Sunday, 8 May 2022

Maid and Mistress (M/F story)

He was shown into the library by one of the maids, a small brunette that he couldn't remember the name of. "The Mistress is in there," she said pointing at a small door that had always been locked as long as he could remember.

"What's in there?"

"That's the private section of the library, sir. No one is allowed in unless the Mistress says so."

"And you're sure that's where she wants me to go?"

"Very sure, sir," she said, and left with a friendly smile.

Danny knocked on the door, still wanting to make sure that this was where he was supposed to go.

Danny was a carpenter, born and raised in the village not far from here. Larissa was also local, but of a very different breed. Larissa, or Lady Larissa as she was to be called, was the current ruler of the Mansion, and her properties included the village and quite a bit more. He had been called up to the manor to fix some broken doors and such, and the Lady had taken a liking to him. He had been invited many times over for tea, and she had begun a good-natured teasing that made him blush and had caused some thoughts he knew he should never share with anyone.

Today, however, she had told him she had some tasks she wanted him to perform. Duties, she had called it. He had frowned a bit at that, as he had a feeling that she wanted something else than his carpentry skills. He had asked her about it, but she had refused to answer. Sometimes, her silence could be infuriating.

"Come in," Larissa told him. He entered, and looked around the room. The walls were covered with books, old dusty ones that didn't appear to have been read in quite some time. There was a small table and a few chairs at the centre of the room, and Larissa was sitting there, drinking her tea. The Lady was wearing a simple blue dress.

The thing that most drew his attention, however, was the maid at the far side of the room, facing the corner with her hands on her head.

"Ah, Danny. How good of you to join us. Please, take a seat." Larissa nodded at the chair opposite her. Danny sat down, still more focused at the maid than at anything.

"Well, Danny, let's go straight to business, shall we? Can I be frank with you?"

"Of course, Milady."

"I am a young woman in need for a husband – a Lord of the Manor, if you will. You're an attractive young man, single and honest, in need of a wife. I see a solution."

This was more frankness than Danny had anticipated, and he struggled to find something to say, but she held her hand up. "Let me finish, please. As I said, you are kind, intelligent, attractive, and strong – all admirable qualities. But a Lord of the Manor needs something more. In business dealings and in servant affairs, he must be strict and unyielding. Maybe you are, maybe you're not. That's' what we're here to find out." She turned to the maid. "Carol? Come over here."

The maid walked over to the table, hands still on her head, not meeting either's gaze.

"This is Carol. She was one of my most trusted maids. That trust, it seems, was misplaced. The girl was caught in town, trying to sell some silverware that she had pocketed. Serious charges, you must admit." She turned to Danny. "I want you to spank her."

"What?" Danny felt disoriented. This conversation had started off strangely, and had only gotten stranger.

"I want you to spank her," Larissa repeated calmly. "I have quite a few servants, and if you want to be my husband, I want to know that you can handle them. I have found that spankings work wonders for keeping the girls in line. It's remarkable, the difference that it makes. I want you to prove to me that you can handle this naughty girl. What do you say?"

"I'll do my best," Danny said. This situation was very new to him, and he wasn't too sure of the etiquette.

Larissa gave him a comforting smile, and turned to the girl. "Carol? Get into position."

Still looking straight ahead, the girl lifted her skirt up, and began lowering her underwear. When they reached her knees, she stepped over to Danny and lowered herself over his lap.

Danny reflected on just how strange the situation was. Larissa – his fiancée, apparently – was sitting opposite him, eagerly leaning forward to watch him spank the maid that had just bared her bottom and placed herself over his lap. He had a feeling that even in the strange corridors of nobility, these things didn't happen every day.

He gave the pale bottom in front of him a few good smacks. The cheeks wiggled invitingly as his palm landed, and he tried a few more. The girl was lying motionless over his lap. He wasn't the most experienced spanker in the world, but he had a feeling that there was supposed to be more of a reaction. Maybe some squirming and promises to be good – that sort of thing.

He slapped the bare cheeks again, slowly getting into a sort of rhythm, as his hand moved from cheek to cheek. After a short while, the results came. The girl started gasping, clearly in some discomfort, and as her buttocks went from shining white to light pink, then to a darker pink, the reaction intensified. The gasps became louder, and were joined by little protests of pain.

"Ow! Sir, that hurts!"

"Oh, I believe it does," he replied drily. Larissa gave a little giggle at that; it was clear that she was greatly enjoying the sight.

As her bottom turned from pink to red, and from red to crimson, the girl was kicking her legs, and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She squirmed around so much he almost missed his target, Not wanting her to interfere with the punishment, Danny put his leg around hers and held her down with his free hand, making sure she couldn't get away.

At last, Larissa spoke out. "That's enough, Danny. You can let her up now."  

Danny looked down on the sobbing girl over his lap. One of the stranger events of his life, he concluded. When helped to her feet, the maid began rubbing her bottom furiously, hopping from leg to leg to relieve the pain.

"Come here, Carol," Larissa said. She turned the girl around, taking a look at her bottom. "Well, not bad for a first-timer, Danny, not bad at all. Even colour, no bruises, hot to the touch... What do you think, Carol?"

"Oh, he's a natural, that one, that's for sure," she said, giving Danny a warm smile. "He should go professional."

Danny was confused. This was yet another turn of events he hadn't anticipated.

"Oh, poor Danny, so confused," Larissa said sympathetically. "Let's see if I can't answer a few questions. First of all, Carol didn't steal anything, and she's not here for punishment. She's here because she loves being spanked, and I wanted to make sure that you knew how to get a girl fired up."

"This was all some kind of act?" he said, scrambling to get his mental footing.

"Yes." She smiled impishly. "I'm afraid I've taken you for a ride, which is very naughty of me." She looked down, no longer meeting his gaze. "I've been a VERY bad girl."

Not needing any more hints, Danny reached forward, grabbed her hands and pulled the giggling woman out of her chair and over his knee. Quickly getting her dress and underwear out of the way, he began colouring a pale bottom for the second time that evening.

Carol leaned against the bookcase, rubbing her stinging rear as she watched her Mistress getting what was coming to her. She had to admit, she hadn't been lied to; it was just as exciting to watch as it was to get it herself. She began to wonder if her Mistress would let her play with her fiancée again some other time.

1 comment:


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...