Sunday, 27 August 2023

The Booty Call (M/F story)

Veronica smiled when she heard his firm baritone voice on the phone. "Jacob here."

"It's Veronica," she said sweetly. "I was feeling lonely this evening, and I was wondering if you were too busy to come over and give my booty a good spanking." Jacob only lived a ten-minute walk away, so he could often be available when Veronica decided she needed a strict man on short notice.

He chuckled. "I think I can find time for that in my schedule, young lady," he replied. "Would you like me to come over and spank your bottom right now?"

She nodded, before remembering that she was on the phone and he couldn't see her. "As soon as possible, please."

"I'm almost ready to head out, so I'll be there in twenty minutes. I want you to go to the corner in your bedroom right now and wait for me."

She pouted. "Do I have to?" she whined. "Please? I don't like time-outs."

"Yes, you have to," he responded in a voice that made it clear it was not open to debate. "When I arrive, I want you in the proper mindset for a sound spanking - and twenty minutes in the corner will accomplish that. When I let myself in, I expect to find you facing the corner, hands on your head and bottom bare. Is that clear, young lady?"

"Yes, sir. I will do as you say," she said, switching to her meekest, most compliant voice.

"Good girl." She could almost hear the grin on his face as he hung up.

Veronica rolled her eyes. Did he really expect her to stand in the corner in an empty house? She had always hated corner time and never understood Jacob's obsession with it. Whenever they got together to play, it always seemed like they had too little time, and he wanted her to waste large parts of it staring at the wallpaper. She could spend that time being spanked, or being comforted afterward, or they could cuddle up on the couch to watch TV - anything except just standing there with her hands on her head and her bottom bare. She couldn't think of a worse waste of their precious moments. She didn't know who'd invented corner time, but she hoped they'd been properly punished for it.

And now she was being told to stand in the corner even when she was alone? She shouldn't be expected to punish herself - that was HIS job. Well, she had no intention of obeying. She would hear him when he let himself in, and she'd have ample time to go to the corner. As long as he didn't hear her move, and she was in position when he entered the room, he'd have no way of knowing how long she'd been standing there. With a smug grin on her face, she sat down in her favourite chair and picked up a novel; a far more enjoyable way of waiting for him to arrive.

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Country boy (m/F story)

In the passenger seat next to me, my mobile phone made some final sad, tired noises before shutting itself off, completely out of power. I swore under my breath; I was relying on the GPS, so I wasn't entirely sure where to go now. I started berating myself for not charging my phone before leaving, and for not buying a proper map. A young, defenceless woman, lost in the wilds, with no way to contact anyone – at least, 32 qualified as 'young' in my eyes, and these backwater roads could very well be considered the wilderness.

Of course, if I'd paid attention to where I was driving instead of scolding myself, I might have spotted the glass bottle in the road before it was too late.

I managed to get the car under control, but I quickly realized that the left front tire had suffered some damage. Stopping the car on the side of the road, I got out and confirmed my suspicions. There was a jack and a new tire in the back of the car, but I had no idea what I should actually do with them.

Ordinarily, I would have looked up some how-to guide on my phone, but the battery was flat. I had my laptop, but there was no wi-fi here. I thought about using my phone as a hotspot, which would allow my laptop to connect to the internet, and actually congratulated myself on my cleverness before realizing the obvious flaw in the plan.

I bent over, staring at the ruined remains of the tire, while going through the facts. I was out in the wilderness with a flat tire which I had only the vaguest idea how to replace. I had no food or water with me, and no way to contact anyone that could help me. Even if I somehow managed to get the car rolling again, I had no idea where to go.

I don't know how long I remained there, hoping that staring at the tire would magically fix it, but in the end, I decided I had no option but to just give it my best shot, hope that I could stumble my way through replacing the tire, and then pray I could find civilization – or at least someone who could direct me to it. The worst part of it was that it was all my fault. "Christine," I said loudly to myself, "this time you really DO deserve a good spanking."

"Now, that I'd like to see," a cheerful voice exclaimed behind me.

Wide-eyed, I spun around, spotting a lanky young man in dirty jeans and an old, worn shirt, grinning at me. I guessed him to be eighteen or nineteen. With a blush, I realized what a sight I had presented to him, bent over at the waist, thrusting my jean-clad backside in his direction. From the way he smiled, it seemed he'd enjoyed the sight, despite the fact that I was more than a decade older than him.

"I'm Ken," he said, shaking my hand. "I was walking to town when I spotted you and your car. You looked like you needed a hand."

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Too many drinks (M/F story)

"Just remember to watch how much you drink today," Rob said as he finished dressing. The brawny, dark-haired 40-year-old man glanced in the mirror; the suit was expensive and looked it, and with his wife's black evening dress, the pair would probably make a good entrance. "Remember last time?"

"I was just a having a good time," Alex said, pouting. The tall woman was absentmindedly wrapping her finger around a strand of her long, red hair. "I was dancing, everyone was laughing ..."

"Yes, because you were making a fool of yourself," Rob told her, giving her a quick kiss. "We're not in our twenties anymore, and this isn't that sort of party. It's the 'well-dressed, decently catered, make polite conversation while taking small sips' kind. The grown-up kind of party."

"The boring kind," Alex grumbled.

"Exactly," he said, gazing into her eyes. "So let's not have a repeat of last time, shall we? Will you drink in moderation today?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "OK," she sighed, holding up her hand as if swearing an oath. "I promise to drink responsibly today."

He grinned, giving her a longer kiss. "Good girl. Are you ready to leave now?"

The first hour of the party went well. They walked around the venue, chatting with old friends, meeting new people, and enjoying the refreshments. The hostess, Vanessa, was one of Rob's colleagues, and she complimented Alex on her wonderful dress. Alex was hanging off Rob's arm, being introduced to some of his friends and acquaintances that she hadn't met before, while introducing him to some of hers. They'd been offered a glass of champagne at the door, and she was sipping it slowly, intending to keep her promise. Since he was driving, Rob was sticking to non-alcohol drinks.

After a while, she wandered off to chat with some old school friends, and they fetched some glasses of wine. As they sat around, giggling about the old days, she kept fetching drinks, not noticing in her amusement that she was finishing them rather more rapidly than her friends.

Suddenly, as she was relating some school anecdote to her friend Sophie, she felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to find her husband standing behind her. He was smiling, but there was something slightly strained about it. "You are remembering to watch your intake, honey? You're being a bit loud. We wouldn't want you to get TOO drunk, would we?"

A slight blush tinged her cheeks. She didn't like being chided in front of her friends like this – it was so humiliating, having her husband lecture her in public. "Don't worry, Rob. I'm being careful."

"Good," he said, still smiling, but his eyes told her he didn't quite believe her.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...