Sunday, 19 September 2021

Crystal (f/m story)

 It was a warm summer’s day. The sun was shining brightly, a slight breeze made its way over the hills, and all around me were the sounds of nature. I barely noticed any of this, however. I had found something more interesting to focus my attention on.

In the river that was located about twenty feet below my current position, three girls were bathing, splashing about and laughing. All three were older than me (between eighteen and nineteen years old), tall, beautiful and with stunning figures. None of them were wearing anything.

Since it was such a warm day, they had decided to take off everything and just jump into the cold water. Since they couldn’t see anyone, they had decided no one was around to be offended by their nudity. They were partly wrong; a fourteen-year-old boy was hiding nearby, hidden in the bushes on the cliff overlooking the river. But I wasn’t the least bit offended.

To make my current situation even better, one of the three girls below was Diane. All the boys my age (and most of the older ones) agreed that she was the sexiest girl in town. I had a crush on her. She didn’t know I existed, but that wasn’t too surprising.

She turned to say something to one of the other girls, and I saw her breasts glisten in the sunshine, water dripping slowly off her. The smile on my face grew wider and wider.

Suddenly, I heard someone give a small cough behind me. I realized to my terror that although I was practically invisible to the girls below, I was easily spotted by anyone walking past the river on the northside. And behind me, with a strange, almost evil grin on her face, stood Crystal.

Crystal was a short, cute girl with brown hair and dark, almost black eyes. She was two years younger than me, sporty and energic, something of a tomboy. She was also Diane’s younger, less popular sister.

“Spying on my sister, are you, Ryan?” She shook her head in disapproval, the condescending smile never leaving her lips. “That’s no good, no good at all. Should I call her up and ask her what she thinks of this?” She seemed to be considering this for a moment. “Or maybe I should tell your parents. I think they know how to deal with this.”

“What do you want?” I said, trying to appear confident. I knew it was something; otherwise, she wouldn’t have wasted time talking to me. She would have gone straight to her sister. In addition, she was speaking very quietly, almost whispering. It was clear she didn’t want her sister to hear.

“Well,” she said, “If I told your parents what you have done, they would be angry, wouldn’t they?” From the roundabout way she spoke, I realized whatever she wanted would be very bad. “What would they do with you?”

I sighed. “They would spank me.” Even though most of the kids in my class were still spanked, I still found it embarrassing to admit to a girl, especially a younger girl.

“Well, then, if I don’t tell them, you won’t get your spanking.” Her grin grew even wider. “No one will punish you, so you won’t learn from your mistakes. So SOMEONE should punish you, right?”  

I stared at her, hoping she wasn’t talking about what I thought she was talking about. “You can’t mean- “

“What I mean is that you have a simple choice. Either I tell your parents, and they give you a spanking, or I tell no one, and…" She smiled sweetly. “I take you over my knee and spank you.”

My mind raced. Of course, being spanked by a girl, and even worse, a girl that was younger than me, would be an embarrassing event. On the other hand, she would certainly spank far lighter than my parents.

She saw me thinking, and lifted her hand as if swearing an oath: “Oh, and I promise that if you take your punishment from me, I won’t tell ANYONE about the spanking – or the peeking. Not my parents, not your parents, not my friends, not Diane – no one.”

“Okay, I’ll take your spanking,” I said at last.

Crystal clasped her hands in glee. She then waved at me to follow her. “I don’t want my sister to hear what’s going on,” she explained.

I followed in her footsteps for about five minutes, as we headed into the woods. She was cheerfully bouncing around, smiling and giggling. I was rather less cheerful about what was to happen. When she was satisfied that we were far enough from any curious eyes, she sat down on a fallen tree and beckoned me over with a crooked finger. I moved to her right side, and began bending over her lap, but she stopped me. She pointed at the long shorts I wore in the heat. “I really don’t think your parents spank you over your shorts.”

I backed away. She couldn’t mean…. But she was a GIRL!

She lifted her shoulders to indicate indifference. “You can still take the punishment from your parents. It’s not too late.”

I realized that I was in her power until the spanking was over, and decided to get it over with as soon as possible. With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them down to my knees. I looked at her hopefully, but she just pointed at my underpants, then at the ground. With a sigh of defeat, I pulled them down, baring myself.

Crystal stared wide-eyed, and I realized that she had never seen a naked boy before. Self-conscious and rather embarrassed, I put my hands in front of my crotch.

That seemed to break the spell upon Crystal, and she pointed at her lap. I leaned over, and she positioned me so that my butt was higher and more available. With my legs still on the ground, I reached forward with my hands to steady myself. To my amazement, I found I wasn’t thinking about the spanking to come or the fun that was the cause of it, but how soft the legs I was lying over were. They were soft, smooth, girly legs.

Crystal was rubbing my bottom with her hand, giving it a pinch now and again. I realized that she was nervous, but determined. With a deep breath, she lifted her hand.

The smacks were light at first, and slow. It was obvious that she was trying to work up her courage. Then, they were a little harder, and at last, she worked out the speed. Pretty quickly, the spanks were raining down on my bottom. They weren’t too hard, but over time, the sting built up.

As she smacked on, I could feel her hand around my waist, as she wanted her target to remain stationary as she increased the speed. She was totally into it now, spanking several spanks per second.

She kept on, and after a while, I started to feel tears welling up in my eyes. I fought them back; there was no way a little girl was going to reduce me to tears. But she kept on spanking. And spanking. And spanking.

The sting building up was getting quite uncomfortable, and soon, I started kicking my legs a little. Crystal increased her grip around my waist, but didn’t slow down the slightest.

Shortly after the first tear fell down my face and hit the forest floor below, Crystal stopped spanking. I got to my feet, one hand rubbing the tears out of my eyes, the other the sting out of my bottom. I put my head over my shoulder to inspect the damage: my bottom was pink, as were the top of my thighs. I would feel it every time I sat down today, but it would be gone by tomorrow.

To my astonishment, I felt no ill will towards Crystal. Sure, she had spanked me, but I had to admit I had deserved it. In fact, this was one of the events that started my friendship to the girl.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...