Sunday, 15 May 2022

The old leather paddle (M/F story)

Erik and Summer had grown up playing together. As they got older, their parents had nodded sagely and predicted that the two of them would end up dating one day. Summer rolled her eyes at this – she liked Erik as a friend, but had never thought of him in that way.

The year they turned eighteen, they were in his parent's attic, and he was going through an old chest that had belonged to his grandfather, or great-grandfather, or something. Summer had found an old book, and was thumbing through it, not paying attention to what Erik was looking at, until she heard him laugh. "Not what I expected to find, but interesting nonetheless."

Summer turned to see him standing there with a vicious-looking leather paddle.

She blushed, unable to speak, as he patted it against his palm before letting it whistle through the air. "Looks like it packs quite a sting." He smiled. "Almost makes me want to use it on someone. It looks like fun." An evil grin appeared on his face that made Summer take a step back, her heart pounding, and she reached her hands back to protect her bottom without even realizing it.

Erik didn't seem to have noticed, deep in thought. He seemed taller and more muscular than just a few minutes before. There was something about him that caused butterflies in her stomach. "Well, Veronica still hasn't paid me back that fiver she borrowed last month. Perhaps I should offer her an alternative means of payment." He shrugged. "Couldn't hurt, could it? At least, it's not going to hurt me."

Veronica was one of their friends, a tall red-headed girl that always seemed to spend a bit more money than she should.

"See you later," he said, leaving the attic. Summer was standing there, shocked to find a very deep sense of disappointment. She felt a tingling below her stomach as she thought of Erik standing there, paddle in hand, grinning sadistically at her. In her mind's eye, he lifted his finger, beckoning her forward before bending her over a table.

She wasn't sure what had changed, why she suddenly saw Erik in a different light, but she knew that she wanted Erik to use that paddle on her. And even more, she wanted him to use it ONLY on her.

About twenty minutes later, Erik returned. Summer was sitting in the kitchen, reading the book she'd found. She felt a tinge of jealousy as she looked at the smile on his face. "She chose poorly, then?"

"Huh?" Erik said, confused.

"Veronica? What did she choose?"

"She handed me the money, rolling her eyes," he answered. "What did you expect? Don't think many would choose the paddling, to be honest."

Summer didn't answer, but she felt her face turning slightly pale. She was pleased that Veronica had said no, but disappointed that he had thought of her first.

He lifted the paddle, swinging it through the air with a disappointed look on his face. "Guess I won't break in this paddle today after all."

Summer looked at him, finally summoning the courage to speak. "What about me?"

He looked at her, and it was clear that he didn't want to assume she meant what he thought she'd meant. That seemed like a dangerous assumption to make. "What do you mean?"

She tried to smile, but her nervousness still shone through. "You could always paddle ME."

There was a long silence as Erik stared at her. "I could," he said silently as the realization tried to fight its way into him. "Perhaps I should." He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. Suddenly, the grin she'd suddenly found so much more attractive, returned to his face. He was in control of the situation again. He patted the paddle against his palm. "Stand up."

She rose to her feet, the tingling between her legs getting stronger. She trembled as she looked at him standing there, wolf-smile playing on his lips. He pointed at the table. "Bend over."

She did so, enjoying the sound of his gasp as her shorts tightened against her rear end. She felt his hand rubbing against her bottom, exploring every inch of her skin, and she loved it. The hand went away, and the paddle took its place. "Are you ready for this?"

"Get started," she said impatiently.

The first smack rang out in the room, and she gasped as the heat spread through her bottom. There was a sharp sting, but not an unpleasant one. Another smack landed, and she wriggled her rear end slightly at the pain, enjoying the feeling of being under his control.

After a few minutes, he put the paddle down, and Summer felt a bit of disappointment. Was that it? But Erik placed his hand on her hip, moving to the button of her shorts. "I think it's time we take these down, don't you?"

Part of her wanted to protest, to stop things before they went too far, but she shut that part down quickly, and he started to lower her shorts. When they reached her knees, and her panty-clad behind appeared before his eyes. He picked up the paddle again, patting the leather gently against the seat of her panties. She squirmed a little, wondering how it would feel without the protection of her shorts. Soon, she got her answer as he lifted the paddle and slapped it down on her backside. She moaned softly in a mixture of pain and pleasure, and raised her bottom to meet the next slap.

Soon, he placed the paddle on the table again, and his hands moved to the waistband of her panties. "Let's take this a step further," he said softly. Slowly, as if uncovering some great treasure – in his mind, he probably was – he lowered her panties, leaving her naked from the waist down.

She blushed at the sensation of being bent over and naked before his gaze, knowing that he was seeing parts of her that he had never seen before. His hand reached forward and started to gently rub her burning posterior, and she moaned gently when his hand moved slightly further south than she had expected.

After a minute or so, his hand withdrew, and she felt the paddle patting against her backside. It was scary, but she was looking forward to it more than she had looked forward to anything in her life.

The paddle struck against her cheeks, and she cried out at the pain. She started to sob as the strokes of the paddle rained down on her posterior, painting the once-pale cheeks red. She knew she'd have trouble sitting for a week, and she didn't care.

When he placed the paddle down, he started to rub her stinging rear, helping her to her feet as he comforted her. She leaned against him, crying against his shirt as she processed what had just happened. When her tears were under control, she turned away from him and put her clothes back on, wincing as even this thin fabric proved too much for her poor bottom. She looked at his grinning face, as he was clearly enjoying her discomfort, and wasn't sure whether she wanted to punch him or kiss him. But since he still had the paddle near him, she chose the latter – quickly leaning in and placing a kiss on his surprised lips.

A few hours later, they walked down to the river. They'd changed into their swimwear, but Summer had tied a towel around her waist as they walked down. Her bikini briefs did very little to hide her crimson behind, and she didn't want to show it off to the world. She enjoyed the cool water on her bottom as they played around in the river, and Erik was smiling his cocky smile. She knew their relationship would never be the same, and she wondered what the future would bring.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Maid and Mistress (M/F story)

He was shown into the library by one of the maids, a small brunette that he couldn't remember the name of. "The Mistress is in there," she said pointing at a small door that had always been locked as long as he could remember.

"What's in there?"

"That's the private section of the library, sir. No one is allowed in unless the Mistress says so."

"And you're sure that's where she wants me to go?"

"Very sure, sir," she said, and left with a friendly smile.

Danny knocked on the door, still wanting to make sure that this was where he was supposed to go.

Danny was a carpenter, born and raised in the village not far from here. Larissa was also local, but of a very different breed. Larissa, or Lady Larissa as she was to be called, was the current ruler of the Mansion, and her properties included the village and quite a bit more. He had been called up to the manor to fix some broken doors and such, and the Lady had taken a liking to him. He had been invited many times over for tea, and she had begun a good-natured teasing that made him blush and had caused some thoughts he knew he should never share with anyone.

Today, however, she had told him she had some tasks she wanted him to perform. Duties, she had called it. He had frowned a bit at that, as he had a feeling that she wanted something else than his carpentry skills. He had asked her about it, but she had refused to answer. Sometimes, her silence could be infuriating.

"Come in," Larissa told him. He entered, and looked around the room. The walls were covered with books, old dusty ones that didn't appear to have been read in quite some time. There was a small table and a few chairs at the centre of the room, and Larissa was sitting there, drinking her tea. The Lady was wearing a simple blue dress.

The thing that most drew his attention, however, was the maid at the far side of the room, facing the corner with her hands on her head.

"Ah, Danny. How good of you to join us. Please, take a seat." Larissa nodded at the chair opposite her. Danny sat down, still more focused at the maid than at anything.

"Well, Danny, let's go straight to business, shall we? Can I be frank with you?"

"Of course, Milady."

"I am a young woman in need for a husband – a Lord of the Manor, if you will. You're an attractive young man, single and honest, in need of a wife. I see a solution."

This was more frankness than Danny had anticipated, and he struggled to find something to say, but she held her hand up. "Let me finish, please. As I said, you are kind, intelligent, attractive, and strong – all admirable qualities. But a Lord of the Manor needs something more. In business dealings and in servant affairs, he must be strict and unyielding. Maybe you are, maybe you're not. That's' what we're here to find out." She turned to the maid. "Carol? Come over here."

The maid walked over to the table, hands still on her head, not meeting either's gaze.

"This is Carol. She was one of my most trusted maids. That trust, it seems, was misplaced. The girl was caught in town, trying to sell some silverware that she had pocketed. Serious charges, you must admit." She turned to Danny. "I want you to spank her."

"What?" Danny felt disoriented. This conversation had started off strangely, and had only gotten stranger.

"I want you to spank her," Larissa repeated calmly. "I have quite a few servants, and if you want to be my husband, I want to know that you can handle them. I have found that spankings work wonders for keeping the girls in line. It's remarkable, the difference that it makes. I want you to prove to me that you can handle this naughty girl. What do you say?"

"I'll do my best," Danny said. This situation was very new to him, and he wasn't too sure of the etiquette.

Larissa gave him a comforting smile, and turned to the girl. "Carol? Get into position."

Still looking straight ahead, the girl lifted her skirt up, and began lowering her underwear. When they reached her knees, she stepped over to Danny and lowered herself over his lap.

Danny reflected on just how strange the situation was. Larissa – his fiancée, apparently – was sitting opposite him, eagerly leaning forward to watch him spank the maid that had just bared her bottom and placed herself over his lap. He had a feeling that even in the strange corridors of nobility, these things didn't happen every day.

He gave the pale bottom in front of him a few good smacks. The cheeks wiggled invitingly as his palm landed, and he tried a few more. The girl was lying motionless over his lap. He wasn't the most experienced spanker in the world, but he had a feeling that there was supposed to be more of a reaction. Maybe some squirming and promises to be good – that sort of thing.

He slapped the bare cheeks again, slowly getting into a sort of rhythm, as his hand moved from cheek to cheek. After a short while, the results came. The girl started gasping, clearly in some discomfort, and as her buttocks went from shining white to light pink, then to a darker pink, the reaction intensified. The gasps became louder, and were joined by little protests of pain.

"Ow! Sir, that hurts!"

"Oh, I believe it does," he replied drily. Larissa gave a little giggle at that; it was clear that she was greatly enjoying the sight.

As her bottom turned from pink to red, and from red to crimson, the girl was kicking her legs, and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She squirmed around so much he almost missed his target, Not wanting her to interfere with the punishment, Danny put his leg around hers and held her down with his free hand, making sure she couldn't get away.

At last, Larissa spoke out. "That's enough, Danny. You can let her up now."  

Danny looked down on the sobbing girl over his lap. One of the stranger events of his life, he concluded. When helped to her feet, the maid began rubbing her bottom furiously, hopping from leg to leg to relieve the pain.

"Come here, Carol," Larissa said. She turned the girl around, taking a look at her bottom. "Well, not bad for a first-timer, Danny, not bad at all. Even colour, no bruises, hot to the touch... What do you think, Carol?"

"Oh, he's a natural, that one, that's for sure," she said, giving Danny a warm smile. "He should go professional."

Danny was confused. This was yet another turn of events he hadn't anticipated.

"Oh, poor Danny, so confused," Larissa said sympathetically. "Let's see if I can't answer a few questions. First of all, Carol didn't steal anything, and she's not here for punishment. She's here because she loves being spanked, and I wanted to make sure that you knew how to get a girl fired up."

"This was all some kind of act?" he said, scrambling to get his mental footing.

"Yes." She smiled impishly. "I'm afraid I've taken you for a ride, which is very naughty of me." She looked down, no longer meeting his gaze. "I've been a VERY bad girl."

Not needing any more hints, Danny reached forward, grabbed her hands and pulled the giggling woman out of her chair and over his knee. Quickly getting her dress and underwear out of the way, he began colouring a pale bottom for the second time that evening.

Carol leaned against the bookcase, rubbing her stinging rear as she watched her Mistress getting what was coming to her. She had to admit, she hadn't been lied to; it was just as exciting to watch as it was to get it herself. She began to wonder if her Mistress would let her play with her fiancée again some other time.

Fun with the cane (F/F story)

With a flick of her wrist, Yvonne pushed the ruler up, opening the window they'd left ajar the day before. She crawled in, landing on the floor of the classroom.

"Are you sure no one is here?" Becky said as she followed her friend. "Can't believe I'm back in the classroom on the WEEKEND, " she added.

"Relax. The place is empty on Saturday," Yvonne said, the irritation apparent in her voice. "Just stop whining."

"Easy for you to say," Becky said glumly. "You're not the one about to be bare-bottomed in the classroom."

"Bare-ASSED," Yvonne corrected. "There's no one around, it's okay to say 'ass'. And would you really want me to bare mine, considering how much cuter yours is?" She cupped her friend's behind.

Becky blushed. "You know I'm only doing this because I know you want it, you know."

"I know," Yvonne said, giving her a quick kiss, causing Becky to blush even more. "And I'll never forget it."

Yvonne opened her backpack, pulling out the cane she'd purchased.  "Now, young lady," she said, glaring at Becky over her glasses while she tapped the cane against her palm. "Raise your skirt, lower your panties and bend over the desk."

A shiver of delight ran through Becky as she listened to the strict tone her girlfriend has suddenly acquired.  "Yes, Yvonne."

Yvonne grabbed Becky's arm, planting a series of hard slaps on her backside. "What was that!?"

"Ow! I mean, 'yes, ma'am.' I'm sorry!"

"Better," Yvonne said. "Now, get into position."

Becky walked over to the desk, raising her skirt. As she put her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, pulling them down to her knees, she heard a whistle from Yvonne, who was grinning as she whipped the cane back and forth.

"Almost a shame to cover that tasty thing with red stripes," she said. "ALMOST."

The first stroke landed on Becky's rear end, causing her to cry out in pain. No matter how many times she was caned – and it had been a few times by now – the first stroke always took her by surprise.

"You make the most delightful squeals," Yvonne remarked with a grin. Now let's see if I can make you dance."

The second stroke caused Becky to arch her back, hissing through her teeth. The third stroke burned just as painfully, and she could feel the tears begin to roll.

Again and again, Yvonne whipped the cane down on her crying girlfriend's bottom, both of them having the time of their life. Yvonne was giggling, tapping the cane against her palm, trying to look like some sort of kinky villain, while Becky was moaning with pleasure as she wriggled around on the desk.

Finally, Yvonne put the cane down, bending down to give each of Becky's red, swollen cheeks a quick kiss. "Enjoyed yourself, pet?"

"You know I have," Becky said, rising up to rub her sore bottom.

"Get dressed and let's get out of here," she said. "There's going to be a meeting at the school at five, and we should be out here by then."

Becky stared wide-eyed at her while she pulled her panties up, wincing as the fabric touched her sore cheeks. "I thought you said this place would be empty all day!"

"I lied," Yvonne said as she slipped out the window. She blew her girlfriend a quick kiss before adding, "See you on Monday."

Becky climbed out the window, slowly to make sure that her swollen rear at no point came near anything. She frowned. Sometimes, she wanted to give that grinning imp a taste of her own rod.

Big Brother's Car (M/FF story)

It was the sunniest day in a long while, and the four girls agreed that it would be best spent at the mall. Since Joanne was the only one with a license, the rest naturally expected her to get them there. There was only one problem. She didn't have a car yet. Fortunately, she'd borrowed her big brother's car a couple of times before, and she was quite sure he wouldn't need it today.

Amber, Lori, Abigail and Joanne spent several hours wandering the mall, shopping, looking at boys... a most productive day, from their point of view. The fact that her brother had told her not to take the car without asking permission was completely gone from her mind.

When they got back to Joanne's house, the girls were planning to go to Joanne's room, try on a few clothes and listen to their new CDs, but fate intervened in the form of a six-foot-two, muscular, and quite annoyed brother.

"Joanne? Come in here, I want to talk to you."

Joanne told the girls to wait as she stepped into the kitchen, where Manny was sitting at the table, clearly quite annoyed with her. Manny was five years older than her, and had acted like a grown-up since his teens. She knew more than one of the girls had a crush on him, and she didn't like it one bit.

"What is it, Manny?" she asked him, a little irritated that he was interrupting their fun.

"Do you remember that I told you to ask permission before you took my car? I might have needed it today."

She sighed. "Yes, I do."

"You would do well to lose that attitude, missy. Now, do you remember what I told you I'd do if you did it again?"

Joanne blushed. She remembered. Suddenly, she realized what Manny was expecting of her. "Don't make me say it, please!" She looked at him with pleading eyes, feeling the eyes of her friends on her as they watched from the doorway. "Not in front of them. Please!"

"Joanne, what did I tell you I would do?" he asked calmly, but the threatening tone was poorly disguised.

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "You told me you'd spank me," she said at last.

She heard a deep gasp behind her as the girls realized what was about to happen. She turned around to look at them. Abigail and Amber were staring wide-eyed at her, and Lori was blushing worse than Joanne.

Joanne wished the ground would swallow her up as she turned back to her brother. He was still sitting at the table, but he'd pushed his chair back. "Good. If only you'd remembered that a bit sooner, you wouldn't be in this situation. Now, come here."

She turned pale as she realized what he was planning. "Manny, you can't!"

"I can and I will. Get over my knee, or I'm doubling your punishment."

"Not in front of them! Please! You're humiliating me!"

"Good. Maybe you'll learn to ask permission next time. Now, get over my knee before I get the paddle."

That settled the matter. She didn't want to be spanked, and certainly not in front of her friends, but she REALLY didn't want to be paddled. He'd brought out that darned implement a few times before, and she always promised herself that there would NEVER be a next time.

She stepped forward, laying across his lap, blushing as he raised her dress. She wanted to protest as he pulled her panties down, giving her friends a good view of her bare bottom, but she didn't dare. She was getting a spanking, and there was no way to make it better for herself, only worse.

The first few smacks were not too bad. They stung, but she could handle it. That didn't ease her mind, however; Manny liked to start off slow, but he soon built up steam, and soon, she was yelping and squirming at every smack.

Amber and Abigail were holding their hands in front of their faces, peeking through their fingers. They couldn't believe what was happening, and they were sure that if they were in Joanne's place, they'd die of shame. Lori, however, was staring wide-eyed at the spectacle, determined not to miss a single second of what was happening.

Joanne's bottom was turning pink under her brother's punishing hand, and she was crying her eyes out. She always forgot just how painful a spanking could be. Soon, she was pleading with Manny to let her up, but it fell on deaf ears.

After what seemed like an eternity for her, she was allowed to stand up, dancing from foot to foot as she tried to rub her bottom, seemingly unaware that her panties were still at her ankles.

Joanne went to her room to rub her bottom and feel sorry for herself, and the girls knew that she wasn't exactly in the mood for company right now. Besides, they didn't really want to be around Manny while he was still in a spanking mood, fearing that their own backsides were in danger.

At least, Amber and Abigail didn't. Lori had known for years that she had an interest in spanking, from the slight tingle she got from reading about it or watching on television, to those dreams that seemed so scary and so exciting at the same time. She'd never been spanked, even though she wanted to. Finding a spanker was a lot harder than she'd thought it would be.

But discovering that Joanne's tall, gorgeous brother was also a strict disciplinarian? Lori felt like Christmas had come early. So, she decided to stay behind, to see if she could brat herself into a fun little session.

Manny was still sitting at the kitchen table, so she stepped over to him, glaring down at him and folding her arms. He looked up at her, looking about as intimidated as a lion spotting a mouse. "I thought you'd left," he said disinterestedly.

"You can't treat Joanne like that," she told him.

"Yes, I can. If she lives under my roof, she obeys my rules. She knows that."

"She didn't mean to upset you, trust me. We were just having a bit of fun, going to the mall. You're nothing but a big bully, but guess what? I'm not afraid of you."

"Congratulations. Would you like a medal? Now, go home," he said, clearly not in the mood for an argument right now.

"How could you spank an innocent little girl like that? You bastard!"

By now, he was practically growling at her, and his voice alone was making Lori wet. "I suggest you get out of my house, or I'll SHOW YOU how I can spank a little brat that's getting too big for her britches."

Lori placed her hands at her hips, glaring down at him. "You wouldn't dare."

In a flash, Lori found herself staring at the carpet, bent over Manny's lap with her bottom raised. She grinned to herself. This had been easier than she thought! The first smacks landed on her jeans-covered bottom.

"Still think being a brat is a good idea?" Manny asked her.

"Ow! Let me up this instant!" Lori said indignantly.

"Wrong answer," he said, moving his palm from cheek to cheek with the regularity of a pendulum.

Lori was enjoying herself immensely, but something was wrong with her jeans. The problem being that they were still on her. "I can't feel a thing, pea-brain. Not as strong as you thought you were, are you?"

Manny scowled at the brat lying across his knees. He was going to change that tone if it was the last thing he did. He picked her up and placed her on her feet, quickly undoing the button and pulling her jeans down, before placing her across his knees again. He continued the spanking, satisfied with how Lori changed her tune as she now cried out with every smack.

Lori felt the tears rolling down her cheeks, that incredible sting in her rear end, and she loved every second of it. It was everything she had dreamed of, and more.

"Will you take your hands off my butt, you Neanderthal?" she yelled.

"Just as soon as you change that attitude, missy. You've needed a spanking for a very long time."

Lori grinned to herself. He was right about that, even if he didn't know HOW right he was.

She gasped as she felt his hands reaching for her panties. She hadn't expected him to bare her bottom, but before she could utter a protest, he'd grabbed the hem and lowered her panties to her ankles.

"Are you going to mind your manners from now on, young lady?"

"Ow! Yes, I'll be good, I promise!" It had been fun, but the sting was beginning to be too much for her poor rear.

"Good." He kept spanking for a few more minutes, just to make sure she'd learned her lesson, then helped her to her feet. He felt a little embarrassed as she danced around, rubbing her stinging butt. She was naked from the waist down, and while he'd seen his own sister in the same situation countless times, it was quite different to see another girl doing it. One that, he had to admit, was quite good-looking.

"I won't be able to sit for weeks," she whined as she started to put her clothes on, wincing as she pulled the tight jeans over her hips, unto the abused cheeks beneath.

Once she was dressed, she was about to head back home, but her impish side reared its head again for one last bit of mischief. She turned to Manny, blowing him a kiss. "That was fun. We must do it again sometime."

She left, leaving a large, muscular man looking as if a house had been dropped on him.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

The Handyman (M/F story)

Julie couldn't quite believe her eyes as she made her way into the kitchen early that morning. She'd known that her parents were going to redecorate the bathroom, and that her father had hired a handyman or two to do most of the work. She'd been vaguely aware of all this, and at the back of her mind, she'd had a small hope that a couple of handsome, muscular guys would provide her with some eye candy. The reality, however, was far better than she could have imagined.

His name was Robert. He was over six feet tall, with short, brown hair, and deep, dark eyes. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans, and a sleeveless shirt that utterly failed to hide the muscles beneath. She became aware of a deep longing within her; she wanted him to take her over those muscled thighs, bare her bottom and give her a good spanking.

Julie had been into spanking for as long as she could remember, devouring old novels, films, and comic books for little hints of bottom-warmings. But until now, it had been a comforting idea, a delicious fantasy for her private moments. She'd never really longed to be over someone's knee before. But now, it was all she could think about. She wanted him to tame her, to fight in vain against his will and his strength. For the first time in her nineteen years, she'd found someone she wanted to spank her.

But what to do about it? Should she go out there and ask him nicely if he would take her over his knee? Of course not. That would have been far too embarrassing. Besides, you weren't supposed to TELL men that they should spank you. They should figure it out on their own.

A thought occurred to her. Hadn't something similar happened in one of her novels? She opened the drawer next to the bed, pulling out a couple of romance books she'd purchased online. She kept them locked away, to make sure no one found them when she wasn't there. She picked up the one she'd been thinking about: "The Handyman". She thumbed through it to remind herself of the plot. Young woman hires a handyman to redecorate a room in her house, but keeps being rude to him. In the end, he's had enough, and takes her over his knee to teach her a lesson. Afterwards, he takes her to bed.

She sat back on the bed. Would that work? If she was rude enough, would she get what she wanted? She shrugged. Why not? What could go wrong?

For the next day or so, she tried everything she could to be annoying. She played a couple old CDs as loud as she could, hoping that he disliked teen pop as much as the next twenty-something guy. He did, but he didn't seem to get too annoyed. Instead, he seemed to be mentally tuning it out. No glares, no lecturing, not even a little sigh that told her it was working. She pouted. This wasn't working too well.

Later, she sat at the kitchen table, loudly talking and giggling to her friends over the phone. She'd usually be in her room when having conversations like these, but she hoped it would annoy Robert. It did.

"Hey," he said after a while. "Julie, is it? Could you go somewhere else while I'm working?"

She shrugged. "What's wrong with sitting here?"

"I'm trying to work, and it's a bit distracting when you're speaking so loudly," he said politely, but there was a hint of an iron will in the voice that told her he didn't want to be tested. She didn't care.

"Well, it's my home. I can sit where I want, so tough!"

"Julie!" She spun around, to find her father glaring at her. "Don't be rude. You can go somewhere else if you want to chat."

"Yes, dad. Sorry," she said, blushing. Well, that backfired. She wanted Robert to lecture her, not her father. Getting a lecture from her father was considerably less awesome than getting it from a handsome young man with a body to die for. She would have to be more careful in the future, making sure her parents weren't around while she insulted Robert. She was grateful that whatever happened, she wouldn't be spanked by her father; they didn't believe in it, so she'd never been spanked.

She sat at the table, watching Robert work, trying to hide her smile. She loved watching other people work, especially when they were young, male, cute, and had a hint of sweat on their brow. She watched him bend over to pick something out of a box, and enjoyed watching his jeans tighten around his rear end. She sighed, wishing that HE was the one staring at HER rear end. Of course, he'd have to take her trousers down to get a better look... she licked her lips. The longing was getting stronger every day.

Julie was currently in college, but she was studying from home while she was preparing for her exams. This meant she had a lot of time to annoy Robert while her parents were at work and unlikely to catch her. But he didn't seem too bothered, and even if she hit a nerve, spanking didn't seem to be on his mind. She'd tried a pair of short, tight shorts, but his gaze never seemed to go to her seat like it was supposed to.

One day, she'd been at school to pick up a book from the library, and when she came home, Robert wasn't in the bathroom. His tools were there, so he couldn't be far off, but she couldn't see him anywhere. She headed to her bedroom, and let out a frightened little squeal when she saw where he was; he was sitting on her bed, thumbing through "The Handyman".

He heard her approach and looked up. "I was looking for where you hid my wrench when I spotted this lying on your bed." He closed the book, reading from the back. "'This young lady got more than she bargained for when she hired... THE HANDYMAN! A great tale of romance, spankings, and more.' How charming." He looked at her with a glare that made her want to run and hide. "Is this why you've acted like a brat for the past week? Because you want me to spank you?"

She stared at him, unable to say a word.

 He put the book down on the nightstand. "You want a spanking, do you?" He patted his lap. "Come here."

Julie stepped forward on shaking legs. This was it. This what she'd been dreaming of for the last week. Finally, her wish was going to be fulfilled. She slowly made her way forward, until she was close enough that he could reach forward, grab her arm, and pull her over his lap. "Time to pay for your behaviour, young lady."

'Young lady'. Hearing the words in that strict voice made her panties wet and her bottom quiver. This was it, she told herself. And Robert lifted his hand, bringing it down on the seat of her jeans. At that moment, Julie discovered something she'd been intellectually aware of, but hadn't truly realized: spankings hurt. She cried out, kicking her legs a little at the pain. A couple more smacks landed, and Julie discovered that this was nowhere near as fun as she had expected.  She tried to get up, to run away from that stinging hand, but Robert held her down.

"Oh no, you don't, girl," he said, wrapping his left arm around her waist. "You've asked for this, and now, you're going to get. It's far too late to back out now."

"But it hurts!" Julie whined.

"Oh, does it? I didn't realize. You have my deepest sympathy," Robert said, continuing his assault upon her bottom. "Spankings hurt. Who'd have guessed?"

Julie decided to take her punishment in silence, unmoving, to prove how tough she was. She could take it, she decided. Her resolve lasted for almost two seconds before she was crying and kicking again. "Ow! You bastard. Let me up!"

"Let me think about that. Hmmm. No," he said, grabbing her jeans. "In fact, I think we will take these down." Despite her struggling and protests, he pulled them down, then hesitated, before pulling them right off. Her panties soon followed, and she found herself bare from the waist down. He continued the spanking, and she cried out, stunned at how much more it stung without her clothes for protection.

She cried, she threatened, she begged, she screamed, she kicked, but nothing she did could stop that descending hand. Finally, after what felt like forever, he stopped the spanking, picking her up and sitting her down next to him on the bed. "So tell me, girl, was it as much fun as you expected?" Julie didn't answer, too busy crying, so he bent her under his arm. "I – ASKED – YOU – A – QUESTION – YOUNG – LADY!" he said, giving her already sore cheeks a smack at every word.

"Ouch! Ow! No, it wasn't! It hurt!"

"Good," he said, sitting her back down. "Now, that wasn't a fun spanking. That was a punishment spanking. Can you imagine WHY I wasn't gentle with you?" She shook her head, grimacing a little as she sat on her poor, abused cheeks.

"Here's why: you hoped I would spank you for your little misbehaviour. But think for a second. If I'd just taken you over my knee, what would your father have done? Huh? If I was lucky, he'd just fire me, but more likely, I would have been charged with assault."

"But..." Julie said through her tears.

"But what?" he said, glaring at her.

"I wouldn't have told him. I WON'T tell him," she said.

"But how was I expected to know that? I meet a lot of young brats in my line of work. If I thought every one that disrespected me wanted me to spank them, I'd spend most of my time in jail. I can't read your mind, Julie." He wiped the tears off her cheeks. "You need to communicate, and I know it's probably humiliating to say it, but what's the alternative?"



"Once my butt is healed... will you give me a fun spanking?" she said with a quivering voice.

He kissed her cheek. "I will give you all the spankings you could possibly want, little girl. And that's a promise."

Dealing with a bully (F/F story)

"Hey Robin, I borrowed your new skirt today, and I seem to have spilled something on it," Yvonne said to her roommate, utterly failing to appear sorry. "Hope you don't mind."

Robin sighed. She had looked forward to college, right until she met her new roommate. Yvonne was a bully, a thief, and a lot of other things she didn't have the vocabulary to describe. Yvonne had decided that Robin, who had always been petite, just didn't have the physical or mental strength to fight back, so she didn't see a reason to hold back.

"Actually, I do mind." Robin had held her head down for the first few weeks, hoping that her roommate would grow tired. She hadn't, so Robin had decided on a different approach; working out. She'd kept it secret, and tried to hide it under baggier clothing, but she was growing more muscular by the day. And today was the day she said "Enough."

"Excuse me?" Yvonne said, raising an eyebrow.

"I said I DO mind. I'm tired of you taking my clothes and ruining them, of not doing your share of the dishes, of not lifting a finger around here. I've had enough," Robin said, her voice as calm as she managed to make it.

"Oh? And what are you going to do if I keep doing it?" Yvonne said, unsure of why her slave was suddenly getting feisty.

"I'm going to spank you," Robin said.

You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed.

"Excuse me?" Yvonne said. What the hell was going on?

"I'll spank you," Robin repeated. "I'll pull you over my knee, bare your bottom, and spank you until you're very sorry," she said calmly.

Yvonne slapped her face, hoping to bring the girl back to her senses, but that only made her angrier. In a flash, Yvonne found herself staring at the carpet as Robin raised her skirt. She tried to stand up, but Robin held her in place, and Yvonne realized she couldn't fight her way free.

"You know, if you stop this at once, I'll let you away with only a light punishment," Yvonne said to her roommate.

"Bluffing won't help you," Robin said as she pulled her panties down, resting her hand on the pale, slightly quivering cheeks in front of her. "I suggest you brace yourself." And she began the spanking.

Yvonne had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as a series of hard, stinging smacks landed on her posterior. How could Robin do this to her? She was a weakling, a nobody. Wasn't she?

"Ow! That's enough!" she yelled. "Stop it!"

"You've got a long spanking coming your way, so I suggest you save your strength," Robin said, not an ounce of sympathy in her voice.

Yvonne started kicking as her sore cheeks went from pale white, to pink, to a bright red. Tears were rolling down her face, and she had long since stopped struggling.

"Now," Robin said as she helped her roommate to her feet, "I want you to go do the dishes."

"Forget it!" Yvonne yelled, her voice breaking through her tears.

Without a word, Robin grabbed Yvonne, holding her under her arm as she applied a series of extra-hard smacks to the girl's already stinging bottom.

"Ow! I'm sorry! I'll go do them right away," Yvonne shouted, realizing that fighting wasn't the wisest option right now.

"Get going," Robin said as she sent the girl going with a smack.

Robin grinned to herself. Things were going to be different from now on.

Creation (M/F story)

Lucy made the final touches on the drawing. She smiled in satisfaction as she glanced over her work. It showed a young woman, about eighteen or so, standing in the corner with her red, spanked bottom on display. She was looking at the viewer with tear-stained eyes, obviously pleading to be let out of the corner, but it was clear she was not going to be granted that mercy.

Lucy smiled, enjoying the sadness radiating from the girl, even if she had created her herself. She briefly wondered what the girl had been spanked for. Lying, perhaps? She'd kept secrets from her boyfriend one time too many, so he had to deal with her, even if he didn't want to? As it should be, she thought to herself.

She felt her eyes getting heavy, and glanced over at the clock. Barely ten in the evening. She would have time to begin her next picture before going to bed. She just needed to relax a little. She leaned back in the comfy chair and closed her eyes.

"Wake up. I want to talk to you."

Lucy opened her eyes with a start. A strange man's voice in her apartment was not a very relaxing sound. She looked up, and felt her jaw drop to the floor.

The man was tall, dark, with a scar running down his right cheek and dark, deep eyes. He was also very, very familiar. "Owen?" She knew him well. She'd created him after all.

"That's me, yes."

"But... how can you be here?" She stared at him, befuddled. "How can you be REAL?"

"Don't know, don't particularly care. I have something else I want to discuss with you, young lady."

Young lady. The words made a shiver run down her spine. Lucy glared up at him. "I will not be spoken to in that tone."

"Yes, you will. I'm sick of you using me like some instrument of torture, spanking those poor, innocent girls just for your own enjoyment." Lucy knew what he referred to. She'd used Owen for quite a few of her spanking drawings. "You've time and time again put these girls through a painful, humiliating ordeal that you yourself have never even experienced."

That was true. Despite having had an interest in spanking for over a decade, Lucy had never actually been spanked.

"Well, I'm here to show you what you've been missing all this time."

She didn't particularly like the sound of that.

Owen leaned forward, grabbing her upper arm and pulling her to her feet. She tried to protest, but couldn't get the words out. He strolled over to the kitchen, dragging her behind him, and sat down on one of the wooden chairs. She tried to stop him as he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, but he just slapped her hands away and kept at his task. With trained hands, he pulled her jeans down to her knees, with her panties following.

The absurdity of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Here she was, standing with her trousers and panties down in her own kitchen, about to be spanked by one of her own fictional characters. She was ready to protest, ready to stop this farce, but just as she was about to open her mouth, he pulled on her arm, making her fall across his lap.

He gave her pale cheeks a couple of gentle pats before lifting his hand above his head.

"Oh no!" she gasped.

"Oh yes!" he responded. The force of his spanks drove all air from her lungs, and a few seconds went by before she was able to cry out.

"Hey!" she said, wincing from the pain. "Stop that!"

"Not a chance," he said, continuing his assault upon her unprotected posterior. "You've been acting like a brat, and it's about time you got your comeuppance."

His hand fell on her backside again and again, and Lucy was shocked to find tears in her eyes. Were spankings meant to hurt like this? Wasn't it supposed to take longer before the spankee cried?

She howled, kicking her legs to get away from his punishing hand, but he held her in place with his left arm around her waist while his right hand put some colour into her cheeks.

"So," he said, resting his hand on her stinging bottom, "Did that satisfy your curiosity about spanking?"

"Yes, sir," Lucy responded eagerly, not wanting to anger him.

"Glad to hear it. Next, I think you should learn something about the joys of corner time." He helped to her feet and directed her into a corner.

She turned her head and looked pleadingly at him, completely unaware of just how much she looked like the drawing she has made earlier. "Do I have to?"

"I could always take off my belt and give you another spanking instead, if you'd prefer that."

She stuck her nose in the corner. Corner time it is, she thought to herself.

It felt like she had been in that corner forever. Her feet were starting to hurt, and she desperately wanted to rub the sting out of her poor bottom, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be too popular with the man sitting in her chair, not taking his eyes of her.

She pouted. Corner time was a lot less fun when you were the one in the corner.

Eventually, she heard his calm voice. "You can come out now. Your ten minutes are over."

Ten minutes? She'd only been in the corner for TEN MINUTES? She'd been certain it was at least an hour.

He told her to get dressed again, and she did, wincing as the rough fabric of her jeans pressed against her sore cheeks.

"Now, I expect you to behave in the future, or I will have to repeat this, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," she said. He hugged her tight and comforted her, and she smiled to herself at his sudden gentleness. Soon, she stifled a yawn. She'd heard that spanking was supposed to make you tired, but until now, she'd never truly believed it.

He helped her down into the comfy chair, with an extra pillow for the sting.

"I have to go now. You take care of yourself, right?"

Lucy awoke to the sound of bird song. She looked around her. It was morning.

"I've just had the strangest dream," she said to herself. Suddenly, she tensed. Was that what it had been? A dream? Or something else?

She rose to her feet, pulling down her jeans as quickly as she could. She hesitated, not really sure if she wanted it to be a dream or not. In the end, she couldn't take it anymore. She turned her head and glanced at her bottom.

White as snow. Not a mark on it.

It had all been a dream. She was surprised to discover how disappointed she was.

"Dream or not, it'd make a good drawing," she told herself. She went over to the mirror, jeans around her ankles. It had been her butt on the line in the dream, it should be in her drawing as well.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...