Most of Christine’s day was as normal as any other. She had gotten up early in the morning, taken a quick shower, eaten a light breakfast, and given her half-asleep girlfriend Dana a quick kiss on the cheek on her way out the door. After that, she had spent many hours in her office, working overtime on the new project. The clock was six in the evening, it was already beginning to get dark, and soon, her workday would be over. By all accounts, a relatively normal day. What Christine didn’t know, was that it was about to become abnormal.
It started with a phone call from Dana. Dana was a tall blonde who always craved excitement. For the past five years, she had been the love of Christine’s life. And now, she had that mischievous tone in her voice she always had when she realized that excitement wasn’t coming, so she had to find it herself.
"Hey, how’s it going, Sweet-cheeks?"
Christine could feel her face blushing with embarrassment already. "Sweet-cheeks" was their own little codeword. When Dana used that nickname on her, it meant one thing, and one thing only. Dana wanted to play. And Christine discovered that so did she.
"The day is over soon. I’ll be home as soon as I can," she said. She couldn’t wait to get home to her girlfriend, for a quick hug, a long kiss and an even longer trip over her knee.
"No, don’t. I’ll come over, just wait in your office."
Christine frowned. Dana had never been in her office before. She had driven her to work and picked her up a couple of times, but she had never been inside. What did she want? And why has she used the codeword? Suddenly, with a jolt, she put two and two together. She exclaimed, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice: "Dana, you can’t! You can’t mean to…"
Dana cut her off. "I can, and I do. I’ll be over in half an hour. By then, you will have taken off your panties and placed them in your drawer. You will flip up that short, sexy skirt you’re wearing, and place that delicious bottom on your chair. You will sit there, feeling the seat on your naked bottom, thinking about how hot I will make your rear end tonight, and how hard sitting down will be tomorrow. Now, if you fail to do ANY of this, there will be consequences."
They ended the call. With a sigh, Christine rose to her feet, deciding to do as Dana had said. She was just glad that the building would be empty soon, as the last stragglers went home.
As she slipped off the small, white panties she always wore, Christine stopped to let her hands run over her bottom, thinking about what was about to happen. Christine smiled as she thought about her nickname. Sweet-cheeks. Christine didn’t like to brag, but she knew that the nickname was well chosen. She had a very cute bottom. Smooth and white, curvy, without being too fat, she had more than once been complimented on her derriere by her significant others. But none had shown as much interest in it as Dana.
When they first started dating, Christine had been surprised at how interested Dana was in her bottom. She let her gaze linger on it in public, and outright stared during more private moments. She let her hands run over it as often as she could, she grabbed it, pinched it, and a couple of times even slapped it. Christine had wondered why her bottom held such an interest to her.
Then came the day when Dana came forward with her unusual interest. The tall blonde, normally so fearless, outspoken and calm, was nervous. She moved her hands around, not sure where to place them, she stared down, unable to meet her lover’s gaze, and even stuttered at one point. She told her about her interest in spanking, an interest she had held for as long as she could remember. She told her about the others, the ones she had approached, who had been disgusted and left. She told her that she wanted to take Christine over her lap and spank those bare buttocks until they were red and sore.
Christine had been surprised, to put it mildly, but she decided that it was worth trying it at least once. It had hurt, that was true, but it was also strangely arousing, and the sex afterwards was the best she ever had. So she decided to try it again. And again. And again.
The next thing she knew, spanking had become an important part of their relationship. They had implements, a few costumes, and even the codeword.
"Sweet-cheeks", Christine mumbled to herself as she rubbed her bottom, standing in her office, waiting for her girlfriend. She shook her head, trying to wake up from the memories. If she was still standing there, out of position, when Dana arrived, there would be consequences. Christine had defied her girlfriend once before, and she did not want to repeat that mistake.
"Hey, Sweet-cheeks," Dana said as she gave her girlfriend a long kiss. Dana’s right hand went back to squeeze Christine's bared bottom, to ensure that she had followed her commands, to remind her of what was to come, and because she really wanted to. In her left hand, Dana held a shopping bag.
Satisfied that her commands had been followed to the letter, Dana opened the shopping bag and pulled out a paddle. It was a foot long, made of sturdy wood. It was polished by long use, and looked rather intimidating. Christine’s eyes grew wide as saucers.
"Where did you get that?" she whispered.
"I found it today in a garage sale. It was just lying there, lonely, so I knew I had to buy it. After all, we don’t have a paddle at home." That was true. They had a wooden spoon, an old leather belt, a big wooden hairbrush, and a riding crop, but no paddle. Dana held the paddle up, swinging it through the air a few times, listening to it whistling through the air. "Now I think it’s time for a certain naughty girl to bend over her desk."
Christine shook her head. "You can’t spank me HERE! Someone will hear!"
"Everyone’s gone home. It’s just you and me here," Dana replied with a grin.
"Well, they will see us!" Christine pointed towards the large windows, showing a large portion of the city. And revealing to most of the city what was going on inside.
"Yes. They will." Dana smiled as she looked over the darkening sky, the tall buildings as the lights appeared in the windows. "Think about it. Look at that sight. Dozens of buildings, hundreds of windows. You will never meet one of them. But if any of them should happen to see our way, they will remember what they see this day. They will remember us."
"Exactly! If we should happen to meet one of them, I’ll die from embarrassment!"
Dana laughed. "They’re too far away. Besides, Sweet-cheeks, if any one of them looks at your FACE, they have the wrong priorities." Christine blushed furiously. "Anyway, consider it our gift to the city."
Christine walked over to her desk, facing away from the windows. She flipped up the skirt as high as she could, revealing her flawless orbs. Dana, unable to help herself, let her hands run over them, pinching and squeezing. Christine shuddered with a mixture of light pain, strong anticipation, and burning desire. She could hear Dana pick up the paddle and lifting it in the air.
With a light smack, the first stroke landed. Dana looked at Christine’s bottom, still white as snow, and from her complete lack of reaction, it was clear that the first stroke was too light. Now, she had to find out how hard was hard enough. She was looking forward to it.
Again, the paddle landed, this time much harder. Christine threw her head up, biting her lip not to cry out. She knew the building was empty, but all the same, she feared someone would hear.
Another stroke. It was a strange sensation, thought Christine. Unlike their other implements, this could take both cheeks in one stroke, evening out the pain all over her bottom.
Wood whistling through the air met soft buttocks, and Christine let a small "Owiee!" escape her lips. Dana smiled. Christine made the cutest noises during a spanking. It made you just want to cuddle her. Or spank her some more, to keep the noises coming. Dana often chose the latter.
Another stroke, and Christine was shocked to discover she already had tears in her eyes. Normally, she could hold out much longer. But the paddle, hitting both cheeks, not letting one rest, was different. As the next stroke landed, she realized she liked it.
SMACK! "Ow, ow, ow," Christine complained. More of those adorable noises. Dana smiled. Her girlfriend was the cutest thing ever.
Another stroke. Dana realized that she was wet. As she held the paddle aloft, she saw that Christine was as well. That was good. If Christine didn’t enjoy their games, they would have to change them. But it was clear she liked this game.
As another stroke landed, Dana was already looking forward to discarding the paddle and ravishing her girlfriend. She began to think about kissing that sore bottom all better, licking every part of her girlfriend’s body that she could reach, climbing on top of her as her sore bottom was pressed into the bed, or the table, or whatever they were on at the time, producing more of those cute little yelps.
After the sound of the smack had echoed out, Dana started rubbing her girlfriend’s back. "How are you feeling, Sweet-cheeks?"
"Strange. It burns, but it’s a good burn. How many was that?"
"Ten," Dana replied as she lowered her hand, rubbing her girlfriend’s sore bottom. "Do you want to go home now?"
"Not yet. How about ten more?"
Dana stared at her in amazement. Christine had never requested MORE punishment. "Sweet-cheeks, your bottom is already sore. I don’t think you can take another ten strokes."
"Please, Dana," Christine said as she turned her head, her hair tussled, her eyes slightly red from crying. "Please. Ten more."
Dana picked up the paddle again.
Another stroke, as Dana watched the cute bottom flatten with the stroke of the paddle, before popping back out. She was already very red, and Dana wondered how her bottom would look at the end of the paddling.
The next stroke was hard. Dana wanted Christine to realize that ten strokes on an already sore bottom was too much. As Dana stood there, paddle in hand, waiting for a response, Christine turned her head, not saying anything, but the message in her eyes was clear as day. "Please continue."
As the next stroke landed, Christine cried out in pain. But Dana realized that it was a good cry, a cry of pleasure as much as from pain. She smiled. If she had not had the courage to talk to Christine that fateful day, or if Christine had been too weirded out to try, as all the others, they wouldn’t have this.
Another stroke, and Christine let out more of the cute little yelping noises. Dana felt herself growing wetter.
The next stroke was to the sit spots, and Christine wondered briefly how she would sit down at all tomorrow. Her entire bottom was stinging, and she knew it would keep doing that.
At the next stroke, both of Christine’s legs flew up as she tried to kick the pain away. She didn’t, but it felt good to try.
Another stroke, and Christine gripped the end of the desk so hard that her knuckles turned white. She wondered how her bottom looked. Probably not very good. It felt even worse. And at the same time, it felt wonderful.
The paddle landed again, and Christine cried out "I’m sorry!" She knew she didn’t have anything to be sorry about, it was just reflex, but she did it anyway.
The last stroke landed, and immediately, Dana pulled her girlfriend into a hug. As Christine, her own little Sweet-cheeks, cried into her shoulder, Dana rubbed her back. They stood there, in the office, just hugging, for about fifteen minutes. Neither of them said anything. They didn’t need to.
As they left the office, to go home to a night of passion, Dana asked if they should leave the paddle at the desk. "I’m sure your colleagues will find a use for it," she said as she let her hand wander under Christine’s skirt, rubbing her sore, panty-less bottom. Christine didn’t reply, just brattily stuck her tongue out at her, so Dana gave her a hard smack.
As she walked to the car, paddle in the bag in her left hand, her right hand rubbing her Sweet-cheeks’ sweet cheeks, Dana thought about how lucky she was.
Saturday, 6 November 2021
Sweet-cheeks (F/F story)
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