Sunday, 12 September 2021

What the secretary saw (M/F story)

 Sally Jackson leaned back in her chair, smiling to herself. She'd expected that stack of documents to eat up at least a few hours of her time, but half an hour after she'd started, the stack was almost gone. She was quite happy; it was a Friday afternoon, and her boss, the accomplished businessman Percival Hill, had said they might have to work a few hours overtime if they didn't get everything done in time. But from the looks of things, that wouldn't be necessary.


She'd expected that working as a secretary for Mister Hill would be tough work, considering how few of the other people in the firm wanted the job. But it wasn't too bad. There wasn't much time for slacking, but he didn't demand more than when she'd been a low-ranking clerk. She couldn't understand why so few people jumped at the chance to a larger office and better pay.


The sound of high heels determinedly marching towards the offices made her look up. Sally smiled politely as Elisabeth Hill, the boss' wife, approached. Sally hadn't spoken to Mrs Hill yet, and wondered what she was like.


Mrs Hill glared at her, barely summoning up the effort to sneer: "You're her, aren't you? My husband's new pet."


Sally blinked. "I'm sorry?"


"He called me and told me he'd be 'working' late today," Mrs Hill said, not paying much attention to what Sally was saying. She took a few steps forward, moving around the desk, and running her eyes up Sally's body. The young secretary felt her skin crawl. "I can see why. You didn't waste much time, did you? A week or so in the job, and you're already in his trousers."


Sally had been wondering just what this woman was accusing her of, but no longer. She tried her best to remain polite. "Mrs Hill, the reason we might have to work late is that there was a lot of paperwork to get through," she explained calmly. "But it looks like we might be finished soon, so we won't have to."


Mrs Hill smiled self-satisfyingly. "So, when a predator shows up, the scavenger scurries back in her hole. How fitting. But remember this," she said, pushing her face into Sally's. "He's mine, so get your claws out of him."


Then came a voice, slow, but forceful, and slightly amused: "So in this predator-scavenger analogy of yours, do I play the part of corpse?"


Mrs Hill sprung back, blushing as she turned to face her husband. "Percival! I was just-"


"You were just harassing my staff again, bothering them with your paranoid fantasies. I wish you'd stop that. Do you know how hard it was to fill that position? Most of my workers knew you'd most likely harass them."


Sally looked at her boss. He was standing with his hands folded before him, looking at his wife with disappointment. "Didn't I tell you to leave my workers alone?"


Mrs Hill nodded, and her husband put his hand behind his ear. "I'm sorry? What was that?"


His wife swallowed. "Yes, sir."


"And what did I promise you if you did it again?"


She turned slightly pale, and while her face was turned towards her husband, her eyes were locked on Sally. The message was clear: 'Don't make me say it. Not in front of HER.'


Sally was intrigued. Whatever it was, it was clearly embarrassing her.


"Elisabeth, what did I promise you?" he said, his tone getting slightly more forceful. Percival Hill was not a large man in anyone's book, but when his eyes turned cold and his tone forceful, he could be very intimidating.


"You.... you said you'd give me a spanking, sir."


Sally stared at her, mouth open. She must have misheard.


"That's right," he said, picking up one of the chairs and moving it to the middle of the room. As he sat down, he looked at his wife. "Come here."


She stared at him, then threw her arm out toward Sally. "Please, sir, not in here. She'll see!"


"Yes, she will. Considering the way you've treated her, I think that's only fair, don't you?" He turned to Sally. "Unless she doesn't WANT to, of course. What do you say, Sally? Will it offend you to see her getting what's coming?"


Normally, if Sally saw some grown woman about to be pulled over someone's knee, getting her bottom spanked, she'd rush to her protection and scream at the brute about to lay his hands on her. Under the circumstances, though, she was having trouble feeling much sympathy. "Not at all, sir. Please, go on," she said with a smile.


Mister Hill smiled back, before turning to his wife with a strict look on his face. He patted his lap. "Come here, Elisabeth."


On shaking knees, Elisabeth made her way toward him, standing at his right side. Without being prompted, she leaned forward, hands on the floor as she laid down over her husband's lap, her bottom being pushed up by his knee. Sally had a feeling she'd been in this position a few times before.


Sally smiled, eagerly leaning forward to watch the show. He had made sure that his wife's bottom was turned towards the secretary, giving her an excellent view of what was going on. How thoughtful of him.


He lifted his hand, bringing it down on her skirt-covered bottom with a loud smack. Mrs Hill lay there stoically, determined not to make a fuss in front of the SECRETARY, but as the spanks kept landing, each increasing the burning sensation spreading through her rear, she found herself kicking her legs.


"You'll stop bothering my staff," her husband told her calmly as he spanked. "You'll treat everyone with respect. And if you don't, I'll invite every employee I have to watch your next blistering."


"You wouldn't!" she gasped., but she didn't sound too sure.


"Why don't you behave, and you won't have to find out?" he answered calmly.


He lifted her skirt, bringing her black silk panties into view. She kicked her legs a bit, clearly wanting to protest, but scared of the consequences. Her cheeks were turning pink, and Sally found the sight quite appealing. The spanking continued, and Sally grinned as she watched her cheeks bounce under his strict palm. She was crying, but he didn't seem too moved by her tears.


And then, once her rear end had started to turn red, came the order. "Elisabeth, I want you to pull your panties down."


His wife gasped. Not only would her bottom be bare in front of the watching eyes of the secretary, but she would have to do it herself. "Please, sir, I've learned my lesson."


"Obviously not, or I wouldn't have to tell you twice. If your panties aren't pulled down in five seconds, I'm doing it myself, and I'll take my belt off while I'm at it."


In a flash, she'd pulled her panties down, and he continued the spanking. She was sobbing loudly as his hard palm rained slaps down on her quivering posterior, kicking her legs wildly.


By the time she was finally allowed off his lap, she was a red-faced, red-bottomed, sobbing child of a woman.


"I want you to apologize to Sally," he told her. She did so, and it was one of the sincerest apologies Sally had gotten in her life. Only then was the woman allowed to pull her panties back up and lower her skirt, which she did hastily.


A few minutes later, Sally was walking home, thinking about what had happened. Her boss had made her promise not to tell anyone. She closed her eyes, picturing the red bottom squirming around, the woman squealing as her husband roasted her hind quarters. Quite an interesting afternoon.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...