Aquilla grinned to himself as he finished the circle. He put the bag of sulphur down on the small table and examined his handiwork.
As far as he could tell, it was a perfect summoning circle. Good. When it came to summoning, "almost perfect" was the same as "absolutely useless". Being alone in a room with a powerful creature you couldn't control was not advisable, especially one you had torn from its home to subject to your will.
He knew there was risk involved, of course. There always was. Power never came free, but that didn't mean the risk wasn't worth it. Mostly because he'd show Lucinda who was the better sorcerer. Lucinda was one of the other mages at the academy, a year older, and she was not one of Aquilla's closer friends.
He looked over the circle again, trying to spot a weakness. There was no point in putting it off any longer. Either he had to wash away the circle again, or light it and try the summoning. He lit it.
At first, nothing happened, and Aquilla was wondering if he'd messed it up in some way. Then, suddenly, a dark cloud appeared, forcing him to cover his mouth and nose. For some time, he stood there, bending over and coughing, unaware of what was happening around him. When he regained his senses, he noticed that he wasn't alone in the room anymore.
A tall, beautiful woman was standing in the middle of the circle, examining her surroundings with an annoyed look on her face. She looked more human than he had anticipated; was there something wrong with the spell? Had he pulled some unsuspecting noble from her home?
She noticed him, and as he saw her eyes, he realized that she was no human after all. There was something in them, otherworldly and different. She was the real deal. A powerful demon, standing here in his room, ready to do his bidding.
He hoped.
"So, you're the summoner, then," she said. As far as he could tell, her voice was human. He still kept his guard up; sometimes, they weaved spells of enchantment into every sentence. She looked around in his room. "I was expecting a bit more, to be honest."
"Heed my words, oh demon. I am Aquilla, mighty -"
"Are we at the Academy? Fairwater Academy? It's been a while since I've been here. A few years back, every little child with a wand would try to summon you and use your powers, but now, it's only the thicker ones."
Aquilla was unsure of what to do. He had to admit, he was expecting a bit more respect from her than this – or at least open hostility and anger. This joking attitude was a shock.
"I am not a child," he told her. "I am an adult, one of the older students."
"But you don't act like it, do you?" She said, smiling. "An adult wouldn't draw up a summoning circle in his room, would he? He'd choose the summoning rooms, or the lower halls, rooms DESIGNED for the purpose."
"Too public," he told her. "I'd like to keep this quiet." He knew he shouldn't be telling her these things. Withholding information from demons was a basic rule of summoning. It made it harder for them to track you down after you forced them to do your bidding. But he couldn't help himself.
"And you don't think they're going to notice the giant circle burned into the floor? Are you counting on them being blind?" She sniffed into the air. "And completely lacking any sense of smell? A bold plan, certainly, but not wise. Anyway," she continued, "An adult wouldn't tell a summoned demon his name, Aquilla. 'Names are tags, and tags help them find you', isn't that what they tell you here? Those are the mistakes of children, Aquilla. You may look like you're on the verge of adulthood, but your head is still not quite there."
Aquilla realized that he wasn't quite as in charge of the situation as he had hoped to be.
"Besides, only a child would botch up a summoning circle as badly as this."
Aquilla scowled at her. He'd been proud of the circle. It was one of his better. "I don't see anything wrong with it."
"There's no rune of willpower," she told him. A cold shiver ran down his back as he realized that the missing rune was the one that would control the demon. A large, powerful demonic entity was standing in his room, and he had no way of controlling her. He looked up in shock, and the demon grinned. "And finally, the penny drops." She stepped out of the circle and started walking towards him.
He backed away, grasping at the protective charms around his neck. "Back, foul creature, I beseech thee! You shall not have my life!"
"Aw, isn't that adorable?" she said, grabbing his arm. "Rest assured, I'm not after your life. I'm just going to teach you what happens when you pull demons from their rest." She sat down on his bed, pulling him over her knee.
Aquilla was paralysed with shock as she pulled his robe up. What was going on? As she pulled his underwear down, giving his now naked rear end a few firm smacks, he found all his questions answered. He was being spanked. By a demon.
"Hey!" he called out. "Ouch! You can't do this!"
"'Can't'? Brave words coming from a brat magician who can't even draw a proper circle," she told him, planting a series of hard smacks on his sit spots. "I can do far worse than this, I tell you. If I wanted to, I could pull you into my domain, torturing you for decades, leaving you a shell of your former self. A bit worse than a small spanking, no?" He shuddered at the prospect. "Luckily for you and your cute little tushy, I'm not going to do that. A childish punishment for a bratty child, isn't that more fitting?"
Aquilla wanted to protest, but howled in pain instead as the stinging slaps rained down on his poor, unprotected rear end. "Ow, please, I'll do anything, just let me up!"
"Still haven't quite figured out that you're not in charge?" the demon giggled. "If I wanted something from you – anything, really – I'd already have it. The only thing I want from you, is your bratty little butt, over my knee, getting some much-needed attention, and guess what?" She paused to rub his bottom. "I already have it." She started spanking again.
Aquilla was crying and kicking his legs, and his bottom was turning red, but still, the demon kept spanking. At last, long after he realized that resisting was useless, Aquilla found himself back on his feet.
"Uh-uh!" the demon said, smacking his hands away as he tried to rub. "Not yet." She led him into the corner, moving his hands to his head. "Stand here, and no rubbing." She drew a small circle in the air, causing a rain of green flashes that swiftly disappeared.
"What was that?" Aquilla asked nervously.
"A warning signal," the demon responded. "I have to go now, but I want you to stay in this corner for an hour. If you move, or try to rub that cute little rear, I'll know about it, and I'll come back and start your spanking from scratch. Also, it will let you a whistling sound when your time is up."
That last part was true, the rest wasn't, but she wasn't about to tell him that. She liked the thought of the young magician standing in the corner, even if she couldn't be here to see it. "Just a quick warning. If you try to summon me again, I'll be less merciful. Got that?" she said, giving each of his cheeks a few good smacks.
"Ow! Yes, I got it!" he whined.
"Good." And in a flash and a cloud of sulphur, she was gone.
Aquilla stood in the corner, coughing, hoping that no one, especially Lucinda, would come by before his corner time was up.
Saturday, 1 January 2022
Summoning (F/m story)
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