Sunday 7 July 2024

The half-orc and the halfling (M/F story)

Grim glanced around the common room at the inn, subtly scanning for threats. Reassured that this was a respectable establishment and that there were no obvious dangers here, the half-orc gave a satisfied nod, and stepped aside to let his employer enter.

The tiny woman smiled up at him as she entered, shaking her head at his precautions. Even the other halflings would describe Lily Springkettle as short and cute, but her charismatic personality and head for money had made her a very successful merchant. Grim just wished she had as much common sense as she had business sense.

Lily talked to the innkeeper and got a good deal on a suite of rooms at the back of the inn – two bedrooms and a small living room, quite stylish. Lily had the money to live comfortably even on her travels, and Grim was quite pleased that she was willing to spend it. There were certain upsides to being her bodyguard.

Once they'd settled in, Grim looked at his employer. "There are some supplies we need before we move on, and I'd like us to buy them today – that way, we don't have to wait for the shops to open tomorrow before we leave."

Lily leaned back in the rather comfortable chair. The pout on her face made her look even more like a child than she usually did, but he knew she wouldn't appreciate him pointing it out. "Do I have to come? You know what we need. Can't you just buy it? I'll give you the money, of course."

He thought about it. A nice room in a decent inn would not be the worst place to leave a naïve merchant for an hour or two. As long as she stayed here, she would be entirely safe.

As long as she stayed here.

Grim stepped over to her, folding his arms in front of his chest and staring down at her. "Promise me that you'll stay in our rooms and not go wandering the streets on your own."

She rolled her eyes. "That was ONE time."

"You lost your purse," he reminded her. "And that wasn't the worst thing that could have happened." He bent down, placing a gentle hand under her jaw to force her to look him in the eyes. "Promise."

She sighed, rolling her eyes again. "Fine. I'll stay here and do some reading. That's what I was planning to do, anyway." She glared at him. "Who do you think is in charge here, anyway?"

"Good to hear," he said, ignoring her last question. "See you later."

As he walked out into the streets, he knew he shouldn't talk to his employer that way, but there was something about her appearance and her innocent obliviousness to danger that awoke his protective instinct that made him want to shield her from the dangers of the world. She knew things about trade that would never grasp, about supply and demand and artificial scarcity and things like that, but she would gladly follow someone into a dark alley for a free piece of candy. There was something paternal here; he wanted to keep the fragile little thing safe at all costs. He frowned – at least, he THOUGHT it was paternal.
It was about an hour later, as Grim was exiting one of the shops, that he spotted a sweet roll stand nearby. He had just made the decision to go over and buy a few for Lily, a pleasant surprise to the impatiently waiting merchant to placate her legendary sweet tooth, when he realized that he wouldn't have to. She'd found it first.

"I thought I told you to stay at the inn," he growled as he stepped up behind her. He halfling jumped a foot in the air, spinning around to face her scowling bodyguard.

"I grew bored," she told him, folding her arms and trying to match his scowl. The effect was adorable, but he wasn't in the mood to appreciate it right now. "You were gone for so long."

"We are going back to the inn," he told her. "Right now."

She blushed at being lectured, but she kept scowling. "I haven't finished browsing yet. There could be other stalls I want to visit."

"I wasn't asking."

Lily suddenly found herself picked up and tucked under his arm as he strode back to the inn.

"Put me down," she yelled, hammering her fists against his back and kicking her legs. He ignored her. She tried to wriggle free, but he held her firmly. As a seven-feet-tall broad-shouldered warrior, he had little trouble keeping control of a petite trader less than three feet tall. After a few minutes, Lily realized that the only thing she had accomplished was drawing attention to herself, which was the last thing she wanted at the moment, so she decided to bear it with as much dignity as the situation allowed. Which wasn't much.

As they returned to the inn, Grim ignored the questioning glances of the innkeeper and his workers, heading straight for their rooms. Lily buried her face in her hands, blushing at this humiliating treatment.

Finally back in the room, Grim dumped her into a comfy chair, then loomed over her with the angriest glare he could muster – a look that had made cave bears think twice, and convinced many bandits to find easier prey. "You swore to me that you'd stay here, where you'd be safe. You promised me you wouldn't go wandering the streets again."

Lily squirmed in her seat. His expression was incredibly scary, but she tried bravely to hold her ground. "I'll go where I like. I'm a grown woman."

"What if someone had tried to rob you? Or worse?"

She blushed. "I can take care of myself! I can protect myself," she insisted.

"The way you defended yourself when I picked you up and carried you home?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, I'm sure your fisticuffs will keep the thugs away. Also, you gave me your word!"

She rose to her feet – which, considering the size of the chairs, actually made her shorter. "I don't need a lecture!" she yelled. "You know what I need?"

"Yes," Grim said, "I know JUST what you need." And he sat down on a nearby sturdy-looking stool.

Lily once again found herself being picked up, but this time, she was placed face-down over Grim's lap. It was only when the first firm smacks landed on her soft rear end that she realized what he was doing. "Ow! An APOLOGY! I meant – ouch! – that I need an apology!"

"Oh, you'll apologize," he said in a voice that made her want to run away and hide – even more than the spanking she was currently receiving. "Once I'm done spanking your sassy little bottom, and you've spent some time in the corner thinking about what you've done, you are going to give me a proper apology."

"Owiee! You can't do this," she protested. "Let me up!"

"You lie to me, you go out endangering yourself, and then you sass me? You're not getting up until you're one sorry, red-bottomed young lady." To emphasize his point, he flipped up her dress and began to spank the seat of her white cotton underwear.

Once again, the halfling tried to wriggle free and escape, but he easily held her in place with one hand as the other crashed down on her poor posterior. She hissed and yelped, kicking her legs – this was awful! She hadn't been spanked since she was a child, and she hadn't been eager to repeat the experience. "Ow! That's enough! Let me up! I'll be good, I promise!"

He paused, his hand lifted ominously above her burning buttocks. "Are you sorry for breaking your word?"

"Yes, yes. I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry!"

"And are you sorry for sneaking out and wandering the streets unescorted?"

"Of c- well, those sweet rolls were QUITE tasty, so I –"

He sighed, and to her utter horror, he started to peel her panties down.

"No! Don't do that! Please, not that!" She renewed her frantic struggles to escape, and also tried to reach back and pull them back up again, but to no avail. With no hint that he even noticed her attempts to protect her modesty, he slid her panties down to bare her bottom.

"Your bottom is starting to turn red," he commented. "By the time we're done and you're allowed to stand in the corner, it's going to be scarlet."

ALLOWED to stand in the corner? Lily had some things to say about that, but just as she opened her mouth to say them, the spanking resumed, and she had to reserve her breath for screaming.

His firm palm crashed down on her soft cheeks. This was far worse than her mother's hairbrush or her father's belt! She couldn't believe a hand could sting like that. Tears were flowing, and she was no longer indignantly protesting – only pleading pitifully for him to end the awful spanking.

Finally, Grim ended the awful punishment, and started to rub her burning bottom. "Are you sorry for what you've done?"

"Yes! Oh, I'm so sorry for going out unsupervised," she told him, with tears still streaming down her face, eager to please the angry half-orc.

"Are you going to listen to me in the future?"

"Yes, I promise! I'll be good!"

He helped her up, then propelled her forward with a last smack. "You can go stand in the corner and think about what you've done." The tone of his voice suggested that he wasn't willing to discuss this, so Lily didn't try – she ran forward to place her nose against the wall. Her hands began to rub the sting from her sore cheeks.

"No rubbing," he growled. "Hands on your head." She immediately obeyed.

It was only when Grim looked at the red-bottomed woman sobbing meekly in the corner, that he began to question the wisdom of spanking his employer. Sure, he'd been mad, and rightfully so, and the bratty immaturity of the precious little woman made it an obvious solution to his conduct, but now that he'd calmed down, he wondered if there were alternative methods of handling the situation. Despite the minor annoyances, this was a very good job, and he'd quite like to keep it.

After a few minutes, he spoke. "Lily? You can come out of the corner now," he said softly. She turned around, and when he held out his hands, she ran toward him for a hug. The fact that she fell to the floor after tripping on her panties, which were still around her ankles, only delayed her for a second, and she was soon sitting in his lap being comforted. She buried her face in his chest, sobbing as he stroked her hair. He was relieved that he hadn't scared her away from him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered after a while. "I shouldn't have gone out like that. You're right, it's cost me my purse once already."

"I'm glad you see that. Are you going to be more careful in the future?"

She shrank under his gaze. "If I'm not, are you going to spank me again?"

He wondered how to respond to that. In the end, he decided to go with the truth. "Maybe."

 "Then I promise to be careful," she said as she ruefully rubbed her stinging rear. "Once was enough."

He chuckled. Perhaps he hadn't made a mistake today after all. This could be good for their relationship. He could think of a few other things she could benefit from working on…

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