Sunday, 27 June 2021

Would like to be one of them (M/F story)

 “Hey, Susie,” Aaron said as he walked up to his girlfriend. It was the end of the day, and he had looked all over school for her, before finally finding her peeking around a wall. He realized that she hadn’t heard him speak, so he looked over her shoulder to find out what she was so enthralled by. He raised an eyebrow as he realized that she was staring into the principal’s office, where two girls were standing with their hands on their heads and their backs to the tall window.


Both had their skirts raised and their panties lowered. One of them had been spanked and caned, judging by the state of her rear, while the other had just been spanked. From their hair, he guessed that the one who had been caned was Gwen, and that the one waiting for her turn was Ellen. He couldn’t be sure, but that would certainly fit what he knew about them.

As he enjoyed the sight of the two bare-bottomed girls, he placed his hand gently on Susie’s shoulder. She started, spinning around with a panicked look on her face, but relaxed when she saw who it was.


“Oh. Hi, Aaron,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I didn’t hear you approach.”


“I’m not surprised. Your mind seemed to be elsewhere,” he said, nodding toward the principal’s window. Susie blushed.


“I was just – I wasn’t….”


He nodded. “I bet you’re glad you’re not one of them right now, huh?” He was surprised when she bit her lip and didn’t answer. “Aren’t you?” he pressed, but she averted his gaze. “Well then,” he added as he placed his arm over her shoulder. “Why don’t we go back to my place, I’ll make you a cup of tea, and you can tell me what’s ACTUALLY on your mind.” She walked alongside him, still lost in thought.


“I’ve never been spanked,” she told him as she stared into her cup. It seemed to be easier than to face his gaze. “But I’ve often thought about it. Being over that wicked man’s lap, having my bare bottom mercilessly slapped. Being left at the window for the whole school to see, then being forced to bend over his desk for a dose of that cane.” She shuddered. “I’ve seen the marks on some of the girls after gym class. They don’t exactly look like they enjoyed the experience, but still…” She swallowed. “I’m curious,” she said, trying to sound like it wasn’t particularly important to her.


“Well. Do you want to have your curiosity sated?” he asked her.


“I’ve thought about committing some offence, something bad enough to earn a trip to the principal’s office, but I don’t think I’d be able to go through with it. Besides, he’d send a letter to my parents afterwards, and it would end up in my school record.”


“That’s not what I had in mind,” he told her.


“I’ve thought about just asking him for a spanking as well. It’s possible he’d do it, but he might send me to a psychiatrist instead. Or worse, contact my parents. I REALLY don’t want my parents to know about this,” she said, still staring into her tea.


“That’s not what I had in mind, either.” She looked up at him. There was something slightly unsettling about the grin on his face.



“This is nuts,” she whispered as they made their way inside.


“There’s no need to whisper,” he told her. “It’s Saturday, and everyone’s at home. Trust me, no one is entering the school on an early Saturday morning.


“We are,” she pointed out.


“That’s true,” he said as they walked toward the principal’s office. Aaron knew that one of the classroom windows couldn’t be properly closed, so he was able to pry it open. She was dressed in her usual school uniform, while he was wearing a suit, which looked reasonably similar to the one worn by the principal. In a dark room. If you squinted.


Aaron entered the principal’s office, while Susie waited outside. She waited a minute for them both to assume their roles, then knocked on the door.




Aaron was sitting behind the principal’s desk, glaring as strictly as he could at her. Her stomach was doing flip-flops as she approached the desk.


“Miss Pfeiffer, is it?” He glanced at the notes on the desk, and picked one up at random. “It says here you were caught smoking behind the gymnasium. Is this correct?”


“Yes, sir,” she replied. His voice was making her shiver, and she had to fight to stop a grin from spreading across her face.


“As you know, smoking on school grounds is a serious offence. You will therefore go over my lap for a spanking on your bare bottom, before you receive six of the best with the cane. Is that understood?”


She swallowed. “Yes, sir.”


“Good.” He patted his lap. “Over my knee, then.”


Her knees shook slightly as she walked around the desk, placing herself over his lap. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and raised it to reveal her white cotton panties, before taking hold of the waistband of her panties and lowering them to her knees.


She heard him make a low, appreciative sound as he looked down on her bare bottom. She blushed; it was the first time he saw her naked, and since something was suddenly poking her in the stomach, she guessed that he was enjoying the view. His hand began to rub her bottom, slowly and gently, in a way that made them both breathe heavily. It was very, very nice, but it was not what they had come here for. She guessed that he had momentarily forgotten his role, so she cleared her throat.


He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and found his strict voice again. “Prepare yourself, young lady,” he said as he lifted his and began to spank her.


At first, the smacks were feeble and uncertain, as if he wasn’t entirely sure what to do and didn’t want to risk hurting her. But gradually, he seemed to find his courage, and his hand slapped down on her rear in a manner that made her squirm.


“Ouch,” she yelped as his hand found her sit spots.


“I hope you’re learning your lesson, young lady,” he told her strictly as he continued to spank her. “I don’t want to have to repeat her experience any time soon.”


His hand rose and fell on her unprotected rear end, and she was soon kicking her legs and arching her back as the sting rose. She could feel tears at the edges of her eyes, but managed to hold them back. She wasn’t sure whether she should feel relieved or disappointed when he stopped the spanking and told her to rise.


Her hands shot back to rub her stinging seat, but he told her to place them on her head. “I believe you know the position,” he told her as he nodded to the window.


She bit her lip. In the safety of his flat, with a cup of tea in her hands, the thought of standing with her spanked backside to the window had seemed like a thrilling experience. Right now, it didn’t seem as fun anymore.


“Aaron, are you sure we – “


“You will call me ‘sir’. Is that understood, young lady?”


“Aaron, are you sure we should be doing this? I don’t know if…” her voice trailed off.


He sighed as the roleplay faded away. “If you want to call this whole thing off and go home, we can. This is YOUR fantasy, after all. But consider this; this is something you’ve dreamt about for a very long time. If we leave now, it’s just going to itch at the back of your mind.”


Glancing over at the window again, she considered her options. “Yes, sir,” she said after a minute or so. “Sorry, sir. Right away, sir.” With her panties still around her knees, she hobbled over to the window, turning her back to it.


She could feel her face growing red as she stood there.   The school was closed, sure, but what if someone wandered onto the school grounds? What if one of the janitors decided to go in and fix something while everyone else was away? What if you could see the window from the road? She didn’t think you could, but she’d never actually checked. Maybe someone was walking past right now, staring at her bare bottom in the window.


Aaron later swore to her that she only stood there for fifteen minutes, but for her, it felt like hours. At any rate, minutes or hours later, he told her to walk over to the desk. He went over to the cupboard where the principal kept his implements, and pulled out the long, thin cane that she’d seen so often through the windows, as well as in her dreams.


Aaron tapped the cane against his palm, wincing slightly when he tapped it harder than he intended. She almost giggled at the sight, but managed to stop herself; she didn’t think it would be a wise course of action right now.


“Right,” he said. “Bend over the desk and grab the far side. You’re getting six strokes of the cane.”


She did as instructed, and flinched as he placed the firm rod against her buttocks. He tapped it once or twice, before drawing it back. She heard it whistle through the air and could feel it impacting her bottom, but there was barely any pain. Was this it? A brief second later, a white line of fire erupted on her buttocks, and she shot up, both hands clutching her butt. She howled.


She looked over at Aaron, who seemed to be considering something. At first, she wondered if he wanted to call the whole thing off, which sounded like a good idea right now. But then she remembered one of the rules that the other girls had told her about; if you reached back, or got out of position, the stroke didn’t count, and you’d get one or two extras. She guessed that Aaron had heard about the rule as well.


“Back over the desk,” he told her. “Five more to go.”


She returned to her position, and almost squealed when the cane once again tapped against her backside. It drew back, before returning with a fire that burned through her whole being. This time, she managed to remain in position, but she couldn’t stop another howl from escaping her lips. The third stroke drove the air from her lips, and she could only gasp as she bucked around to escape the pain.

“Three more to go. You’re halfway there,” he observed.


The fourth stroke drove a sob from the core of her being. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she wondered if she would ever sit comfortably again. The fifth stroke was even worse, and she jumped to her feet again, both hands clutching her bottom as if she feared it would fall off.


He allowed her a few seconds of rubbing, before once again ordering her to bend over the desk. The sixth stroke was the worst of them all, and she howled. He helped her up and hugged her tightly, and she cried into his shirt.


When her crying subsided, he looked into her eyes. “How are you feeling?”  His voice was full of concern.


“Sore,” she told him. “My arse burns like crazy, and I’m not going to sit comfortably for some time. But I got just what I’ve always wanted.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”


“You know,” he told her. “I have some cooling cream back at my flat that should feel quite good on that sore bottom.”


She hesitated. When he rubbed her bottom, it had felt heavenly sensual. Maybe his intentions behind the offer were pure; maybe they were not. But in the state she was in right now, if he took her over his knee again and gently rubbed her bottom, they might end up doing a lot more than kissing.


She made up her mind. “I’d love that. Thank you.”


And they walked back to his flat.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...