Saturday, 12 November 2022

Blackmail (M/F story)

Cody was two years younger than Paula, the girl next door. They were friends, but not close friends, though they had hung out quite a bit when growing up. Since she was the older, and was acted somewhat more responsibly, their parents had often left her in charge when they were young, which had irked him greatly. She hadn't teased him too much about it, but there was something slightly smug about her smile that made him want to take her down a peg. The thought of seeing her brought low was greatly appealing to him.

Shortly after he turned eighteen, Cody was sitting in the living room watching TV, while his mother was outside, reading a book in the sun. Suddenly, Paula entered the house and walked straight into the kitchen. As she didn't glance around, he realized that she hadn't seen him. He watched her withdraw his mother's wallet from the purse standing on the table, and she took a few bills that she placed in her pocket. She turned to leave and almost walked straight into Cody, who was standing right behind her.

"Oh! Cody, I didn't see you there."

"That was obvious," he said, raising an eyebrow. "I was on the couch watching TV. Stealing from my mother? That's a tarnish to your good-girl reputation, isn't it?"

She folded her arms and glared at him. "Mind your own business."

"I overheard you earlier trying to borrow money from your mother for that party tonight, but she said no. Found an alternative source of cash, did you?" He smiled. He had a chance to humiliate her, to have power over her, and was going to seize it with both hands. "Either I tell both our mothers what you just did... or I take you across my knee and spank you."

She narrowed her eyes and was about to respond, but the reality of what he'd just said suddenly sank in. "What!? Spank me? YOU?" She was staring at him open-mouthed. "Are you kidding!?" She narrowed her eyes again. "Or are you blackmailing me?"

"Those are my terms," he said smugly. "Will you do what I say, or does your mother have to learn what her daughter is a thief? There will certainly be no party for you tonight if she does."

She blushed, looking at the floor to avoid his eyes. "I'm sorry, I just needed the money and... please don't tell anyone!"

He grinned. The cool, confident woman was suddenly reduced to a meek, blushing schoolgirl. "You heard my terms. Do you agree that you need a spanking?"

She bit her lip. "I will do anything you say," she said humbly. It was an amazing change, and he loved it.

He stepped over and placed his hand in the pocket of her jeans. She didn't resist or protest as he withdrew the bills, placing them back in his mother's wallet. "Let's go upstairs to my room," he said. He let her walk ahead of him, enjoying the sight of her jean-clad rear end ascending the stairs. The sway of her hips as she walked presented a tantalizing view.

They entered his bedroom. Wanting to get started as quickly as possible, he sat down on the bed, patting his knee. "Bend over my lap," he said. "I'll teach you what happens to thieves."

Hiding her face in her hands in shame, she leaned forward, placing her weight on his lap. He gently moved her forward to adjust her position, placing her head closer to the ground and her backside high up. Her shapely, jean-clad rear presented a most enjoyable sight. He placed his hand on the seat of her trousers, gently rubbing it.

"You've been a bad girl, and you deserve every smack you're about to get," he scolded as he lifted his hand and started to spank her.

He started off lightly; he'd dreamed of having power over her for years, and he wasn't going to rush things now. A light smack on the right cheek, then a light one on the left, then back on the right. She hung her head in shame, but made no sound as his hand landed.

As the minutes passed, he gradually began to deliver harder, faster spanks. He loved the sight of her beautiful backside bouncing under his firm palm, but she still made no sound, and he had a feeling she was still far from tears. But that would happen eventually, and he was in no hurry.

After a while, his hand was beginning to sting. "Stand up so I can lower your jeans," he commanded. She rose to her feet, gingerly rubbing her rear while staring at the floor. He reached for the button of her jeans.

"Please, Cody, can't you leave them on? I'm really sorry, and I won't do it again!" she said pitifully, still staring at the floor.

"You deserve everything I'm about to give you, and more, you bad girl!" he scolded. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, slowly pulling them down to reveal a pair of thin, white cotton panties. He briefly considered pulling them down as well, but decided against it – that might be a step too far for her, and he didn't want to risk her backing out now.

He patted his lap again. She hesitated. "Do what I say, or I'll tell them about your misdeeds." Whatever that was – with every second he had her in his power, it was getting harder and harder to focus on what she'd done. Meekly, she leaned forward and placed herself over his lap. The sight of her pink, panty-clad posterior on his lap was the most enjoyable sight he'd ever seen.

As he continued to spank her, the small, thin panties that barely covered her smooth, soft skin felt wonderful under his palm, and he felt like he could spank her for hours. Soon, she was wriggling over his lap and letting out cute little yelps of pain every time his palm landed.

He could tell that her bottom was turning red, and tears were now running down her cheeks. He wanted to lower her panties and enjoy the full sight of her reddening rear end, but he wasn't sure how she'd react - if she told their parents about it, he had a feeling she wouldn't be the only one in trouble.

Delivering another set of hard smacks to her jiggling, wriggling bottom, listening to her sobs, he decided it was enough. "You can get up now," he said in his most comforting voice. She rose to her feet, drying her tears with one hand and rubbing her red rear with the other. "I hope you're sorry for..." he tried to remember what she'd done wrong. After a brief pause, it came to him. "Stealing."

"I'm very sorry, and I'll never do it again. Please forgive me," she said pitifully. He stood up and hugged her; he'd wanted to punish her, to humiliate her, but didn't want to go too far.

She headed into the bathroom to dry her tears. A few minutes later, once she was sure no one could see that she had been crying, they headed back downstairs. His mother entered the door, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. "Was there enough money, Paula?"

Cody flinched. She knew about it? How MUCH did she know?

Paula smiled at his mother. "I'm afraid that when I entered the house, I started talking to Cody and forgot all about it," she said. "But I'm sure it's enough."

His mother fetched her wallet, handing a few bills to Paula. "Just remember to pay me back on your next payday," she said as she headed back outside.

Cody stood there with confusion apparent on his face, trying to make sense of things. "Does that mean you weren't stealing?" he said at last. "She let you borrow the money?"

Paula patted him dismissively on the head. "Hey, you figured it out! I'm so proud of you."

"But... if you hadn't done anything... why did you just... there was no reason for… I had nothing to blackmail you with!" he said, confused.

She tutted, shaking her head in disappointment. "Well, you figured out SOME of it, at least. Partial credit only, I'm afraid."

The pieces were finally fitting together. "You WANTED me to do it! That's why you hid your face and avoided my gaze all the time! You were grinning the whole time you were over my lap, weren't you?"

She nodded. "I'd dreamed for years that a strict man would come along and put me in my place – make me his plaything. I have to say, I never imagined YOU would try to fill the role." She gazed into his eyes, fluttering her eyelashes with a smile on her face. "I'm terribly sorry for misleading you, Cody. I feel so awfully guilty about tricking you. Could you possibly think of any way to punish me for it?"

He frowned. "We are going back upstairs, you are going back over my knee, and this time, your panties are coming off."

She grinned. "Anything you say, sir," she said submissively. "Anything at all."


  1. I'm never quite sure how to tag these stories. Consensual or punishment? That depends on whether we ask her or him, and when we ask them. Should you give away twists in tags? Maybe I should find some pithy label for "spanker thinks it's punishment, spankee disagrees."

  2. I'd just tag it erotic spanking, because as a reader, I want to know the kind of spanking actually delivered and received--not the kind the spanker mistakenly thought they were delivering. And there's an oversupply of punishment spanking stories on the Net and not enough erotic ones to satisfy those of us who prefer them.

  3. I'd label it erotic spanking, as that is the kind of spanking actually delivered and received, rather than the kind the spanker mistakenly thought they were giving. For someone interested in erotic spanking stories Iike me, they are too rare and there seems an oversupply of punishment spanking stories.

    1. In the end, I went with "Supposed punishment". If you want non-punishment stories, that's what the tag "Consensual" is for. Hope you enjoy.



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...