Saturday, 12 June 2021

The schoolgirl uniform (M/F story)

 It was about a week before Halloween, and Molly was wandering through a used clothing store, looking for something that might make a good costume on a student’s budget. The 23-year-old browsed through the shop, glancing this way and that, when she spotted something that made her stop dead in her tracks. On the wall in front of her was a schoolgirl outfit.

Molly had been spanked quite a few times by her boyfriend David. There was something so intensely erotic about being pulled across his lap, having her skirt raised and her panties taken down, before his firm palm delivered a spanking that had her squirming and moaning. But she’d felt that it lacked something until now – an element of roleplaying. She’d never worn a uniform in school, but she’d always liked the aesthetic in the videos she watched online.

She looked at the uniform again. Maybe she should try it on.
In the changing room, she looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around and glanced over her shoulder, thinking about the view David would have when she was over his lap. Slowly, she raised her skirt to reveal her pink panties. Maybe she should put on some white cotton ones, to make it more realistic…
The girl behind the counter gave her a knowing grin as she purchased the uniform. Molly blushed and wanted to protest, to say that she was buying it for someone else and had no naughty plans for it, but she couldn’t.
“Have fun,” the girl said as she left the store. Molly blushed again.
David was approaching his girlfriend’s flat. She’d just phoned him and told him that she had a surprise for him, and asked him to come over right away. He didn’t need to be asked twice, and as he walked over, he’d been very curious about what it might be.
He rang the doorbell, and a few seconds later, Molly opened the door. He raised an eyebrow; his girlfriend was wearing what looked like a somewhat authentic schoolgirl uniform. She’d put her hair in pigtails, and she’d tried to put on the eye-rolling, sulking face of a bored teenager.
“There you are, David,” she said, handing him a letter. “My mother told me to give this for you.”
As he entered the flat, David quickly read the letter. It was supposedly from Molly’s mother, and was addressed to her tutor. She was thankful for the hard work he’d done to help her daughter improve her grades, but sadly, her attitude was getting in the way. Since she trusted his judgment, she was giving him full permission to take Molly across his knee and spank her bare bottom soundly whenever he felt she needed it. In fact, she recommended that he should give her one right away, to show the girl that he meant business.
David smiled to himself. Molly’s fantasies were getting elaborate, but he was happy to play his part.
They entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. “Molly, do you know what this letter says?” he asked her.
She shrugged. “Nope.”
“Your mother is not happy with the attitude you’ve been giving me while I’ve been trying to tutor you – and neither am I, for that matter. To make sure you start doing what you’re told, I’ve been given permission to spank you.”
She scoffed. “SPANK me? I haven’t been spanked in years!”
“Well, that explains your attitude problem, doesn’t it? And to make sure you take this seriously, your first spanking will be delivered right away.” He pushed his chair back. “Stand up, please.”
“What?” Molly tried her best to appear surprised and nervous. “But you can’t – “
“I think you’ll find that I can. Stand up, Molly.”
She stood up. She bit her lip as she watched him pat his lap. “Bend over,” he said. She did as instructed, but her mask fell as she was unable to suppress a grin. He grabbed the hem of her skirt, and slowly lifted to reveal her pale, panty-clad rear. She was wearing white cotton panties.
“Your mother gave me permission to spank your bare bottom, but I think I will deliver a quick warm-up on your panties first.” He lifted his hand, delivering the first smack.
Molly squeaked as he started to spank her. Those first few smacks always took her by surprise – there was just a little more sting to them than she remembered.
“Ouch! Let me up, David,” she said, in her best impression of an offended teenager.
“I’ll let you up when I think you’ve had enough, which is not going to happen for quite a long time. And I think, under the circumstances, that you should call me ‘sir’. Seems appropriate under the circumstances, doesn’t it?”
“Ow! But it hurts!”
“Really? I’m shocked.”
His hand moved from cheek to cheek, seemingly roaming randomly as he covered her entire rear. From time to time, he’d focus on her sit spots for a few seconds, making her squeal and kick her legs.
“Hmm,” he said, pausing to run his hand over her butt. “I think that’s enough, don’t you?”
“We’re finished?” she said, trying to sound relieved.
He chuckled. “I meant enough of a warm-up, Molly.” He grabbed the waistband of her panties. “Time for the main event.”
Her bottom was turning pink, and she was no longer able to keep her satisfied grin hidden. He continued the spanking on the bare. Soon, she seemed to be lost in ecstasy, moaning and writhing over his lap, occasionally kicking her legs at a particularly stinging slap. Before long, he’d turned her bottom red.
“Are you going to a be a good girl from now on, Molly?”
“Yes, sir,” she moaned.
“Are you going to study when I tell you to?"
“Uh huh.”
“Well then, stand up.”
She rose to her feet and began to rub her stinging seat, but he slapped her hands away. “Not yet.” He pointed at a nearby corner. “I want you to stand with your nose in the corner, your skirt raised, and your bare bottom on display. Is that clear, young lady?”
“Yes sir,” she said, and got into position.
“And if I catch you rubbing your bottom, you’ll be getting a dose of my belt, is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.” Molly briefly considered rubbing her bottom – she’d never had the belt before, it might be fun – but decided against it. Right now, her bottom was stinging too much. Instead, she began to look forward to what would happen once her corner time was up. David would tell her to turn around, give her a long and passionate kiss, then carry her into the bedroom.
She licked her lips. She couldn’t wait.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...