Sunday, 5 September 2021

Spanking the schoolgirl (F/F story)

 It was shortly before Halloween, and Kate was out looking for a costume. Having done her best to be scary the previous years, she decided that this year, she would try something a bit more modern – the sexy kinds of costumes. Sure, it broke every tradition, but it would be fun to look a bit slutty for a night – see all the young men get their hopes up, and watch as they realized she was already seeing someone.
In one costume shop, she spotted something that caught her attention – a schoolgirl outfit hanging by the door. She'd seen a few of them hanging around before, but they usually fell in one of two categories – either too slutty, with a non-existent skirt and a shirt with too few buttons, or too realistic, which was no fun at all. Actually, a realistic schoolgirl uniform hanging in a shop like this was one of the creepiest things she could imagine.
But this uniform was somewhere in between. The skirt was short, but not too short – no one would see her panties (or lack of such) unless she wanted them too. And it came with a proper shirt, and some long white socks and matching panties. She decided she wanted it.
She considered waiting until Halloween before springing the costume on her girlfriend, but found that she couldn't keep the surprise in her that long. She slipped into the costume, and entered the living room where Cecilia was waiting. The gasp that Cecilia made was loud enough to stop her in her tracks. Her girlfriend was turning pale, and seemed to look everywhere but at her. Kate smiled to herself. It seemed Cecilia had a thing for schoolgirl uniforms. She hadn't known that. She decided a few quick kisses would make her feel better, and things progressed quickly from there.
A few days later, Cecilia had to work late. When she finally made it home, late in the evening, she sat on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand as she felt the stress of the day slowly disappearing. Kate smiled to herself before slipping off to the bedroom. She knew something that would make her feel better.
She returned in a few minutes, in the schoolgirl uniform. She stepped up behind her girlfriend, giving her shoulders a quick massage. Cecilia smiled gratefully up at her, her breath catching in her throat as she spotted the uniform. There was a poorly restrained lust in her eyes, and she licked her lips.
"Do you like my little uniform?" Kate asked as if she didn't know the answer already. "Do you like schoolgirl Kate?"
"Are you a good little schoolgirl, Kate?" Cecilia asked. "Or a bad one?"
An interesting question, Kate thought to herself. "A bad one," she replied, grinning. "A VERY bad one."
Suddenly, Kate found herself being pulled forward, over her girlfriend's lap. Her head was still spinning with confusion when the first smack landed, bringing with it a slight sting that made her kick her legs.

"I know what to do with naughty schoolgirls," Cecilia said, her voice full of lust as she started spanking the skirt-covered rear end before her.
Kate was more shocked than she'd been in years, more shocked than the time Cecilia had told her she liked her – by kissing her square on the lips. She loved the woman with all her heart, but she'd always had a communication problem.
But once the initial shock wore off, Kate was surprised to find that she was enjoying herself. Sure, Cecilia's spanks had a slight sting to them, but the warmth was very pleasant, and she enjoyed having her girlfriend's hands all over her bottom. She still let out a small gasp of surprise when Cecilia raised her skirt, though.
Soon, her panties were pulled down, and Cecilia continued to smack every inch of her bottom, grinning as if Christmas had come early. Kate was writhing over her lap, surprised to find out that she was still enjoying it, moaning in pleasure with every slap.
By the time her bottom had developed a pleasant pink hue, the two girls quickly headed to the bedroom.
"So where did that come from?" Kate asked afterwards, as Cecilia was rubbing some sort of cooling lotion into her stinging rear.
Cecilia smiled nervously. "When I was younger, I had a... friend who went to a school with uniforms," she explained. "She was quite the brat, and a few times, I wanted to pull her over my knee and make her behave." She smiled. "The look of you in that uniform brought back memories."
Kate grinned. "It was quite a shock to me," she scolded. "You should have talked to me first."
"I know," Cecilia said. "It was very naughty of me." She licked her lips. "Perhaps I deserve a spanking."

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...