Sunday, 5 September 2021

Cleaning the kitchen (M/F story)

Sharon did her best to scowl at her friend, but David scowled back, and she had to admit, he did it better than her. It was late Saturday, and Sharon had already changed into her pyjamas and was ready to go to bed, but David was lecturing her about how it was her turn to clean the kitchen in the flat they shared, and that it was a complete mess.


“Relax, I'll do it tomorrow,” she said again. “I'm not going to do it now, it's too late.”


“You should have done it hours ago,” he told her. “But you were too busy watching television, I suppose?”


She knew deep down that he had a point, but she was too mad to consider it. “I need to go to bed now” she told him, turning his back to him as he headed towards her bedroom. It would probably be a while until she calmed down enough to fall asleep.


Then he spoke the words that would change their relationship forever: “What you need is a good spanking,” he told her in a strict tone of voice that she'd never heard him use before.


Sharon froze in her tracks, then spun around to stare at him in open-mouthed shock. She had never spoken to anyone about her interest in that subject, not even her best friends. And now, her friend was threatening to spank her. She thought about the fantasies she'd had, the dreams about some man, tired of her attitude, pulling her across his lap and baring her bottom. The way he'd slap her bottom, long after she'd begged him to stop. And she looked at David, tall and dark-haired, and the way he looked at her with his arms folded in front of him. “You wouldn't dare,” she said at last. She hoped he would.


And he did. David grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to a nearby chair. He sat down, and the butterflies soared in her stomach as he pulled her over his lap. She gasped as he pulled her pyjamas bottoms down, revealing her bare backside. “You beast! Let me up immediately,” she yelled, but she didn't even try to get up.


She winced as his palm firmly connected with her bare buttocks, and had to gasp for breath as he spanked her hard and fast. Soon, she was squirming around, and had to grab his leg for support as a fire began building up in her seat.


His hand moved from cheek to cheek, soon covering every single square inch of her butt with hard, stinging spanks. She kicked her legs and began to wonder how she was going to sit down tomorrow.


“Have you learned your lesson?” he said after a while. “Are you going to be a good girl now?” Sharon had a feeling that if she said yes, he'd end her spanking. He'd let her up, and she could go into her bedroom, have a look at the state of her cheeks, rub some cooling lotion into the sore spots, and fall asleep with a warm and tingling rear end.


“No!” she said. “I'm not! Leave me alone, you brute!”


And he continued the spanking. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she sobbed loudly. Her bottom burned like she'd sat in a campfire, and she was kicking her legs so hard, she almost fell off his lap.


After what seemed like an eternity spent clutching his leg as he spanked her, he stopped again. “Are you going to be a good girl now?”


“Yes, sir! Oh yes, I'll do anything, sir, please, I'll be good,” she pleaded. She knew she was babbling, but she didn't particularly care. All she wanted right now was to get a bit of distance between her butt and his hand.


He let her up, and she fled into her room. Wiping the tears from her face, she stared in wide-eyed shock as she examined her bottom in the mirror – it wasn't as damaged as it felt, but there was still a fetching red shine to it. She prodded it gently with her fingers, and winced as she tried to rub some of the sting away.


The next morning, as David got up, he was surprised to find the kitchen cleaner than he'd seen it in months. He guessed that Sharon had got up early today – usually, she stayed in bed for quite a while. As he sat down to eat breakfast, Sharon came into the room. There was a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, and though she winced every time her bottom brushed against something, she seemed happier and more energetic than he'd seen her in months. She came up behind him and hugged him tightly.


“Thank you,” she said.


“For what?” he said, smiling back. He wanted to hear her say it.


She shrugged. “You know. For being caring. For being here.”


She fetched her pillow and placed it on a chair, before slowly lowering herself onto it. He smiled as he watched her grimace when her bottom finally touched down.


“Sharon,” he said after a while. “I think you've been a bit lazy lately, and I'm not happy with the attitude you've been giving me. I think that there's going to be some consequences for that sort of behaviour in the future.” She tried to fight the grin that was spreading across her face, but it was futile.


“I'll be good, I promise,” she told him at last.


“We'll see,” he told her. “But now we know what will happen if you don't.”

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...