Due to a hectic real-life schedule, and a minor throat infection, there will be no story this week or next. I plan to upload my next story during Easter, two weeks from now, if time and health permit.
Saturday, 16 March 2024
Brief hiatus
Sunday, 10 March 2024
Paperwork (M/F story)
In the bedroom, however, her tastes were rather different. She liked to let her stress and responsibilities fade away, and find some strong, dominant man to whom she could really reveal her submissive side. While she greatly enjoyed these little sessions, which left her sore-bottomed, sobbing, and satisfied, she always made sure to keep the two parts of her life completely separate, and had never been tempted to mix business with pleasure.
That is, until she noticed Jacob.
Jacob Shepherd was one of her employees – a tall, handsome man with a charming smile and an athletic build, so it was not hard to notice him. However, it was his personality that made an impression on her. Jacob had a bit of a dominant streak, and he was the first to take charge if he noticed something that needed to be done. He often counselled interns and new employees, giving them guidance and advice, and when they erred, he was strict, but fair.
At one point, Jacob had taken one of the interns aside to scold her in private for some silly mistake she'd made. Carol had wandered past, and deciding to hide and listen, she'd heard the whole speech with a grin on her face, imagining herself as the subject of his displeasure. She pictured him frowning at her with those clear, blue eyes, his deep voice lecturing her about her misdeeds.
In her mind, he would undress her verbally – and then physically. With her skirt raised and her panties lowered, Carol would be taken over his knee, where he would show his displeasure with a firm spanking on her bare bottom. She would squirm and plead for mercy, but he would not relent, ignoring her pleas and protests as he blistered her bottom. Finally, once he was satisfied that she was truly sorry, he would end the spanking and let her stand up. However, he wouldn't let her rub her burning bottom – he'd slap her hands away and tell her to stand with her nose in the corner and think about what she'd done. Meekly, she'd obey, standing on display with her hands on her head. Then, he'd take her in his strong, safe arms, comfort her, caress her, and then place her down on her own desk and ravish her until sunrise.
Waking up from her daydream, Carol discovered she was dripping wet. Hurrying to the bathroom to find some much-needed privacy, her experienced fingers began to give her relief.
Sunday, 3 March 2024
The college flatmates (M/F story)
"Lane's here," Jackie told her college flatmate when the doorbell rang. She kept absent-mindedly toying with a lock of her long, red hair. "We are going to hang out in my room and listen to music. Hope you don't mind?"
"Go ahead," Cassie said, sipping her cup of tea. "I have to work on an assignment anyway – we're handing it in tomorrow. Have fun." The skinny, dark-haired goth smiled as Jackie bounced off to greet her tall, handsome boyfriend. There was only the slightest blush in Jackie's cheeks that revealed she wasn't telling the truth, but Cassie was not fooled – and the lascivious way that Lane looked as his girlfriend as they disappeared into the sanctuary of her bedroom was another strong clue.
For the first month or so after moving in, Cassie had obviously assumed that the couple were having sex whenever Lane came over, and she didn't understand why they needed to come up with excuses and play excessively loud music to drown out any noise. They were all adults, the two were in love and dating each other – why did they have to pretend?
A few weeks, however, she'd found the missing piece of the puzzle. They weren't having sex – or at least, not JUST doing that. And now, she knew why they were so eager to drown out the noise.
As the sounds of Sabaton rang out in the quiet apartment, Cassie gave the amorous couple a few minutes to get sorted before sneaking up to the door. It wasn't necessary for her to tiptoe – she could have marched over there in army boots, and they wouldn't have heard a thing – but she did it anyway, because she felt it was appropriate.
Kneeling down, she placed her eye to the keyhole. Lane was sitting on Jackie's bed with something almost resembling a scowl on his face, lecturing his girlfriend, though through the door, Cassie obviously couldn't hear a word that was being said over the music. Jackie was standing in front of him, fidgeting slightly in a passable impression of a naughty girl pretending to be sorry for whatever she'd done.
After a few minutes, Lane reached forward, grabbing his girlfriend's hand. The young woman was dragged over her boyfriend's knee with only token efforts to resist. With her head and torso resting on the bed and her long legs touching the floor, Jackie's bottom was centred over her boyfriend's lap. With unconcealed joy, he lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing a pair of black satin panties, and began to caress her bottom. Then, he lifted his hand high in the air.
I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...
"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at...
Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger...