Saturday, 25 December 2021

Computer girl (M/F story)

 Part I: The computer girl

There was a knock on the door, and a grinning face, framed by long blonde hair, popped into the room. "Hi, Jack. Is this a bad time for you?"

Jack Patterson looked up from the laptop. "Emily," he said with a short nod to her as she approached his desk. "Since you ask, I-"

"Great," she said as she pulled his laptop to the side. "Just got to install the latest updates – you want your hardware to function properly, don't you? Won't take a second." And without waiting for a response, she turned her back to him and bent over to fiddle around with the computer.

Part of him wished that this rudeness actually surprised him, but he'd worked with young Emily Hilton for months now, and she'd always been a bit inconsiderate. He was aware that computers needed to be updated to stay secure, but while he didn't have her expertise in computers, he wasn't sure that they needed to be updated quite that often. And even if they did, she could jolly well ask him if it was OK to borrow it for a second – and wait for a reply before barging on.

Her fingers moved over the keyboard too quickly for Jack to figure out just what she was doing. She leaned even further down to look at something on the screen, causing her to stick her bottom out in his direction. His eyes rested on her attractive rear end, barely covered by the short shorts she wore. Emily was a cheerful, attractive young lady, and had a habit of wearing midriff-baring shirts and short shorts – not very professional, but then again, very little that the girl did was ever all that professional.

"Well, Jack, I'm done, so you- oh!" She'd glanced back at him, and from the surprised look her eyes, he guessed that she had caught him staring at her. As she stood up, he wanted to say something, but wasn't exactly sure what the correct thing to say was when a co-worker caught you looking at her backside.

"Well, the computer is done now," she said, pushing it back to him. "And the next time I'm here, I suggest you keep those eyes of yours to yourself, mister," she said in mock seriousness, reaching forward and tapping his nose once.

As he watched her leave the room, he was sure she was wriggling her hips more than usual. Was it just his imagination, or was she teasing him?

As the door closed behind her, he shook his head. Coming to work dressed like a teenager, taking his computer, and now teasing him? "That girl needs a good spanking," he said quietly. The thought was mildly surprising to him, but unquestionably accurate.

Emily leaned against the closed door, feeling her heart thump in her chest. She greatly enjoyed these little visits to Jack's office. Jack was almost ten years older than her, and was a serious-looking man with dark hair, always impeccably dressed in a shirt and tie, even though the office had no dress code. Whenever she walked up and grabbed his laptop, he would glare at her in a way that sent shivers down her spine and caused butterflies in her stomach. She wondered how he'd look if he ever realized that she wasn't actually installing anything; she was just deliberately annoying him.

And now, she'd caught him staring at her bottom. The thought gave her a warm feeling inside; to think that she'd caused him to mess up like that. She smiled to herself, wishing she'd seen the look on his face as she wriggled her butt on the way out of the room.

She briefly wondered if she should return later that same day, but in the end, she decided to wait until tomorrow. No point in driving the man COMPLETELY insane.

"Hi, Jack. Everything OK here?" she said, poking her head in.

"Hello, Emily," he said as she walked across the floor. "I'm a bit busy right now, so if you could come back later today, I-"

"I need to install some more updates. New security measures, you know how it is," she said as she reached for his laptop.

"I understand that," he said, placing his hand firmly on the laptop to keep her from taking it. "But I am working on something important here, and I can't put it on hold just because -"

"Sure you can," she said cheerily, trying to pull the laptop towards her. When she was unable to wrest it from his grasp, she smiled down at him. "I'll be done in a second," she said, tapping his nose again, "show some patience."

Her rudeness had finally gotten to him, and he was too shocked to move as she pulled the laptop towards her. He could feel his anger growing as she bent over to start tapping her fingers on the keyboard again, with her backside towards him. Before he could stop himself, he'd leaned forward and placed a firm smack on the seat of her shorts.

She shot up, both hands clutching her rear end as she stared at him with a shocked expression. "Now you listen here, missy," he told her with as calm as voice as he could muster. "You cannot just burst into my office and do as you please. When I tell you to come back later, you come back later. Is that understood?"

There was a brief pause, and then she seemed to make up her mind about something. "Or what?"


"What exactly are you going to do to me if I don't listen?" The shocked expression was gradually being replaced with her usual smug grin.

For a brief moment, he wasn't sure how to proceed. He couldn't actually do this, could he? But the taunting look in her eyes was having an effect on him. "I'm going to take you across my lap and teach you a lesson," he told her firmly.

She chuckled. "You wouldn't dare."

He leaned forward and grabbed her wrist. Her eyes widened as he pulled her towards him, causing her to tumble over his lap. She squealed as a firm hand landed on her tight shorts.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

Not bothering to answer her, he placed his left hand on her back to hold her in place as his right hand continued to fall on her well-rounded backside.

"Ow! Stop that," she whined.

"I'll stop when I think you've had enough, and not a moment before," he growled. He spanked harder and faster now, intending to teach her a real lesson.

"Owiee!" she squealed, wriggling around. He noticed that despite her protests, she hadn't actually tried to stand up or reach back.

"Are you learning your lesson, young lady?" he said.

"You can't do this! You'll wear out the seat on my shorts!" she growled accusingly.

"Oh? Well, we can't have that, can we?" He grabbed the waistband, lowering her shorts to her knees to reveal a pair of blue cotton panties.

She stared wide-eyed up at him. "Wait, I didn't mean – Yeowch!"

Every volley of spanks delivered to her wriggling posterior caused her to energetically kick her legs, and soon, she was howling like a banshee. Are you sorry for what you did?" he said.

She glared up at him. "No! I'm GLAD I disturbed you, so there!"

He sighed. "I guess this just isn't enough yet." He reached for the waistband of her panties. "Let's see what we can do about that."

"Wait, can't we talk about – no, not my panties!" she pleaded. "Please, I'll be good!"

He ignored her protests, and her panties joined her shorts around her ankles. He noted that her bottom was just as round and appealing as he'd imagined. The skin had turned pink, but he noticed that her sit spots were still somewhat pale.

"Let's see if this changes your tune," he said, focusing a volley of particularly hard spanks on the lower parts of her bottom. She squealed, the pain causing her to arch her back.

When her bottom was beginning to turn red, he stopped the spanking. "Are you going to be a good girl from now on?"

"Yes, sir!" she said eagerly.

"Are you going to wait for me do finish what I'm doing before you take my computer?"

"Yes, sir!"

"And what is going to happen if you don't behave?"

She hesitated, so he gave her a few firm smacks. "Ouch! You're going to spank me, sir!"

"That's right," he said. He helped her to her feet, and she immediately started rubbing her bottom. He had to smile at the sight of a beautiful young woman, shorts and underwear at her knees, rubbing the sting out of a spanked backside. She looked at him, and to his surprise, she smiled back.

When she had gotten dressed, she walked over to him, leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you, sir," she said, and walked out of the room, leaving him staring after her with a shocked expression.

Part II: The Truth

There was a soft knock on the door, and Emily poked her head in. "Mister Patterson? May I come in?"

Jack had to smile to himself. It had now been a couple of days since he'd put his co-worker, the IT girl Emily Hilton, across his knee and spanked her bare bottom, and he was amazed at the change she'd gone through. She was polite and courteous, and asked for permission before disturbing him in his work. Her attire had also changed – the tight shorts had been replaced by a long skirt – but he believed that had more to do with comfort than anything else.

"I've told you, you can still call me Jack," he gently admonished her. "And yes, you may." She walked up to his desk. "So, how are you feeling?" he asked her.

"I'm doing fine. My butt's almost healed now." She then shocked him by turning around, lifting her skirt, and lowering her white cotton panties in one fluid motion. "See?" she said, looking over her shoulder at him. "All better."

"I'm glad," he said, his eyes locked on to her backside as he felt a stirring in his trousers. Emily was a very attractive woman, with a very shapely rear end, and the sight brought back some emotions he'd done his best to ignore.

"You know, you really did a number on my butt. I couldn't sit down for the rest of the day," she complained as she got dressed again.

"Are you saying you didn't deserve it?" he said with a smile.

She blushed. "No comment."

"So, did you stop by to update my computer again?"

"Nah, just wanted to chat. Most of the updates are handled automatically – there's no need to get IT involved."

He frowned. "But you've been in here more than once a week over the last month."

She grimaced. "Ah. Yes, you see… it's like this… you know, sometimes-"

He cut her off. "Emily, did you stop by so often just to annoy me?"

She bit her lip. "Um. No comment?" she said with a nervous grin.

He gave her his strictest glare. "Come over here, Emily."

She took a quick step back, both hands clutching her bottom. "No! Please, I'm sorry, and you have already spanked me!"

"I spanked you because you were being inconsiderate in your duties," he told her. "Now I find out those weren't even your duties; you were just annoying me? I'm going to give you what you WOULD have gotten earlier this week." He patted his lap. "Now come here."

On trembling legs, she inched forward, not sure whether she wanted to obey or run away. When she came close enough, he reached forward, grabbed her wrist, and jerked her over his lap. A second later, he'd raised her skirt over her waist, and was applying his firm palm to the seat of her panties as she squealed.

"Ouch! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"Oh, I believe you," he told her, his hand continuing to cover her backside in quick, but firm slaps. "But you're going to be a lot sorrier before we're done." He'd only been spanking her for a few minutes before reaching for the waistband of her panties. She whimpered a bit as he lowered them to her knees, but wisely decided not to protest.

She squealed and squirmed, kicking her legs as his hand continued its assault on her poor bottom. She was moaning loudly with every smack to her naked rear. But Jack quickly noticed that it didn't sound like moans of pain – or at least, not just that.

He paused the spanking to rub her bottom. As he did, his fingers moved slowly between her legs. She couldn't be…

She was soaking wet.

"Emily," he said slowly. "Is this turning you on?"

"Um…. No comment?" she said hopefully.

He continued the spanking as he tried to process this information. Was this why she'd been annoying him for so long? Had she been trying to provoke this exact reaction – or at least something similar? Had she even known what she was trying to accomplish?

She squealed, and her moans were louder than ever. Her bottom was turning bright red, and he guessed she'd have trouble sitting for a few days.

"Please, Jack, I..." she moaned.

"There's no use pleading, I'm not letting you up yet," he told her strictly.

"No… not that." Slowly, she spread her legs. "Please."

He smiled to himself, moving his fingers down and beginning to rub between her legs. As she started to moan, he quickly gave her another volley of hard slaps, before moving his hand between her legs again.

A few minutes later, he helped her off his lap, and placed her face-up on his desk. She grinned eagerly as he lowered his own trousers and underwear, and soon, he was inside her. She grinned contentedly, having achieved exactly what she'd never quite realized she wanted.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...