Sunday, 22 August 2021

Steven & Julie, part 3: Punished (M/F story)

Julie pouted as she stared down at the paper in front of her. She was not happy with the state of things. She had wanted her boyfriend – her BOYFRIEND! They hadn't been together long, and Julie still had butterflies in her tummy every time she thought about the fact that he was now her boyfriend – to act as a strict disciplinarian. She wanted him to lecture her when she needed it, to bare her bottom and spank her when she needed it the most, and to keep an eye on her behaviour and treat her like she deserved to be treated.


But not right now!


Right now, she wanted to cuddle on the sofa with her boyfriend, laugh at some old film that they had both seen before, and make out. But he'd discovered that she hadn't finished the essay that she was supposed to hand in tomorrow at school, and he wanted her to take care of it before any make-outs. She looked at the blank paper in front of her. Maybe “Hadn't finished” was a charitable interpretation.


She rose to her feet. Steven, who was sitting on her bed, looked up from the book he was reading. “Where are you going?”


“Getting a glass of water,” she told him.


“How's the essay going?”


“Slowly, but it's getting there,” she said.


He leaned forward. “So why is the page still blank?”


She sighed. “I'm still thinking about it, making a few mental notes, you know?”


“You should make actual notes instead. That makes them easier to remember.”


She sighed. She wasn't sure she liked this new, stricter Steven after all. A couple of minutes later, she was back at the desk, staring at the paper, but still, she had no ideas.


“Come on,” she said, sitting down next to Steven. “Let's watch TV for a bit.”


“Have you finished your essay?” he asked, without even looking up from his book.


“In a little bit.”


“Then we'll watch TV in a little bit,” he replied.


Back to the desk. After a while, she just sighed, placing the blank paper inside her notebook.


“Come on, I'm finished, let's go.”


“Finished already?” he said surprised.


“Yep,” she said. “It was just a one-page essay, so when I got started, it was easy.”


“May I see it?” he asked.


“Later,” she said, putting her arm around him. “Sofa now.”


He furrowed his brow. “I'd like to see this essay of yours first.”


She sighed. “I'll show it to you later. Now come on, let's watch a film.”


“Julie, have you actually written your essay?” When she averted her eyes, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.


“No, sir,” she said. That strict tone in his voice made her weak at the knees.


“Have you, in fact, even started your essay?”


“No, sir,” she admitted.


“I'm going to give you a very simple choice, Julie. Either you can get up, sit down at your desk and finish your essay, or I can put you across my knee and spank your bottom, and you can sit on your bare, spanked backside and finish your essay. Which is it?”


“I don't want to write now,” she said, flinching at the whining tone in her voice. With a sigh, he lowered her tiny blue shorts to her knees, followed by her panties.


“I don't want a spanking,” she whined.


“Julie, I seem to remember we discussed this. Who decides when you get your butt spanked?”


“You, sir,” she admitted.


“There you go,” he said as he pulled her across his lap, patting her backside.


“But I don't want a spanking!” she repeated.


“That's true, but not relevant,” he said. And he lifted his palm.


Steven tended to start spankings gently, warming her up as they both enjoyed the slow ritual. But this time, he started to spank her hard and fast. First of all, this was a punishment spanking, and he wanted that to be absolutely clear. Secondly, he was just as eager about moving on to the make-out session as she was. He just wanted her to finish the essay first.


“You knew that this essay had to be done tomorrow. You could have finished earlier this week, or even last week. But you held it off to the last minute, because you didn't want to do it,” he lectured as he spanked her. He found that she listened a lot better once her bottom was bared.


“So now, you not only have to finish the essay, but you also have to do it on a sore bottom. Was that a wise choice?”


“Ow!” she grimaced in pain. “No, sir.”


“Are you going to be a good girl from now on?”


“Ouch! Yes, sir.”


“Are you going to finish your essay now?”


“Owie! Yes, sir, I promise!”


“Good. Let's just make sure that this lesson sticks.”


And to Julie's shock, he spanked not only harder, but faster as well. She would have not thought it was possible. She squirmed over his lap, trying her best to escape the stinging punishment, but to no avail – every smack landed exactly where he wanted it to, no matter what she did. She tried to reach back, blocking his hand, but he grabbed her arms and held them at the small of her back, and she was unable to move as he continued his unflinching assault on her posterior.


Finally, he rested his palm on her backside, rubbing in circles. “Have you learned your lesson now, young lady?”


“Yes, sir,” she sighed. His rubbing suddenly felt wonderful against her hot skin, and she pressed her bottom against his palm.


“Are you going to finish your essay?”


She pouted, but knew that nothing she could say would persuade him. “Yes, sir.”


A few minutes later, she was back on the wooden chair, but this time, her shorts and panties were on the floor, her naked backside squirming on the hard wood. She wanted to get a pillow, but she had a feeling that Steven's threat about removing his belt was far from empty.


Half an hour later, the essay was finished, and when Steven had read through it and nodded his approval, she was allowed to dress. And a few minutes later, they were on the sofa, making out and almost paying attention to a film they'd seen countless times before.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...