Saturday, 14 January 2023

Bailed out 2: The morning after (f/F story)

 In November, I asked my readers to nominate a story they'd like to see a sequel to, and intended to have a poll where people could choose their favourite. The only suggestion I got was Bailed out, about a woman who is spanked by her younger sister after a night on the town. This is that sequel. There will also be a third part next week.

When Mary woke up, she hoped that the events of the evening before had all been a terrible dream. She and her friends had not actually ended up at the police station due to drunk driving, and she had not been picked up by her younger sister - who had not taken her home and spanked her bottom, before tucking her into bed.

However, as she sat up in bed, her burning bottom dispelled all of her comfortable illusions. She rose, walking over to the mirror and lowering her pyjamas bottoms to study her pink rear end. Most of the pain and colour had faded, but there was no doubt about what had happened to her last night.

Well, it was time to correct some things! She was the older sister, and while their mother was away, she considered herself in charge. She would not be bossed around and disciplined by her younger sister - if any spankings were to be handed out, she would be delivering them, not receiving them! She was going to put Wendy in her place."So, you're finally up," Wendy said as Mary entered the kitchen. Before the older sister could think of anything to say, Wendy cast her a disappointed glare. "It's past noon! You go out partying all night, sleeping all day, and expect me to do the housework, don't you?"

"I'm sorry," Mary said timidly, then cursed herself. She was in charge, wasn't she? She shouldn't apologize, she should demand! But she had just woken up, and had a bit of a hangover, so she wasn't prepared for a battle of wills.

"Sorry's not good enough. For the stunt you pulled last night, you're grounded for the next week. Instead of hanging out at the mall, you can spend some time cleaning up after yourself - maybe you can do something about the toxic waste dump you call a room." And before Mary could respond, her sister had left the room.

Mary spent the next few hours in her room. She told herself that she just wanted to stay inside because of her drinking the night before - she wasn't grounded, whatever her delusional sister said, she was just nursing a hangover. Towards evening, however, she decided to head down to the pub and see if any of her friends were out. She picked a nice skirt and a matching top, and with her makeup on, she was ready for another night on the town.

As she walked toward the front door, however, she heard her sister's voice, with a strict tone that caused a shiver down her spine. "Just where do you think you're going?"

"I'm heading down to the pub," Mary said, glancing down at her shorter sister with a dismissive air.

Wendy folded her arms in front of her chest. "I told you that you're grounded. That means no trips to the pub - or anywhere else for that matter."

Mary shook her head. "I'm not in the mood for jokes, Wendy. Cut it out." She turned toward the door again, but Wendy stepped in front of her. Mary tried to push her little sister out of the way, but Wendy grabbed her arm, spun her around, and delivered a few hard smacks to the seat of her skirt, causing her to dance in place.

Mary turned to face her sister again, intending to glare her into submission, but the way she gingerly rubbed her bottom ruined the effect.

"I'd hoped last night was enough - that you wouldn't need another spanking so soon. I guess I was wrong." Wendy grabbed her earlobe, dragging her into the living room. Mary tried to resist, but the pain in her ear made it hard to fight back.

Wendy sat down on the sofa, and Mary found herself draped across her lap. Before she could react, her sister had placed a dozen hard spanks on the seat of her tight skirt, causing her to yelp. She tried to stand up, but Wendy placed her arm around her waist, holding her in place.

"Ouch! Let me up!" Mary demanded. Wendy ignored her.

"You're not going to drink all night and sleep all day while I'm in charge," Wendy lectured while her hand moved from cheek to cheek, flattening Mary's buttocks with every slap. Mary squirmed, but she couldn't get away from that punishing palm.

Suddenly, Wendy grabbed the hem of her skirt, flipping it up to reveal a pair of dark polyester panties. As her hand renewed its assault on Mary's poor posterior, the increased sting caused her to kick her legs, but Wendy locked her legs with her own, holding her in place.

"Ow! I'm sorry, OK? I didn't mean it," Mary yelped, realizing that she couldn't fight her way free and deciding that contrition might be the wiser choice right now.

"What? You didn't mean to dress up and try to go to the pub while you're grounded? It just happened by accident?" Not waiting for a reply, she delivered a dozen hard spanks to Mary's sit spots, causing her to squirm and howl.

Mary's worst fears were confirmed when Wendy placed her fingers in the waistband of her panties, beginning to lower them. "Not my panties, please! I'll be good, just please leave them on!"

"Oh, you'll be good," Wendy said as she lowered her sister' panties to her knees, gently patting the quivering cheeks in front of her. "You'll go to bed at a reasonable time, get up early, do your part of the housework, and eat something resembling real food." She lifted her hand, delivering a hard smack that rang out in the quiet room. "And you'll do all of this with a bright red bottom."

As the sting grew, Mary could feel tears rolling down her cheeks. Before long, she lay limply over her sister's knee, no longer struggling against the inevitable. Once Wendy was certain that she truly had learned her lesson, she stopped spanking and started to rub the sting away.

"Are we going to have any more problems with disobedience?" she said as Mary rose to her feet. Her sister shook her head. "Who's in charge here?"

Mary hung her head. There was no longer any doubt about that, but it was still humiliating to say it out loud. Wendy placed her hand under Mary's chin, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "You are, ma'am."

"Good," Wendy said with a comforting smile. "Now, let's find some lotion for your backside, shall we?"

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...