Sunday, 1 January 2023

A surprising suggestion (M/F story)

I was 16 when I met Nora. We were in the same geography class, and I was interested in getting to know the short, red-haired girl with the deep green eyes. She later told she was equally interested in getting to know the lanky boy with the dark, unkempt hair and charming smile.

I was 17 when we started dating. I didn't want to ask her out when our classmates were around, in case she rejected me, but we ran into each other in the grocery store one day. We went to see a movie - possibly a superhero movie, but I can't remember. The goodbye kiss at her doorstep was far more memorable.

I was 18 the first time I spanked her. She hadn't shown up to school that day, so I went to her home to see if she was OK. I found her drinking beer on the sofa and watching TV - her parents were away, so she intended to party all weekend. I tried to talk sense into her, but she blew me off and insulted me. Angered by the dismissive attitude she was suddenly displaying, I ended up sitting next to her on the couch and dragging her over my knee. I first spanked over her sweatpants, which I then pulled down to smack the seat of her panties. She was soon apologizing and promising to be good. When it was over, she sobbed into my chest, worried that I hated her. I told her I loved her, but that I wouldn't let her treat herself this way – or me, for that matter. I also warned her that any future misconduct on her part would earn her another trip over my knee. She pouted at this prospect, but didn't protest.

I was 19 when Nora broke up with me. I'd given her quite a few spankings over the last year (every time I felt she deserved it), so my first worry was that I had been too strict with her. She assured me that this wasn't the problem; according to her, I had never been too cruel, had never punished her when it wasn't deserved, and had never taken advantage of her in her vulnerable state. No, the problem was that she was moving away to go to college in two weeks, and I was staying in the same city. She had no desire to be in a long-distance relationship, so it would be better for us both if we ended it now, instead of letting it drag on for another few months. Nothing I could say could change her mind, so we parted ways.

It was four weeks after this that I received the phone call from her sister that would lead to one of the strangest events of my life.

It started normally enough. Laura had been cleaning her apartment and found some books that Nora and she had borrowed from me. There were also some things that I had lent to Nora which had ended up at Laura's apartment, so I could pick them up if I wanted to. She asked me to drop by on Friday evening, which I did.

Laura was a decade older than her sister. She had the same red hair and green eyes as Nora, but was a foot taller, and always cut her hair short, while Nora liked to grow hers long. On this particular day, she was wearing jeans and a nice top that showed off some of her curves without being too skimpy.

She greeted me with a warm smile and asked me to come in. My stuff was piled on her living room table, so I opened the backpack and started to fill it. Some of it were things I'd given to Nora, others were things I no longer wanted back (like books I hadn't actually liked), so I told her she was free to keep it or throw it away - whatever she wanted. I was about to leave, but she gave me a very friendly smile. "What's the hurry, Jeremy? I was hoping you'd stay a bit so we could chat. Or do you have other plans tonight?"

"Nothing important. Sure, I can stay if you want." I was slightly confused - I'd talked to Laura a couple of times when she visited her parents, and as Nora's boyfriend, I'd been invited to Laura's thirtieth birthday a few months ago, but I wouldn't say we were really friends.

"Great," she said, beaming at me. "Would you like a beer? Coke? Something else?"

"Coke is fine," I told her, and as she headed off into the kitchen, I had a feeling that she was flirting with me. But why would a thirty-year-old woman flirt with a teenager - and one who had until recently dated her younger sister as well? We didn't exactly have a lot in common.

Was this something orchestrated by Nora? Some test of my fidelity? But she'd broken up with me - what I did was no longer her business. And if it was some scheme of hers, Nora would probably be more likely to use one of her friends that were close to my own age. In the end, I decided I was just imagining things. Laura wasn't flirting, just being friendly.

She returned with two cans of coke, and took the seat next to me on the sofa. We chatted a bit about world events, about the recent movies we'd seen, and she told me how Nora was getting along in her first two weeks of college; that latter part was something that no longer interested me, but I pretended to listen. But while we talked, I had a feeling that she was summoning up the courage to bring up another subject - there was something she wanted to say, but found difficult to express. I kept talk light, allowing her to bring it up when she was ready.

Finally, she took a deep breath and looked at me. "I know that you spanked Nora." She giggled when she saw the shocked expression on my face. "We've always been close, despite the age difference, and she would never have kept something like that from me. In fact, I've even had her over my lap so I could rub some lotion on her cheeks when you were particularly hard on her - do you remember that time she borrowed dad's car and drove home drunk? You used a ruler on her bottom, didn't you, you evil, brutal man?" The grin on her face took the sting out of her words.

I tried to process what I had just learned. I'd never told anyone about the discipline I provided to Nora, and I hadn't expected her to tell anyone either. "Do your parents know?"

She shook her head. "The only thing they know is that she grew much more well-behaved while she was dating you. They assumed your maturity was rubbing off on her, and they approved - though I don't know if they would approve of your methods if they knew. Neither of us were ever spanked growing up."

I reflected on this, then asked the obvious question. "So why are you bringing it up now? We're no longer dating, so I'm not likely to spank her any time soon."

She looked at me as if sizing me up. "It's BECAUSE you're no longer dating that I'm bringing it up. I would never ask this of my sister's boyfriend, but now that you're single..." She licked her lips nervously and stared down at her hands - she'd once again reached a subject she found difficult to bring up. After a few seconds, she raised her head. "I've always been interested in spanking, Jeremy. I've fantasized about it for years. I even found a boyfriend who was willing to take me over his knee, but he only gave me a few slaps before starting to grope me. Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but it wasn't what I needed. I need a real, hard spanking..." she gazed deeply into my eyes. "And I know that you can do that for me."

I stared at her. Over the last year, I had spanked Nora many times, but only when she deserved it. She might grumblingly accept she was in the wrong, but she never WANTED a spanking. And now, a woman who was ten years older than me was telling me that she wanted me to take her over my knee? This was surreal.

She bit her lip, suddenly blushing. "You don't... I shouldn't have brought it up, I'm sorry. It was a terrible idea. I don't really believe that... Just forget about it, it was all a big -"

I reached forward, placing my finger gently on her lips. She stopped babbling and stared at me. "If you want me to spank you, I will."

She looked at me with an expression of deep-felt gratitude, then leaned forward and hugged me. "You've no idea how nervous I've been about this."

I sat up, patting my lap. "Over my knee, young lady," I said in my strictest voice. She gave me a relieved smile before bending forward and placing her weight on my lap. Her head and feet rested on the sofa, and her backside was centred over my lap, raised to meet my hand. I gently ran my hand over her curvy posterior, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do.

I started of slowly, delivering a few gentle pats to the seat of her jeans. She lifted her rear to meet my hand, and it was clear she was eager for me to really start. I moved my hand from cheek to cheek, gradually increasing the speed and strength of the slaps.

After a few minutes, I decided it was enough of a warm-up. "Stand up and lower your jeans," I told her.

She rose to her feet, but then looked haughtily at me. "No," she said.

"I beg your pardon?" I said, wondering what was going on.

"I'm not going to take my trousers down," she said, folding her hands in front of her and glaring at me.

I was slightly confused. Had she changed her mind - didn't she want a spanking after all? She'd seemed quite certain a few minutes ago. Or did she want me to spank her over the jeans? That didn't seem to fit with her desire for a real spanking. Suddenly, it clicked. "If I have to take your jeans down for you, you are going to get extras," I told her strictly. Grinning triumphantly, she placed her hands on her head. I undid her belt, before unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. As I lowered them to her knees, her skimpy pink panties were displayed to my gaze.

"Back over my knee," I told her, and she eagerly leaned forward. I gently rubbed the seat of her soft satin panties, before lifting my hand and continuing to spank.

Laura had started to squirm slightly every time my palm landed, wriggling her bottom back and forth. Happy little giggles escaped her lips, but my hand continued to light a fire in her behind, and she was soon moaning as the sting grew.

Her bottom was as pink as her panties, but I knew she didn't want me to stop yet. She'd asked for a real spanking, and I had every intention of giving her one. I placed my fingers in the waistband of her panties. She drew in a sharp breath, but didn't protest as I pulled them down to reveal her pretty, pink posterior. I rested my palm and my gaze on her beautiful bottom, rubbing it slightly before lifting my hand and continuing the spanking.

Within a few minutes, she was kicking her legs and squirming, and I had to wrap my arm around her waist to make sure she remained in place. She was yelping and squealing with every smack, but she still hadn't asked me to stop.

By the time I decided to end the spanking, tears were rolling down her cheeks, and her bottom was bright red. She rose to her feet, gingerly rubbing her bottom, but there was a blissful grin on her face. "Thank you, Jeremy! That was just what I needed!" And she surprised me by leaning down, kissing me on the lips.

When I punished Nora, this was usually the point where she snuggled up next to me on the sofa, and I comforted her and told her she was forgiven while we watched TV. Laura, however, had something entirely different in mind, as I found out when she kneeled in front of me and started to unzip my trousers.

"What are you doing?" I gasped.

"You have given me proper punishment, sir," she said seductively, lowering her gaze. "It is only fitting that I thank you for my spanking." And she placed her lips around the shaft of my penis. From the casual way she progressed, I had a feeling she'd done this before, but I didn't ask - it would ruin the moment, and besides, she shouldn't talk with her mouth full.

As I looked into her eyes, I had a feeling we'd be doing all of this again very soon.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to start of the New Year! Thanks for a great story!!!



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...