Saturday, 29 October 2022

Group project (M/F story)

As she moved from dead-end job to dead-end job , Rachel had to admit that working life had not turned out as well as she had hoped. At 25, she returned to the college she'd dropped out of five years before. However, the first few weeks reminded her why she hadn't completed the courses the first time around.

However, one of the courses relied heavily on teamwork, so she hatched a little scheme. She could remember from her own high school and college days how the teenaged boys would fall over themselves to help a slightly older, scantily clad woman if there was even the slightest chance that they might get to see her tits at some point. She bought herself some tighter tops, shorter skirts, and figure-hugging jeans, and looked around the classroom to see which fellow student looked most vulnerable to her charms.

She quickly settled on Louis. He was muscular and somewhat handsome, but at half a head shorter than herself, he was not tall enough to be a big hit with the ladies. He was intelligent and hard-working, so he'd definitely be able to help her out. If she let him stare down her cleavage occasionally, or bent over to pick something up when he was behind her, she was sure he'd be happy to handle most of the work in their group projects.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Warming up (M/F story)

It was an hour left before the start of the biggest concert of her career, and Beth - known to her fans as Beelzebeth - was really starting to feel the stress. She had tried to listen to her manager and assistant when they told her that it was just another gig, that she should just go out there and do what she always did, but it didn't help. There were at least three times as many people there as her previous biggest crowd - more if they were telling the truth about it being sold out - and the knowledge that all those people were going to watch her play made her anxious. Unfortunately for the people around her, she chose to express her emotions by yelling and throwing things.

"Now, are you sure there is nothing I can get you?" Alicia said nervously, trying as hard as she could to calm her boss. Alicia had been Beth's assistant for a few months, and she knew Beth always suffered from nerves before the concert began, but it wasn't usually this bad. "I'm sure a nice cup of tea would -"

"Tea!?" Beth replied, grabbing the front of Alicia's shirt as she snarled into her assistant's face. "I'm about to go out there and make a fool out of myself for millions of people, and you think TEA is going to fix things!?"

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Spring break shenanigans (F/F story)

It was spring break, and as far as I knew, I was the only one left in my building at the University. The other girls had headed back home to spend time with family or party with friends, but I didn't feel like doing either. I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and moping.

A few days before, my girlfriend Susan had broken up with me, so I preferred staying in my room over seeing friends. Some of the girls had offered to take me to a party, hoping to cheer me up, but I declined. Nothing they could do would bring me joy, and I had no desire to grumble around and ruin their fun.

Someone knocked on my door. I continued to stare at the ceiling - there was no one I wanted to talk to. They knocked again. I still hoped they would leave, but a few seconds later, there was another knock. "Go away!" I yelled.

"Julia, it's Michelle. Can I come in?"

"No. Go away," I repeated.

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Neighbour's loan (F/M story)

Living on his own had turned out to be a lot harder than Lance had expected. He had rented a small apartment not too far from the college he was going to, and close to the bar he had managed to get work in. Ideally placed, but priced accordingly too. He was standing outside by the mailbox, looking at the bill he had just opened. How was he going to pay this?

"Hey, neighbour. How's it going?"

He glanced up. It was Rose Henderson, his closest neighbour. "Hi, Miss Henderson."

"I told you to call me Rose," she scolded gently. Rose was in her late thirties, with short black hair, and always with a smile on her face. "Now, why the long face?"

Lance nodded to the bill he was holding. Rose held out her hand, and Lance passed it to her.

"So I'm guessing you're having trouble financially? Well, if you're having trouble paying, I can lend you some."

He smiled. Rose always looked out for others. "That would be great!"

"Just one small thing," she said, suddenly growing serious. "You know why you're out of money? It's because of all those parties you throw. Alcohol's not free, you know. I've seen it before, first time away from the nest, and you think that money will last forever. What's happened is that your parents aren't here to keep you on the straight and narrow, and you lack self-discipline." She pulled her wallet out of her purse and handed him a few bills. "You can borrow this – no, on second thought, it's a gift. But," she said as he grabbed the money, "The next time you're in trouble and need to borrow money, I will be taking you over my knee and taking it out of your bottom."

With a parting waggle of her finger at him, she left. Lance smiled to himself; Rose had such a strange sense of humour.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Dressed to impress (M/F story)

One morning, I was woken up by a strange, buzzing sound. Shaking my head to try to clear my sleep-addled brain, I eventually recognized it as the doorbell. I tried to sit up, but it took some effort – it had been a late evening. The night before, I'd been to a BDSM-party, hoping to find an attractive, single guy who'd like to take a young woman across his lap. Sadly, most of the best guys were already taken, and I ended up going home alone.

I promptly placed my head down on the pillow again - if any of my friends needed to reach me this early, they would always call first, and I had no desire to talk to any charity collectors or door-to-door salespeople or anyone like that.

A few seconds later, I bounced out of bed, suddenly remembering that my new landlord was coming to talk to me today. I'd moved into the apartment a few weeks ago, and he wanted to give me time to settle in before he came to ask me whether there were any issues I needed him to deal with, and whether I had any questions. It was also clear that he also wanted to make sure I wasn't a terrible slob or might cause permanent damage to the place, but he hadn't said that part out loud.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...