Sunday, 29 October 2023

The inappropriate costume (M/F story)

 Based on a drawing by Skekpen.

Thomas sighed and stretched as he arrived home from his shift at the gas station. True, these evening shifts paid better than the day shifts, but the number of crazies he had to deal with was also a lot higher. And today was Halloween, which hardly made things better. The 25-year-old wished he could have traded shifts with someone, so he could have gone to a Halloween party with his girlfriend instead, but none of his coworkers had been willing. Which was fair enough – if he'd been in their shoes, he wouldn't have traded either.

"Oh, hey, honey," Zoe said, smiling at him from the other end of the living room. She was sitting at the dining table going through a pile of sweets.

He could feel the stress of the workday draining as he watched her happy little face. Zoe was a petite, red-haired woman with a perky disposition, a trusting nature, and an almost terminal lack of common sense. "Hello, darling. Where did you get the sweets?"

"I went trick-or-treating," she said cheerily, grabbing another caramel from the pile.

He raised an eyebrow. "You're twenty-two. Aren't you a little old for that?"

"No one arrested me for it," she said with a shrug. "Want to see my costume?" When he nodded, she retrieved a hairband from the other side of the table. Two black cardboard pieces had been taped to the top, resembling rabbit ears. She placed it on her head, stood up, and looked eagerly at him. "What do you think?" she asked, twirling to give him a proper look.

Thomas stared. After a few seconds, he finally regained the ability to speak. "And where," he said in the calmest voice he could muster, "is the rest of it?"

Zoe was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, long black socks, black shoes, and the black headband. The problem was that between the bottom of the shirt and the top of her socks, the only thing protecting her modesty was a small pair of black panties with a large, white cotton wad sewed onto the seat.

"What do you mean?" she said, furrowing her brow as she looked down at her attire. "This is it." She noticed the expression on his face. "What's wrong with it? Don't you like it?"

"For wearing at home? Wonderful! At a party? Maybe, if it's the right sort of party, and I'm there with you," he said, still trying to remain calm. "Out on the streets? Not a chance."

She glared at him. "People were happy to see me! I got a ton of sweets, you know," she said, nodding to the pile on the table.

"And these people who gave you sweets," he said, "were they mostly middle-aged men?"

She huffed, folding her arms as she tried to pout him into submission. "Yes," she admitted.

Sighing, he picked up one of the dining chairs and placed in the middle of the floor. As he sat down, he patted his lap. "Come here, Zoe."

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Past misdeeds, part 2: A new uniform (F/F story)

I whistled happily as I walked down the street – not exactly fitting my tattooed punk aesthetic, but I was ecstatic, so I didn’t care. Last Saturday, I had been approached in a bar by my old classmate Katie, who admitted that she'd been the one smoking in the classroom back in our school days – something I'd been blamed for, which had earned me a spanking in front of the class, with my skirt up and my panties down. She'd apologized, and despite now being in our late twenties, we'd somehow ended up deciding that I should take the little blonde over my knee and spank her bare bottom for what she did to me back then. I had thoroughly enjoyed watching her squirm and squeal over my lap, and had convinced her that to truly pay for her sins, she should get two more spankings from me over the following two weeks. It would only be fair, after all.

And now, I was on my way to her apartment to deliver the second one.

I was obviously looking forward to smacking her cute little rear end, but I was also eager to see how she was dressed. On Wednesday, I had phoned her up and asked her to get a school uniform.

"But we didn't wear uniforms back in school," she said dubiously. "I think you wore a miniskirt and a thong when you were spanked."

"That's right, but it would be fitting, wouldn't it?" I said calmly. Katie was always easily convinced by anyone speaking confidently. "You are being punished for something you did as a schoolgirl, so you should dress as one as well." Of course, my real reason was that I thought the petite woman would look cute as a button in it – particularly while being spanked.

I approached her apartment and rang the doorbell. The door opened slightly, and I saw her peeking through the crack. "Oh, it's you, Vanessa," she said with a sigh of relief as she opened the door. "There was a charity collector guy here half an hour ago, and I opened the door thinking it was you. I almost died with shame – I didn't want anyone else to see me like this."

She was wearing a white schoolgirl's blouse with a blue tie, a matching blue skirt, and long, white socks. She had tied her long, blonde hair in blue ribbons. As I had predicted, she was absolutely adorable, and I could feel my palm beginning to itch just looking at her.

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Past misdeeds, part 1: An old acquaintance (F/F story)

"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at me for the last few minutes, had approached my table in the bar. As a six-foot woman with purple hair and a lot of tattoos, I'm used to people staring, but I now realized that this woman knew me.

And now that she had come closer, and I'd heard her voice, I recognized her as well. "Katie? I haven't seen you since high school! Wow, it's been ten years already, hasn't it?"

I gave her some polite phrases in my most monotonous voice, trying to make it clear that I wasn't really interested in a conversation with her. The two of us had never been friends, despite being classmates since primary school; she'd been a popular, fashion-obsessed straight-A student, while I was a punk troublemaker, and not excessively straight. I didn't particularly care how, what, or who she was doing, and if given a choice, I would prefer to be alone with my beer.

Katie, however, had never been good at picking up cues, so she sat down at my table. She managed to chat about the old days without much input from me, though she seemed a bit distracted, as if there was something on her mind. After a few minutes, a blush spread across her cheeks, and she went quiet as if gathering her thoughts, which seemingly took some effort. After a few seconds of silence – not nearly long enough in my view – she took a deep breath and spoke. "Do you remember the cigarette pack?"

I didn't have to ask her what she was referring to. Back in our school days, someone had been smoking in the classroom during lunch one day, dropping the cigarette butts out the window. A terrible lack of subtlety, I’m sure you’ll agree. We never knew who it was, but since I was the class troublemaker, the teacher blamed me. Despite protesting my innocence, Miss Taylor dragged me to the front of the class and pulled me over her knee. She then raised my miniskirt, lowered my thong, and spanked my bare bottom in front of the class.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Topless tanning (M/F story)

Pearl sighed happily to herself as she turned another page of the novel she was reading. She was lying on a sunbed in the backyard, wearing nothing but a thong, on one of the hottest days of the year, letting the warm rays caress her back. She had a good novel, a can of soda, and nothing that needed to be done. Life was good.

A shadow fell over her, and she glanced up to see the stern face of her boyfriend Ryan. She started guiltily, then quickly recovered, and smiled up at him. "Ryan! You're home early, aren't you? Was the work-trip nice?"

"What do you think you are doing?" he said in a strict voice.

Pearl looked up at him for a few seconds, trying to seem confused, then shrugged. "...Reading? Sunbathing? Being happy?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You know what I mean. Where is your bikini top?"

"Right here," she said, nodding to the garment lying next to the sunbed.

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a frustrated sound. "You know perfectly well what I meant, Pearl. Why are you lying here topless?"

Pearl sat up on the bed, as it was slowly becoming clear that Ryan had no intention of either joining her or going away and leaving her alone. "I wanted a proper tan."

"You know my feelings about sunbathing naked out here where the neighbours can see," he said as he folded his arms and glared down at her.

She shrugged. She didn't understand why he made such a big deal about this. "The fences are too high. They can't see anything. And besides, I'm not naked – I'm wearing bikini briefs, aren't I?"

He glanced down at the skimpy thong, before shaking his head. "Pearl, you aren't going to talk your way out of this. You broke one of my rules, and you know what I'm going to do know, don't you?"

Pearl pouted, glaring up at him. She knew perfectly well what he meant to do. Breaking one of Ryan's silly rules only had one outcome – a good, sound spanking, usually on her bare bottom.

She rose to her feet and started to stomp off to the bedroom, where her punishments usually took place, but he grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?"


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...