Sunday, 20 November 2022

Pool envy (M/F story)

It was a beautiful June day, and Brad was celebrating his twenty-fifth birthday. He'd asked his parents if he could throw a pool party at their house while they were on vacation in Rome, and they'd agreed. He was looking forward to a long day of sun, swimming, and beer.

He was currently chatting with Jen, a woman he'd shared some college classes with. Her long, red hair was wet and clung to her beautiful face, almost reaching down to her skimpy red bikini top. He headed over to the cooler by the side of the pool to grab another beer, when he suddenly felt someone push his back. He fell into the pool, and as he emerged from the water, he looked up into the giggling face of Lucy, the younger sister of one of his friends.

"You looked warm," the 22-year-old woman said with a grin as he climbed out of the pool. "I thought you needed to cool down."

"Well, you look cold," he said. With a flash, he lunged forward, grabbing her arm. She squealed as he pulled her close, placed his arm around her waist, and bent her under his arm. "I need to warm you up." With that, he delivered six hard smacks to each cheek of her pert, bikini-clad bottom, eliciting further squeals with every slap. He then released her, and she quickly moved out of his reach, poking her tongue out at him as she giggled and theatrically rubbed her rear end.

There were cheers from most of the lads, and a few of the women offered insincere, smirking protests of this brutal treatment of an innocent girl, but Jen was staring at him in shock. He walked over to her to continue their conversation, but as he approached her, she turned her head with a blush and walked away.

Jen spent the rest of the evening avoiding him at his own birthday party. He had the distinct feeling that if it wasn't for the fact that she'd promised to help him clean up afterward, she would have left already. As evening came, the guests left, and he was alone with her. As they cleaned, he tried to talk to her, but she either ignored him or snapped at him, clearly not happy to be there.

"Are you still upset about what I did to Lucy?" She didn't respond, but her glare got colder. "You know she was giggling and grinning when I let her go? She certainly wasn't upset. I don't know why YOU are angry."

"That much is obvious," she said icily.

He eyed her for a few seconds. When he had smacked Lucy, Jen hadn't seemed angry - shocked and embarrassed, but not angry. She'd seemed more... intrigued. "Maybe that's it. Maybe you're not upset that I would do that to someone." He grinned. "You're upset that I didn't do it to YOU."

Her heart seemed to skip a beat, and the blush on her face suggested that he had scored a hit, but she still glared at him. "You're full of yourself. Or full of SOMETHING, at any rate."

He took a step closer. "It's not too late, you know. Maybe a smacked bottom would improve your attitude. I think it's worth a try, at least."

She put on a mask of cold disdain, but not quite quickly enough to hide the look of nervous, gleeful anticipation that passed across her face. She folded her arms and stared at him. "You wouldn't dare!"

As he approached her, she grew tense and licked her lips. She glanced down, unable to meet his eyes. He placed his left arm around her waist, and just like he had done with Lucy, he bent her over and tucked her under his arm. He delivered six swats to each of her cheeks, enjoying the sight of her bikini-clad backside bouncing under his palm. He let her go, and she stood up.

"Huh! That didn't even hurt," she said dismissively, though one hand reached back to rub the sting away. He smiled - this was a clear challenge to his masculinity, and he was going to meet it.

He circled her waist again, and this time, he lifted her off her feet and held her under his arm. His hard hand landed ten times on each of her well-shaped cheeks, and her legs were kicking. He placed her back on her feet, wagging his finger in her face. "Do you promise to be a good girl from now on?"

Her only answer was to poke her tongue at him, while both hands were rubbing her rear. He realized that this would require a little more effort, but he was fine with that. He grabbed her wrist, and she didn't resist when he pulled her toward one of the pool lounge-chairs. He sat down, guiding her over his lap, and grinned at the beautiful bottom presented to his view. "Let's see if a proper spanking can change your tune." And he started to slap her backside.

She let out a small gasp as the first smacks landed. Despite her air of dismissiveness, the spanks that he had already delivered had clearly had some effect, and soon, she was wriggling her toes and clenching and unclenching her cheeks. With every smack, she wriggled and squirmed over his lap.

He moved his hand from cheek to cheek, spanking every inch of her bottom.  Her rear end was now turning pink, and she was unable to stop the occasional "Ow!" or "Ouch!" from escaping her lips. The sound of her little yelps was music to his ears, and her buttocks flattening under his palm was one of the most enjoyable sights he'd ever seen. This was shaping up to be his best birthday ever!

"Are you going to be nice to me from now on?" he asked, his hand still landing on her wriggling rear end.

"In your dreams," she said, but she was no longer able to hide the joy and excitement in her voice. It was clear that she was enjoying it as much as he was - possibly more.

"Hm, not the answer I was looking for. I think these are giving you a little too much protection," he said, placing his hand in the waistband of her skimpy bikini bottoms. As he started to lower them, she whipped her head around, seemingly about to protest. After a second, she changed her mind, lowering her head to stare at the floor. He grinned, rubbing his hand on the soft skin of her bare bottom.

At first, she held her legs tightly together, trying to shield herself from his gaze. Soon, however, the growing sting caused her to kick her legs, all thoughts of modesty forgotten. He placed a series of hard slaps on her sit spots, causing her to squeal.

"Are you sorry you were snippy? Do you promise to be good?"

She took a deep breath to steady herself. "No. Not yet."

He grinned at her reply. "Maybe I should take one of these flipflops you're wearing and REALLY tan your backside."

"No!" she gasped, whipping her head around to stare pleadingly at him. "Please, spank me with your hand!"

"I thought you said you didn't want me to spank you at all," he said. She blushed and hung her head down. "Do you want me to stop?" There was no response, so he planted a couple of hard slaps on her thighs. "Do you?"

"Don't rush me, I'm thinking about it," she admitted. He laughed, and continued to swat her bouncing bottom.

After a few minutes more, tears were rolling down her face, and she was kicking her legs furiously. "I'm sorry! Please, I've had enough!"

Giving her a few smacks more, he rested his hand on her burning backside. "I want you to give me a proper apology," he said as he begun to rub the sting away. "If I'm satisfied with it, I'll let you up."

She sighed contentedly at the touch of his hand. "I'm very sorry for being rude to you, sir. I was out of line. Thank you for giving me a good spanking."

He helped her up, and she kneeled on the floor next to the chair, doing her best to keep her weight off her backside as they hugged. "I've always been curious about spanking," she admitted. "When I saw you smacking Lucy... at first I was shocked. Then, I was fascinated. Finally, I was envious – I wanted you to do that to ME."

"You didn't push me into the pool," he pointed out. "You could have talked to me – believe me, I wouldn't have needed much convincing to turn you over my knee."

"I was scared. I didn't know how you would react." She moaned in pleasure as he rubbed the sting from the bottom.

"Well, if you ever need another spanking, let me know, and I'll make sure your needs are satisfied."

She grinned, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his lips. "I will. Make no mistake, as soon as I can sit comfortably again, I'll be back."

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...