Sunday, 21 April 2024

Mira's Maid (F/ff story)

All of the girls in my class wanted to be friends with Mira. She was popular, charismatic, a good student, and beautiful – not to mention that her parents were filthy rich. An 18-year-old couldn't dream of a better life than that.

Well, I tell a lie. Most of the girls wanted to BE Mira. But if you couldn't do that, being her friend was also good.

So when the bell rang at the end of the school day, and Mira asked me if I wanted to hang out that afternoon, I jumped at the opportunity.

We spent an hour or two at the mall, trying on skirts and sipping some eye-wateringly expensive lattes. For the sake of my pride, I'd made a token effort to pay for my coffee myself, but she insisted on treating me – which was fortunate, because I had very little money and really didn't want to waste it like this. I didn't even know they sold such expensive drinks in my little town, but I guess when your parents are loaded, you get used to treats like that.

Our shopping trip done, we headed back to her home to relax. As we entered the house, we were greeted by a very angry-looking maid. Yes, they have a maid. One who walks around all day in that silly black costume from old movies, and who cleans so they don't have to. Did I mention that her parents were rolling in it?

The maid, who was a tall, slim woman with short, red hair, folded her arms in front of her chest and glared at Mira. "And where have you been, young lady?"

I was slightly taken aback; I'd never had a maid before, but I didn't think they talked to their employers like that. Maybe it was because she was the daughter of the house and not the owner. Mira sighed, rolling her eyes. "I was at the mall, Abigail. Chill."

"Your parents gave you strict instructions to come straight home from school today. They wanted to talk to you before they left for their evening out, but they couldn't wait any longer." She raised an eyebrow in a way that reminded me of the expression my mother wore whenever I was in trouble. "They had also told you to clean your room yesterday, if I recall correctly."

Mira huffed. "I'm hanging out with Jenny right now. I'll do it later."

Abigail the Maid nodded. "Yes, you will. Your parents instructed me to make sure you cleaned your room today. They also asked me to deal with your disobedience so far." She sat down on a straight-backed armless wooden chair that stood nearby, patting her lap. "Come here, Mira."

I stared at the maid. She didn't mean what I thought she meant, right? I just had a dirty mind – there was no way in hell that my eighteen-year-old classmate was about to be spanked by her maid. I glanced over at Mira, about to share my amusing mistake with her, and I was shocked to see her fidget and nervously chew her finger, suddenly transformed into a naughty little girl. She'd come to the same conclusion I had, and from her reaction, it wasn't the first time it had happened.

"Come here, Mira," Abigail repeated, her voice several degrees colder as she patted her lap again. I guess Mira's words had accomplished something – the maid HAD chilled.

Sunday, 14 April 2024

The maid and the miss (F/f story)

The lanky, dark-haired teenager Luna was heading downstairs to the kitchen, looking for a snack, when she heard her mother's maid complaining to her visiting friend. The door was slightly ajar, and she saw that the two women were sitting at the kitchen table, each with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"And have you seen the state of her room?" Christine was saying. The tall, fair-haired maid shook her head. "If any of my sisters had made a mess like that, I would put them over my knee and warm their bottoms."

Isabel raised an eyebrow as she looked at her friend. "Luna's eighteen, isn't she?"

Christine shrugged. "Yes, but so what? She's not too old for a spanking, if that's what you think. My sister Anna is 21 now, and she's still subject to our parents' discipline – and mine, whenever I'm back there and my parents are too busy to deal with her." Isabel gave her a questioning glance, but Christine waved it away. "I'm ten years older than her, so she's expected to obey me."

"I'm pretty sure Luna's mother would object to such a treatment," Isabel pointed out.

"Obviously," Christine conceded. "The girl has never been spanked in her life. That much is clear." She sniffed disapprovingly. "Pity, really. I really think she would benefit from it."
Luna stood outside the room, her heart beating so loudly she almost couldn't hear what the two women were saying. For a brief moment, Luna was worried that they could hear it – and wondered what they would do if they caught her listening at the door. She shivered at the thought.

As quietly as she could, she retreated to her room, sitting down on her bed to process what she'd just heard. So, her mother's maid actually wanted to spank her!

The maid was correct that Luna had never been spanked – and when Christine said that this was a pity, Luna actually agreed completely. She'd been fascinated by spanking for as long as she could remember, and had wondered what it would be like to be taken across someone's knee. There was something exciting about the painful, humiliating act that had dominated her dreams for some time.

And now, she knew that there was a person living in the same house as her that wanted to make that fantasy a reality. She was certain that the big, muscular, determined maid could give a proper spanking if she wanted. Luna began to ponder what she should do about this situation.

She glanced around. She had to admit, her room was quite messy, wasn't it?

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Maid Month

Recently, I realized that the last two stories I've written for the blog (the one I uploaded last week, and the one I'll upload tomorrow) featured maids as main characters, and so did the one I had started drafting (which I plan to upload next week). This was not intentional - I have a large folder of story ideas, and picked prompts essentially at random.
I then discovered that April is International Spank your Maid Month, which is a fairly interesting coincidence. I've therefore decided that the last story of April will ALSO feature a maid. Though despite the theme of the month, not all of these feature maids being spanked - sometimes, they get to spank others.

Sunday, 7 April 2024

The maid's magazine (M/F story)

 Alice had been employed as a maid for Mister Hollins for about seven months now, and greatly enjoyed her work. Mister Hollins' mansion was quite large, but her employer was the only occupant, and the quiet bachelor created very little work for her. She spent a few hours per day dusting and cleaning, which still left her with a lot of time for herself. The only thing she wondered at was her uniform; she didn't think a lot of women wore the classic maid's uniform these days – the black dress with the white apron – but she knew her employer was a bit of a traditionalist.

Mister Hollins was an athletic man in his late thirties, though his dark-blond hair had begun to turn grey at the temples, making him look slightly older. He was always impeccably dressed in a suit and tie, and treated his employees kindly, if formally. Alice had wondered where his money came from – was it all inheritance, or had he worked for it? He spent his days reading novels or going for long, slow walks on his rather large estate, but that didn't mean he'd always lived like that. She hadn't felt comfortable asking, though.

One day, she headed into town for a brief shopping trip. Stopping at a convenience store, she walked past the magazine aisle when something caught her eye. Among the adult magazines, she spotted one depicting a young woman in a maid's uniform bent over a well-dressed man's lap with her skirt raised and her panties lowered. Her bare bottom was bright red, but there was a blissful grin on her face. The title of the magazine was "Maid for Spanking". She stared at it, stunned and breathless, as her heart began beating rapidly. For some reason, Alice knew she had to have it. There was no resisting the sudden tingle between her legs.

The girl behind the counter gave her a strange, knowing smile as Alice placed it on the counter. Alice blushed, unable to meet her gaze – was the girl just amused that a young woman was purchasing something so naughty, or did she know who Alice was? Obviously, she wasn't wearing her uniform on a shopping trip, but there were a few people in town who knew about Mister Hollins' newest employee. Was this girl one of them? A maid purchasing a magazine about maids being spanked would certainly seem amusing. Was she making assumptions about what was going on at the mansion?

"Have fun," the girl called out as Alice fled the shop, blushing crimson and unable to utter a word in response. She hurried back to the house, eager to examine her new acquisition.

Monday, 1 April 2024

Puddles (M/F story)

Featuring the same characters as The inappropriate costume. It also ended up featuring much of the same story beats, but I still think it's worth reading.

Many people would say that a 22-year-old woman was far too old to put on her favourite boots and go jumping in puddles. Zoe would poke her tongue at these people and call them names, and then keep jumping in puddles, because it made her happy.

Zoe had been at the store to buy sweets. Wearing a lovely yellow raincoat and her best boots, she'd spotted the giant puddles everywhere and wondered if there was a reason NOT to go splashing through them. Deciding, in the end, that there wasn't, she'd spent an enjoyable half-hour skipping from puddle to puddle. When she finally made it home, she was grinning happily, bouncing into the living room to tell her boyfriend all about it without even taking her muddy boots off.

Her boyfriend, who had spent the morning cleaning, was NOT grinning when he saw it.

"Zoe," Thomas said, clearly making an effort to keep his voice calm, "Is there a reason why you still have your shoes on?"

"You should have seen the puddles!" Zoe exclaimed, too excited to notice her boyfriend's expression, or the previously-clean carpets. "They were really big!"

"Zoe, please look around you. You've dragged mud all over the house." The tall, dark-haired man loomed at least a foot over his petite ginger girlfriend, and there was a look on his face and a tone to his voice that a perceptive listener might have noticed and taken into consideration when planning her next move.

Zoe, however, was more known for her cheerfulness than her perceptiveness or common sense. "Oh? Well, whatever. Anyway, the store had gummy worms again! They ran out recently, but they're back!" She grinned.

"Zoe," Thomas said, his voice now strict enough that even Zoe picked up on it, "I've spent the entire day washing and vacuuming, and I don't appreciate that you immediately mess it up again."

She bit her lip, realizing her mistake. Knowing that the best thing to do right now would be to apologize for her actions and promise to clean it up, Zoe decided not to do that. "You're a sourpuss and a meanie, and I'm not sharing my gummy worms with you," she said, scowling as she folded her arms in front of her chest.

The pout on her face was replaced with a wince when Thomas grabbed her earlobe. As she was dragged by the ear toward the straight-backed wooden chair that her boyfriend liked to keep in the living room 'just in case', she had a horrible feeling that she knew what he was about to do – and her fears were confirmed as he sat down, tipping her over his lap.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...