Saturday, 18 February 2023

Big brother's privilege (m/f story)

 An old story I found in my archives. I wasn't sure whether to post it or delete it, but in the end, I decided on the latter.
Part 1: Big brother's privilege

Marcus didn't even attempt to hide his grin as he made his way to his sister's room. Lena had earned herself detention in school, and the rule was that a detention in school meant a spanking at home. The knowledge that his bratty, snotty, constantly-in-trouble younger sister was going to get her bottom burned, would be enough in itself to make this an excellent day, but there was more. A few months ago, their parents had decided that the usual punishments weren't enough to keep her in line anymore, as her behaviour only worsened. They decided that an extra humiliation was needed to really make her fear her punishment sessions.

That's why, after much discussion and deliberation, they had handed Marcus a knife and told him to cut a switch he would get to use on his younger sister. Needless to say, Marcus had loved this turn of events, and just as obviously, Lena had hated it. The moment he put the switch down, and Lena jumped to her feet, clutching her aching buns, promising to never misbehave again, it was decided that Marcus would handle all her punishments from now on.

Marcus knocked on the door, waiting for her reply before he entered. He'd told her time and time again to stay out of his room, and he didn't want to barge into hers. Sure, he was soon going to bend her over a chair and apply the switch to her butt until one of them broke, but that was no reason to be uncivil.Lying on her bed, Lena looked from him, to the switch he was tapping against his palm, and back again, not terribly pleased to see either.

"Have you thought about your actions, Lena?" he said, trying his best to sound strict.

"You're enjoying this," she said accusingly.

He tutted. "That's not what this is about, Lena, and you know it. This is about you, about making you a better person. About helping you learn from your mistakes. That is why I'm going to spank you, and I want you to know that."

She pouted. "But you ARE enjoying it."

He shrugged. "Yes, I am. So?" He reached the switch out, patting the chair she'd placed in the middle of the room. "I think it's time you bend over the chair."

Lena rose to her feet, stepping behind the chair. She leaned forward, placing both hands on the seat of the chair; she'd been in this position enough times to know the drill. He tapped the switch against the seat of her shorts, watching with a satisfied grin as her entire body tensed. "Are you ready for this, young lady?"

"Just get this over with," she barked. She hated the switch almost as much as she hated the grinning bastard holding it.

The whistling of the switch through the air was followed by a loud crack and an even louder yell. The spanking had begun. Over the months, Marcus had grown quite experienced with his implement of choice, and knew just how to make it sting. As the smacks rained down on her posterior, Lena dug her nails into the seat of the chair, trying to keep herself from reaching her hands back; she didn't want to earn any extras.

"Are you learning your lesson, Lena?" Marcus said after a while. "I don't think you want me to repeat this lesson any time soon."

"Ow! Yes, I'll behave, I'll behave!"

"See that you do," he warned her. "I won't hesitate to bend you back over this chair if I think you need it – believe me."

She believed him.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks long before Marcus put the switch down, giving her bottom one last slap with his hand before telling her she was forgiven. He watched with an amused smirk as she bounced from foot to foot, trying in vain to rub the sting out of her buttocks. As he left the room, he knew she would rip off her shorts, and most likely her panties, spending the rest of the afternoon trying to cool the fire burning in her bottom. Good, he thought to himself. Maybe she'd start acting her age as well.

He smiled to himself as he tossed the switch out in the yard, knowing it was only a matter of time before he'd cut another one to use on her. He'd love to make her cut it herself, but he wasn't sure he could trust her with a knife.

Part 2: Privacy

If there was a more annoying sound in the world than the giggling of girls that thought they were more mature than they were, Marcus hadn't heard it yet. His sister had invited a group of her friends to her house after school, to hang out in her room. Marcus had a sneaking suspicion that this had something to do with the spanking she'd been promised in the morning; she'd been tired and didn't want to go to school, and had used some language against her mother that she shouldn't have used. They'd asked Marcus to give her a good spanking when she came home.

So, she'd invited a few friends, in the belief that he'd postpone the punishment until after they'd left, and hopefully, he'd forget all about it. He shook her head, feeling disappointed by her logic. No one had ever accused his sister of being a genius.

Lena was sitting in her room, giggling with the girls, when there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she said, staring accusingly at the door as if she was hoping to make it really ashamed of itself.

"It's Marcus," came the reply from her annoying older brother.

She sighed. Why couldn't he leave them alone? "What do you want?"

"I promised you something this morning at breakfast, remember?"

She remembered; he'd told her she'd get a spanking when she came home. Luckily for her, she'd outsmarted him. There was no way he'd punish her with all her friends there. After all, he wouldn't  want to humiliate her in that fashion, would he?

"So?" she asked.

"I think it's about time I delivered on my promise," he said as he opened the door.

She realized the error of her reasoning the second she saw the strict look he always adopted when it was time to punish her. OF COURSE he'd punish her in front of her friends. That wouldn't humiliate him at all – only her.

"Ready for your spanking?" he said calmly.

The girls giggled at this strange joke, but soon grew silent as they spotted how Lena was blushing, unable to meet her brother's gaze. What was happening?

Marcus answered their unasked questions. "Lena swore at her mother today," he said calmly. "I'm going to spank her." He shrugged his shoulders. "Go home or stay, I don't care, but I should warn you; don't try to interfere with what is about to happen."

"Go home," Lena said, looking pleadingly at her friends. "Please!"

"Lena," Marcus said, a warning tone in his voice. "Don't be rude. You invited them here, so they can stay if they want to. After all, none of THEM have misbehaved." He let his eyes wander from girl to girl. "As far as I know." All of the girls were blushing, trying to comprehend what they were seeing, whether this was some weird joke that they just didn't get yet. Suzie, the blonde who was the tallest of the girls, had placed both hands in front of her mouth, blushing even more than Lena was.

"So what do you say, girls? Go or stay?"

Robin, the red-headed girl from across town, started to get up, but when none of the other girls moved, she sat down again. Some of the girls looked scared, other fascinated, but all of them stayed.

Marcus sat down on the bed, patting his lap. "Come here, Lena." It didn't escape her notice that, the way he was sitting, her bottom would be pointed directly at the girls sitting there, giving them a great view of what was about to happen. She couldn't see any way out of it that didn't end with her getting her bottom blistered in front of her friends, so she decided to do as he said. No use earning extras, after all.

As Marcus adjusted her over his lap, making sure her butt was sticking up to meet his hand, he turned to the girls. "Our parents have given me spanking rights over Lena," he explained calmly, "As a hot bottom seems to be the only way to get her to listen these days." He lifted his hand, placing a dozen smacks evenly on her quivering cheeks. The girls winced as the loud smacks rang out in the air, then started giggling nervously.

As he spanked, making sure he covered her entire bottom evenly, he continued to explain. "My parents say she's better behaved after my butt-burners than when they do it themselves – the added humiliation, I expect." He nodded to himself. "Which should mean she'll behave for a YEAR after this spanking."

Hungry eyes watched every move as he continued to spank her. Some of them had never seen a spanking before, most had never seen a friend get it, and NONE had seen anyone getting it from a brother who was barely older than her. None of them could take their eyes away from the sight in front of them. Suzie looked like she was about to faint.

Lena tried her best to remain silent and unmoving – she didn't want her friends to think she was a wimp, after all – but as the sting grew in her bottom, she started kicking her legs. All of her friends got to see her get her butt spanked by her brother, as if she was a child. She wanted to die.

Soon, tears were rolling down her cheeks, and she was sobbing long before Marcus helped her off his lap, holding her as she cried. He placed her on the bed, before rising to look at his audience. "I hope you enjoyed the show," he said, and the girls couldn't hide their smiles.

"I hope you've learned to behave while you're here," he said as he left. "I'm very experienced with naughty girls." The girls gulped, and he knew he didn't need to explain his threat.

He headed off downstairs, listening as the girls showered their sympathy on his crying sister. All of them telling her how much they cared for her, yet none of them willing to try to stop him. He grinned. Two-faced to the end.

Soon, he saw the gang of girls heading past, and his sister explained that they were heading out to buy ice cream. He'd never seen her so cheery after a spanking before; usually, she sulked in her room for the rest of the day. Perhaps he should spank her in front of her friends more often.

If he'd paid a little more attention, perhaps he would have noticed that Suzie wasn't with them.

Part 3: Suzie

As the last of the giggling squad of girls left the house, Marcus leaned back in his chair. Finally, he could relax in silence.

"Excuse me?"

What now? He turned to find Suzie standing there, biting her lip nervously. "May I talk to you?"

She seemed quite scared to find herself so close to him, and Marcus couldn't blame her. He'd just spanked her friend, his sister, in front of her and a group of their giggling friends. Not to mention he'd threatened – jokingly, but still – to do the same to any misbehaving girls in the house. It was understandable that she was somewhat vary around him.

"What is it?" he asked, trying to be friendly. She seemed to have something on her mind, and he was curious. He nodded towards a chair, and she sat down, smiling gratefully at him, but the uneasiness was still apparent in her eyes.

"I can't stop thinking about it," she said after a few seconds. "About what happened earlier. Upstairs."

"You mean the way I spanked Lena in front of you girls?" he said. She whimpered, but nodded.

She collected her thoughts, before looking at him. "Why didn't you pull her jeans down?"

He raised an eyebrow; not a question he'd been anticipating. He decided to tell her the truth. "I'm not allowed," he explained. "My parents have decided it is objectionable." He expected her to ask why they found the spanking perfectly OK, but the baring of her bottom objectionable, but again, she surprised him.

"Were you serious about what you said before?" She noticed his puzzled look, and explained. "About punishing us?"

He looked at her with a smile he hoped was reassuring. "Why don't you behave, and you won't have to find out?" Defusing the situation with a little humour seemed the best path.

She bit her lip again, trying to find the courage to say what was on her mind. "Will you pull our jeans down?" she finally asked, her voice barely a whisper.

He looked at her. This didn't seem like someone tiptoeing around a dangerous bull. This seemed more like trying to protect yourself from the bull by hiding behind a big, red flag. She seemed too interested in these questions.

"Suzie," he asked. "Do you want a spanking?" There was not a trace of a threat in his voice, just an honest curiosity. She looked away, blushing at his directness. He asked again. "Suzie, do you want me to spank you?"

For a few seconds, she just stared at the wall. Then, she spoke, still gazing away. "I keep seeing myself in her place. Crying, bottom in the air..."

He leaned forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. Her head whipped around. Her eyes were big as saucers as she stared at him in a mixture of fear and eagerness. "Stand up," he commanded.

She rose on shaking legs, standing before him. She didn't object as he reached his hands forward, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down to her knees, revealing a pair of yellow, flowery panties. She didn't make a sound as he guided her over his lap, placing his hand on her quivering cheeks. "Suzie," he said gently. "I think you should brace yourself."

As he lifted his hand, bringing it gently down on her pale bottom, he decided to start with a couple light smacks. This wasn't a punishment, and though he intended to give her a real spanking – that was, after all, what she seemed to want – he saw no reason why he couldn't start off gentle.

There was something strange about the whole thing – beyond the fact that a cute girl had asked him to spank her. He'd never spanked anyone for their enjoyment before. He'd spanked his sister plenty of times, and there was no question he enjoyed it, but that wasn't the reason he did it. And SHE certainly didn't enjoy it.

Suzie squirmed a bit under his hand, and she was biting her lip again, but she seemed to like it, judging by the way she kept lifting her bottom to meet his hand. He decided to spank harder, making the sound of the slaps ring out in the room. She arched her back, kicking her legs as the sting in her tail grew, but she seemed to love it even more.

He looked down on her bottom, framed by the yellow panties, and he suddenly realized how much he wanted to pull those panties down. He wanted to watch her bare cheeks bouncing under his palm as he spanked it red. But would she let him? He decided to find out.

He put his thumbs in the waistband of her panties, and started to pull them down, slowly revealing the once-pale behind of the quivering girl. She gasped, but didn't protest, as he pulled the panties down to her knees. Her cheeks were pink, and he ran his fingers over the warm flesh before he continued the spanking.

Her tears turned to sobs, and still, she did nothing to stop the assault on her backside. By the time he stopped the spanking, helping her up and giving her a long hug, her bottom was red, and he guessed she wouldn't sit comfortably for a day or two.

By the time the other girls came back, she was back in his sister's bedroom, and no one could see that she had cried. If anyone noticed that she sat a bit gingerly, they didn't mention it.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...