It’s often been said that most artists are their own harshest critic. Until he had met is girlfriend, Hector had refused to believe that. To his eyes, a small pride in everything you created was only natural. Sure, it was important to remember that your works could always be improved, but you should still be somewhat pleased.
Unfortunately, his girlfriend, Katie, did not share his point of view. Instead of comparing her newest paintings to her previous works, she always compared them to her favourite paintings. And this was unfortunate, seeing as she was trying to make a living as a painter. Striving for perfection was making her a better painter, but it was doing so at the cost of her morale. Her self-criticising had long been a source of arguments for them.
"You have to realize that there is a difference between ’good enough’ and ’perfect’!" he told her angrily. "Stop criticising yourself so much!"
"I’ll never be good enough if I don’t strive to be perfect," she answered.
"You’re already good enough. If you don’t learn that soon, I’ll have to take you over my knee."
She smiled at that. He had threatened her like that a couple of times before, but she knew he wouldn’t REALLY spank her.
Then, one Saturday, Katie was working on a painting they were going to try to get shown at a exhibition in town. She was working slowly, her shoulders lowered in defeat. Hector was sitting nearby, reading a book. She preferred it that way; he was a comforting presence that didn’t distract.
"I’ll never get it done in time," she muttered sadly to herself.
"You’re only working slowly because you’re so convinced you can’t do it," she heard Hector said behind her. She hadn’t heard him get up. "You’ve told yourself that you’re not good enough so often that you’ve started to believe it."
"But I’m NOT good enough!" she screamed at him, a hint of tears in her eyes.
The next thing she knew, Hector was sitting in his chair again, but this time, she was lying over his lap. She was stunned, unable to speak; that is, until the first smack landed on the bottom of her jeans, to be quickly followed by the second and the third smack.
"What are you doing!?" She screamed, trying to glare back at him and get off his lap at the same time.
"You know what I’m doing," he said, holding her down with his left hand while his right hand continued spanking. "You’re not stupid, even though you probably believe you are. You’re getting a spanking. No one criticises my girlfriend like that, not even herself." He punctuated the last words with a dozen hard smacks to her sit spots.
She knew she couldn’t physically overpower him to get off his lap, so she told him to stop. When that didn’t work, she COMMANDED him to stop. That only caused him to spank harder. She tried begging, but that did no good either. Finally, not long after tears had started to form in her eyes, she was put back on her feet. She glared at him, rubbing her bottom furiously. It stung, and she knew she wouldn’t sit comfortably for the rest of the day.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you’re good enough."
"I’m NOT!" She screamed. She realized her mistake the second she saw the look on his face, but by then it was far too late. His hands shot forth and started unbuttoning her jeans.
"Now, honey, let’s talk about this, I don’t –" she said as he pushed her jeans down to her ankles. She was then placed back over his knees.
"I suggest that you learn your lesson soon, Katie," Hector said as he rubbed her bottom, admiring the pink flesh visible through her snow-white panties. "I can keep this up all day, and my hand won’t tire nearly as fast as your bottom." With that, he continued to smack her.
Katie gasped in pain. She hadn’t expected her jeans to be that much difference, but his spanks now felt twice as hard. "Hector, honey, can’t we talk about this?"
"What is there to talk about?" Hector answered, keeping up the assault on her aching bottom. "I’m sick and tired of hearing you complaining about yourself. You don’t know how to respect yourself, so I’m going to keep spanking until you do."
She couldn’t think of a good reply, so for the moment, she laid still, trying to push the hand smacking her bottom so far from her mind that she couldn’t feel it any longer. It didn’t work.
Hector smacked hard and fast, deciding to teach her a lesson as quickly as possible. He had long ago realized she had a special talent. Everyone he knew could see that talent. Everyone, that is, except for the girl currently getting a bottom warming over his lap. He would get through to her no matter what.
"Honey, I’ve learned my lesson now," she said, trying once again to talk him out of it. "I really have, so could – ouch, not so hard, you bastard!" she cried out. She felt his hand stop, and breathed a sigh of relief – until she felt his hands at the waistband of her panties.
“Number one," he said. “I decide how long and hard the spanking is, not you. That’s why it’s a punishment. Number two," he said as he lowered her panties, “if you curse at me during a spanking again, I will not hesitate to wash your mouth out with soap. Be thankful I’m just baring your bottom this time." Katie wanted to protest the fact that he had already decided there would be more spankings, but she decided this was not the best time to bring that up.
Hector looked down on the slightly red bottom in front of him. She had almost had enough, she decided. There would be some time before she would sit comfortably. But he wanted to ensure that she had learned her lesson, and that she would remember it every time she sat down for at least a week. He concentrated on her sit spots again, letting loose some of his hardest smacks.
If someone had told Katie that a pair of light, almost see-through panties could have this much of a difference, she would have refused to believe them. But she had to believe what her own body told her. She realized, finally, that she couldn’t talk Hector out of giving her a spanking, so there was no use in trying.
Suddenly, Katie found herself back at her feet. As she stood there rubbing her poor, aching bottom, Hector put a finger under her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.
“Now, tell me that you are good enough."
“I- I’m g-good enough," she stuttered, afraid of what he would do if she didn’t.
“Good. Now again," he said, his eyes betraying his joy and relief.
“I’m good enough."
“I’m good enough!"
He smiled approvingly. “Good. Now, there is a painting you have to get finished by tomorrow." He picked up his book. “But there will be two changes to your work routine." Katie looked at him, unsure of what would come next. “First of all, you will take your pants and panties all the way off. That is NOT open to debate," he told her as she opened her mouth, trying to argue. “You will show that well-spanked bottom as a reminder that you’ve been punished."
‘I don’t need your reminder, I have my stinging rear to do that,’ she thought to herself. But she knew saying it out loud would be a bad idea.
“Second, if I catch you beating yourself up again, I will bend you over the table, take off my belt and really let you have it." His expression let her know that she was dead serious.
With that, he gave her lips a kiss and her bottom a smack, as he sat down to continue reading and she turned to continue her painting. ‘One thing is for sure,’ she thought as she rubbed her bottom. ‘If pain makes you a great artist, this will be my masterpiece!’
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