Sunday, 28 January 2024

Linda plants evidence (M/F story)

Linda smiled mischevously while sneaking through the changing room at the school's gymnasium. She quickly went through some of the jackets hanging there, and in Sophie's pocket, she found a pair of airpods. She glanced around to confirm that she was alone, and then placed them in Anna's bag. She then hurried out of the changing room before anyone noticed she had gone in there.

Lately, there had been a lot of arguing in the girls' changing room – insults thrown back and forth, a bit of scuffling, and some claimed that things had been stolen. Coach Henry, a tall, athletic man, had finally had enough of the 18- and 19-year-olds who couldn't act more maturely, so he'd finally announced that if they were going to act like children, he'd treat them accordingly, and that he'd take them over his knee and spank them if they didn't stop. The girls had giggled and treated it as a joke, so it came as a shock to them when he bought a small wooden paddle and hung it up in his office. This had led to a remarkable improvement in changing room behaviour; no one wanted to be the first girl to be spanked by the coach.

Linda really wanted to see one of the other girls get spanked – sobbing and squirming over the coach's lap while he thrashed them long and hard with his paddle – but chiefly she wanted to see it happen to Anna. Anna was a petite brunette with doe eyes and a cute bubble butt. Some weeks ago, Anna had sent some pictures of herself in her workout outfit to Linda's boyfriend. The tight, white shorts disappearing into her crack had been a particularly attractive sight, so Linda thought that a fitting punishment for this shameless flirting was that the same shorts were spanked by the coach – or that they were taken down, and the cheeky girl was spanked on the bare! That would be even better.

When she returned to class, Linda did her best to appear nonchalant, and not show that she was waiting for something. Luckily, no one had noticed that she'd been gone. The minutes slowly ticked away as she ran around in the gymnasium, but finally, class was over, and they returned to the changing rooms. Linda delibaretly didn't look too closely at Sophie when she checked her jacket pockets, furrowed her brows, and walked back out again.

After a few minutes, Henry entered. "Someone has just told me that a pair of earplugs were stolen here today. Does the guilty party wish to step forward, so we don't have to waste any more time on this?" The girls looked at each other, but no one said anything. After a few seconds, the coach sighed loudly. "Fine, then I'll have to search you. Backpacks first, then you'lll have to empty your pockets."

The search only lasted a few minutes. When he pulled the airpods out of Anna's backpack, she stared at them, her face pale. "Those – those aren't mine!"

"Yes, I know," Henry replied drily. "They belong to the girl you stole them from. I expected better of you, Anna."

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Linda peeks (M/F story)

Another story written for a certain naughty young lady I know.

"Come and look at this, Eileen," Linda said as she waved her friend over. The brunette Eileen looked at the dress that her blonde friend was holding. "Isn't this perfect for the party next weekend?"

Eileen shrugged. "It's very nice, but we've spent a lot of money already."

"You can afford it, can't you? Haven't you worked a lot of overtime lately? You have to spend that money, you know."

"Well… when you put it that way… it IS a really cute dress."

About two hours later, the two 19-year-olds came back to Eileen's apartment. "George, can you help us with these bags? There's quite a lot to carry," Eileen said to her boyfriend.

George raised an eyebrow as he looked at the pile of clothes. "Haven't we agreed that you should be spending less money on clothes?" he said with a sharp edge to his voice.

Eileen shrugged. "I've worked a lot of overtime lately…"

"…Because we were going on vacation next year, so we agreed it would be a good idea to start saving up," he continued. "Have you changed your mind? You should have told me."

She shook her head. "No, the Canary Islands sound really lovely, so we're definitely going."

"And how does that fit with going out and buying clothes – especially when your wardrobe is already full?" George folded his arms in front of his muscular chest, and furrowed his brow.

Linda grinned as she watched them. It was slightly funny to see her friend get scolded by her boyfriend – especially since it was partly Linda's fault.

Eileen placed her hands on her hips and scowled at George. "It's my money, and I do what I want with it."

"Do you want me to pay for the whole trip?" George asked sharply. Eileen shrugged, as if it didn't matter to her. George turned to Linda. "Linda, I think it's best that you go home. Eileen and I will be having a private conversation."

Linda turned to leave, but Eileen placed a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to go if you don't want to. There's not going to be any such conversation."

"Yes, there is," George said in a very strict voice, and Linda shivered. She thought it was best to disappear.

She'd gone a few hundred meters down the road when she suddenly remembered that she'd left her shopping bags behind. She turned and went back, but before she could ring the doorbell, she heard voices from inside.

"George, you cannot do this! Let go of me!"

"No chance, Eileen. You've behaved like a brat, and you're getting a spanking."

Linda's heart was beating so loudly in her chest that for a moment she feared that they would hear her. Was Eileen really getting a spanking? From nice, sweet George? It sounded unbelievable – and also terribly delicious to think about. She thought about opening the door and telling them she was there to pick up the bags; maybe he'd let her watch while he spanked Eileen! But she doubted it. He'd probably wait until she left again. But maybe he'd forgotten to close the curtains…

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Linda goes jogging (M/F story)

Written for a spankee of my acquaintance.

Linda smiled as she jogged down the track. It was a lovely spring day, the sun was shining, and the 19-year-old felt that this was the day she was going to beat her personal record. Another kilometer or two, and she'd stop – and the young blonde had moved faster than ever before.

As she continued to jog, she pulled out her phone to change the song. She'd heard this one far too often lately, so she quickly scrolled down to find something she hadn't heard in a while. Something by Pitbull, maybe? Unfortunately, she didn't look where she was going, so she suddenly crashed into something and fell back, her bottom slamming down on the hard track.

She sat there, rubbing her sore posterior, and glanced up at a tall, athletic man in his twenties who was looking sympathically at her. Just like Linda, he was dressed in running clothes. He'd stopped at the side of the track to drink water, and she had apparently jogged straight into him. "Are you OK?" he asked her kindly, and held out his hand to help her up.

Linda slapped his hand away, and stood up without his help. "I almost broke my record, and now I can't. It's your fault – you should apologize!" she said sulkingly.

The man raised an eyebrow. "So you run into me because you're staring at your phone, and you expect an apology from ME?"

Linda scowled at him. "You were in my way! If you're not running, you can get out of the way for the rest of us."

"I was on the side of the track, young lady," he pointed out, with a hint of irritation in his voice. It was clear he was not impressed by her tone. "And it was you who ran into me. It's clearly YOU who should apologize."

Linda stood with her hands on her hips and stared at the man. How did he dare to talk to her that way? "It's YOUR fault that I fell and hurt my butt, and don't pretend otherwise," she said, shoving him in the chest.

The man glared back, his gaze stern, and Linda took an involuntary step back. "I did not come here to argue with insolent girls, but if you don't watch your mouth, lttle miss, your butt will hurt a lot more – because I will take you across my knee and spank you."

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Country boy 2: The Woodshed (m/F story)

A sequel to Country boy.

It was now about a month since a boy in his late teens had taken my 32-year-old bottom over his knee, bared it, and spanked it soundly. I had been driving on a backwater road, with no food or water with me, and no map. When my phone's battery died, I lost the GPS that I'd relied on, and had no way to call for help. To make matters worse, I then got a flat tire. Crying my frustration to the heavens, I had proclaimed that I deserved a good, hard spanking – and Ken, who had been walking nearby, overheard. He fixed my tire, pointed me in the right direction, and spanked my backside, and I was grateful for all three actions.

And now, I was heading to his house, hoping that he'd spank me again.

Regular spankings had not been a part of my life since my boyfriend broke up with me half a year ago, and I missed it. I had long ago discovered that I was a woman who needed to sit gingerly from time to time, and I should never go too long without a burning backside. Being unspanked for long stretches of time just led to me acting foolishly. Therefore, I decided to look up Ken's address and visit the only person who had given my butt what it needed since my boyfriend left. Though he was inexperienced, he was also a quick learner, and an absolute natural at delivering spankings. I could have phoned ahead and told Ken I was coming, but I decided it would be much more fun if I didn't.

It was about six in the afternoon when I spotted the lonely house. As I drove closer, I spotted a tall, strong woman in her forties who was sitting on the porch. I realized it was Ken's mother, as she had the same blue eyes – and the fact that they lived in the same house was another obvious hint. As I introduced myself, I spotted Ken exiting the house behind her. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Hello, I'm Christine," I told the woman as I shook her hand. "A month or so ago, I had a flat tire near here, and Ken was kind enough to give me a hand when and where I needed it the most." Standing next to his mother, he raised an eyebrow at my little joke, but made no comment. "I was driving through the area now, and realized that I hadn't thanked him properly, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to do it now."

Ken's mother, whose name turned out to be Margaret, smiled at me with a typical mother's pride at hearing her beloved son praised. We chatted for a while, and Margaret asked me to join them for some coffee. As she went inside to prepare a pot, I was left alone with Ken. I grinned at him, but he glared back.

"You should have told me you were coming," he scolded.

"I know," I said in an impish tone of voice, sticking my tongue out at him. "What are you going to do about it?"


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...