Sunday, 26 May 2024

Linda shows off (M/F story)

Linda looked around the gym with a grin on her face. The gym had some new members, and there were now some very cute boys there that were older than her. Tall, dark, handsome boys.

She was wearing tight tracksuit bottoms that effectively highlighted her lovely rear end, and a shirt with deep cleavage – even if she didn't have much to show off in the latter department. She decided that today, she would give the new members something interesting to watch. She liked it when men watched her in the gym.

A couple of the most attractive boys were sitting on the rowing machine, so Linda selected the pulldown machine standing in front of them. She knew this showed off her butt excellently, especially if she actively pushed her bottom out. She started exercising while humming quietly to herself. After five minutes, she let her glance glide over the room, and noted that the two boys sitting behind her were trying to hide that they were staring. She stared straight ahead and grinned to herself – it was working.

Fortunately for her, there was a stair-climber next to the pulldown machine, and when Linda tired of cycling, she moved on. She started walking, and she felt her tracksuit bottoms tighten over her cute backside in a way that had to be quite interesting to watch. She pushed her bottom out unnecessarily far as she walked, but not so much that it would be obvious that she was doing it on purpose. She had to maintain her deniability, after all. The next time she looked around the room, the two boys had stopped rowing, but they were still sitting on the machines, and their shorts were not quite loose enough to hide a growing bulge at the front.

Linda decided to move on to some other exercises. She walked to another part of the room, where she would do some squats. She stood with her back to the weight-lifting area, which was empty – but not for long. As soon as she started to squat, the two boys decided it was time to start lifting weights. She gave a low moan as she bent down, and grinned as she heard a similar groan from behind.

Suddenly, she heard a voice she had not expected. "Linda! What are you doing?"

She looked up and saw David walking towards her. Her boyfriend, who was usually so sweet and nice, had an angry look on his face. "Hi, David. I didn't think you'd be here today? Lovely that you came anyway," she said, looking innocently up at him.

"Don't even try," he said as he approached her. "What do you think you're doing? I'd heard the rumours, of course, but I didn't think they could be true."

"What do you mean? I'm just exercising," she responded, still trying to look innocent.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You're standing there showing off. You're putting up a show for these boys – how do you think that makes me feel?"

Ah. That was a little too close to the truth for her comfort. "How can you say that? How can you accuse me of something like that?" She pouted and tried to look insulted. "You wound me."

But for once, her puppy dog eyes weren't working, and he was still angry. "I've had enough, Linda. I'm tired of you flirting with others and trying to make me feel stupid when I call it out. You've gone too far! You're completely without shame. I'm going to spank your bottom for this!"

When he said this, Linda blushed scarlet and hid her face behind her hands. Loud chuckling could be heard from the onlookers, and Linda felt so embarrassed that she almost fainted. Not only was David – sweet, kind David – saying that he was going to spank her, but he said it in the gym while everyone was listening. Now everyone knew what he was planning to do when they came home! She wanted to sink through the floor. She couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing than this.

Suddenly, he grabbed her ear. Linda yelped as he started to drag her over to a bench. What was happening? He sat down, and she was suddenly dragged over his lap, with her face toward the floor and her butt in the air. For a moment, Linda was completely disoriented and had no idea what was going on, but when she felt a gentle, anticipatory slap on the tight seat of her tracksuit bottoms, her eyes widened.

David wasn't planning to take her home and spank her. He was going to spank her here and now.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Linda's cousins (M/F story)

Linda rolled her eyes as she entered the mall, followed closely by the giggling girls. Today, she had to join her two 18-year-old cousins on a shopping trip. The twins Vicky and Melissa were petite blondes with ponytails and blue doe eyes. They were usually kind and friendly, but incredibly annoying! They giggled and chatted constantly, and they could ask ten or fifteen questions in a few seconds without waiting for a response. In addition, they were unbelievably stupid. Linda did not cherish the thought of having to spend the whole day with them.

For several hours, Linda walked around the mall with the twins trailing behind her, with their bothersome giggling and whispering in her ears. They talked non-stop, and never about anything that was remotely interesting or worth listening to. She grew tired of hearing it, but she knew from experience that it wouldn't help to say anything to them. They would only snicker even louder and find something even stupider to talk about.

They had been to a makeup store and a couple of clothes shops, and were heading to a cosy little cafĂ©, where Linda could finally get a coffee, but the twins HAD to pop into an electronics store on the way. They entered the shop, and Linda's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at the sign hanging on the wall – "Shoplifters will be spanked." She knew it was the owner himself who'd hung it there. The rumours said that young women were in grave danger of a sound thrashing if they suffered from sticky fingers, but to her great disappointment, Linda had never seen anyone end up over his lap. She sighed – it would have been so lovely to see someone being spanked here!

She looked over at her two cousins, bending over to stare at an air fryer and trying to work out what it was, and she smiled as an evil thought struck her. Maybe this shopping trip would be more fun than she had expected…

Sunday, 5 May 2024

The new butler (M/FF story)

Lady Lenora smiled at me at I sat down in her office. The slim, red-headed noblewoman was only in her mid-twenties, but she had a powerful, graceful dignity – the result of the centuries of noble blood that flowed in her veins, strengthened by her having to assume the title at such a young age. "So, Steven," she said, "You've applied to the position of butler?"

I nodded. "That's right, your Ladyship."

Sitting down behind her desk, she glanced at the papers I'd handed her as I arrived. "Your credentials are excellent. This employment history is very impressive., and I've heard good things about you." I thanked her for the compliment, and she asked some questions about my previous employers. I answered those that propriety allowed me to answer, and she seemed pleased with our discussion. I had a feeling I was likely to get the job – which was fortunate. Lady Lenora was known for paying well.

After a few minutes, she changed the subject. "Some of the maids in this manor can be quite mischievous at times, and I want to make sure that you are going to be able to handle them." I assured her that it would not be a problem, but she seemed unconvinced. "Let me ask you a direct question, then. Are you prepared to use corporal punishment?"

I raised an eyebrow at this unusual suggestion. "I suppose, but would it not be more appropriate for the housekeeper to handle such matters?"

She shook her head. "My housekeeper is very good at her job, but I can assure you that there are some young women in this house that need the firm, unyielding hand of a man. Which my housekeeper is not."

It seemed an odd proposal, but then again, her family had always been eccentric. Her grandfather, for example, had ordered the local priest to excommunicate an oak tree he particularly disliked. Many of her family members would probably have ended up in institutions if it hadn't been for their money and title. By comparison, Lady Lenora's request was quite harmless.

"Will I have some leeway in how harsh the punishments are, and what they are meted out for?"

She nodded. "I have no wish to make those decisions myself. I'll leave it in your hands, as long as you get results."

"Then yes, I am prepared to do that," I said.

"Excellent," she said with a warm smile. She then rose to her feet. "Now, could you please follow me?"


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...