Sunday, 26 September 2021

Crystal II: A Broken Promise (m/f story)

 In the weeks that followed my spanking, I somehow found myself becoming friends with Crystal. She tended to have a smug smile on her face whenever she spotted me, but apart from that, we got along well. It was all water under the bridge, and I trusted her to keep the event secret. After all, she had given me her word that she wouldn't tell anyone.

Crystal had a friend of sorts called Allison. Allison was a tall, black-haired girl that loved teasing the younger kids, but never got caught. One day, she walked up to me while I was standing outside the school after the last class. “You’re that kid, right? Red-bottomed Ryan?”

With a cold feeling crawling up my spine, I pretended not to understand what she meant. “Don’t give me that,” she replied. “Crystal told me all about your little adventure in the woods.”

As I stood there, I heard a gasp, and Crystal came forward. “Allison, he wasn’t supposed to know I had told you!”

While the girls stood there arguing, I left. Crystal had broken her word. As I walked along, I heard Crystal running after me. “Wait up, Ryan!”

“Go away,” I said. But I stopped.

“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t think Allison would tell you.”

“That wasn’t the point,” I yelled, tears forming in my eyes. “That wasn’t the deal. The deal was you wouldn’t tell ANYONE! Not Allison, not your family, no one. And how do you know Allison won’t tell others?”

This thought hadn’t occurred to her. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

“No. It’s not okay. You broke your word.” I turned to leave.

“I thought we were friends,” she said, a sad tone in her voice.

“We were,” I replied.

“L-look, I have an idea,” she replied nervously.

An hour later, Allison arrived at Crystal’s house. We told her about the deal me and Crystal had worked out; I would spank Crystal for breaking her word. Afterwards, all three of us would keep silent about everything. If anyone of us broke their word, they would receive a spanking from both others. I directed this last bit mostly at Allison, since I considered it unlikely that Crystal or I would mention it ever again.

I sat down on the bed, and Crystal climbed nervously over my lap. I raised her skirt and lowered her knickers, as she was to be as bare as I had been. I spanked quickly, moving my hand from cheek to cheek, and enjoying the look of the buttocks bouncing up and down. While I spanked, I thought about how painful my own spanking had been, how close me and Crystal had gotten in the last few weeks and how painful it had been to realize that she had betrayed me.

I smacked on and on, growing angrier by the second, until I heard Crystal let out a sob of pain, and I realized she was crying. Immediately, my anger was gone. Crystal was more than a friend, in some ways she was my best friend, and I didn’t like causing her pain. I glanced over at Allison, and decided to continue. The best way to make sure Allison kept her mouth shut was to make her scared to be spanked by us. That meant I had to give Crystal a real, painful spanking. I raised my hand again.

When the spanking was over, Crystal stood up, tears flowing down while she rubbed her sore posterior. It was clear that she felt she had gotten an unfairly hard spanking, since my own had been far lighter. Later, I told her about my reasoning, and she agreed it was not only right, but necessary.

Allison, clearly shook up by the intense spanking, left the house, swearing to keep her mouth shut. I stayed, spending the rest of the afternoon with my new best friend.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...