Sunday, 5 September 2021

Smoking burn (F/f story)

 As Jennifer approached the counter at the store, it felt like her heart was trying to escape from her chest. 'Stay calm', she told herself, forcing herself to breathe normally – or as close to it as she possibly could. 'Don't look nervous, don't draw attention to yourself. In a few seconds, you'll be out of here.'


She placed her items on the counter, and the girl working there barely looked up as she scanned them, took the crumpled bill Jennifer handed her, and gave her back the change. Jennifer left the store, trying her hardest to look normal in every possible way.


Once she was out of the store, and out of sight, she gasped for air. She hadn't even noticed she'd held her breath. But as she glanced down at the pack of cigarettes in her hand, she grinned to herself. She'd made it out with her price.


Jennifer had always looked old for her age, and at thirteen, she could easily pass for a young adult, if she dressed the part. And today, she had. Of course, she would never have tried this at home – it was far too likely that she'd be recognized, either by the workers, or by other shoppers. But half an hour by bus in any direction, and no one knew her face.


She coughed loudly as she took the first few puffs of the cigarette. It wasn't her first cigarette, but she was still far from an experienced smoker, and the smoke hurt her lungs. Deep breaths, she told herself as she walked through town, intending to do a bit of shopping before she got on the bus home.


She tossed the cigarette butt on the ground, pulling another out of the carton, while she looked at one of the dresses in the window. It was cute, but a bit expensive, she concluded. She would have to make sure she had enough money for the bus.


"What do you think you are doing?" a calm, but strict voice said behind her. With a cold shiver running down her back, she turned to face the policewoman standing right behind her. She was a full foot taller than Jennifer, who found the woman quite intimidating.


"Is there something wrong, officer?" Jennifer said, trying to stay calm despite the alarm bells ringing in her head. Stay calm, she reminded herself again. Maybe you can bluff your way out.


The officer pointed at the cigarette butt that Jennifer had just discarded. "Go find a trash can for that. Don't litter."


She could feel the relief surging through her as she picked it up, throwing it in the nearest trash can. That was all, just littering. She didn't know anything.


Unfortunately, her relief must have been visible, because the policewoman was studying her with a suspicious look on her face. "How old are you?" she said at last.


"I'm... I'm eighteen," she said, almost making a grave error. Usually when she lied about her age, she only needed to claim to be sixteen, and habit almost steered her wrong. But she corrected herself just in time.


"Do you have any ID?"


She patted her pockets, pretending she was looking for her wallet. "Not on me, no. Sorry," she said, still trying to remain calm.


Unfortunately, it didn't seem like she believed her, and the woman suddenly reached into Jennifer's pocket, pulling out her wallet. "I could see it through the fabric," she told her as she went through it, finding Jennifer's school ID.  "THIRTEEN!?" she gasped, glaring at the teenager, who suddenly felt like fainting – or more preferably, running away. "You looked a little young to be smoking, but thirteen?" She fixed Jennifer with the coldest, angriest stare the teenager had seen in her life, and suddenly, she grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "Come here, young lady."


She marched Jennifer over to her nearby police car, pushing her into the back seat. Jennifer felt more like fainting with every second that passed. She was about to be arrested. Thirteen years old, and she was already in the back of a police car. She wondered with dread what her parents would say when the police drove her home. They wouldn't like it, she supposed.


But instead of getting behind the wheel, and driving Jennifer to her eventual fate, the policewoman got in the back seat with her, sitting down next to the nervous teen. "What you did today was very irresponsible," the policewoman said. "Cigarettes are kept from minors for a REASON."


As the lecture went on, the teen found it harder to keep the tears away. She sniffed, and was surprised when the woman but her hand on her shoulder, calming her down. "Am... am I going to be arrested?" she asked.


The woman smiled at she shook her head. "You're young, you shouldn't have a record. Trust me, those things never go away. So no, I'm not going to arrest you." The smile vanished. "I am, however, going to punish you."


"Punish?" Jennifer said, a lump forming in her throat. She didn't like the sound of that.


The woman nodded. And gently, but quite firmly, she grabbed the teen's shoulder and guided her over her lap. Jennifer bit her lip as she realized that the woman was about to spank her, only seconds before the first smack rang out, bringing a sharp sting to Jennifer's behind. "Ouch!" she yelled as the policewoman's firm palm kept landing on the seat of her jeans, the sting gradually building with every smack.


"It stings, doesn't it?" the woman said. Her voice betrayed a small bit of sympathy, but not a trace of mercy. "Maybe you'll think about this the next time you want to smoke." Her hand went from cheek to cheek, making Jennifer squirm around over her lap.


"Right," the woman said, resting her hand on Jennifer's hip, and the girl felt a bit of relief, confident that the spanking was over. It stung, but it hadn't been too bad. But instead of helping her up, the policewoman started to remove Jennifer's jeans. "I think it's about time these came down."


Jennifer was too shocked to protest as the woman pulled her jeans down to her ankles, showing off her bright blue panties – unlike the rest of her attire, it didn't fit the eighteen-year-old she had been playing, but then again, she hadn't expected anyone to see them.


As the spanking continued, the sting brought the teen out of her shock, and she was soon squirming even more than before, trying to escape the punishing hand. But no matter what she did, every smack found its mark. "Are you learning your lesson, young lady?" the policewoman said. "Are you going to smoke in the future?"


"Ow!" Jennifer yelped. "No, ma’am."


The woman frowned. "You don't sound very sincere, girl." She placed her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. "Let's see if this will help with that."


"No!" Jennifer gasped, kicking her legs. "No, you can't pull my panties down!"


"Of course I can," she said. "It's easy." And in a flash, she'd pulled the struggling teen's panties down to join her jeans.


"Oh, it's getting quite red," she said as she squeezed Jennifer's cheek. "Does it sting?"


Jennifer bit back the sarcastic reply that almost escaped her lips. She had a feeling it wouldn't help right now. "Yes, ma'am."


"Good." And she continued the spanking.


Soon, Jennifer was crying loudly. She'd stopped kicking, she'd stopped squirming, just buried her head in the car seat and cried. She didn't even notice that the spanking stopped before the woman picked her up, sitting her down on her lap as she let the teen cry into her shoulder.


"Here we are," she said, stopping the car close to the bus stop. The woman had offered to get someone to drive her home, but considering it was half an hour away, it was easier just to take the bus.


Jennifer got out, clutching the bag with her jeans with one hand, and the seat of her skirt with the other. She'd asked the policewoman if they could stop at a clothes store on the way here, as she'd rather not wear her tight jeans right now. The woman had laughed, and granted it. The skirt was cheap, and far from the prettiest Jennifer owned, but that was irrelevant right now.


The trip hadn't been very successful, she concluded. The policewoman had confiscated the cigarette pack, so all she had to show for her journey was a dreadful skirt and a freshly spanked bottom. The grimaced. The bus ride home was not going to be fun.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...