Sunday, 4 July 2021

Lisa's Turn (M/F story)

A short sequel to Lisa's Mother, which I uploaded last week.
 It was a week since my girlfriend Lisa and I had been to her mother’s place to help her move, and therefore a week since I had pulled her mother over my knee and spanked her bottom. Since then, Lisa and her mother had spoken a couple of times over the phone, and I was impressed with the progress I had made. Mrs Milton didn’t deliver her usual barbed insults. Her daughter, however, saw this as some kind of trick, and was as rude as before. It pained me to see such strife between a mother and daughter, so I sat down with Lisa to convince her to give her mother a new chance. "Maybe you’re right, maybe this is a trick," I said. "But what if it isn’t? Don’t you owe it to your mother to make an effort?"
"This isn’t your concern! Just stay out of this. This is between that venomous snake and me."
When we got back, I had shown Lisa the paddle that we had found in the cupboard, the one both she and I had felt on our backsides while we were growing up. Now, I felt myself grasping the hilt of the thing, lying peacefully on the dresser nearby. "You watch your tone with me;" I said, pointing the paddle at her, "or you’ll be feeling this on your backside."
I was mostly kidding. Even thought I had used that same paddle on her mother the previous week, I had no intention of using it on Lisa. If she had told me that I was being silly, or shouted at me, or pretty much anything else, I would have laughed it off as a bad joke. She didn’t, however. She looked me square in the eye. "You wouldn’t dare."
She realized by the look on my face that this was the wrong thing to say. She started to say something, probably an apology, but it was too late. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her over my lap.
Lisa’s protests and excuses were cut short by the loud smack of a paddle hitting jeans. She let out a yelp of pain and kicked her legs. I wouldn’t expect the paddle to make much of a sting through the thick fabric, so I was surprised by the effect the instrument had on Lisa.
I locked both of her legs with mine, making sure that she wasn’t going anywhere until I said we were done. As I moved the small paddle quickly from cheek to cheek, delivering quick but stinging strokes, I started lecturing her. "I understand that you don’t like your mother, but that doesn’t excuse being rude to her, and it doesn’t excuse being rude to me."
"Go to hell! Let me up this instant!"
Instead of answering her, I let the paddle do the talking. She seemed to respond better to it than to me. Soon, she was crying loudly, and trying her hardest to wriggle out of my grasp. It was hopeless, but that didn’t stop her from trying. I moved the paddle up and down her bottom, painting the entire surface a bright red. Between smacks, I told her how disappointed I was in her behaviour.
When I was satisfied that her bottom was red enough, I asked Lisa if she was going to behave from now on. She assured me that she had learned her lesson, and that from now on, she would treat her mother with the utmost respect. I let her off my lap and gathered her into a hug.
As she wept into my shirt, I noticed something in Lisa. It was a change not only in her behaviour, but her entire body, as if had received something she needed. I vowed to give my girlfriend everything she needed. Even if – or maybe especially if – she didn’t want it.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...