting word again. "That a proper punishment would be good for my studies."

He raised an eyebrow. "You know, you are the first girl to actually ASK for a punishment – usually, they beg me NOT to spank them, insist that they're too old and things like that." He tutted, thought about it for a few seconds, and nodded. "It's a bit unusual, I must say, but I'm willing to give you a good spanking if you really want it."

"But I DON'T want it," she insisted in a high-pitched whine. Why wasn't he listening? "I just DESERVE it, that's all!"

"Of course, of course," he said placatingly. She had a feeling he still didn't believe her. "Well, if you're going to get a spanking, there's no reason it shouldn't be done properly." He leaned back, patting his thigh. "Bend over my lap, young lady." His voice was suddenly strict, making her tummy flutter again.

Eagerly, Ruby leaned forward, resting on the couch with her bottom raised over his lap. Nathan lifted the hem of her skirt. "Cute panties," he muttered, and despite the nervousness, she grinned to herself.

His hand started to rub her bottom gently. "You've been a naughty young lady, wasting both my time and yours, and I'm going to give you a good, hard spanking," he lectured sternly.

"I'm sorry, sir," she said as meekly as she could.

"Not as sorry as you're going to be," he promised ominously. And with that, he lifted his hand and started to spank her.

As the first smacks landed on her quivering posterior, Ruby winced, and her eyes widened. This was actually happening! Her handsome tutor was really spanking her! While his hand made a frightful sound as it slapped down on her bottom, it didn't sting as much as she'd feared.

His hand moved from cheek to cheek, and the regular, even smacks proved that he had some experience spanking naughty girls' bottoms.  She bit her lip, feeling the sting and heat gradually building in her toasty buns with every firm spank.

She gasped as he started to spank her harder, the heat now growing uncomfortable. She hissed in pain and fidgeted. This was more like what imagined.

A few minutes later, he suddenly stopped. Was it over already? That seemed odd. She had expected far more than this. She would soon learn, however, that stopping was the last thing on Nathan's mind.

"You know," he said, "I think it's time for these panties to come down."

"But they're cute!" she protested. "You said so yourself!"

He chuckled. "Well, they're going to look even cuter around your knees, framing your pink little tushy," he said as he started to pull them down. Ruby blushed and buried her face in the pillows, not sure how to respond to that.

Nathan continued to spank her, and Ruby was letting out adorable little yelps with every stinging slap – though she wasn't quite sure how to respond when the wicked tutor pointed it out. She kicked her feet so vigorously that he had to wrap his leg around hers to hold her in place. She wasn't going anywhere until the spanking was over.

The pain was now causing her to squirm and sob, and the tears poured down her face as she bucked her booty under his palm. Despite this, however, she hadn't asked him to stop. She deserved this, after – it was a fair and just punishment for her misbehaviour.

By the time he helped her up, Ruby's bottom was bright red. Nathan immediately hugged her, soothing her and drying her tears. If there was a better sensation in the world than sitting on the couch, leaning against Nathan with his arm around her shoulder as he comforted her while her bottom throbbed beneath her, Ruby had never experienced it. "So, will you be a good girl from now on?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she murmured. "I promise."

"Good to hear," he told her, giving her a peck on the forehead. She blushed and smiled, but wished he'd kissed her properly instead. "Now, if you get at least 80 percent on the next assignment that I'm giving you, you'll get another spanking next time."

She frowned. That made no sense. "Don't you mean LESS THAN 80 percent?"

"No. I'm not going to reward you for getting it wrong. If you want another spanking, you'll have to earn it. Only good girls get rewards."

She pouted. "But I DON'T like being spanked," she assured him. Why wouldn't he believe her?

"Ah, ah," he tutted. "No lies, young lady, or I'll take off my belt. You wouldn't like that, would you?" He reflected briefly. "… Actually, maybe you would."

Ruby wanted to protest again, but at that moment, his lips met hers, and everything that had seemed important to her just melted away.

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