Sunday, 22 January 2023

Bailed out 3: Sent to bed (f/F story)

Third and possibly final part to this short series of a girl that spanks her older sister, which started with Bailed out.

Mary was sitting on her bed in her pyjamas, her stomach doing flipflops as she thought about what was about to happen. She'd taken some liquor from their mother's cabinet – since she was grounded and couldn't go to the pub, she had to be sober all of the time, and didn't particularly enjoy it. Her younger sister Wendy had caught her, scolded her for her theft, and told her to go to her bedroom, change into her pyjamas, and wait for a bedtime spanking.

As she sat there, dreading what was about to happen, Mary realized just how much her life had changed in just a few days. Last week, if someone had told her that she would meekly submit to being spanked by her little sister, she would have laughed in their faces. Now, it seemed unimaginable to resist her. In a few minutes, Wendy would enter the room, place her older sister over her knee, bare her bottom, and give her a sound spanking. There was no part of this that was up for debate.

Mary looked up at the clock, watching the minutes tick away as she wondered when Wendy would be here. Part of her thought the waiting was the hardest part, and wanted to get it over with, but another part knew that the hard part was still to come.

Suddenly, she heard her sister's approaching steps. She hung her head as the door opened, not wanting to see the disappointed look in her sister's eyes.

"Look at me, Mary."

Mary hesitantly obeyed. Her eyes widened as she spotted the large, heavy hairbrush in her sister's hand. It belonged to their mother, who had occasionally used it on the sisters when they were younger. She had never expected to see Wendy tap it against her palm in that familiar way.

"I am very disappointed in you, Mary. Stealing alcohol from the cabinet? I can't believe this. This is too serious for a little hand-spanking, so you're going to feel the sting of this hairbrush again. Hopefully, it will teach you a good lesson."

Mary wanted to plead for mercy, but one glance at her sister's face told her there was no point. Wendy had made up her mind, and nothing Mary said could change it.

Wendy sat down on the bed next to her sister. Mary didn't resist as Wendy guided her over her lap, pushing her forward so that her bottom was curved over her lap, perfectly positioned for a good spanking. Wendy then lowered her pyjamas bottoms and gently placed her hand on Mary's bare backside, rubbing it gently before lifting her hand and delivering a sharp smack.

Mary winced as the slaps rained down on her unprotected rear, but she couldn't take her eyes off the hairbrush that Wendy had placed in front of her face. No matter how much Wendy's hand stung – and it was quite painful – she knew the brush would be far worse.

Wendy moved her hand from cheek to cheek, spanking hard and fast as she covered every inch of her sister's quivering bottom. Before long, Mary was squirming over her lap, and could feel tears at the edges of her eyes. Her younger sister had become an experienced spanker, and could very quickly make Mary sorry for whatever she had done.

After ten or fifteen minutes of hard hand-spanking, Wendy started to rub Mary's stinging rear end. "It's getting quite pink, and from your reaction, I think that's enough of a warm-up." She gave Mary's seat a few more slaps. "Now, hand me that hairbrush."

Mary wanted to plead with her, to protest that Wendy's hand was more than enough to make her sorry, but she knew it was useless. Wendy would only view Mary's words as disobedience, which automatically led to extra punishment. The best way forward was to obey immediately, so Mary picked up the hairbrush and handed it to her sister.

She winced in anticipation as the cold, hard wood rubbed against her burning bottom, then howled as it came cracking down. The brush turned out to be far worse than she had anticipated. She was soon kicking her legs and crying, promising to never misbehave ever again, but Wendy placed an arm around her waist to hold her in place and ignored her cries. Every smack of that awful brush landed exactly where she wanted it.

A few minutes later, Mary had been reduced to a sobbing mess, laying limply over her sister's knee, with no trace left of the proud woman she was supposed to be. Once Wendy was satisfied that she was sufficiently punished, she helped her sister up, hugging her and soothing her as Mary cried into her shirt.

A few minutes later, Mary had been tucked into bed (obviously sleeping on her stomach). As she drifted off to sleep, she promised herself that she would never be caught stealing by Wendy ever again.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...