Saturday, 18 December 2021

Babysitter's brush 2: Making an effort (F/ff story)

Getting my bottom spanked became something of an on-going quest after that. Sure, getting my cheeks painted red by Mary's brush was painful, there was no denying it. But somehow, that was completely eclipsed by the pleasure. It didn't make sense, but it was true.

Now, Mary had a sister who was about my age: Zoe. I had hung out with her a couple of times, but we weren't that close. I planned to change that. If I hung out with Zoe, at her place, that was one step closer to Mary and that horrible, wonderful brush of hers. Of course, being in the same house as Mary wasn't enough to make her spank me, but I was prepared to make the effort.

One day, Zoe let slip that her sister had ONE unbreakable, "just-don't-do-it" rule: Do Not Enter Her Room. Not ever. I could barely contain my grin.

"Kate, I don't think this is a good idea," Zoe whispered as I opened the door, peeking in. We knew Mary wasn't home, but still, it was a little bit intimidating.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," I told her. "She's not home."

"She could be, any second," she answered, glancing around nervously as I thumbed through a stack of magazines I found on a table. Nothing too interesting, I concluded.

"Scaredy cat," I giggled as I looked at Mary's make-up table. Quite a lot of gunk here, I concluded, but nothing that would serve my interests. I felt a sense of awe as I picked up her hairbrush. I patted it against my palm, shivering with delight as I thought about how Mary had spanked me with it.

I put it down again. There had to be something here I could use to make her angry.

"We should go," Zoe said, but I didn't hear the rest of her sentence. I had found something far more interesting. On a small table next to the bed, I found the answer to my dreams, the Holy Grail of Brats, the perfect object if you want to annoy an older sibling – or any other teenager.

In my hands, I was holding Mary's diary.

"Check this out," I said, holding it up for Zoe to see. She stared wide-eyed at it.

"Where did you find that?"

"On the table." I opened it up, starting to read it.

"You shouldn't do that," she said, biting her lip.

"I'll just have a quick look," I replied. "Don't worry." I didn't tell her that I was pretty sure I had just heard the front door open. "Look at this," I said, holding the diary towards Zoe. Nervously, she peeked over, reading the paragraph I had pointed out.

It was at that exact moment that the door opened, and Mary stepped in. Zoe squealed, turning pale as Mary looked from her, to the diary, to me, growing angrier by the second.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down. Partly because I had to seem shameful, like a child with its hand in the cookie jar, and partly to hide the grin.

"Give me that!" she said, tearing the diary from my hand. "I'm going to tell your parents about this!"
She turned to Zoe. "Just wait until mum and dad hears about this!"

Ah. My brilliant plan had hit a snag. My parents might ground me, and I really didn't want to spend the next few days indoors. In addition, this would mean I wouldn't get a spanking. Meaning my efforts would have been for naught.

But how to ask for a spanking, without revealing that I was, in fact, asking for a spanking? I looked up at her. "Please! They'll ground me for a week!"

"What, you expect me to just forget about this? No way?"

"But couldn't you -" I stopped, seemingly changing my mind, and looked away.

"What?" Mary said, curious.


"What were you about to say?"  A strict tone was creeping into her voice, causing a delightful tingling in my stomach.

"Well... when I was at Maggie's, and we broke that vase, you didn't call my parents. You..." I waved my hand.

"I spanked your butt bright red, yes." There was that delightful tingling again. I quite liked talking to Mary.

"Well... I really don't want to be grounded. " I looked up at her. "Couldn't you..."

"Couldn't I spank your bratty little behinds instead?" She smiled. "Not a bad idea, Kate."

"No way," Zoe said, backing away from her sister with both hands in front of her bottom. "You can't do that." It was clear that Mary didn't have the spanking privileges at home that she did while babysitting. Which meant that Zoe had never felt her sister's brush. Poor thing.

"Zoe, please!" I said, turning towards her. I needed to convince her to go along with this. Partly because Mary would be more likely to spank if it were both of us, partly because their parents might tell mine, and as I said, I really didn't want to be grounded. But mostly, I really wanted to watch someone being spanked. It was almost as much fun as getting it yourself. "I really don't want to get grounded. It'll be painful, sure, but it'll at least be over quick." I tried my most pleading eyes. "Please?"

She looked at me, and sighed. "I'll take the spanking," she said.

"Good," Mary said, a wide smile on her face. "Bring me that brush." Zoe picked up the brush as if it was a snake ready to strike, and eyed it suspiciously before handing it to her sister. Mary sat down on the bed, patting the brush against her palm. "Which one of you brats want to be first?"

"I'll do it," I said, trying to sound reluctant as I rose to my feet. In reality, sitting on a warm rear end while watching Zoe get hers sounded heavenly.

Mary unbuttoned my jeans, pulling them down to my knees, with my panties going the same way. I had never had my trousers pulled down before, which was the reason I'd chosen them instead of a skirt.

I found myself over her lap, my bottom high up as I waited for that first smack. I didn't have to wait long. Mary started spanking me, putting as much effort into it as she had last time. "You little brats are not allowed in here," she said, as the brush landed again and again on my hind quarters. "I hope you're learning your lesson from this."

"Ow! Please, I won't do it again," I said, squirming around over her lap. I meant it, too; next time, I was going to do something completely different. That was part of the fun. "Please, stop! I've learnt my lesson, honest!" Of course, if she actually stopped, I would have been severely disappointed, but I didn't want her to know that.

"Oh no, not yet. You've asked for it, and now, you're getting it."

By the time she let me up, my bottom was bright red, and felt like it was on fire. I pulled my jeans up, and as I sat down on the bed to watch Zoe get hers, I realized another advantage to wearing trousers over a skirt; the heat was trapped in the fabric, meaning that there was more of that warm, lovely glow in my nether regions.

Watching my spanking had obviously made Zoe nervous, and she was trembling as her sister pulled her trousers down. Soon, she found herself over her sister's lap as Mary lifted her brush.

Zoe cried, kicking her legs from the pain, and I felt a pang of guilt. Zoe didn't enjoy this the way I did, so it was somewhat cruel of me to include her in my plans. Was it right of me to cause her this pain?

Meh. I'd make it up to her later. For now, it was time to sit back and enjoy the show. Of course, I couldn't show that I was actually enjoying it, but that was easy. My face was still red from crying, so I just reached up and rubbed away the tears whenever I needed to hide a grin.

Back on her feet, Zoe jumped from foot to foot, trying to rub the sting out of her bottom in what I would later learn was usually referred to as the 'spanking dance'. It was one of the funniest sights I'd ever seen.

"Now, get out. If I ever see you in here again, you'll get TWICE what you just got."

That sounded a bit much to me, so we ran from the room. I went home shortly after that; I wanted to get a good look at my bottom in the mirror again. The sight of those warm cheeks warmed my heart in a way I didn't understand.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...