Sunday, 17 September 2023

The maid and the visitor's nephew (M/F story)

 Scarlett wiped perspiration from her brow, wishing she could have worn something a little less warm than her maid costume while working on a hot day like this.

Lady Bowman's good friend Baroness Starr was coming for an extended visit, accompanied by her nephew Jacob. Scarlett and the other employees had been told to prepare the manor for the grand visit, and Scarlett was dusting the bedrooms. She'd finished the suite that the Baroness would be staying in, and was now working on Mister Starr's quarters. There wasn't a lot left to do, but she was now quite tired, and was longing for a rest.

Glancing at one of the comfy chairs, she desperately wanted to sit down for a few minutes. Well, why not? She had more than an hour to finish cleaning before the guests arrived, which was far more than she needed. As she sat down, making herself comfortable on the soft chair, she decided that she'd sit here for a short while – five minutes, not more – just to get her strength back.

She awoke to the sound of liquid being poured into a glass. Jerking awake, the disoriented woman looked around the room, trying to get her bearings. A handsome, red-haired man was sitting on the bed opposite her, watching her with an amused grin on his face and a decanter and drinking glass in his hands. From the expensive clothes he was wearing, she guessed it was the Baroness' nephew.

"Ah, you're awake," he said good-humouredly. "It's been..." he glanced at his watch. "Five minutes since I entered the room, and you haven't stirred once. You must have been tired." He handed her the glass. "Some brandy to help you wake up."

Scarlett jumped to her feet, hastily trying to straighten the skirt of her uniform in a vain attempt to give a better first impression by appearing more presentable. "I am terribly sorry, sir! I didn't mean to fall asleep on the job – I just thought I'd rest for a few minutes!"

He chuckled. It was apparent that he found the whole situation quite amusing. "Oh, it turned out to be a little more than that – but that just shows you needed it."

He still held the glass in her direction, and Scarlett attempted to wave it away. "Oh, that brandy is not for the servants, Jacob. Mister Starr, I mean!" she quickly corrected herself, silently berating herself. Referring to Lady Bowman's honoured guests by their first name would not be popular with her employer.

"It was a gift from the Lady to myself, which means I can do with it whatever I want – and I'm giving you a glass", he said calmly. "Now be a good girl and drink. I think you need that as well."

Reluctantly, Scarlett accepted the glass. She put it to her lips, coughing as the unfamiliar liquid burned her throat. Maids were obviously not permitted to drink the Lady's expensive brandy, and unlike some of her fellow maids, Scarlett had never been courageous enough to try to steal some.

"There. Do you feel better now? Properly awake?" his eyes sparkled with mirth as he took the glass from her hand and placed it next to the decanter on the nightstand. She nodded. "What is your name?"

"Scarlett, sir," she answered, wondering why in the world this rich man wanted to know the maid's name. A dreadful suspicion suddenly struck her, and she held her hands pleadingly out at him. "Oh, please don't tell Lady Bowman that I fell asleep on the job! I couldn't bear it if she found out."

"Oh?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "What would happen? Would the old lady take you over her knee and spank your little bottom?"

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Punished at the beach (M/f story)

A return of the characters from Cleanup.
Mindy felt very strongly that there were some days that were just too warm and wonderful to spend in a dusty high school classroom, so the eighteen-year-old had decided to call in sick and spend the day on the beach with her girlfriends. They'd brought a few sixpacks with them on the bus, and were planning to get drunk and flirt with guys. Mindy had always been tall and skinny, and felt that her bikini wasn't as filled-out as she'd like, but as long as it was skimpy enough, it didn't matter much.

Her best friend Courtney had declined to join them – she felt too self-conscious to wear a bikini, and had no desire to end up in trouble – but Mindy was sure they'd have a good time without her.

They'd been there a few hours, and Mindy had started chatting to a handsome surfer named Jake, when she heard her name being called from the other end of the beach. She looked up to see a tall, athletic man walking toward her with a scowl on his face. Her big brother Robert had arrived to spoil her fun.

She rose from the sand and walked to meet him. As she approached, he folded his arms and glared at her. "I was driving past and spotted you and your little buddies partying. Why aren't you at school, young lady?"

"I felt sick," she said, trying to seem calm and blasé in front of her friends.

He raised an eyebrow. "And you thought going to the beach and drinking beer was the best medicine?"

She shrugged. "I felt better, so I decided to head out." Despite her attempts to seem cool and confident, she could feel a blushing tingeing her cheeks, and fought to keep it back. Being scolded by her strict older brother was never fun, but having it happen in front of her friends – plus the cute boy she was trying to flirt with – made it a thousand times worse. In her tipsy state, she decided that the best path forward was to show no weakness and treat it as a joke.

"You felt better, so you decided to go to the beach, instead of to school, where you should have been?" He sighed. "I'm not stupid, Mindy. It was a nice day, so you decided to skip school. Well, I'm taking you there right now."

She smiled as she glanced down at her bikini. "And you don't think the outfit is going to raise any eyebrows?" Giggles could be heard from the silently watching crowd – she'd scored a point.

"I'm taking you home to put some clothes on first, of course," he acknowledged. "But then – "

"By the time we get to school," she pointed out, "the day will be practically over, so there's no point in going there." Grinning at her victory, she brought her can of beer to her lips, but Robert snatched it out of her hand.

"Well, I'm taking you home at any rate," he said, in a voice that would have made her shiver if she'd been sober enough to care.

"You are doing no such thing," she said, folding her arms in front of her, trying to stare him down.

"Mindy. We are going home, where we're going to discuss this in private." This time, his tone of voice managed to penetrate her beer-addled brain, and she realized what he meant. This would be one of those discussions where he'd lecture her, put her over his knee, and spank her bare bottom until she was sobbing. The look on his face confirmed her dreadful suspicions. There was no doubt that this was what was waiting for her back home.

Of course, she had no desire to go through this, so she concluded that the best path forward was to remain stubborn. She turned her back on him. "You can go wherever the hell you want," she told him. "But I'm staying here."

When he stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, and she saw the look of steel on his face, she began to realize that she'd made a mistake. "Oh? You don't want to go home for our discussion? You want to remain here? Fine. We'll discuss it right here, right now... in front of your friends."

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Broken Promise 2: Home from the party (M/F story)

Sequel to Broken Promise.
"I don't see why we have to go to this party," Sydney grumbled as she tried to pick out a dress to wear. Or should she go with a skirt? Actually, maybe she should choose jeans...

"We are going because we've been at this college for two months, and you still haven't really talked to anyone," her boyfriend Gabriel explained calmly. "We're going because it'll be good for you to get out of the apartment – you can't just lie under a blanket on the couch all day."

"But I LIKE lying under the blanket," she whined. "Especially when I'm cuddling with you."

He smiled at her. "I like that too – but going outside occasionally is good for you, and you need to meet new people. And I'll be there at your side the entire evening, if you want to."

"But I have a new Dorian Hart novel I was planning to read today," she complained. "Don't I get a choice here?"

"Of course you have a choice," he said as he walked over to her, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "You can get dressed, come to the party with me, and have a good time..." He gave her bottom a few taps that weren't quite as gentle as she would have liked. "Or I can take you across my knee, spank your little butt until it's bright red and you're squealing, and THEN we get dressed and go to the party."

She pouted. "You're mean and unfair and not half as funny as you think you are."

"Those are your options," he told her. "Make a choice, before I make it for you."


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...