Sunday, 22 August 2021

Steven & Julie, part 1: Lending a Hand (F/F & M/F story)

 When Julie had called Steven and asked him if he wanted to come over so they could do their homework together, there was a part of him that wanted that to be some sort of code that he was too thick to figure out. Julie was attractive, both in personality and in appearance, and he had a feeling that she liked him as well. But like he had suspected, she'd meant just what she said.


They were sitting on her bed, going through some particularly difficult maths problems, when Anna entered the room. Anna was Julie's older sister, and in charge whenever their mother was out of town – which she was this week. Anna had the same long, raven-black hair as her younger sister, and the same deep blue eyes, so despite the fact that Anna was a foot taller and slightly less curvy, it was easy to see that the two were sisters. Steven knew that the two sisters had always been very close, despite the five-year age gap between them, and they had a very friendly and loving relationship. There was little of that love in Anna's eyes as she folded her arms and glared down at her sister.


“There's a ten-pound note missing from my purse, Julie. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that?” There was a bit of worry in her eyes, but Julie still shook her head.


Anna walked over to the dresser, where an empty CD case was lying next to the CD player. The clear plastic that had been wrapped around the case, was still lying beneath it. “So, you've bought a new CD recently, have you? With what money, I wonder?” She stared at her sister again. “Do you want to confess now, or would you like to dig the hole a little deeper first? Because if you lie to me again, it's going to be a lot worse.”


Julie bit her lip, glancing nervously at her older sister. “I did it,” she said after a short pause. “I really wanted that CD, and I didn't have enough money, and I was going to pay you back, I swear!”


“I believe you,” Anna said. “But that doesn't mean it's OK to help yourself to my money. If you want to borrow some money, you ASK. And lying about it, right to my face?” She shook her head. “Do you know what I'm going to do now, Julie?”


“Yes,” Julie said, squirming a little.


“And what is that?”


Julie looked sideways at Steven, who was staring at the strange scene before him. Then she looked pleadingly at Anna, as if begging her not to make her say it in front of him. But Anna was unmoved. “What am I going to do to you, Julie?”


After a brief pause, she finally blurted out: “You're going to give me a spanking.”


Steven stared open-mouthed at her. Had she just said what he thought she had said?


Anna nodded. “That's right. Now come over here and bend over the desk.”


Julie gasped. “Please, Anna! I know I deserve a spanking, but not in front of Steven!”


Steven briefly wondered if he should leave and save her the embarrassment, but Anna looked at him. “Stay,” she told him. “The added humiliation will do wonders for her behaviour.” She patted the desk next to her. “Julie, come over here and bend over.”


Under her sister's strict gaze, Julie did as instructed. Slowly, she rose to her feet, inching closer to her sister before placing her elbows on the desk, bending at the waist and sticking her bottom out as if she'd been in this position countless times before. When Anna was satisfied with her position, she lifted her sister's skirt and placed it on her back, before placing her fingers in the waistband of the white cotton panties.


“No!” Julie protested, but she remained in position. “Don't pull my panties down, please! Not with Steven here!”


Anna chuckled. “I promised you a spanking, kid. What in the world made you think I was going to let you keep your panties on? Have I ever spanked you on anything but your bare little bottom?” And she pulled her sister's panties down to her ankles, revealing a pair of pale cheeks quivering in anticipation of what was to come.


Steven stared at the strange, but wonderful sight as Anna gave her sister's backside a few light taps, before lifting her hand over her head and bringing it down in a hard slap. Julie hissed a little at the sharp sting, but her reactions grew noisier as Anna gave her posterior some hard, quick smacks. Julie was soon expressing her disapproval of the proceedings with an “Ouch” here and an “Ow!” there, and her rear jiggled with every single smack as Anna delivered a very firm punishment.


Under the assault of Anna's firm and punishing hand, Julie's once-white cheeks grew pink. Anna made sure to cover the entire surface of her bottom, paying particular attention to her sit spots. After a while, she stopped, shaking her hand and grimacing as if in pain. “My palm is really starting to sting now. I think I'm going to go fetch that old paddle and finish the job with that.”


“No, please!” Julie said. “Anything but that!”


“I know you don't like the paddle, kid, but ...” She stopped, and she glanced over at the boy on the bed as if an idea had suddenly popped into her head. “Hey, Steven, come over here.”


As Steven had been lost in thought while staring at the spanking, it took a second or two before he reacted. “What is it?”


“I can't finish Julie's spanking with my palm like this. Care to lend me a hand?”


Steven stared at her, unable to accept what she was telling him. “Are you asking me to spank my friend?”


“You'd be doing her a favour,” Anna replied. “She definitely has a proper spanking coming, and unless you help me out here, I'm going to have to finish the job with dad's old paddle, or a belt. And trust me, she doesn't want either of those. Right, Julie?”


Julie took a deep breath, as if the words that were about to come out of her mouth scared the daylights out of her. “Please, Steven. Anything but that paddle!”


Anna stepped away from her sister, and Steven took her place. With his left hand placed comfortingly on Julie's back, he lifted his right, and brought it down on her quivering cheeks with a barely audible tap.


“You'd better give her a proper spanking,” Anna told him. “If you don't, I'm going to finish up with the paddle.”


Steven tried again, delivering a dozen smacks to Julie's bare backside, each of them harder than the last.


“Better,” Anna told him. “But keep going.”


For the next few minutes, the room was filled with the sound of Steven's hand slapping down on Julie's backside, and with Julie's soft crying. By the time Anna told him that it was enough, and that he could stop, Julie's bottom was bright red, and she was sobbing into the desk. When she learned that her punishment was over, she rose to her feet and fell towards Steven's chest, crying into his shirt. Steven held her close in a hug, rubbing her upper back to help her calm down. When Julie's crying stopped, Anna placed a hand on his shoulder. “You'd better go now, I want to talk to Julie in private. Come back tomorrow or something, OK?”


When Steven had gathered up his things and headed home, he thought about what had just happened. While he had been able to tell himself that he did it to help her, he knew that he had really enjoyed spanking Julie. His mind was filled with visions of putting Julie across his lap, baring her bottom and spanking her to tears, before clutching her close as she sobbed into his chest.



“So,” Anna said to her sister once Steven had left. “Was it everything you ever dreamed of?”


Julie, who was standing with her back to the mirror and examining her bruised backside, pouted. “You could have pretended to have a sore palm earlier, you know. It would have meant more work for him.”


Anna chuckled. “I didn't want him to think I was a wimp. Besides, there was no 'pretending' about it, my palm really stings.”


“Aw, poor thing, I feel really bad for you,” Julie said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


“Don't push your luck, kid, or I might actually bring out that old paddle. So didn't you just ask him for a spanking? I saw his face, I'm pretty sure he'd have given you one.”


“It's more romantic this way,” Julie said. “This time, he did it to save me from a terrible fate. And the next time he spanks me, he's going to think it was all his idea.”


Anna shook her head. “You're playing with fire, but as long as you're the only one being burned, you can do what you like for me.”

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...