Sunday, 22 August 2021

Slave's Duties (F/F story)

The thought was still new and still scary to Horatia, as she sat by the river Tiber, relaxing in the sun. Yesterday, at around noon, she had been given her first slave.


Her father had been in town to do the weekly purchasing, and had stopped by the slave market on the way home. He had felt that Horatia was still, in many ways, a child, and he wanted to help her grow up. He had decided that the way to do it was to give her more responsibility, and what better way to do it than to give her a slave to take care of?


Horatia sat there with her feet in the water, watching the black-haired girl sitting behind her. She was two years younger than Horatia, who was already nineteen. Berenice was tall, and stronger than Horatia, but Horatia knew that if the slave acted up, she could have her taken away and whipped. She had power.


And that scared her.


As they were sitting there, Berenice was telling her about the life back at the farm, the life she had now left. In spite of her new status as a slave, Berenice didn't seem shocked or depressed or anything else that could result from having your liberty taken away. Horatia had asked her about it, and Berenice had raised her shoulders. "I've had some time to deal with it. It's been more than a month since I was captured. I spent a lot of that time worrying about what was going to happen to me, but it turned out okay. There are worse things that can happen to a young female slave than being a servant in the Roman countryside." She looked down at her wrists, at the bright red marks where her chains had been, and for a moment, the carefree, happy tone in her voice was gone as she considered what she a short time ago had considered a possible future. "Much worse things."


Then, she leaned back and smiled, her good mood returning in the warm sun. "Anyway, where was I?"


"You were telling about the time your little sister tried to make a spear."


Berenice laughed loudly. "Yes, little Marina. She's an adventurous one. Anyway, she decided to sneak away and test her new weapon on a deer or a boar or something. It was lucky that she didn't find a boar - that stick of hers wouldn't be much help to her. Anyway, me and two of my brothers had to go out looking for her, wasting most of the day. When we found her at last, lost in the woods, I was so angry and so happy at the same time, that I first gave her a hug, and then a spanking.”


Out of the corner of the eye, she could see her new mistress startle at that last word, but didn't give it much thought.


“When I had reddened her butt, we led her back home. She stayed good for a week or two, but you know how it is with these young ones. A red butt every other week or so, like a clock.”


“Why was it you that handled the... discipline?” For some reason, she was unable to use the word Berenice had used.


“Well, you know, our parents aren't as young as they used to be. They can't give the walloping that the young ones deserve any longer. Since I'm five years older than most of them, and strong enough to smack them, I'm the best they've got.” She looked up. “Well, with me here, I guess Tatius will be taking over the discipline. He's the second oldest, two years younger than me, but strong as a bull. I'm guessing that the first one to misbehave under his watch will be made quite the example of. Those will be REAL spankings, compared to the patting I've given them.”


At Horatia's insistence, she told more stories about her sisters, and the way she punished them. Horatia had a wish, a desire, growing in her stomach, and these stories seemed to fill that wish and enlarge it at the same time.


“Then there was Korinna, and the time she accompanied my father on the trip into town for supplies. He'd caught her stealing apples, and told her that when they got back, she would get a spanking from me. But when they got back, Korinna told me that she was quite unwilling to submit to any punishment. I told her that was fine by me, I didn't need her approval, and I pulled her kicking and screaming over my lap anyway.


When I felt I had warmed her bottom enough, I told her to go outside and cut a switch. She told me, clutching her bottom, that she had been punished enough, and that she wasn't going to cut any switches. I told her that since she was still fighting, she would get to cut two switches, and that I would use them until they broke. I also told her that if she didn't do as I said, I would send one of our siblings outside to cut THREE switches, all for her. Eyeing the eager faces around us, she decided to submit and went outside, and by the time the second switch broke, she was sobbing like mad and didn't sit down at all for three days.”


“Tell me more stories like these,” Horatia said, sitting on the rock and drinking in her slave's every word.


“Why are you so interested, anyway? They're just spankings. You probably got a few in your day too.”


“No, I didn't.” Horatia sighed. “I'm an only child, and father seems to think I'm made of glass. He's never...disciplined me.” Her wish was growing stronger, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. “Would... would you do it?”


“Do what?” Berenice said, confused.


“I want you to discipline me. To… spank me. I want to know what it's like.”


For a moment, Berenice looked at her like she was mad. “And then your father finds out, and I get a whipping – or worse.” She leaned back, resting on the grass. “No, thank you.”


Horatia ran over to her slave, clutching her hand. “I won't tell him! And if he finds out, I will protect you, I promise. Please. I just want to know.”


Berenice sat up in the grass again. “So you really want a spanking?”


“Yes, I do,” Horatia said, smiling warmly as she realized her wish could become a reality. “A real spanking, a real punishment, like you would give to your sisters.”


“It will hurt, you know. It will hurt a lot. You won't like it one bit.”


“I know, that's why I want it. No, that's why I need it.” She looked up at her slave. “Please.”


“All right.” Berenice looked around. “Here's a good a place as any, right?”


“No one ever comes her but me,” Horatia told her.


“Then let's get started.” She sat down on the rock, pulled the nervous girl over her lap, and pulled her dress up, revealing her pale bottom.


“Remember, don't let me up until I've received a real spanking.”


“You're going to regret those words, you know.” With that, Berenice raised her hand.


She started off slowly. This girl has never been spanked in her life, she thought to herself. She probably has a very low threshold. Slowly, the spanking increased in power, and Horatia started kicking her legs. “Steady, girl, I've only just begun.”


“But it hurts!” Horatia whined.


“That's the point of it. And if you think this hurts, just you wait until I REALLY begin.”


Horatia didn't like the sound of that.


Berenice decided to start the spanking for real, smacking as if the crying girl across her lap really was one of her misbehaving sisters instead of her new owner.


Horatia was kicking so hard that she almost fell of her lap, and Berenice grabbed her around the torso to keep her in place. If this had been one of her sisters, she would have let her fall, and then gotten her to get a switch, but she knew a switch would be too much for the frail girl.


Soon, Horatia was lying limply across her lap, too tired to scream, cry, kick or do anything but lie there and feel the hard hand smacking down on her burning rear. She didn't even notice when the spanking stopped, just suddenly realized that she was sitting in Berenice's lap, being comforted.


As they stood up, and Horatia rubbed the tears out of her eyes with one hand and the sting out of her bottom with the other, Berenice gave her a hug. “I'm sorry.”


“Don't be,” Horatia said, her voice still not quite stable. “I asked you to do this. I was curious. My curiosity was settled. There's just one thing.”


“What's that?”


“If that was a 'patting', I'm glad I didn't ask your brother this favour.”


Berenice laughed.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...