Sunday 13 October 2024

The haunted graveyard (M/F story)

Nicki did her best to hide her trembling as she entered the old, overgrown graveyard. She did not think anyone was watching her, but if any of her classmates were hiding in the bushes, they'd see a brave woman going off to laugh in the face of fear.

The cemetery in the woods near the college had a lot of stories attached to it. Some of the students liked to hang out there for short, private make-out sessions between classes, or heavier activities after the end of the school day. But even the darkest of the goths cleared out before midnight – there were rumours that the place was haunted.

Well, Nicki did not believe those rumours, and she'd done little to hide her disdain for the people who spread them. Finally, some of her classmates had challenged her: if she could spend the night in the graveyard, she would not have to buy another drink for the rest of the semester. If she got scared and ran away, she would have to pay for the girls' rounds for the next month. Nicki had accepted the offer without hesitation.

Of course, it's easy to scoff at ghost stories when you're standing in a bright college hallway in the middle of the day. When you're wandering around an ancient, isolated graveyard shortly before midnight, it's a lot harder. And even if there weren't any ghosts, there could be wild animals in places like these – or maybe even more human dangers. A college girl alone at night could be viewed as easy prey, and she began to wonder if she'd rather encounter a bear…

She started at something that might have been the sound of a twig snapping. Was there something out there?

She shook her head, doing her best to dislodge those thoughts. That kind of speculation would only worry her unnecessarily, and she would prefer to focus on all those beers the other girls would be buying for her.

She sat down on the ground, resting her back against a tombstone that was too old and worn to read, and took the book out of the pocket. It was a collection of Poe stories, which she'd decided seemed appropriate in the circumstances. If she was going to spend the night here, she didn't want to be bored. She'd brought a lantern to read by – it was easier than holding a flashlight, and also more fitting.

As she started to read, she glanced at her watch, noticing that midnight had arrived. "Well, then, ghosts. Do your worst!" she declared boldly into the night.

"As you wish," a chilling voice whispered in her ear.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Halloween in the cemetery (M/F story)

It was Halloween, midnight was only half an hour away, and Zoe was wandering around in the town's old graveyard. Goosebumps rose on her arm as she glanced at the nearby tombstones. Just a few more minutes, and the most magical time of the most magical night of the year would be here. She could wander around in this spooky atmosphere for –

A hand landed on her shoulder, and she screeched in terror. Oh no! The monsters had got her!

She spun around, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw it was just her boyfriend Thomas.

"Are you really still here, Zoe?" Thomas sounded tired. She nodded eagerly. "What exactly is it you hope will happen?"

"I'll catch a glimpse of some ghastly ghosts and ghoulies," she whispered breathlessly. "And goblins! And… other things beginning with G, probably."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're twenty-three. Aren't you too old for this sort of thing?"

"I'll never be too old for ghoulies," she said, pouting, before folding her arms in front of her chest and glaring at him. Why did he always try to ruin her fun with things like logic?

"Well, I don't want you out here all night. You have classes tomorrow, remember?"

"I'll skip them," she said breezily.

"Oh really?" he said with a stern look that made her backside tingle unpleasantly.

"Eh… I mean… " Zoe quickly backtracked. When Thomas had that expression on his face, it usually meant she would end up with a sore bottom unless she treaded carefully. "I'll DEFINITELY go to my classes tomorrow. I won't up be THAT late." She could tell that he was wavering, and quickly pressed her advantage. "Come on, Thomas. It's only Halloween once a year, right?"

He thought about it. "Well. We can stay here half an hour, but we go home at midnight. You need to go to bed soon, or you'll fall asleep in class again."

She pouted. "But midnight is when it all begins! We have to stay here at least until one o'clock – the full midnight hour!"

"We leave at midnight," he repeated, once again using his stern voice. "This is not up for discussion, Zoe."

"As you wish," she said sweetly, smiling at him. She was sure that once midnight arrived, he'd see her point of view. It would be cruel to take her home just when the magic begun, wouldn't it?

Thursday 3 October 2024

October stories

 I've decided to have another theme month this October - for the spooky season, all four stories I upload this month will feature ghosts and/or graveyards. One will be a stand-alone story, one will feature characters from previous stories, and the fourth story will be a sequel to the third.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Academy rivals 2 (M/F story)

It was Friday evening, and Xavier was getting ready for his wilderness trial. He would be blindfolded, dropped at a seemingly random spot in the woods at a certain distance from the Academy, and have to find his way back. It was well-known that Xavier was the most talented of the students, so a small crowd had gathered to watch him leave. Among them was Nova, who had decided to replace her usual uniform trousers with a loose-fitting skirt. After all, it was only a few hours since Xavier had put her across his knee and spanked her bare bottom soundly for trying to cheat by messing with his supplies, and her butt was still far too sore for the tight garment. She also wasn't wearing panties, but fortunately, it was not a windy day, so hopefully, no one would know. At least enough time had passed that no one could see that she'd cried – not that anyone paid her any attention anyway.

As Xavier prepared to leave with the instructors, he suddenly turned to Nova, waving her over. Surprised by this move, she stared at him, wondering what he was planning now. He had a sadistic streak, which was one of the things she loved about him, and she was curious what he'd do to humiliate her now. As she walked forward, she could feel the other staring at her as if noticing her for the first time, which was probably true for most of them. They clearly wondered who she was, and why Xavier was paying her any attention.

When she came close enough, Xavier grabbed her shirt, pulled her forward, and kissed her passionately. Her eyes widened, but she quickly closed them, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers. "For luck," he explained, and as he left, he gave her a gentle pat on the backside – though due to the severe spanking he'd given her, it still stung quite a bit.

Once Xavier was gone, she noticed the crowd staring more than ever. She was a nobody, yet Xavier had clearly claimed her as his in front of the crowd. Who was she?

Nova talked to more of her fellow students over the next hour than she'd done in the six months previously.

Late Saturday evening, Xavier returned to the Academy. Apart from the instructors, Nova was the only one waiting for him, as most believed that even he wouldn't be back until morning. Once the instructors had registered his arrival, they left, and Nova and Xavier found themselves alone.

"29 hours," he said. "Not bad. I believe the previous best time was 34?" he asked, as if he wasn't sure. Obviously, he hadn't forgotten, since his memory was perfect.

"It was," she pouted. The previous record had been hers. As expected, he hadn't just broken her record – he'd smashed it. Like he always did.

"No pouting, young lady, or I'll give you something to cry about," he scolded, before kissing her. She blushed and smiled at him, both from the kiss and from the threat.

"You know, Sable was heartbroken when we locked lips," she told him, her face displaying no small amount of satisfaction. Sable was the popular, attractive girl who'd flirted with him.

He frowned. "I should have anticipated that. She didn't give you any trouble, did she? I'll have to –"

"It was fine," she assured him. "But thank you for worrying. Hartley did his best to comfort her. I think they might be dating now."

He grinned. "Oh? Those two might be good for each other." Suddenly, he reached his hand up under her skirt, causing her to flinch and blush. She glanced around, but fortunately, no one was around. "Tut, tut. Still not wearing panties? I'll have to punish you for that on Friday, you know."

She stared meekly at the floor, hoping he hadn't seen the smile on her face.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Academy rivals (M/F story)

Nova glared at Xavier, who was sitting opposite her in the canteen, but he seemed not to notice.  The Academy's students, all in their late teens or early twenties, were some of the brightest minds of their generation, but out of all of them, Xavier was universally considered the best. Unfortunately, he was well aware. Tall, attractive, intelligent, charismatic, and incredibly pleased about all of it. Every time she saw her classmate’s smug grin, she wanted to punch him in the face.

Sable, one of the popular girls in class, was sitting next to him at the lunch table, batting her eyelashes as she asked him to explain one of his theories one more time. Nova felt like puking.

"Is it Monday you're starting your wilderness test? Or Tuesday?" Sable asked him at one point.

"Tonight, actually – not the way I would have preferred to spend my Friday, but at least I'll get it over with." The wilderness test was one of the Academy's more interesting trials. You were dropped at some seemingly random point in the nearby woods with a few supplies and had to find your way back. Navigation was the tricky part, and there was a competition to see who would make it back in the shortest time. Obviously, while the drop-off points were somewhat randomized, the distances were always the same, and the terrain not noticeably more difficult from one student to the next.

"Who's got the best time so far?" said Hartley, one of Xavier's friends. A handsome man, and far from stupid, but without Xavier's drive to excellence. "Does anyone know?"

"Me," Nova replied. The others looked at her as if suddenly noticing she was there. She could feel herself beginning to blush at the unaccustomed attention, and she did her best to fight it back.

"Well done… Nova," Xavier said, pausing as if trying to remember her name. She knew he had an excellent memory, so he was just being a jerk as usual. "How long?"

"34 hours," she replied, trying to sound like she didn’t think it was a big deal.

"Very good." Somehow, his grin grew smugger. "Let's see if I can do better." It was clear that he had no doubt he could – and everyone else would agree.

Having lost her appetite, Nova left the canteen. No one seemed to notice.

As Nova wandered down the hallways, an impish idea came to her. Xavier was not the kind of person who made his preparations last-minute – he had definitely packed his supplies already, and he had checked and double-checked that everything was there. But he probably wouldn't triple-check, would he? Not even Xavier was that obsessive. So, if some of his things were to mysteriously disappear from his pack, he'd probably have to try a little bit harder than usual.

Nova knew how to open the lock on his door – she'd messed with his notes before, on occasions when she’d been particularly annoyed with him. She made her way to his rooms, quickly picking the lock before anyone saw her. As she entered, she was once again irked by just how clean and tidy his quarters were. No one could live like that, could they?

She found his supplies. As expected, everything was packed and ready, stowed away in its right place in the backpack. She wondered what she should remove. Losing his knife could certainly be annoying. Should she take one of the food packs, forcing him to either forage or go hungry? She definitely wouldn't mess with the water – that was a bridge too far. There were probably some matchsticks that –

"Looking for something?" a cold voice said. She spun around and saw Xavier standing in the doorway, glaring at her. "I came to pick up a book that Sable wanted to borrow. I wasn't expecting to find a saboteur."

Nova tried to think of something to say, but she came up empty. She wondered if she could run past him, but he was probably too quick for her to manage that. He must have guessed what she was pondering, for he looked the door behind him, placing the key in his pocket. Her heart beat faster as she realized that there was no way out. She was locked in a small room with a very stern-looking man who was a head taller than her, and twice as strong. "I was just – " What? What should see say she was doing here? Looking for the bathroom? In his backpack?

"You were just stealing my supplies, hoping I wouldn't beat your score." He shook his head. "I knew you didn't like me – I've noticed you staring daggers – but I didn't think you'd stoop this low."

For some silly reason, her heart skipped a beat. He'd noticed her? "That's not – I wasn't –"

"Breaking into my quarters and stealing my notes is one thing," he scolded. "I don't really care – that's just cute." She blushed, both because he'd known about her pettiness and because he'd called her 'cute'. Or at least her actions, but that was close enough. "But this is serious, Nova."

"Oh? Suddenly you remember my name?" she snapped. She knew that riling him up right now was a terrible idea, but she couldn't help herself.

For a second, Xavier just stared, shocked at her audacity. He looked so silly standing there with his mouth open that she couldn't suppress a giggle. Collecting himself, he shook his head in disappointment. "This is not a laughing matter, Nova. You're about to face some consequences for your actions." He moved toward her, the look on his face making her step backwards to keep her distance, until she stood with her back to the wall, trapped and defenceless. He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her forwards.

In her mind's eye, she could see herself being dragged to the office, where he'd tell the administration about what she'd done. Breaking into another student's quarters was bad enough, but messing with his supplies before the wilderness trial? She'd be expelled, for sure. She pictured her entire career collapsing before her eyes, and she had to hold back a tear. She'd been so stupid!

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't notice him moving her towards the couch and sitting down. She only woke from her stupor when he jerked her forward, pulling her over his lap. As she stared down at the stylish, recently-cleaned carpet, she felt his right arm circling her slim waist and his left hand gently patting the seat of her uniform trousers. Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized what was happening.

Xavier was going to spank her.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Approaching the head boy (m/f story)

Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger pupils with a mere glance. He found it silly how effective a stupid little badge was to get people to listen to you, but it worked, so he'd decided not to question it.

Suddenly, he saw one of his classmates walking towards him. Yvette was a tall, skinny girl with long, dark hair, usually seen with a scowl on her attractive face. As she approached, she held out a small, pink slip of paper in his direction. "Here," she said, scowling even more than usual.

"What is this?" he asked, making no motion to take the paper.

"Miss Teller gave me a punishment slip," she said, unable to hide her blush. "She caught me smoking behind the gym."

He raised an eyebrow. "I see. And what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Deal with it and sign it, obviously," she said, rolling her eyes. "You're the head boy, aren't you?"
His eyes widened as Luther realized what she was asking of him. For punishment slips, a teacher had to select and perform a suitable punishment, then sign the paper to record that justice had been carried out. As head boy, he was technically entitled to administer corporal punishments in these cases, but that rule was old, rarely enforced, and was clearly meant to be used on the younger pupils. Though now that he thought about it, Luther realized that nothing in the rules would prevent him from punishing his classmates. He guessed that this was a possibility that hadn’t been considered.

But why in the world would Yvette prefer a spanking from a boy her own age, rather than being punished by a teacher? Being over the knee of a classmate sounded absolutely humiliating. "Why me?" he asked, still not taking the paper she held out to him.

"You were nearby, and I want to get it over with," she said. "Now, are you going to take it and help me?"

Luther was about to tell her to go away and bother someone else, but her rudeness was getting on his nerves, and he now had the authority to put her across his knee and smack her bottom. The idea of putting the brat in her place had a certain appeal. Besides, he'd noticed in their gym classes that Yvette had a very cute bottom, and he shouldn't so quickly decline the opportunity to get his hands on it. And she couldn't complain about what he was about to do to her – in fact, she'd literally asked for it!

He took the slip from her hand, tutting disapprovingly. "Smoking on school grounds? This is very serious, young lady. I think you need a trip to the punishment room," he said, doing his best to sound stern.

She sighed. "You're such a dork," she said, but made no effort to resist as he led her away.

Sunday 8 September 2024

The mountain lake (M/F story)

Lana swam leisurely in the crystal water of the beautiful mountain lake, smiling euphorically. It had been a blisteringly hot summer day, and while the sun was setting now, it was still warm in the air, so the cold lake-water felt blissfully cool against her naked skin.

Floating on her back to let the last rays of the sun caress her body, she closed her eyes, savouring the moment. It was a lovely evening to follow a wonderful day. And if she was correct, it wasn't over yet.

"Skinny-dipping? Really?" a voice commented drily.

Her eyes shot open, and she turned to the shore, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw her boyfriend standing there. He'd taken off his shirt on the long hike to reach the lake, and she took a moment to appreciate the sight of his muscled torso. Justin was an attractive man, and in her opinion, he didn't walk around shirtless nearly as often as he should. "I see you got my message." She'd asked him to meet her at her favourite lake at sundown, which she thought would be fittingly romantic.

"I've told you several times to stop swimming nude," he said sternly, folding his arms in front of his chest – which she found inconsiderate, as she wasn't done looking. "What if someone sees you?" he lectured.

She pouted. Why did he have to be so mean? Couldn't he enjoy the moment? She was quite sure that a lot of men would appreciate finding their girlfriend unexpectedly naked. "No one is going to come here, particularly at this time of night." She gave him an alluring look. "We can do whatever we want up here."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"That's right," she grinned. "Why don't you take off those clothes and join me?"

"I have a better idea," he said, sitting on a large rock near the lake. "Come here."

Lana didn't really want to leave the water, but it seemed like Justin had something in mind, and she was eager to find out what exactly his wicked mind had thought of now. She rose out of the lake, the water dripping of her naked form, and sauntered sexily towards her boyfriend, doing her best to make sure he enjoyed the sight.

He smiled. "Do you know what seeing you like this makes me want to do?"

She giggled, licking her lips seductively. "No. Why don't you tell me?"

"Why don't I show you instead?" She liked the sound of that.

She was near enough now for him to reach out and touch her, and he did – he grabbed her arm and jerked her towards him, pulling her over his knee.

Feeling quite disoriented by this sudden move, Lana had no idea what was going on or why he had done this. Why had he pulled her forward? For what reason did he want her to lie face-down over his lap? The firm slaps that struck her naked bottom came as a complete surprise to her, but she quickly figured out what was going on.

"Ow! Justin, that hurts!" she complained. "This isn't sexy at all!"

"It's not supposed to be," he said in a stern voice as he continued to spank her. "Lana, I've told you multiple times that I don't want you skinny-dipping in public all alone." He delivered a set of extra-hard spanks that had her yelping. "Talking to you doesn't seem to have helped, so maybe THIS will."

Sunday 1 September 2024

The school cleaner (f/f, ff/F story)

It was a lovely Friday afternoon, the end of the third week of my new job as a cleaning lady at the local girls' school. It was the end of the school day, so I wasn't surprised to walk past an ajar door where lights were still on – it could be a teacher working late, or a class that stayed on longer than usual, or even some pupils in detention. I did not expect, however, to hear a voice say, rather strictly, "Can you give me a single reason why you should not get a good, hard spanking, young lady?" Even more surprising, it sounded like the voice belonged to a teenager. Unable to quell my curiosity, I tiptoed over to the door and peeked inside.

I spotted two uniformed schoolgirls: A tall one with long, blonde hair, wearing the head girl badge, had her hands on her hips and was glaring down at the miscreant sitting in front of her – a petite redhead, wringing her hands nervously while staring at the floor, unable to think of anything to say. The head girl continued to lecture her, and I soon picked up that the redhead's name was Michelle, that she had been caught smoking, and that they were in the same class; the latter fact was mildly surprising, as the head girl looked older, not only because of her height, but also because Michelle was wearing pigtails, which made her look younger than her eighteen years. The fact that only one of them was about to go over the knee for a sound spanking was perhaps another sign of maturity. The head girl had kindly decided to punish the girl at the end of the day, so she wouldn't have to risk being overheard by her classmates – and wouldn't have to sit down in class on a sore bottom.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I knew that the school rules permitted the use of corporal punishment, regardless of the age of the pupil, and that head girls were also authorized to dole out spankings when needed. But I had assumed it was some old, no-longer-practiced rule that had just never been repealed – I didn't imagine that it was still happening. And to think that these girls could not only spank younger pupils, but their classmates, was more than I could fathom.

At this point, the best thing to do would probably be to close the door and continue my work. I was far too curious, however. I had never been spanked growing up, and had never seen anyone receive a spanking. There was something fascinating about the whole affair, and if I walked away now, I didn't think I would be able to forgive myself. In the battle between fascination and propriety, fascination easily won out, so I remained at the door and continued to watch and listen.

"I am disappointed in you, Michelle. You're usually so well-behaved! Those girls are a bad influence on you, and you shouldn't hang out with them."

Michelle looked close to tears already. "Please, Haley, do you have to spank me? Isn't there anything else we can do?"

The head girl shrugged. "I can send you to the headmistress for a caning, if you'd prefer that."

The girl turned pale. "No! Please! I'll take the spanking."

Haley nodded. "I suspected as much. Very well, then. Fetch the chair."

Michelle rose on shaking legs, walking over to a straight-backed, armless wooden chair resting against the wall. She picked it up and carried it to the middle of the floor, where the head girl would have plenty of space to swing her arm, while the miscreant could kick her legs with no risk of damaging the furniture. The chair was placed facing me, so I would have an excellent view of the proceedings, which I thought was very considerate of them.

Haley sat down and crooked her finger, then pointed to the floor. When Michelle moved to stand in front of her, Haley raised the girl's skirt. "Hold this," she said, handing Michelle the hem of her own skirt. The girl obeyed, and Haley placed her fingers in the waistband of Michelle's white cotton knickers. With cold efficiency, as if she'd done this a hundred times before, she pulled the girl's panties down to her knees, leaving her standing there on display. Michelle blushed, but she didn't protest – she probably realized it wouldn't help her.

Haley patted her lap, and the girl bent over her knee, her pale cheeks quivering slightly as she waited for the first smack to land. Haley, however, seemingly intended to drag things out. She started to gently rub the girl's bottom, watching the goosebumps forming on the pale skin. "You have been a very naughty girl, Michelle. I hope you are ready to face the consequences."

"Yes, Miss Haley," Michelle replied meekly.

The head girl continued to stroke her softly, before suddenly lifting her hand and delivering a firm smack that rang out in the quiet room. I jumped at the sound, and from the yelp that escaped Michelle's lips, it was just as painful as it sounded. Haley continued to spank her, rapidly delivering two dozen equally-firm spanks.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Learning from Sheila (F/F story)

The first time I met Sheila Page, my little sister Lucy's new friend, she had my sister draped over her lap as she spanked her bare bottom.

I had come to Lucy's flat to deliver a jacket that my sister wanted to borrow for an upcoming party – one of the last big parties before they left high school. I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a reply, as was our usual style. Hearing some curious smacking sound, I entered the living room, where Sheila was sitting on the sofa. Lucy was lying down, with her skirt raised and her panties lowered, her naked bottom was resting on Sheila's lap, and Sheila was spanking her soundly with a surprisingly calm expression on her face. I gaped – what the hell was going on?

Sheila must have heard me enter, for she looked up and gave me a big smile. "Oh. You must be Kate, right? Lucy's older sister? How lovely to finally meet you. Please sit down – we are almost finished."

I was still staring at her in shock. I was stuck between leaving immediately to give Lucy some privacy in this humiliating situation, wrestling Sheila to the ground to save my poor baby sister, or just waiting for the whole thing to be over. I looked at Lucy, who had also turned to face me. Her face was wet with tears, and there was an embarrassed look on her face at having her punishment witnessed, but nothing about her expression suggested that she wanted me to rush to her aid. In the end, I decided to do as Sheila suggested, and I sat down in the nearest comfy chair.

For two or three minutes, I watched Sheila's hand rise and fall as she struck my sister's red bottom. Lucy squirmed and yelped, but she didn't protest or try to struggle free. It was surreal – why was this happening? Why had an eighteen-year-old girl taken another across her knee and bared her bottom for a spanking?

With a final flurry of smacks, Sheila ended the punishment. She helped Lucy stand up and hugged her, soothingly rubbing her back as the poor girl dried her tears. "Usually, you'd be spending a few minutes in the corner right now, but since your sister is here, I'll let you off just this once."

Lucy smiled gratefully, returning the hug. "Thanks, Sheila. You're always so kind."

I raised an eyebrow. If someone had spanked my bare bottom until it was red and swollen, I was fairly sure I wouldn't be describing them as 'kind'. Or maybe I would – I would presumably be doing anything I could think of to placate the violent madwoman – but Lucy sounded as if she meant it.

We all sat down and chatted, and the girls were talking about which colleges they were hoping to get into, what they were planning to do with the summer, and which films they were going to see, all while ignoring the fact that one of them was squirming in her seat, trying in vain to find a position that wasn't quite as uncomfortable as all the others.

After a while, Sheila told us she had to go if she wanted to reach the store before it closed. When we were finally alone, I turned towards my sister. "OK, want to explain what the hell that was all about?" She raised an eyebrow, wondering what I meant, so I clarified. "You were over your friend's knee getting your little tushy spanked."

Sunday 18 August 2024

Midnight snack (M/F story)

 It was well past midnight, and Leah was standing in the kitchen with a tub of ice cream in her hand, licking the spoon with a blissful expression on her face. She was wearing a pair of thin, worn sweatpants and an old top, and the state of her hair suggested that she'd just left her bed – which was in fact the case.

A voice came from the doorway. "You know, I bought that tub of ice cream because we have guests coming tomorrow." She looked over at her boyfriend, who was wearing an expression of mock sternness, as well as a pair of pyjama bottoms. Matt liked to sleep shirtless, which Leah heartily approved of. There was nothing quite like falling asleep while resting her head on his muscular chest.

"I woke up and wanted a midnight snack," Leah said, still licking the spoon. "This was at the top of the fridge."

"Now I'll have to go shopping again tomorrow before they arrive," he said, with just the slightest hint of annoyance.

"Oh, how sad," she giggled. "I'm sorry I was so naughty," she said, while managing to sound like she didn't mean a word of it.

He folded his arms in front of his chest, still trying to stare sternly at her.

"Yes, I've been such a bad girl, haven't I?. I'm lucky you're a forgiving boyfriend, or I might get a spanking for my mischief!" For emphasis, she turned her back towards him, giving her butt a saucy little wiggle.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" She smiled innocently as he stepped towards her. "Is that what you want? I can take a hint, you know," he said as he took the spoon and ice cream tub from her, placing them on the counter.

"Can you?" Leah said, affecting a shocked tone. Lately, her signals had become steadily more transparent, and she was beginning to wonder if she'd have to write "Spank me" on her forehead with lipstick before he caught on. Or maybe she should have written it on her bottom instead.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Esmeralda (M/F story)

Esmeralda's parents were going out of town for a few weeks. Due to the wild parties the teenager had thrown the last times she'd been left unsupervised, they didn't want her to be home alone, so she'd been sent to stay with her older sister and her husband. Esmeralda's assurances that she was an adult now, and far more mature, fell on deaf ears, not helped by the whiny voice and petulant pout that accompanied her tirade.

She'd been staying with Marion and Gabriel for a week now, and things were not going great. Marion and Esmeralda had never been friends, and the sisters had preferred to stay out of each other's way growing up, which was easy due to the ten-year age difference. But now, Marion was responsible for her little sister's conduct, and she took that duty seriously. The nagging could at times be unbearable. Gabriel was more easy-going and treated her kindly, but she'd been warned that he could be stern when pushed – which she found hard to believe. Gabriel was a pussycat, and she intended to wrap him around her finger.

One Saturday, one of Esmeralda's friends was throwing a big party, and she asked nicely if she could borrow their car – she had her license, she just couldn't afford a vehicle yet. Marion refused, saying that they didn't want her to be driving so late at night in an unfamiliar car, especially when she was such a fresh driver. Esmeralda immediately went to her brother-in-law, who proved to be surprisingly unyielding, even when she batted her eyelashes and tried to look pitiful.

But that was OK. They were both heavy sleepers, and she knew where they kept the keys.

It was early in the morning by the time Esmeralda returned. She was slightly tipsy, ready for bed, and grinning like a madwoman. Wow, what a car! She decided she'd have to borrow that some other time – speeding down a mountain road with her friends sounded like an excellent way to spend the afternoon.

It was only when she opened the door that Esmeralda realized that her hosts were not as heavy sleepers as she had believed. Gabriel was standing in the living room, an irate look on his face, and Marion was glaring at her from the sofa. Esmeralda mentally prepared for the usual lecture as she entered.

"You're finally back," Gabriel said, his voice stern. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" So, it would be her soft brother-in-law in charge of the scolding. She was mildly surprised.

"I'm sorry," she said, batting her eyelashes again. Hopefully, it would work better this time. "I lost track of time."

"Have you been drinking!?" he said, stepping closer to smell her breath.

"Well, duh. It was a party," she responded before she could stop herself.

He shook her head, his anger clearly rising. "You sneak out of bed, you steal our car –"


"STEAL," he repeated. "You asked to borrow it, we said no, and you took it anyway. That's stealing. You steal our car, drive home drunk, and then have an attitude about it?" He picked up a straight-backed wooden chair leaning against the wall, placing it in the middle of the floor before sitting down. She wondered what he was doing. If he was so tired from standing there lecturing her – which was understandable, as she was quite tired too – then why didn't he sit down next to his wife on the sofa? He patted his knee. "Come here."

"I'm too old to sit on your lap," she said as she rolled her eyes. Why was he being so silly tonight? Couldn't he see that she wanted to go to bed?

"Oh, you won't be doing much sitting," Gabriel said ominously. Marion gave her an evil grin, suggesting that she knew something that her sister did not. "Now, come here," he repeated.

Sighing, Esmeralda approached him. When she came close, he suddenly grabbed her arm, and with a jerk, she was pulled forward, tumbling over his lap. Facing the floor with her bottom in the air, she suddenly felt him raise the hem of her skirt. "Hey! What are you doing?" she protested. Why the hell was her brother-in-law undressing her?

A sudden slap on the seat of her panties made her gasp. It was only when the second, third, and fourth smacks followed that her drunk mind began to grasp what was happening. "Ow! You're spanking me!"

"Oh, you figured that out already?" Gabriel said drily as his hand continued to smack her backside.

The haunted graveyard (M/F story)

Nicki did her best to hide her trembling as she entered the old, overgrown graveyard. She did not think anyone was watching her, but if any ...