Saturday, 12 June 2021

After the race (M/F story)

"Why don't you just get off my back, Andrew!" Sophie said with as much bite as she could.
Andrew folded his arms and looked at her with the calm disappointment that always made her feel terrible. Andrew rarely got angry with anyone, but he made it quite clear when he thought they weren't giving him their all. “As the trainer of the school running team, it's my job to make sure everyone is giving their best performance on the field. And unless you start actually training, you won't amount to much.”
“I'm the best runner in this school!” she snapped.
He shrugged. “True, but natural talent never amounts to anything without actual work. In fact, that just makes it worse – you're squandering natural talents that the other girls would kill to possess. There are girls on this team that work twice as hard as you every week, and the difference becomes even bigger just before a big race.”
She gave him the best dismissive face she could muster. There was some truth to what he said, she knew that, but she wasn't going to let him know that. Besides, as the star of the team, she deserved to be treated better than this. “So what are you going to do, then? Kick me off the team?”
“I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. I'm willing to offer you a deal. We're just a week away from the annual race against Wilmore's team. If you win that race, against athletes who've trained far harder than you, I'm willing to let you train on your own schedule.”
“And if I lose, I promise to train harder?” she suggested.
He shook his head. “No. You've promised that before, and I don't expect your word will be worth anything this time either. No, if you lose, I'm going to spank you.”She stared at him. “I'm sorry?” she said after a few seconds.
“You heard me. If you lose, I am going to take you across your lap and spank your bottom good. You need some discipline in your life, and if you can't provide it yourself, I'm going to have to provide it for you.”
“I'm not going to let you do that!” she protested.
He shrugged again, as calm as always. “Those are the terms. You can agree to them, or not. Your choice.”
She pondered this. It sounded absolutely humiliating, but she couldn't really imagine losing to the Wilmore girls. And being able to run on her own terms, without him nagging her, sounded heavenly. “Deal,” she said, offering him her hand to shake on it.
A week later, Sophie was standing on the starting line. She gave her opponents a confident smile, letting them know that she barely considered them competition, but they all ignored her. Focusing on the race, presumably.
The starting shot rang out, and Sophie quickly took the lead. The other girls did their best, but none of them could match her speed. She grinned to herself as she ran, increasing her lead for every second that passed. Soon, victory would be hers.
But the race was long, and Sophie eventually discovered that she didn't have the endurance that she once had. She could see the finish line, but she felt so tired, and the other girls were gaining on her. She tried to summon the energy for a last push, one final dash over the line, but there wasn't any. She watched, disbelieving, as Emily – one of the girls from Wilmore – moved past her, crossing the finish line several seconds before Sophie. In fact, Sophie ended up on a very disappointing third, even being overtaken by Janet, one of her own teammates.
As she walked off the track and headed for the showers, she tried to avoid Andrew's disappointed eyes.
“Hey Sophie?” Felicia, another of her teammates, was standing in the door. “Andrew said to tell you that when you've finished getting dressed, he wants to see you in his office. He said you'd know what it's about.”
“Thanks, Felicia,” Sophie said, trying to keep her voice calm as she felt a cold shiver down her back. A few minutes later, she knocked on the door to Andrew's office.
Andrew was sitting at his desk, pretending to look through some papers. “So,” he said after a minute or so. “How do you think that went?”
“I could have won that race,” she said defiantly.
“Of course you could have – if you'd trained properly,” he told her. “In fact, you should have won that race. No one on that field was near your level, provided you work as hard as they do. You don't, and that's why you're about to go across my lap.”
She blushed. She'd hoped he'd forgotten about their little wager. No such luck. “You know, I don't think it's necessary to -”
“But I do.” He placed the papers down on the desk and pushed his chair back. He then patted his lap meaningfully. “Over my knee. It's this or being kicked off the team.”
She took an involuntary step backwards, both hands protectively clutching her backside. “Can't we talk about this?”
“I'm afraid my hand is going to do most of the talking from now on, with your bottom taking care of the listening. Over my knee – now.” There was a  sudden strictness to his voice.
After a second or two of hesitation, Sophie stepped forward, leaning over his lap. She blushed as he adjusted her position, making sure her backside was sticking up. This was so humiliating. Suddenly, he took hold of the waistband of her shorts.
“Wait, what are you doing!?” she said, reaching back and grabbing her shorts to stop him from pulling them down, but he slapped her hands away.
“You didn't think I'd be spanking you over your shorts? This is going to be a real spanking, Sophie, with everything that entails.” He slid her shorts down to her knees, revealing a pair of pink panties. She felt him shift his position as he lifted his hand, before striking her right cheek. This was followed by a stinging slap to her left cheek. His hand moved from side to side, spanking her with the regularity of a metronome. The slaps were not particularly hard, at least at first, but the sting grew with every smack. Soon, she was kicking her legs.
“Hold still,” he told her.
“But it hurts!” she whined.
“That's the idea,” he told her. After a few minutes, he stopped spanking. Sophie let out a sigh of relief and tried to stand up, but he held her down. “Oh, we're not done,” he told her. “I just think it's time for the next phase.”
“Next phase?” Sophie said. She didn't like the sound of that.
Suddenly, he placed his fingers in the waistband of her panties. She squealed.
“No, you can't take my panties down!”
“I told you, you're getting a real spanking today,” he explained. “Real spankings are always given on the bare.” And despite her protests and pleading, her panties soon joined her shorts at her knees.
She hissed in pain as the spanking continued, the sting now growing to unbearable levels. She was kicking her legs and pleading with every smack, promising him anything he wanted if only he'd let her up.
Finally, he seemed to be satisfied with the earnestness of her pleas. He rubbed some of the sting out of her backside before helping her to her feet. He held his arms out to offer her a hug, which she immediately accepted. He held her tight, whispering that she was forgiven as she cried on his shoulder. Soon, her sobs subsided, and she pulled her panties and shorts back up. She hissed in pain as the soft fabric touched her sore bottom.
“Now, I want you to realize that I expect improvement from you. I want you to actually show up to practice. Blowing off your training sets a bad example for the other girls, and I won't allow that to happen. If you don't shape up, you're going to find yourself back across my lap. Is that understood?”
She wanted to protest, tell him that she'd never let him do this to her ever again. Instead, she nodded. “Yes, sir.” She'd never called him 'sir' before, but under the circumstances, it felt oddly appropriate.
“Good. Now, run along, and I'll see you for the practice on Monday.” It wasn't a question.
As she left his office, one hand rubbing her sore rear, Sophie realized that her life was about to change.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...