Saturday, 28 January 2023

Stress relief (F/F story)

When Jennifer walked through the door, Nicole could tell that her girlfriend was tired. She'd had been working long days recently, and it was starting to take its toll. Nicole walked up behind her and started massaging her shoulders. "Rough day at work?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." A slight moan escaped her lips. "Keep doing that!"

"A bit stressed?"

"More than usual, yeah, I'll admit."

"Do you want a spanking?" Nicole asked, her voice sympathetic and offering.

"Yes, please," Jennifer said, a thankful smile on her face.

Nicole guided her girlfriend over to the couch and sat down. Experienced fingers unbuttoned Jennifer's jeans and lowered them to her knees. Her underwear soon followed. "You know," she said accusingly as she guided her over her lap, , "You shouldn't be working this hard. You need to take care of yourself."

"I know," Jennifer admitted, "But it's difficult."

"You don't think it's difficult for me to see you like this?" Nicole said as the first smacks landed on Jennifer's pale, firm cheeks. "You don't think it's difficult to see you wear yourself down day after day?"

Jennifer whimpered a bit. Not from the pain, which was negligible, but from the words spoken by her lover. "I'll try to do better," she said.

"Goo," Nicole said as her hand moved from cheek to cheek. She spanked slowly and sensually, but the sting was still growing, and she could see Jennifer curling her toes. "I don't want to do this every day, you know."

Jennifer giggled. "Liar."

Nicole stopped spanking and glared at her girlfriend in mock anger. "You'd better watch your mouth, young lady. Do you want me to fetch the brush?"

"Yes, please," Jennifer said, wriggling her rear end invitingly.

"As you wish," Nicole said, helping her girlfriend to her feet before stepping into the bedroom. She was back a few seconds later, with an old, sturdy wooden hairbrush in her hand. She sat down on the couch again, pulling her girlfriend back over her knee. The hard wood made a loud crack as it struck down on bare flesh. Jennifer made a noise half-way between a cry of pain and a moan of pleasure. "Is this what you wanted, girl?"

"Yes," Jennifer moaned. "Oh God, yes!"

As the brush continued to strike, Jennifer kicked her legs and yelped in pain, squirming around over Nicole's lap, but Nicole could see how wet she was getting. She knew that once the spanking was over, they would immediately head for the bedroom. She also knew that once the evening was over, Jennifer's stress would have evaporated.

Finally, a shiver went through Jennifer, and she broke down sobbing, lying limply over Nicole's lap. Knowing that she'd given her girlfriend exactly what she wanted and needed, she helped her to sit up, whispering comforting words in her ear as she hugged her. Eventually, Jennifer calmed down enough to sit up and plant a passionate kiss on her lips.

A few hours later, Jennifer was lying on her stomach on their bed, fast asleep. Nicole was sitting next to her, running her fingers through the sleeping beauty's hair with a wide smile on her lips.

Jennifer's bottom was vividly red, and the bruises showed where the brush had landed particularly often. She'd feel bad about doing this if Jennifer hadn't loved every second. And Nicole loved the way she'd thank her for it afterward.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...