Sunday, 15 August 2021

The Bet (M/F story)

 "Pair of aces," I said, placing my cards face-up on the table.


With a smug grin, Kate flipped her cards. “Three of a kind. Looks like I win yet again, Jack,” she said, picking up the matchsticks and adding them to her own pile.


Kate was the neighbour's daughter, two years older than me, and we had grown up as best friends. Recently, she'd taught me to play poker. We usually played just for fun, dividing up a box of matchsticks before the game began, but sometimes we played for money, or for dares. Kate was still better at the game than me, but I felt I was learning fast. We were sitting in her parents' living room, me on the couch and she in a comfy chair. Both of her parents were at work, but we were on our summer holiday.


She shuffled the deck, and we played another hand. A few minutes later, I found I was still missing the jack and ten to complete the straight I'd been trying to build up. “King high,” I told her, tossing the cards on the table.


“Pair of threes,” she said cheerily, picking up the last few matchsticks from the table.


“I guess you won. Do you want to divide up the pile and start again?”


“Nah. I've got another idea. We play for a forfeit.”


“What did you have in mind?”


She seemed to be thinking hard about something, before finally making a decision. “How about this: we play a single hand, the normal rules, but the winner gets to give the loser a bare-bottomed spanking.”


You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed. “Are you serious?” I said. “A spanking?”


“That's right. Over the knee, right on the bare. Are you in?”


I thought about this. Kate was a very attractive girl, and the thought of pulling her jeans down and getting my hands on that curvy rear end was definitely appealing. But to have my own trousers and boxers lowered to stand bare-arsed in front of her, then go over her lap for a good smacking, sounded a lot less appealing. I'd won a few hands, but she was still better at the game than I was.


“Are you scared, Jack? Afraid that I'm going to damage your sensitive little buns with my wicked palm?” She tried to give me her best evil grin, but wasn't very successful. “If you're too chicken, we could just play for matchsticks again.”


I knew she was trying to manipulate me, but I wasn't going to let her call me a chicken. “I agree to the bet,” I told her. We shook on it, and she dealt the cards.


The next few minutes were some of the most tense moment of my life so far. I'd never felt more eager to win a game, and it looked like Kate was building a hand just as intensely as I was. Should I try to get a high pair, since any hand was better than none, or should I try for a flush or a straight? I eventually ended up with three nines.


“Three of a kind,” I told her as I put the cards down. She let her cards fall. For a few terrifying seconds, I thought she'd gotten a flush, which blew my hand right out of the water. But then I saw that it was a five of hearts, not a five of diamonds.


“I really thought I'd get that flush,” she said, sulking.


“Well, then,” I said. I tried my best to stop the smug smile spreading across my face, but it was quite impossible. “I've won the prize. I think I'm going to cash it in right away.” I patted my lap.


“Oh, did you think I was serious?” she said, avoiding my gaze. “I didn't MEAN all of that, it was just a bit of fun. You know what I'm like.”


As a matter of fact, I DID know what she was like – she often promised things, then tried her best to get out of delivering on it. But I wasn't about to be manipulated. “On your feet, Kate. We had a deal. We even shook on it.”


She stood up, both hands clasping her bottom protectively. “All right, but just a few smacks over my jeans.”


I shook my head. “On the bare, Kate. That was the deal.” I have to admit, I felt a bit disappointed that she was trying to weasel her way out of it like this. If SHE had won, there's no chance that she'd let me renege the deal afterwards.


Slowly, she stepped forward, until she was close enough that I could grab the waist of her jeans and pull her closer. I undid the button, then pulled the zipper down. She looked uncomfortable as I pulled her jeans down to her knees, and when I placed my fingers in the waistband of her panties, she protested. “Oh, come on. Can't I keep my panties on? They won't be much protection, honestly.”


Well, she was right about that. It didn't look like the thin cotton fabric would be much use, but I still started to lower them. “You should have thought about that before you made the deal, Kate.” I tried to give her my strictest glare, but to tell the truth, I don't think I was any better at that than Kate was at evil grins.


Her panties were now resting on her lowered jeans, and I was faced with a small patch of hair. It was the first time I saw a naked girl in real life, and I'm sorry to admit, I probably stared for far longer than I intended. Eventually, I regained my senses, and I patted my lap. “Over my knee, Kate.”


She eagerly bent over my knee, probably happy to shield her private area from my gaze. But her happiness was short-lived, and she whimpered as my hand started to stroke her bare bottom.


“Get on with it,” she snapped impatiently as my hand continued to wander across her backside. “The deal was for a spanking, not for you to grope my arse.”


“You're not in a position to make demands,” I told her, but I lifted my hand and started spanking her.


The first spanks were light, soft slaps that were barely audible in the silent room. She snorted. “Is that all you've got, Jack?” I slapped harder, but it was painfully obvious that I was new at this. I gathered my courage and started slapping her as hard as I could.


“Jesus,” she hissed. “I wasn't expecting that.”


I almost apologized, but stopped myself. Settling on a sort of middle ground, I delivered some firm, hard slaps, smacking first one cheek, then the other. I think I spanked about twice a second, trying to cover her entire bottom with spanks.


At first, she laid stoically across my lap, barely reacting to the spanking, but as the sting grew, she started to hiss and moan. Her squirming butt was the most delightful thing I'd ever seen, and a wide grin started to spread across my face as I spanked her.


She kicked her legs, arching her back as my palm stung her sit spots. By the time I decided she'd had enough, her entire posterior was bright pink.


After she rose to her feet, she dried some tears out of her eyes with one hand while rubbing her sore cheeks with the other. After a few minutes, she pulled her panties up, before stepping out her jeans and folding them up.


“I… I have to go,” she said, heading for the stairs. “Talk to you later.”


I watched her wriggling backside in those thin pink panties as she ascended the stairs, wondering what this event would do to our friendship. Sure, she was the one who'd suggested the bet, but had I gone too far? Staring at her pubic area, spanking her so hard?


Of course, at the time, I didn't know that Kate played with a marked deck. I didn't know that she'd only taught me to play to orchestrate a bet like this, or the significance of the soft moans I heard coming from her upstairs bathroom. Suffice it to say, this was far from the last time I spanked my gorgeous next-door neighbour.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...