Monday, 24 June 2024

One year

 Hello. Sorry for the infrequency of stories the last few weeks, but I've been busy and haven't had as much time to write and edit as I would have liked. I uploaded a story yesterday, which has received some positive responses.

I don't usually write much about myself here - it's a blog for my stories, not for my life. However, I decided I should write something today, because it's been one year since the first time I actually gave someone a spanking. I've been a part of the spanko community for decades, but until then, it was only in theory - as a reader, writer, and consumer.

I'd wondered how it would be once I finally spanked someone. Would I be any good at it? Would I enjoy it as much as I thought? Would THEY enjoy it? (The answers are yes, yes, and yes). Afterwards, I've also wondered how my stories have been affected - are my stories before June 2023 less realistic than the ones after? Is there anything of value added after the momentous event? I don't know, and would be curious what my readers think.

Sadly, there isn't much of a spanko community in Norway. There is an active and thriving BDSM community, but I've never felt truly at home in it - most of it is too far from my own narrow interests to make me comfortable. Lately, I've seen some positive signs in the growth of the spanko community, though.

I'd originally planned to more than this, but I have a cold and I am not feeling up to it. I considered postponing it, but this is the anniversary, so I'm writing it now.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Norse,

    Congratulations on your one year spankaversary. I would love to hear more details on that first spanking a year ago, when you feel up to it.



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