Sunday, 15 September 2024

Approaching the head boy (m/f story)

Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger pupils with a mere glance. He found it silly how effective a stupid little badge was to get people to listen to you, but it worked, so he'd decided not to question it.

Suddenly, he saw one of his classmates walking towards him. Yvette was a tall, skinny girl with long, dark hair, usually seen with a scowl on her attractive face. As she approached, she held out a small, pink slip of paper in his direction. "Here," she said, scowling even more than usual.

"What is this?" he asked, making no motion to take the paper.

"Miss Teller gave me a punishment slip," she said, unable to hide her blush. "She caught me smoking behind the gym."

He raised an eyebrow. "I see. And what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Deal with it and sign it, obviously," she said, rolling her eyes. "You're the head boy, aren't you?"
His eyes widened as Luther realized what she was asking of him. For punishment slips, a teacher had to select and perform a suitable punishment, then sign the paper to record that justice had been carried out. As head boy, he was technically entitled to administer corporal punishments in these cases, but that rule was old, rarely enforced, and was clearly meant to be used on the younger pupils. Though now that he thought about it, Luther realized that nothing in the rules would prevent him from punishing his classmates. He guessed that this was a possibility that hadn’t been considered.

But why in the world would Yvette prefer a spanking from a boy her own age, rather than being punished by a teacher? Being over the knee of a classmate sounded absolutely humiliating. "Why me?" he asked, still not taking the paper she held out to him.

"You were nearby, and I want to get it over with," she said. "Now, are you going to take it and help me?"

Luther was about to tell her to go away and bother someone else, but her rudeness was getting on his nerves, and he now had the authority to put her across his knee and smack her bottom. The idea of putting the brat in her place had a certain appeal. Besides, he'd noticed in their gym classes that Yvette had a very cute bottom, and he shouldn't so quickly decline the opportunity to get his hands on it. And she couldn't complain about what he was about to do to her – in fact, she'd literally asked for it!

He took the slip from her hand, tutting disapprovingly. "Smoking on school grounds? This is very serious, young lady. I think you need a trip to the punishment room," he said, doing his best to sound stern.

She sighed. "You're such a dork," she said, but made no effort to resist as he led her away.
The punishment room was located near the prefects' room, for obvious historical reasons. There was a desk, a few wooden chairs, and a cupboard containing various implements. He picked up one of the chairs, placing it in the middle of the floor. Yvette watched him, fidgeting – despite her bravado, it was clear that the idea of being spanked was scary to her.

He sat down, patting his lap. "Come here, young lady." She walked towards him with her head raised high, trying to maintain her dignity as she slowly lowered herself over his knee. He adjusted her position so that her skirt-covered rear was raised over his lap, and she could barely touch the floor with the tips of her fingers and toes.

As he gently rubbed the seat of her skirt, he could feel her bottom quivering beneath his hand, waiting for that first smack. He decided he would wait and let her stew, increasing her nervousness. "Smoking was very naughty of you," he told her. "I hope this will teach you to be a good girl from now on."

"Y-you're still a massive dork," she said dismissively, but unable to keep the nervousness out of her voice. Luther grabbed the hem of her skirt, deciding he wasn't going to make her wait after all. She desperately needed an attitude adjustment.

He flipped up her skirt, revealing a pair of powder-blue panties. She blushed and pouted, but didn't protest. His hand smacked down on her soft cheeks, and she squeaked, her butt wriggling as he spanked her.

Luther had never delivered a spanking before, but he knew roughly how it went down. His hand moved from cheek to cheek, flattening her attractive buns with every hard slap. After the initial squeal of surprise, Yvette seemed determined not to react – she clamped her mouth shut, raised her head defiantly, and did her best not to move as he spanked her.

There was something admirable about her resistance, but Luther had no intention of letting her get away with it. If he was going to punish her, he was going to do it properly. She would be one sore, sorry young lady before they were done. He lifted his hand higher, letting it slam down with even greater force. The slaps were incredibly loud, and before long, Yvette was blinking rapidly to keep the tears out of her eyes. Under his unrelenting onslaught, she was soon squirming, little yelps escaping her lips.

As he continued to thrash her, Luther grinned to himself. He enjoyed the sight of her cute, wriggling derriere, and felt the urge to lower her panties and place his hands directly on those adorable cheeks, but he managed to resist it. Underwear spankings were within the rules, but he was not permitted to bare her bottom.

Yvette was now squirming around, pleading for mercy. All resistance and bravado had been spanked out of her. He gave her a few extra smacks, just to drive the point home, before ending her punishment.

He helped her to her feet, and she stood before him, frantically rubbing her burning bottom. He grinned at the sight of her red, tear-streaked face – the pout was far more attractive than her usual scowl. He managed to restore a serious expression before she saw him, though – he was supposed to be doing it for her own good, not for his enjoyment.

He signed the paper, handing it to her. "I hope you behave in the future."

As she took it, he was surprised to see a smile on her face. "Thank you, Luther." She sounded as if she meant it, and as she left the room, he stared after her, wondering what was going through her head.

It was only when he noticed the wet patch she'd left on his thigh that things finally began to fall into place.

It was the end of the schoolday. Luther was standing outside the entrance, waiting for Yvette to exit so he could stop her and have a chat. Most of the pupils had left, so he was worried that he might have missed her, but finally, he spotted her. There was a smile on her face when she saw him, but she quickly managed to disguise it with another scowl. He glanced around – no one was nearby. Good.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"I'm fine, though my bottom is still very sore," she said ruefully, one hand reaching back to rub the seat of her skirt.

"I could rub some ointment on it, if you want," he offered.

She raised an eyebrow at his suggestion, but she nodded. "That sounds good. Let's go back to my dorm – my roommate's out today."

The dorm room was just as small and cramped as his own, though a lot messier –Yvette and Claire were not known for their tidiness. He sat down on her bed, pulling out a tube of cooling cream he'd retrieved. Hesitantly, she approached him, once again placing herself over his lap – though this time, for an entirely different reason. Or at least, that's what she thought.

He raised her skirt, placing his fingers in the waistband of her panties. She fidgeted. "Do you have to take those down?”

"I can't rub the ointment over your panties, can I?" he pointed out.

She sighed. "Go ahead."

Slowly, as if to enjoy the moment as long as possible, he pulled her panties down. The pink, peachy cheeks were even prettier than he'd imagined.

He picked up the tube, dropping some lotion on her sore cheeks. His hand began to massage it in, and she moaned, eyes closed in blissful contentment.

"Now," he said, "It's time I had some answers."

"What do you mean?" she said, her voice revealing her annoyance. Why did he have to talk at a time like this?

"Why did you approach me in the hallway?" he asked.

"You were nearby," she told him, irritably. "I've already – Ow!" The smack had been particularly painful, both because her butt was covered in lotion, and because she hadn't been expecting it. She tried to stand up, but he held her down.

"Yes, that's what you told me," he replied, rubbing her bottom again. "But that's not true, is it? You had to walk past several teachers on your way from the gym to me. Why didn't you ask any of them?" He waited, but she remained silent. "Nothing to say? At least you're not lying." He decided to give her another swat anyway.

"Ouch! Stop that!" she demanded.

"No, I don't think I will. And in truth, I don't think you want me to, either. You enjoyed your spanking today, didn't you?"

"What?" she said indignantly. "Of course not! I – Eek!"

"Another lie," he said, giving her a few smacks. "There was a wet patch on my thigh. Care to explain where that came from?"

"You enjoyed it too!" she spat, trying to glare up at him, which was difficult given her position. "I could feel your erection against my belly. Ow! Stop that," she whimpered as he smacked her again.

"I've never claimed I didn't," he pointed out. He delivered another hard volley of spanks, but then he winced, blowing on his palm. "Now my hand is beginning to sting."

"Oh, you POOR thing," she said, in a voice utterly lacking sympathy. "I'm sure your HAND is hurting like hell. Does that mean you'll stop and let me up?" He wasn't sure whether her voice was hopeful or disappointed. Maybe she wasn't sure either.

"No, it means I'm going to borrow your hairbrush," he said, picking up the brush she'd helpfully left on her bedside table.

"My brush? Why do you want to  – Oh." Her eyes widened as he began to rub the hard wood in circles against her soft bottom. "Oh no!"

"Oh yes," he grinned.

The hairbrush cracked down, bringing a howl from the red-bottomed schoolgirl. She squirmed around on his lap, crying out with every smack.

"Now, would you like to change your story?" he asked calmly, once again rubbing the hard wood in circles on her blistered bottom.

"I enjoyed it!" she admitted. "I enjoyed every second of your spanking! As soon as I learned you could officially spank people, I deliberately let Miss Teller catch me smoking to get a punishment slip, then went straight to you to get you to handle it."

"I see," he said. "Why?"

"Because you're cute and orderly and authoritative and have permission to spank people," she said. "You were perfect for the job!"

"You think I'm cute?" he asked, his tone surprised.

She blushed, burying her face in her hands in embarrassment so severe she struggled to breathe, but she managed to nod.

"Well, then, would you like to go to the movies with me on Friday?"

She hesitated. "If I say no, will you spank me with that awful brush?"

"Of course not!" he replied, offended at the suggestion. "I'm not going to force you to go on a date with me. You can decline if you want to."

She bit her lip. "What if I say yes? Will you spank me then?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Is this your way of letting me know that you want me to continue spanking you?"

She blushed, but she nodded. He chuckled, raising the brush again. This would certainly be one interesting relationship.


  1. This story is so much fun and utterly charming. :) Thank you!!!



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...