Thursday, 17 November 2022

Love our Lifestyle!

 This is the 17th annual Love our Lifestyle Day, where the spanking community shows its appreciation of its bloggers. Readers are invited to visit all the blogs they frequent and leave a comment. Thank you to Hermione at Hermione's Heart for reminding us of this lovely day, and to Enzo at Everyday Spankings for the picture.

I usually don't write about myself here - this is a place to store my stories, and I'm afraid I don't have any exciting spanking-related events from my own life to describe. I've been interested in spanking for as long as I can remember, but have never spanked anyone or been spanked myself. I started writing stories almost two decades ago, but most of them only existed as files on my hard drive. I'd never uploaded them anywhere, and thought it was time to share them with others. I hope at least some of my stories have brought you joy.


  1. Hello Norse. Thank you for joining us this year. I love your stories, and hope you can unload your whole hard drive here.

    Happy LoL day!


    1. Thank you for reading! Most of my old stories were uploaded before July this year. The stories I'm currently uploading are newly written (I have a few old ones remaining, but most of them will require a fair bit of editing, so I might get to them later).

  2. Norse, hello, pleased to meet you. I shall look forward to visiting again to read your stories.

    I'm glad you joined in. Happy LoL day.


  3. I'm so glad you are posting your stories here. Mine stayed in my head for nearly 50 years before I began blogging. Now I've written 18 books and I'm so happy about that. Keep writing and many gather some together and begin looking for publishers.

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure I want to publish. Writing for publication can easily lead to writing the things that sell, and I prefer to let my muse guide me (and muses don't get along with editors). But I'm glad it's working out for you!

  4. Happy LOL Day. I'm going to find time to read a couple of your stories.


  5. My first time visiting. Glad you found a place to share your stories. I will visit again and do some reading. :-) Happy LOL day



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...