Sunday, 20 June 2021

The imaginary mosquito (F/F story)

It was late night. Me and my best friend Chrissy had been at a party, and I'd agreed to come back to her place, where we'd probably listen to music until we fell asleep in her room. This was what usually happened after a long party.
I was wearing my dress from the party, a green cotton dress that I felt accentuated my curves. I'd certainly gotten more than a few looks at the party. Chrissy was wearing her Nightwish t-shirt, but she had discarded her jeans due to the warmth. Every time she stretched herself or raised her arms as she walked around the room, the hem of the t-shirt would rise up and reveal her pink, skimpy panties. I watched the material stretch snugly across her bubble butt and was filled with a desire to spank that gorgeous bottom.
This was still a fairly new experience for me. I'd never really had those kinds of thoughts about other girls, and definitely not about my best friend, but for some reason, I had an overwhelming urge to put her across my knee and spank her bottom. Maybe I was worried about the direction her life was taking and wanted to introduce some discipline to her life, I tried to tell myself. Yes, that was it. I was only concerned for her, her future, and her supple backside.
Chrissy was looking for a particular CD she'd recently picked up, but she didn't seem to have any idea where it was. A thought seemed to strike her, and she got on her hands and knees on the bed to look behind it. "Maybe it fell down here last night," I think she said. I wasn't paying much attention to her words, since she was presenting a very appealing sight, on her hands and knees and jutting her rear in my direction. Once again, my palm began to itch with desire to smack those round cheeks.
An idea appeared in my head, and in my alcohol-addled state, it sounded like the best idea in the history of the world.
"Stay still," I told her. "There's a mosquito on you."
She froze in position. "Where?"
"On your butt. Stay still," I repeated. I approached her and gave her left cheek a firm smack. My palm tingled in a wonderful way. "Darn, it moved. Stay still." This time, I slapped her right cheek. "It moved again."
I sat down on the bed and wrapped my left arm around her waist to hold her in place as my right hand slapped her bottom. Her cheeks bounced under my hand, and she gasped and moaned. It was everything I had ever imagined and more.
In hindsight, I can't believe she fell for it, but she remained in place and didn't complain as I chased the imaginary mosquito around on her rear end. High and low, left cheek and right cheek, then down to her sit spots for a while. After a few minutes, her butt was getting slightly pink, and I decided that it was time to call it quits. She might have some harsh questions for me when she sobered up, and it wasn't worth it to push my luck.
"Darn," I said, sounding disappointed as I let go of her waist. "It flew away."
But Chrissy didn't rise up as I had imagined. She remained in position, biting her lip in deep thought.
"Are you sure?" she said after a while.
"Are you sure it flew away? You should keep smacking me – uh, I mean it." She wriggled her rear slightly. "Just to be sure."
For a few seconds, my mouth felt dry as a desert. I grinned down at my best friend. "You bad, bad girl. You want a spanking, do you? Well, I'm happy to oblige."
She squealed as I grabbed her and placed her over my knee, but she didn't resist, not even when I grabbed the waistband of her panties and lowered them to her knees.
"Bad girls get good spankings," I said, trying my best to sound stern. I think the giggling ruined the effect. My hand roved across her bare bottom, delivering a few firm smacks, then gently rubbing the sting away before continuing the spanking.
I have no idea how long I had that wriggling, moaning girl across my lap as I gently spanked her, but finally, the late hour and the alcohol took its toll, and we fell asleep cuddling each other. She still had her panties around her ankles, and my right hand was gently rubbing her rear as sleep overtook us.
I knew that our relationship had changed, and that we would have to have a frank discussion about the way forward, but that was a discussion for tomorrow.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...