The first time I met Sheila Page, my little sister Lucy's new friend, she had my sister draped over her lap as she spanked her bare bottom.
I had come to Lucy's flat to deliver a jacket that my sister wanted to borrow for an upcoming party – one of the last big parties before they left high school. I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a reply, as was our usual style. Hearing some curious smacking sound, I entered the living room, where Sheila was sitting on the sofa. Lucy was lying down, with her skirt raised and her panties lowered, her naked bottom was resting on Sheila's lap, and Sheila was spanking her soundly with a surprisingly calm expression on her face. I gaped – what the hell was going on?
Sheila must have heard me enter, for she looked up and gave me a big smile. "Oh. You must be Kate, right? Lucy's older sister? How lovely to finally meet you. Please sit down – we are almost finished."
I was still staring at her in shock. I was stuck between leaving immediately to give Lucy some privacy in this humiliating situation, wrestling Sheila to the ground to save my poor baby sister, or just waiting for the whole thing to be over. I looked at Lucy, who had also turned to face me. Her face was wet with tears, and there was an embarrassed look on her face at having her punishment witnessed, but nothing about her expression suggested that she wanted me to rush to her aid. In the end, I decided to do as Sheila suggested, and I sat down in the nearest comfy chair.
For two or three minutes, I watched Sheila's hand rise and fall as she struck my sister's red bottom. Lucy squirmed and yelped, but she didn't protest or try to struggle free. It was surreal – why was this happening? Why had an eighteen-year-old girl taken another across her knee and bared her bottom for a spanking?
With a final flurry of smacks, Sheila ended the punishment. She helped Lucy stand up and hugged her, soothingly rubbing her back as the poor girl dried her tears. "Usually, you'd be spending a few minutes in the corner right now, but since your sister is here, I'll let you off just this once."
Lucy smiled gratefully, returning the hug. "Thanks, Sheila. You're always so kind."
I raised an eyebrow. If someone had spanked my bare bottom until it was red and swollen, I was fairly sure I wouldn't be describing them as 'kind'. Or maybe I would – I would presumably be doing anything I could think of to placate the violent madwoman – but Lucy sounded as if she meant it.
We all sat down and chatted, and the girls were talking about which colleges they were hoping to get into, what they were planning to do with the summer, and which films they were going to see, all while ignoring the fact that one of them was squirming in her seat, trying in vain to find a position that wasn't quite as uncomfortable as all the others.
After a while, Sheila told us she had to go if she wanted to reach the store before it closed. When we were finally alone, I turned towards my sister. "OK, want to explain what the hell that was all about?" She raised an eyebrow, wondering what I meant, so I clarified. "You were over your friend's knee getting your little tushy spanked."
Sunday, 25 August 2024
Learning from Sheila (F/F story)
Sunday, 18 August 2024
Midnight snack (M/F story)
A voice came from the doorway. "You know, I bought that tub of ice cream because we have guests coming tomorrow." She looked over at her boyfriend, who was wearing an expression of mock sternness, as well as a pair of pyjama bottoms. Matt liked to sleep shirtless, which Leah heartily approved of. There was nothing quite like falling asleep while resting her head on his muscular chest.
"I woke up and wanted a midnight snack," Leah said, still licking the spoon. "This was at the top of the fridge."
"Now I'll have to go shopping again tomorrow before they arrive," he said, with just the slightest hint of annoyance.
"Oh, how sad," she giggled. "I'm sorry I was so naughty," she said, while managing to sound like she didn't mean a word of it.
He folded his arms in front of his chest, still trying to stare sternly at her.
"Yes, I've been such a bad girl, haven't I?. I'm lucky you're a forgiving boyfriend, or I might get a spanking for my mischief!" For emphasis, she turned her back towards him, giving her butt a saucy little wiggle.
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so?" She smiled innocently as he stepped towards her. "Is that what you want? I can take a hint, you know," he said as he took the spoon and ice cream tub from her, placing them on the counter.
"Can you?" Leah said, affecting a shocked tone. Lately, her signals had become steadily more transparent, and she was beginning to wonder if she'd have to write "Spank me" on her forehead with lipstick before he caught on. Or maybe she should have written it on her bottom instead.
Sunday, 11 August 2024
Esmeralda (M/F story)
Esmeralda's parents were going out of town for a few weeks. Due to the wild parties the teenager had thrown the last times she'd been left unsupervised, they didn't want her to be home alone, so she'd been sent to stay with her older sister and her husband. Esmeralda's assurances that she was an adult now, and far more mature, fell on deaf ears, not helped by the whiny voice and petulant pout that accompanied her tirade.
She'd been staying with Marion and Gabriel for a week now, and things were not going great. Marion and Esmeralda had never been friends, and the sisters had preferred to stay out of each other's way growing up, which was easy due to the ten-year age difference. But now, Marion was responsible for her little sister's conduct, and she took that duty seriously. The nagging could at times be unbearable. Gabriel was more easy-going and treated her kindly, but she'd been warned that he could be stern when pushed – which she found hard to believe. Gabriel was a pussycat, and she intended to wrap him around her finger.
One Saturday, one of Esmeralda's friends was throwing a big party, and she asked nicely if she could borrow their car – she had her license, she just couldn't afford a vehicle yet. Marion refused, saying that they didn't want her to be driving so late at night in an unfamiliar car, especially when she was such a fresh driver. Esmeralda immediately went to her brother-in-law, who proved to be surprisingly unyielding, even when she batted her eyelashes and tried to look pitiful.
But that was OK. They were both heavy sleepers, and she knew where they kept the keys.
It was early in the morning by the time Esmeralda returned. She was slightly tipsy, ready for bed, and grinning like a madwoman. Wow, what a car! She decided she'd have to borrow that some other time – speeding down a mountain road with her friends sounded like an excellent way to spend the afternoon.
It was only when she opened the door that Esmeralda realized that her hosts were not as heavy sleepers as she had believed. Gabriel was standing in the living room, an irate look on his face, and Marion was glaring at her from the sofa. Esmeralda mentally prepared for the usual lecture as she entered.
"You're finally back," Gabriel said, his voice stern. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" So, it would be her soft brother-in-law in charge of the scolding. She was mildly surprised.
"I'm sorry," she said, batting her eyelashes again. Hopefully, it would work better this time. "I lost track of time."
"Have you been drinking!?" he said, stepping closer to smell her breath.
"Well, duh. It was a party," she responded before she could stop herself.
He shook her head, his anger clearly rising. "You sneak out of bed, you steal our car –"
"STEAL," he repeated. "You asked to borrow it, we said no, and you took it anyway. That's stealing. You steal our car, drive home drunk, and then have an attitude about it?" He picked up a straight-backed wooden chair leaning against the wall, placing it in the middle of the floor before sitting down. She wondered what he was doing. If he was so tired from standing there lecturing her – which was understandable, as she was quite tired too – then why didn't he sit down next to his wife on the sofa? He patted his knee. "Come here."
"I'm too old to sit on your lap," she said as she rolled her eyes. Why was he being so silly tonight? Couldn't he see that she wanted to go to bed?
"Oh, you won't be doing much sitting," Gabriel said ominously. Marion gave her an evil grin, suggesting that she knew something that her sister did not. "Now, come here," he repeated.
Sighing, Esmeralda approached him. When she came close, he suddenly grabbed her arm, and with a jerk, she was pulled forward, tumbling over his lap. Facing the floor with her bottom in the air, she suddenly felt him raise the hem of her skirt. "Hey! What are you doing?" she protested. Why the hell was her brother-in-law undressing her?
A sudden slap on the seat of her panties made her gasp. It was only when the second, third, and fourth smacks followed that her drunk mind began to grasp what was happening. "Ow! You're spanking me!"
"Oh, you figured that out already?" Gabriel said drily as his hand continued to smack her backside.
Sunday, 4 August 2024
Curious college girl 2 (M/F story)
If they were outside, he would swat her rear end whenever they were alone and unobserved. She'd blush and giggle, grinning mischievously until they could get back to the flat. If she did something he disapproved of, a stern warning whispered in her ear was enough to make her back down and apologize for whatever it was she had done – which had earned him a grateful, relieved smile from a few shop assistants she'd been behaving uncivilly towards.
He wasn't entirely sure why it helped to threaten her with a good spanking when she enjoyed them so much, but it worked, so he had decided not to question it.
One day, he was sitting on the sofa watching an old movie, when Tomme approached him. She was fidgeting, staring at the floor to avoid having to look him in the eyes. He raised an eyebrow – she was usually far more eager when asking for a spanking, so this was probably about something else. She hadn't been this nervous even before her first spanking. "M-may I talk to you, daddy?" She always called him 'daddy' in the flat – he hadn't heard his name from her lips in weeks unless they were in class or the store or something.
"Of course, Tommie. Sit down and tell me all about it," he said, turning off the TV. He'd expected her to find a spot next to him on the couch, so it came as a surprise when she chose to sit in his lap instead. He placed a comforting arm on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile as he waited for her to start.
She bit her lip, unsure of how to begin. "I've been thinking about… something naughty lately."
He tutted, giving her a stern look. "What have you done, Tommie?"
"Nothing," she insisted, blushing. "I've just been thinking about it."
"I see," he said. "And I guess you think that a good, hard spanking on your bare bottom will make you not want to do it?"
She blushed even more, squirming. "Quite the opposite, daddy. Being spanked makes me really, really want to do it." He gave her a puzzled frown, wondering what in the world she could be talking about. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, finally blurting out "Daddy, why haven't we slept together?"
Eyes squeezed shut, she whimpered, worried about how he'd react. Finally, her curiosity overcame her, and she opened one eye a tiny bit to peek at him. Angus was staring at her, a shocked expression on his face. This was clearly not what he had been expecting.
"… That's something you'd like?" he eventually stated flatly. This would certainly be one memorable conversation.
I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...
"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at...
Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger...