Sunday, 4 July 2021

A small bet (M/F story)

 Erica crept closer to her boyfriend Keith, resting her head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat against her cheek. They were snuggling on the couch, watching an old detective film on TV – Keith had control of the remote for the evening. She had never been as interested in these films as he was. She'd done some acting in her teens, but was in no way an expert, and it depressed her how often she felt she could do better than the actors and actresses on screen.
He lowered his head towards hers, and she was expecting a quick kiss or two, but instead, he whispered into her ear: "How would you feel about a little bet?" There was an eager confidence in his voice.
"A bet?" she replied, looking up at him.
"Yes. I think I've figured out this film," he said confidently as he nodded towards the screen. "I'll tell you who the killer is, right now, and if I'm right, I win the bet. If I'm wrong, you win."
"What are we betting?" she asked, sitting up; she wanted to be sure she didn't agree to something she'd regret.
"Well, if I'm wrong, I'll take you to that fancy new restaurant downtown."
"That Italian place?" she asked him, excitement clear in her voice. They didn't get to eat at places like that too often.
"Yes. A nice evening out tomorrow, just the two of us – candlelit dinner, the works," he said, running his fingers through her hair. An evil grin spread across his face as he continued: "But if I'm right, if I have figured this out, I get to give you a spanking."
Her face turned slightly pale, and there was silence as she considered this offer. She had known for some time that Keith had a life-long interest in spanking, and he'd asked her a couple of times before if she'd let him spank her, but she had always been too scared and embarrassed to try it. Pain had never really been her thing. "Bare bottom? "she said.
He leaned back in the couch. "Is there any other kind?"
"How should I know?" She looked at the screen. "Who do you think it is?"
The grin on his face widened. "Does that mean you agree to the bet?"
"Not yet," she said, a bit annoyed. "Tell me who you think the killer is."
He shrugged. "Okay. It's the surgeon."
She stared at the screen for a few seconds, deep in thought. "But there's no evidence pointing at him," she said at last.
"There's tons of it," he said. "But it's subtle. Are you up for it or not?"
"You're confident, at least," she said with a smile. "Okay, it's a bet. But I want you looking nice at that restaurant. Suit and tie. No jeans, you hear that?"
They snuggled together again to watch the rest of the film.
An hour later, the surgeon was being led away in handcuffs as the credits began to roll over the screen, and Keith put his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "Would you look at that?" he said with a smile. "It was the surgeon, after all."
"I guess it was," Erica said, looking up at him, her face pale. She took a deep breath. "Can we get this over with?"
He shrugged, the grin now back on his face. "No time like the present, I guess." He patted his lap. "If you could just lie down here?"
Erica leaned over his lap, her heart trembling. This was it, she thought to herself. Her lovely, wonderful boyfriend was actually going to take her over his lap and smack her bottom until she cried. And she had agreed to let him do it. She shivered, deciding to get her head examined first thing in the morning.
She was stretched out on the couch, her backside raised over his knee. She squealed as she grabbed her dress, raising it to reveal a small, quivering bottom barely covered by a pair of small, black silk panties. Once he had relieved her of those as well, he started stroking her cheeks, and Erica felt goosebumps forming in anticipation of what was going to happen.
"Are you ready?" he asked her after a minute or two.
She tried to shrug, which turned out to be difficult in her current position. "As ready as I'll ever be." Her voice betrayed just how nervous she was.
As the first few smacks landed, Erica was shocked to discover a small sense of disappointment; the smacks were light, barely noticeable. She'd been mentally prepared for a very, very painful and very, very scary punishment, not a game of patty-cakes. Keith must have noticed her reaction, because he soon stopped the spanking and asked her what was wrong. She explained it to him.
He shook his head, clearly frustrated. "I've told you before, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you. Light spankings can be just as fun as hard ones, sometimes even more so."
She sighed. "I've heard you say that, sure, but I guess I never really believed you," she responded, and a loud smack to her upper thigh made her cry out. "Ouch!" She turned to glare at her boyfriend. "That wasn't a love tap!"
"THAT was for not trusting me, young lady," he said, looking strictly at her. "Have I ever let you down? Now relax and enjoy it."
Enjoy it? Enjoy a spanking? Was he crazy? Erica wanted to slap him upside the head, but from where she was at the moment, she found that task a little bit difficult. But as the spanking continued, and the warmth from his slaps slowly spread through her bottom, she had to admit it felt good. Perhaps she was crazy as well.
"How are you feeling?" he asked after a few minutes.
A small moan was her only response.
"Do you want me to continue?"
She thought about his question. Did she want her boyfriend to keep slapping her butt in a strange parody of a juvenile punishment? She nodded, unable to speak. Keith grinned.
She had no idea how long the spanking went on, but her bottom was both hot and sore by the time Keith started to rub her cheeks.
"So how did it feel? Did you enjoy your first spanking?"
"I refuse to answer that question," she said, trying to hold her head up high.
"You don't have to," he said, placing his fingers between her legs. "I can see how excited you are." Erica blushed.
She got up and stepped into the hall, standing by the tall mirror on the wall. She gasped as she turned around for a quick glance. That was her bottom, all pink and swollen up like that. Her rear end, with Keith's hand prints all over it. Her very own, spanked, butt.
Later, as they were lying in bed, Keith turned to look at his girlfriend, and told her he would remember to dress nicely for their meal.
"At the restaurant?" she said. He nodded. "But I lost the bet," she said, sitting up in bed. "You don't have to do it."
"Well, I have a small confession to make, Erica," he responded, staring at the roof as he talked. "It wasn't really a fair bet from my side. I've seen the film before." After a few seconds, he couldn't wait any longer; he had to glance over to see her reaction.
Erica calmly reached her hand out to pick up the glass of champagne on the nightstand. She took a small sip before looking at him.
"That's okay," she said. "So have I."

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...