Saturday, 5 June 2021

The new neighbour (F/M story)

 As Sara sat down on the porch of her new house, she smiled up at her neighbour as he opened a bottle of wine. She'd spent the day moving in with the assistance of her new neighbours, and the group had spent a few hours afterwards, sitting outside, watching the setting sun. They'd all gone home expect Will, but considering he was a cute young man in good shape, she didn't consider that a bad thing.
“To new friends,” she said, raising her glass to a toast. Will repeated the gesture.
“Seems like a nice enough neighbourhood,” she said, looking around.
“Good, decent people here,” he said, shrugging. “Though I'm not too sure about some of our more recent arrivals,” he continued, with a grin that took all potential sting off the remark. They were in that stage of new friendships were a few friendly ribs wouldn't be too improper.
She playfully slapped his arm. “Hey, watch yourself, young man, or you'll find yourself with a smacked bottom.”
A stunned look spread across his face as Will's glass fell to the floor and broke. Blushing madly, he stuttered something, and went inside to find something to clean up with.
As she watched the young man, Sara realized that her remark had hit a lot closer to the mark than she had expected. Could he be into that? Being spanked? She watched as he bent over one of the moving boxes, pulling out a few paper towels, and as his jeans tightened around his rear end, she reflected that having his cute little backside over her knee sounded very appealing to her. But was it appealing to him? She grinned. Only one way to find out.
“You know,” she said as he returned to the porch, “that was an expensive glass you broke. A gift, in fact.” Actually, it had been the cheapest she had; she didn't bring out the good stuff for an impromptu porch party between neighbours, but he didn't need to know that. “Will cost a bit to replace.”
“Sorry,” he said, blushing furiously.
“I don't think that's good enough, young man.” She tapped her foot, frowning at him. “You know what I think? I think you should follow me into the bedroom, where I can teach that cheeky little bottom of yours a good lesson.”
A sharp intake of breath, and before her eyes, he turned red. She could also spot a bulge in his jeans that was very hard to conceal. He couldn't have been more obvious.
“Right,” she said, standing up, “Follow me, young man.”
The bedroom was one of the first room she'd readied; she knew from experience that if she waited, she'd find herself without a bed in the evening, forcing her to sleep on the couch, or even the floor. The point was, she had the perfect room ready for their little activity.
She sat down on the bed, pulling him in front of her as she lowered his jeans. His erection bounced out, inches from her face, but she ignored it. There would be time for that later. She looked up at him, not the least bit surprised that he was staring at her legs and lap. Well, at least one man that wasn't looking at her breasts when they were in the same room.
Slowly, she lowered his briefs, giving his pale cheeks a few pats. A firm bottom, even cuter than it had looked under the jeans. She was going to enjoy this a great deal.
“Over here,” she said, patting her knee. He practically dove over her lap, blushing like mad at the thought of what was to come. She felt his erection rub against her thigh, and briefly wondered if he would cum before this was over. Should she go get a towel? Nah, she thought to herself. It would spoil the mood. Besides, this weren't her best shorts at any rate.
“Now, ready yourself, young man. This is going to hurt,” she said as she lifted her hand in the air.
The first few smacks landed, giving off a barely audible sound. Not a good start, she thought to herself. Well, to be fair, it had been years since she spanked anyone. She thought back to that time her younger brother had decided to start smoking while their parents were away. Watching the little brat jumping around, trying in vain to rub the sting out his poor bottom, had been the funniest thing she'd seen that year.
She lifted her hand again, planting a dozen hard smacks on the pale cheeks in front of her. Better, she said to herself. But she really should stop letting her mind wander. She wanted to commit this spanking to memory, and reminiscing only distracted her.
“Is your little tushy stinging, Will?” she said after a while. His cheeks had turned pink under her hand, but that didn't mean she'd stop. “It's getting awfully bruised here. Are you learning your lesson?”
“Believe me, Sara, I am,” he said, between the little involuntary ooh's and ouches that had begun to escape his lips.
“That's 'ma'am' while you're over my knee. If you call me 'Sara' again, I'll bring out my brush and really teach you a lesson,” she said in a mock-stern voice. “Is that understood?”
“Yes... Sara.”
For a second, she sat there stunned, before bursting out in laughter. “I guess you really need this spanking, brat. Get up.” He rose to his feet, rubbing his bottom while she went over to her dresser. In the top drawer was a big wooden hairbrush. She picked it up, patting it against her palm while she glared up at Will. “This is perfect for teaching rude little boys a good lesson. But I don't have to tell you that, young man. You'll find that out for yourself.”
He leaned back over her lap, and she brought the brush down hard on his unprotected derrière, causing him to cry out in pain. Smack after smack landed, and still Will wasn't asking her to stop. She realized that he must be really into being spanked.
Not that she minded. She was having the time of her life, watching that cute bottom bouncing over her lap, and she grinned at the cute little noises of discomfort. This was fun!
His bottom was now getting quite red, and she decided to stop the spanking. Not for his sake; he could probably take quite a bit more. But it had been some time since she had a man inside her, and as soon as she had coaxed his erection back, he would find out just how wet the spanking had made her.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...