Saturday, 31 July 2021

In trouble at school, in trouble at home (m/f story)

 It was Friday afternoon, and I could feel my stomach tying itself in knots as I slowly walked home. I had really hoped that Miss Winters wouldn't notice my little cheat sheet when I pulled it out in class, but the old bag was a lot more observant than she usually is. She was not happy when she spotted it, lecturing me in front of the entire class about how a good girl should behave. She even gave me detention, and I'd spent the last hour writing “I must not cheat” on the blackboard while she glared at me over her glasses. My arm stung like crazy by the time she let me go, but it wasn't my arm I was worried about. It was my bottom.


My parents had always followed that old line about “In trouble at school, in trouble at home.” The school didn't believe in corporal punishment anymore, but my parents certainly did! And being put in detention for cheating would definitely earn me a spanking. As I walked, I started chewing my fingernail and wondering how I'd get it. If dad was home, he'd probably take off his belt and bend me over a chair. He'd strap me until I was sobbing loudly. If I was lucky, he'd still be at work, but that meant being put across mum's knee for a dose of her old wooden hairbrush. Both options made my bottom tingle just thinking about it. Whatever happened, I certainly wouldn't be sitting comfortably this weekend.


When I came home, I put my backpack down near the door and spotted a note on the kitchen table. What was it now? Had the school phoned them, and these were their instructions for my punishment? Had they laid some terrible plans for my poor posterior? I picked up the note, and almost laughed out loud with joy. My parents had been planning a quick trip out of town during the weekend. They were supposed to leave Saturday morning, but had decided to take a few hours off work and leave today. There were some things about money in the jar and not spending it all on pizza, but I didn't care. They didn't know about my detention! My butt was safe.


That was the moment that my little brother chose to enter the kitchen. “Hi, Debra,” he said, reaching for a glass. “Late today?” Jack was three years younger than me, but his growth spurt meant that he was about the same height.


“Uh – I decided to do a bit of homework in the library,” I told him. I didn't want my younger brother to know I'd been placed in detention.


“No, you didn't,” he said flatly. “You've never done anything like that before, and I don't suspect you'll start doing it on a Friday.” He drank some water, and watched me with a look of curiosity on his face.


“Oh, I just went to the mall for a bit,” I said, hoping that would sound more believable.


“Then why didn't you just tell me that, instead of lying?” he said. I could almost feel his gaze trying to read the truth from my face, and feeling uncomfortable, I turned away.


“You got detention, didn't you?” he said at last, and chuckled at the look on my face. “What did you do?”


“N-no, I was just...” I said, still trying to bluff my way out of it.


“Don't lie to me! What did you do?” he said, with a strictness in his voice that surprised me.


“I... I cheated on a test.”


His eyes widened. “Wow!” he said. “When mum and dad hear about this, they're going to paddle your butt HARD!”


I winced. That was my guess too. “They don't know about it,” I pointed out.


“Not yet,” he replied. “But I don't see why I shouldn't tell them.”


Ah. That would be a problem. If Jack told them about this, my fate was sealed. I mentally went through my options, and in the end, I decided to look pleadingly at him. “Please, Jack,” I said, fluttering my eyelashes. “I've already been punished at school. You don't HAVE to tell them, do you? It could be our little secret. Just between you and me.”


I didn't like the look that suddenly spread across his face, but I kept fluttering.


“Debra, I'm going to give you a choice: Either I tell mum and dad about your detention, or I punish you myself.”


“Punish?” I asked, confused. What was he suggesting?


“I'll take you across my lap and spank your bottom,” he explained, a wide grin on his face.


I was shocked. “In your dreams,” I snarled at him. I should have known that my brother would try to take advantage of a situation like this.


He shrugged. “Fine by me. I'll just tell mum and dad when they come home.” He walked back to the living room, and I heard him sit down on the couch and turn on the TV.


I stood in the kitchen, biting my lip as I thought about my options. Going over my younger brother's lap would certainly be embarrassing, but I doubted that would be able to punish me like mum and dad could. He was young and inexperienced, and probably more interested in humiliating me than causing me actual pain. But the humiliation part of it was arguably worse than the physical pain. Then again, if mum and dad spanked me, he'd probably get to watch, sitting there with a smile on his face as they lectured, bared, and spanked me. I realized that I needed to know more about his alternative.


I walked into the living room, standing next to the couch. He continued to stare at the TV for about half a minute, probably enjoying making me wait. Then he looked up at me. “Yes? What is it?” he said with a smile.


“If I- If I take your.... deal,” I began. “Will you be using your hand or-” I stopped. I needed to know, but I certainly didn't want to give him any suggestions.


“Just my hand,” he said, his smile growing more confident.


“Over my skirt?”


He shook his head. “On the bare,” he said.


I blushed. “But-”


“That's the deal,” he said, cutting me off. “Take it or leave it.” He turned back to the TV again. After a minute, he looked up at me again. I hadn't moved an inch. “Well?” he said.


“I'll take it,” I said.


He turned off the TV, and grinned as he sat back on the couch, patting his knee. “Over here,” he said with his sweetest voice. I blushed bright red as I leaned over his lap. This was actually happening, I had to tell myself. I was actually going over my little brother's lap so that he could spank me. The thought rattled through my head, refusing to settle down.


He raised my skirt up, and I whimpered a little as he placed his fingers in the waistband of my panties, preparing to pull them down.


“You agreed to this,” he reminded me.


“I know,” I said with a sigh. “Just get it over with.”


He pulled my panties down to my knees, giving my bare cheeks a few testing pats with his hand. I buried my head in the pillows, but jerked it up again when he gave me the first proper slap. A sharp sting suddenly spread across my cheeks, before just as suddenly vanishing again. Emboldened by the effect it had on me, he continued to spank me, delivering a series of hard smacks.


“Ouch!” I said, squirming a little as the pain spread through my body.


“Hurts, doesn't it?” he said with a wide grin. “It's supposed to hurt, you bad girl.”


After a chaotic start, he developed a sort of rhythm, moving from cheek to cheek as his hand made its way from the upper parts of my backside to the lower parts. I was wincing in pain every time his hand made its loud impact on my tender flesh.


Before long, I could feel tears rolling down my face, and I was kicking my legs. But Jack placed his left hand around my waist, holding me in place as he continued to paint my butt red with his left hand. I was pleading for him to stop, promising him the world if he'd just let me up.


Finally, he stopped the spanking and helped me to my feet, and he chuckled loudly as my hands rushed back to furiously rub the sting away. As soon as I was able to, I pulled up my panties and ran to my room, his laughter echoing in my ears.


Safe behind the locked door, I walked over to my mirror and took a look at the damage. My bottom was red, and extremely hot to the touch, but it was nowhere near as bad as what my parents would have done.


I couldn't stay in my room the whole weekend, so after an hour or two, I went back to the living room. Jack was still in front of the TV, and he nodded as I entered the room.


“Hey,” he said calmly. “QI is on.” He acted no different than normal, as if this was just an ordinary day. As if he hadn't just taken me over his knee and spanked my bare bottom.


“I have a question,” I said as I placed one of the pillows next to him, slowly lowering myself onto it. Sitting was not an easy task at the moment.


“What about?” he asked.


“About the... about what just happened.” I couldn't say the word 'spanking' out loud. It was far too embarrassing.


“Ah,” he said. “Shoot.”


“This stays between us, right? You won't tell anyone-”


“Debra,” he said, looking at me. “This was a private matter between us. I will NEVER mention this to anyone. I promise.” I could tell that his promise included me – he would never talk about it unless I brought it up first. Which, to be perfectly honest, I might. I had hated every second of my punishment, but I had to admit, if I was put into the same situation again, I'd probably make the same choice. It was a lot less awful than being spanked by my parents.

Taunting (M/F story)

It was a calm Sunday morning, and Jill was about an hour into her shift at the diner. The place was almost empty, so even though it was only her and Helen who were at work at the moment, they weren't exactly overworked.
Feeling mischievous, she briefly slipped into the break room, where there was a full-length mirror. Turning her back to it, she lifted up the hem of her dress to reveal her pale cheeks – she wasn't wearing panties that day. She quickly snapped a picture with her cell phone and sent it to her boyfriend. “I think I forgot something when I got dressed this morning,” she wrote underneath, with a cold shiver running down her back and a smile on her face.
There was no doubt in her mind that when Kevin saw the image, he would smile at the sight of her naked backside and shake his head at her naughtiness. His mind would then start working on how exactly he would spank her for it. Her smile widened as she tried to imagine what he would do.
Maybe he'd be waiting for her in the living room when she came home, sitting in the chair with that evil grin of his. She would act all innocent, giving him a kiss and asking how his day had been. He would toy with her, telling her how wicked she was and how he was going to punish her severely. Then, he would order her across his knee, lifting her dress to expose her bare bottom. Or maybe he'd order her to take off the dress before she went across his knee.
He would probably start slowly, some gentle rubbing and slow spanks with his hand. She'd moan a little, wriggling her bottom to encourage him. But slowly, the spanks would get harder and faster, and she'd be hissing in pain and arching her back over his lap. Then, he'd pull out the implements.
Maybe he'd ask her to go fetch the wooden spoon, or that large wooden hairbrush he'd bought for her. She'd promise to be good, but he'd insist, and with a sad look on her face and a song in her heart, she'd bring it back and go back across his knee. Or maybe he'd order her to bend over and put her hands on the table, and she'd hear the sound of his belt being pulled from its loops. He'd double it over in his hand, and then he'd really let her have it.
Or maybe, if he thought she had been REALLY naughty, he would ask her to fetch the bath brush. She'd always had a love-hate relationship with that thing, but right now, when she was at work with un-spanked cheeks and it was still at home, miles away, there was definitely more love than hate. She'd scream and kick her legs as he thrashed her mercilessly, and when he was satisfied that she'd been sufficiently punished, he'd carry her into the bedroom for a long afternoon of love making.
She took a deep breath, trying to get the blush out of her cheeks before she returned to work. Playtime was still hours away, and she needed to focus.
About an hour later, she heard the door open as a customer entered the diner. She flashed her brightest smile at the newcomer, but the smile froze and she almost dropped the cup she was holding when she saw that it was Kevin. He smiled at her with his most wolfish grin, before making his way to a table in the corner. She tried to figure out why he had come here, but she had a feeling that she wouldn't like the answer.
She briefly considered asking Helen to bring him coffee instead. There was something very unsettling about the way he had looked at her. But Helen would just ask why she didn't want to bring her boyfriend coffee, and she wasn't sure what to reply. That she was afraid he might bend her over the table, lift up her dress, and spank her right in the diner?
She tried her best to look calm and collected as she approached him with a smile on her face and a hot cup of coffee in her hand, but she could see her hand trembling slightly as she put it down. “So, what brings you here?” she asked, trying to sound cheery.
“Stand on the other side of me,” he said, not acknowledging her question. He said it in a gentle voice, and there was a warm smile on his face, but there was no question that it was an order. She did as instructed, and as he chatted away about the weather or something of that sort, his hand started to creep up her thigh.
She was about to back away, but a quick glare from him kept her in place. “They can't see my hand,” he explained calmly, his smile returning to his face. “We're too far away for anyone to hear anything, and the booth is blocking their line of sight. All they can see is the back of my head, and your face.” His hand crept further up. “As long as you keep a happy smile on your face, no one will suspect a thing.”
She wanted to squirm when his hand brushed against her labia, but she did her best to look like nothing was going on. She kept chatting away, and had a feeling that she was just saying words at random, but that didn't matter – no one could hear her, except Kevin. His fingers kept toying with her, and several times, they almost entered her.
She felt a small tinge of disappointment when he pulled his hand away. He tutted. “Showing up to work without underwear. What a naughty girl you've been.” He wiped his hand on a napkin. “You know you have to be punished for this.”
“Couldn't we... couldn't we do this at home, instead?” she asked him, with the same fake smile plastered on her lips. “Please, sir? Pretty please? I'm sure you're eager to try out that new riding crop you bought....”
He placed his hand thoughtfully on his chin, as if he was seriously considering her suggestion. It was an act, of course – when he had decided on a punishment, nothing she could say would ever sway him. But he still pretended that it could, giving her some small quantity of hope before he ruthlessly took it away again. “No, I think not. I think we'll deal with your transgression right here, where it took place.”
“But I left home without panties,” she said. “I didn't take off my panties when I arrived here, I just never put them on. So really, that's where I should be punished.”
“Are you arguing with me, Jill?” he said. His voice was still calm and friendly, but she could still sense the threat behind his words.
“N-no, sir,” she replied immediately. “I will do what you tell me, sir, I promise.”
“Of course you will.” To her great surprise, he then turned around, and with a friendly smile, he waved Helen over.
“Hi, Kevin. What brings you here? Let me guess, you just couldn't be away from your girlfriend for a whole shift?”
“Guilty as charged,” he said, pretending to be embarrassed.
“You know, I don't think I've ever seen a couple like you two. Just as in love now as when you met.”
“Can you blame me?” he asked as he looked lovingly at Jill. He then looked almost apologetically at Helen. “Do you think there's any chance we could borrow the break room for a while? I have something I wanted to discuss with Jill in private.”
Helen snorted. “Sure, 'discuss'. That's one word for it, I suppose.” She thought about it briefly. “Sure, I don't see why not. Just make sure you keep the noise down and leave the room as you found it, and I'll make sure you're left alone.”
“Thank you so much,” Kevin said. Jill just kept smiling. When Helen had gone back to the counter, Kevin turned back to her. “I want you to go to the break room, find a pen and some paper, and start writing 'I have been a bad girl and deserve a good, hard spanking'. I'll be there in a few minutes to grant that request.”
He sent her on her way with a sharp slap on the seat of her dress. She blushed, but glancing around the diner, it didn't look like anyone had noticed. When she went behind the counter, Helen walked up to her to whisper in her ear. “An amorous encounter at the workplace. You know, I sometimes wish my boyfriend was as adventurous as yours.”
“You don't know the half of it,” Jill whispered back.
She entered room and did as instructed, starting to write the sentence. “I have been a bad girl and deserve a good, hard spanking,” she whispered to herself as she wrote, squirming around on her chair as she imagined his hard palm striking her tender flesh. Pretty soon, she wouldn't have to imagine it.
By the time he arrived, she had written three full pages, and had just started on the fourth. “Good,” he remarked. He folded up the paper and put it in his pocket. “Stand up and place your hands on the table.”
She did as instructed, and he lifted the hem of her dress. He let his hands run all over her bottom, pinching and stroking her curves. Suddenly, he placed his left hand at her back, and slapped her backside hard with his right. She squealed.
He chuckled. “I would suggest you keep your voice down,” he told her. “Unless you want to explain to Helen what is happening in here, and why?”
“I will try, sir,” she replied obediently.
“You'll do more than try, girl – you will succeed.” And he slapped her again.
She clenched her mouth shut, trying her best to stay quiet as the spanks rained down on her poor bottom. There was no warm-up, just hard, fast slaps right from the start. She arched her back, staying in position as best she could. At one point, she was unable to stop herself from reaching back to protect her stinging cheeks. He grabbed her hand and started to slap her palm. “Don't reach back again,” he whispered in her ear.
She had no idea how long he spanked her, but by the time he stopped, tears were rolling down her cheeks, and her bottom was throbbing. He helped her up and gave her a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder as he whispered comfortingly in her ear.
A few minutes later, she was drying the last of the tears from her face. She went to the mirror to fix her make-up, and Kevin walked up to place his hand on the seat of the dress.
“You'll get the rest of your punishment later,” he told her. “After all, I have a new riding crop I haven't had the opportunity to use yet.” He started to nibble on her ear. “So that's something to look forward to for the rest of your workday.” And with a final squeeze to her stinging rear, he left the room.
A few minutes later, Jill went back to work.

Office alternative (M/F story)

 As David Levitt folded his hands on his desk, Janet did her best to meet her boss's gaze. Levitt was a tall, dark-skinned man in his thirties, with a face that lit up when he smiled. He was a handsome man, and she had to admit that she felt slightly attracted to him. But right now, as he looked at her from across his desk, he was not smiling.


“So, Janet,” he said in a very calm, quiet voice. “I heard you were late to work yet again today?”


“Yes, sir,” Janet said. She was standing on the floor in front of his desk with her hands behind her back. He hadn't offered her a chair, and she didn't feel comfortable just sitting down until he did.


“Do you know how many times you've been late in the last month?” he continued.


“I'm... I'm not sure, sir,” Janet admitted. Her cheeks blushed. It almost felt like she was back in the principal's office at school, being chewed out for her attendance record.


He glanced down at the paper in front of him. “Nine times,” he said, as his gaze returned to her.


“Sir, it's not usually more than five or ten minutes, and I've never been later than half an -”


He cut her off with a wave of his hand. “That's not the point, Janet. If your day starts at eight o'clock, I expect you to be here at eight o'clock. Not ten minutes past.” He tapped his finger idly on the desk. “On another topic. Are you finished with the Jackson report?”


Janet's blush grew slightly darker. “Nearly, sir. I'll have it on your desk before the day is over.”


His finger continued to tap against the desk. “You remember that it was supposed to be done by Tuesday?”


“I know, sir, but there were delays.”


“There's been a lot of that lately.” He sighed. “I'm going to be very direct here, Janet. You do good work, when you put your mind to it, but your lack of respect for deadlines is becoming a problem. You're just not showing the professionalism that the company demands. If you don't show some improvement soon, I'm afraid that I'll eventually have to fire you.” There was regret in his eyes.


Janet swallowed, and she could almost feel her face growing pale. “I'll do my best, sir.”


“I hope so.”


Janet grimaced as she returned to her desk. She knew she hadn't been the perfect employee, but she hadn't realized it was that bad. She decided to do her best to keep the deadlines, but she knew that she had told herself that before. She hadn't been successful then, and she had to admit, the odds were against her.


About an hour later, she'd finished the Jackson report. She was just about to knock on Levitt's door to deliver it when she heard his voice and realized that he was on the phone.



“Yes, William, thinks are going quite well here.” William Bowman was an old friend of his that had visited the office a couple of times. She was about to return to her desk when she heard her name.


“Her name is Janet, William. Not Jane or Jenny or 'that blonde thing', but Janet.” A brief pause as William said something, and Mister Levitt replied: “Yeah, there's been some problems. She keeps coming in late, and can't keep deadlines to save her life. I had to chew her out about it this morning, in fact. Sure, there's a good head on her shoulders, but she just lacks the self-discipline.”


There was a brief pause again. “Because spanking your secretary has been illegal for a few decades now, William.” Another pause. “Oh, I don't doubt for a second that it would get her attention, maybe even improve her work habits, but I don't need the sexual harassment lawsuit.”


Janet backed away from the door, her eyes wide. William Bowman had actually suggested that her boss should spank her.


She blushed as she returned to her desk. She tried her best to focus on her work, but an image kept appearing in her mind: her slender form bent over Mister Levitt's knee, squirming around as he spanked her bottom. She tried to push the image away, to the back of her mind, but it kept creeping forward again.



“What was it you wanted to see me about, Janet?” Mister Levitt said in his friendliest tone. It was late in the day, and almost everyone else had gone home, but she had asked to see him in private.


Janet squirmed a little in her chair. What was she thinking? “I... I heard you talking to Mister Bowman on the phone earlier.” She took a deep breath. “I heard some comments. About me.”


His eyes widened as he realized what she meant. “I'm so sorry, Janet. William says some inappropriate things sometimes, and I hope you didn't...” he stopped when he saw the look on her face.


“That's OK, Mister Levitt. I was just wondering... did you mean it?” He looked puzzled as he tried to figure out what she meant. “Do you think a sp... do you think it would improve my work habits?” She blushed crimson as he stared at her.


“It's possible,” he told her. “But I didn't for a second mean to imply that....”


“Mister Levitt, I enjoy my job,” Janet told him. “The hours are good, the pay is excellent, and I don't want to lose this chance. If I can improve my chances of keeping this job with a sp... with that, I will go through with it.” She tried her best to seem confident, but she didn't think she did a very good job.


Mister Levitt leaned forward, placing his hand on hers. “If that is what you want, I think I can arrange something. But I want you to know what you agree to before you decide. IF we decide that a spanking is a good way of bringing some discipline into your work, it's going to be long, it's going to be hard, and it's going to be on your bare bottom.” She blushed even redder. “You're going to cry long before it's over, and you're not going to sit comfortably for some time. Do you understand this?”


Janet nodded. “Yes, sir.”


“Then stand up and come over here.”


As Janet made her way to Mister Levitt's side, he rolled up his shirt sleeves to reveal his forearms. It was quite clear that he worked out, and yet again, Janet wondered if she had gone crazy. She had actually asked her boss for a spanking.


“Take your jeans down,” Mister Levitt instructed her. Her fingers trembled as she undid the button and slowly pulled the zip down. She avoided his gaze as she slowly lowered her jeans to her ankles, revealing her dark green panties. He patted his lap. “Get over here.”


She felt butterflies in her stomach as she leaned forward, her stomach resting on his firm legs. He gently moved her forward until her bottom was sticking up.


“Are you ready for this, Janet?” he asked calmly.


She bit her lip. Was she? “Yes, sir,” she said at last.


His hand landed on her quivering bottom with a gentle slap. She whimpered a little, but more from nervousness and surprise than from pain – it hadn't really hurt. He continued to spank her, his hand moving from cheek to cheek, each slap almost unnoticeably harder than the last. Slowly, a heat was building up in her bottom.


“Ow!” she said, squirming a little as his hand found her sit spots.


“I had hoped you would be able to shape up on your own,” Mister Levitt lectured her. “I had high hopes for you when you started, and I can't stand to see you let yourself down like this.”


“I'm sorry!” Janet whined, more upset at his words than at the growing pain in her rear end.


“Not as sorry as you're going to be,” he told her.


He continued to spank her like that for a few minutes, before resting his hand on her back. “I think that's enough of a warm-up,” he said, placing his fingers in the waistband of her panties. Suddenly, her hand shot back, protectively covering her backside.


“Surely that's not necessary, Mister Levitt? I'm learning my lesson, I promise!” she pleaded desperately.

“Janet, when you agreed to this punishment, I told you it was going to be long, hard, and on the bare bottom. So far, it's been neither. Move your hand,” he said in a calm, but strict voice. Whimpering, Janet did as she was instructed.


He lowered her panties, rubbing her bare bottom for the briefest of moments before he continued the spanking. She kicked her leg at the sting – she hadn't thought the thin cotton had given her much protection, but it seemed she was wrong. Soon, she was howling as his firm palm crashed down on her rear, slowly turning the once-pale cheeks bright red.


Her buttocks burned like she'd sat in a campfire, and she moaned in pain. She tried her best to hold the tears back, but soon, she was crying openly. She would never have believed that a spanking could sting this much.


Lost in pain and tears, she barely noticed when the spanking stopped. Whispering comforting words, he helped her into a sitting position, hugging her firmly. “It's over now, Janet. You have been punished.”



Back home, Janet was standing in the bathroom, gasping as she studied her red posterior in the mirror. She gently touched the burning skin, trying to rub the sting away, but to no avail. She knew she wouldn't sit comfortably for a few days, and she hoped that her work really improved. “If this doesn't work, nothing will,” she told herself.


But as she thought about bending over Mister Levitt's lap, his hand beginning its exploration of her curves, she felt a strange tingling, and she had a feeling that she would find herself over his lap again. Nothing major, obviously, but a small misdeed that she would need to be punished for...

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Handling the Teacher (F/F story)

Jessica Conway looked up from the stack of papers she was marking to fix her pupil with the strictest glare she could muster. Even she could tell that her efforts weren't much worth mentioning, and from the look on Kelly's face, she wasn't too impressed.


Miss Conway had been a teacher at the school for about a month, and it was already becoming apparent to her that she was unable to control her class. Few of the pupils had any respect for her, making it hard to create any sort of order. She needed to set an example, and she had chosen Kelly. Kelly was one of the most popular girls in class – attractive and intelligent, and with an unmatched confidence. Miss Conway hoped that by making the leader of the pack respect her, the rest of the class would follow. So she had found some excuse for giving the girl detention, to take her away from her peers were Miss Conway could more easily handle her.


She looked at the girl again. Kelly had put her pencil down, and rather than complete the assignment she had been given, she was studying her teacher, as one might study an animal at a zoo, or a maths equation on the blackboard.


“Why don't you get on with your work, Kelly?” Miss Conway said, smiling sweetly.


“I am thinking, Miss Conway,” said the girl calmly.


“About what?”


“About you.”


“Why don't you think about your assignment instead?” Miss Conway said, still displaying her fake smile. She returned to her marking, but after a few minutes, she looked up to see that Kelly was still studying her, and she wasn't sure she liked the look on the girl's face.


“Is there a problem, Kelly?”


“I think I've worked out why I'm in detention, Miss Conway.”


The teacher chuckled. “I would have thought that was obvious, Kelly. You're here because you talked in class. I'm going to teach you some discipline.”


Kelly shook her head. “No, that's not it. People talk in class all of the time, and I've never seen you give detention to anyone for it. And you didn't punish Nina, despite the fact that the two of us were talking to each other. She talked more than me, if I remember correctly.”


Miss Conway's smile faltered a bit. The girl was sharp. “Are suggesting that there is some great conspiracy against you? That the teachers hate you? Grow up, Kelly.”


The girl shook her head again. “No, that's not it, either. I've had teachers that hated me before, and it showed every time they looked at me. There's no hate in your eyes, Miss Conway. Nervousness, clearly, and a hint of jealously, but no hate.” She leaned back in her chair. “My conclusion is that you're tired of losing control, Miss Conway. You can't control the class, and so you single out me, hoping that by putting me in my place, as it were, you will be able to control the rest of the room.”


Miss Conway felt a cold shiver run down her spine. The girl's remarks hit far too close to home for her comfort, and she needed to regain what authority she had. “If you are quite done with the psychoanalysis, Kelly, I'd like you to get back to your assignment,” she said, but winced when she heard the trembling in her own voice.


“I'm not. You think that your failure to control the classroom reflects badly on your suitability as a teacher. I'd like to tell you you're wrong about that, but you're not. You're failing in your job, and rather than accepting that and taking the necessary steps, you're punishing me. You're not punishing the troublemakers, you're not asking for my help getting the respect of the class, you're hoping that you can subdue me, and that it will have a ripple effect. You can't, and even if you could, it wouldn't.”


Miss Conway opened her drawer and picked up the large, wooden ruler inside. She stepped over to Kelly's desk, waving the ruler in her face as if it were a weapon. “If you don't stop yapping THIS INSTANT, I will bend you over my desk and teach you a good lesson!” While corporal punishment was still legal in the school, Miss Conway had decided she had no interest in enforcing it – it was better to earn their respect without violence, she thought. But she could feel what little power she had over the girl, slipping away with every word, so she decided to regain what control she could.


It was apparent that she had no desire to use the ruler, and she wasn't sure she could if she tried. She didn't resist when Kelly gently reached her hand forward, taking the object from her grasp. “Don't shout, Miss Conway. It's not nice.”


Miss Conway could feel tears at the edge of her eyes. It has been a last, desperate gamble, and it had failed. She was half a foot taller than her pupil, and her navy blue jacket and skirt gave more confidence than Kelly's schoolgirl uniform, but it was quite clear just who was in charge. Glancing down, she wasn't sure she liked the look in the girl's face, or the way she tapped the ruler against her palm.


“I'm very disappointed in you, Jessica. Shouting and marching around? Blaming me for your mistakes?” Miss Conway wanted to correct her, to remind her that teachers should always be called by their last names in school, but she couldn't. She was Jessica now.


As she rose to her feet, Kelly placed a hand on the small of her teacher's back and led her towards the front of the room. “I think you need to be punished for your actions today, Jessica. Bend over the desk and grab the other side.”


Jessica stared wide-eyed at the girl. Did she mean... But she was an adult! And a teacher! And, theoretically, in charge around here! She opened her mouth to protest, but closed it again when Kelly furrowed her brow. Unable to muster up the courage to stand up to her, Jessica did as she was instructed.


“You've run away from your responsibilities, Jessica. But no more.”


Jessica squealed as Kelly grabbed the hem of her skirt, starting to pull it up. “But Kelly, you can't -” she said in a voice that was a lot whinier and more high-pitched than she had intended.


Kelly placed a hand at the small of her back to stop her from getting up. “Shush, girl. I'm going to punish you the way you should be punished.”


A few seconds later, the hem of Jessica's skirt had been pulled up to rest on her back, and the cold, hard wood of the ruler was rubbing against her thin panties. “Do you have anything to say before I give you the spanking you so richly deserve?” Kelly said calmly.


“I'm sorry,” Jessica squeaked.


Kelly chuckled. “Not as sorry as you're going to be."


As the first smacks of the ruler landed on her bottom, Kelly grimaced in pain. It had been more than a decade since she had been spanked, and she had forgotten just how much a ruler could hurt. Before long, she was wincing with every single pop against her backside.


“Ouch! That hurts,” she whined.


“That's the point,” Kelly explained, her voice calm and lecturing as if talking to a toddler. “Since you have been acting like a child, I'm going to treat you like one.” The ruler continued its dance on her burning buttocks, and Jessica kicked her legs. “So maybe, when you're trying to sit down on this blistered bottom, you'll think about your actions.”


For a few minutes, Jessica tried to stop herself from crying, but the pain grew too much, and the tears started rolling down her cheeks. When Kelly finally stopped, it was only long enough to grab the waistband of Jessica's panties and lower them to her knees. Jessica didn't dare protest this new indignity.


The ruler stung even more on her bare backside. She was kicking her legs and promising to be good with every loud crack, but Kelly was merciless. By the time Kelly finally put the ruler down, Jessica was sobbing like a five-year-old.


Jessica tried to reach back and rub the sting away, but Kelly slapped her hands away. The teacher found herself marched into a corner, and told to place her nose against the wall and her hands on her head.


“You will stay there for half an hour and think about what you have done,” Kelly told her strictly.


Now that her spanking was over, and she was forced to confront what had happened, Jessica was shocked to discover how at ease she felt. Sure, her bottom hurt like she had tried to sit in a fire, and it was embarrassing to stand here with her bottom bared while her pupil admired her handiwork, but there was a peace inside her. Like something in the universe finally was put in its proper place.


Some time later, she heard Kelly get up and fiddle around with something. She wanted to ask what was happening, but she didn't dare.


“I've finished what I was working on, Jessica, and I'll be heading home, but there's still about fifteen minutes left of your corner time. So I've set a timer on your cell phone. You will remain in the corner, nose to the wall, until it rings.”


Jessica glanced over her shoulder. She couldn't possibly expect her to stand here all alone, could she? “But-”


Kelly glared. “Face the corner, and no talking, Jessica. At some point during the school day tomorrow, I'll ask you whether you were able to remain in position. If you weren't, or if you try to lie to me, we'll repeat every step of this punishment until you can. Is that clear?”


“Yes, Kelly,” Jessica said, her face to the corner.


“Good girl.”


When the time was up, Jessica sighed as she could finally step out of the corner and take her hands down. When she retrieved her cell phone, there was a note next to it.


“Here's how things will work from now on. In the classroom, you will still be Miss Conway, and I'll try to get the class to respect you more. But you're going to have to do most of the work yourself, of course. But when the day is over, if I decide that you need a lesson that day, you're Jessica, the bad little girl who will be turned over my lap or over the teacher's desk, getting her bare bottom spanked until she learns to behave.”


Jessica looked up from the note and realized that she was OK with that.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...