Saturday, 12 June 2021

Her friend the babysitter (F/F story)

Jenny was visiting her best friend Britney, and the two of them were sitting on Britney's bed, listening to the new album that Britney had bought.
"Cool, huh?" Britney said. Jenny nodded. "I wasn't sure whether I should spend so much on an album, but I've made a bit of money on my babysitting job, so I decided that I could afford it."
“Oh yeah. How’s that job working out for you?” Jenny said. Britney had been working as a babysitter in the area for more than a year now.
She shrugged. “It’s OK. Usually, we play and have fun, but yesterday, I had to spank Molly when she refused to go to bed.”
Jenny’s heart skipped a beat, and she tried to process what she’d just heard. She looked at her friend. “What did you just say? You spanked her?”
Britney nodded. “Sure. When the kids misbehave, I put them across my knee. Part of the job, you know.”
Jenny had to fight an overwhelming urge to press her for details. Jenny had been fascinated by spanking all her life – a secret attraction that thrilled her every time the subject came up in old films or books. She’s hungrily devoured every mention of it, but it had always been something remote and alien. She’d never been spanked, never seen anyone get spanked, and never spanked anyone. And now, she learned that her best friend sometimes spanked the children she looked after.
 She tried to subtly encourage Britney to tell her more, without revealing just how interested she was. “Does it happen often? Kids disobeying you, I mean?”
Britney thought for a second. “I’d say that Molly forgets her manners about once a month or so. Yeah, roughly that. I’ve only spanked Lucy twice – that’s the Reyes’ kid – but I had to be very strict both times. As for Sally, I have to spank her almost every time.” She shook her head. “That kid either has a wooden head or an iron butt, I’m not quite sure.” She said it so casually. It was as if spanking was just a chore she had to do, like taking out the trash and mowing the lawn.
“So, you take them over your knee? What happens then?” Jenny said, still trying to pretend that she wasn’t devouring every word that came out of Britney’s mouth.
“Well, first I lecture them, tell them what they did wrong. I grab them gently, but firmly, by the hand, and pull them over my knee. I start out with a quick warm-up on the seat of their skirt or trousers. After a few minutes, I raise the skirt or lower their trousers, and continue the spanking on their underwear. Usually, I hear some sniffles at this point. Then, when I’ve reddened their bottom a bit more, I pull their underwear down.”
Jenny couldn’t prevent herself from gasping. “You spank them on the bare?”
“Sure,” Britney said. “It’s not a proper spanking unless it’s on the bare. Sometimes, I’ll stop after a couple of minutes of bare-bottom spanking, so the whole thing will be ten or fifteen minutes from start to finish. But if they’ve been really bad, I’ll make sure their bottom is bright red. At this point, they’re kicking their legs and pleading for me to stop, but I ignore them. I’m the only one who decides when it’s enough.”
“And then?”
“Once I think they’ve had enough, I help them stand up. I give them a long hug and tell them that they’re now forgiven. Once their breathing has calmed down, I pull their underwear and trousers back up, or lower their skirt, and they go back to play.”
Jenny tried to picture Britney as a strict disciplinarian. It didn’t really fit her mental image of her friend.
She was still trying to process the new information when Britney smiled at her. “You look shocked. Have you never been spanked before?”
“No,” Jenny replied, trying her best to keep the disappointment out of her voice.
“Well, that’s easily fixed,” Britney said, as she sat down on her bed and patted her knee. “Come on, over my lap.”
Jenny stared open-mouthed at her friend, trying to come up with a response. “W-what?” she managed at last.
“You’re curious about spanking. I get that, if you’ve never had one. It seems to be eating away at you, and I can fix that. Over my lap, and I’ll see if I can sate your fascination with spanking.”
“I don’t have a fascination with spanking,” Jenny said, trying to sound convincing.
“Tut-tut,” Britney said, wagging her finger at her friend. “Don’t lie to the babysitter, young lady. That’s a spanking offense.”
For a few seconds, Jenny stared down at her friend’s lap. Like Jenny, Britney was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a top. She couldn’t make her mind up. She was scared, but at the same time, it was like Britney was offering to scratch an itch that had been burning forever. She might actually get her first spanking. But wouldn’t it hurt?
Britney affected a cross tone. “Over my lap now, young lady.” And she patted her knee again.
Jenny bent over her best friend’s lap, her bottom up in the air. She held her breath, gasping when the first smack landed. Britney’s hand moved from cheek to cheek, with a regular pattern, as if she’d done this dozens of times before. Jenny felt a pleasant, gentle sting in her rear end. After a couple of minutes, Britney grabbed the waistband of her tracksuit bottoms, lowering them to her knees.

 Britney’s hand landed on the seat of Jenny’s panties, and the girl was surprised how different it felt without the extra protection. Britney’s hand made a crisp smack that left a burning sensation. ‘This is actually happening,’ Jenny thought to herself. ‘I’m actually being spanked’. The thought brought a nervous smile to her face.
But soon, Britney increased the speed of her efforts, and Jenny gasped as the firm palm smacked down on her soft bottom. “Ouch,” she said. “It stings!”
“Of course it stings, silly,” Britney gently admonished her. “It’s a spanking.”
When Britney placed her fingers in the waistband of Jenny’s panties, preparing to pull them down, Jenny protested. “Can’t you leave them in place? Please? This is humiliating enough already.”
Britney sighed. “I already told you, all proper spankings finish on the bare bottom. Little girls that can’t behave, can’t keep their panties on either.” Ignoring her friend’s protests, she quickly lowered her panties.
The spanking continued, and soon, Jenny was squirming over her lap. “Ow!” she gasped, clenching and unclenching her bottom. “Can’t we stop now?”
Britney shook her head again. “I told you, I decide when it’s over. Honestly, I’ve seen girls half your age take their spanking better than this.” And her hand continued to fall on Jenny’s quivering cheeks.
Jenny had tears in her eyes by the time Britney was finally satisfied. Britney helped her friend to her feet, gave her a long hug, and told her she was forgiven, like she had done to so many little girls.
Jenny pulled her panties and tracksuit bottoms up, hissing as the fabric touched her sore flesh. Britney smiled at her with a gentle expression, and turned her attention back to the album. It was clear that as far as she was concerned, she’d helped her friend with a chore, and that was all it was for her.
Jenny rubbed her bottom with a thoughtful expression on her face. Now that she had her first spanking, she knew what she had been missing all this time. Sure, it had stung, but it had not been altogether unpleasant.
Maybe she could find some other cute girl to spank her. The thought made her blush.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...